2019-2020學年新教材高中英語 Unit 6 Earth first Period 1 課時作業(yè)(一) 外研版必修第二冊

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《2019-2020學年新教材高中英語 Unit 6 Earth first Period 1 課時作業(yè)(一) 外研版必修第二冊》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《2019-2020學年新教材高中英語 Unit 6 Earth first Period 1 課時作業(yè)(一) 外研版必修第二冊(7頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Period 1Starting out & Understanding ideas課時作業(yè)(一) 基礎訓練單詞拼寫1It _ (使驚恐) me to think I was alone in the building.答案:scared2The company has _ (把作為目標) adults as its primary customers.答案:targeted3_ (幸運地) for him, he was very soon offered another job.答案:Fortunately4This species of animal is on the verge of

2、 _ (滅絕). 答案:extinction5I eventually realized I had to change my _ (態(tài)度) toward medical practice. 答案:attitude單句語法填空1Weight is crucial in _ (dive) because the aim is to cause the smallest splash possible.答案:diving2The traffic here is very _ (danger) for children.答案:dangerous3The rainforests are disappe

3、aring at an _ (alarm) rate.答案:alarming4She has been absent from work due _ illness.答案:to5The programme was viewed on television in millions _ homes. 答案:of6You ought to be ashamed of your foolish _ (behave). 答案:behaviour7The men lost their way in a sandstorm and crossed the border _ mistake.答案:by8Fro

4、m that day _, mother and daughter have depended on each other for survival. 答案:on9Since then, the number of sharks _ (fall) quickly.答案:has fallen10It was an area_ the hunters were hunting animals.答案:where用括號內所給詞匯,寫出一個語段(scare; a number of; creature; fortunately; by mistake) 答案:I went into a forest b

5、y mistake. There were a number of strange creatures, which scared me a lot. Fortunately, I finally found my way out.思維訓練完形填空Like many young people, 11yearold Sean Lesniak is fascinated with sharks. However, little Sean was not only _1_ in learning about them and watching them, but also tried his bes

6、t to help them _2_.Seans passion for sharks started very _3_ in life. When Sean was just 3 years old, while watching Shark Week, he _4_ that people did away with many sharks just to use their fins (鰭) for _5_! It is estimated (估計) that more than 100 million sharks are _6_ around the world each year.

7、 He could _7_ believe this was happening. As Seans interest and passion for sharks _8_, he wanted to take action to keep sharks from killing. And he decided to _9_ at home when he learned that his state of Massachusetts didnt have a _10_ that prevented shark killing! Sean wrote a letter to his state

8、 representative, David Nangle, asking him to introduce a law that would _11_ shark killing in their state. In his letter, Sean included a hand drawn shark with its fin _12_ for eating. After a few _13_, he was able to speak to Representative Nangle, who agreed to _14_ the bill (法案) and in June, 2014

9、 it became a law! Massachusetts is now one of the 10 states in America that have forbidden shark killing. Since then, Sean has focused his _15_ on helping sharks, working with Shark Biologist, Dr Greg Skomal.He is also now _16_ about helping to protect sea turtles in his state. And guess what Sean w

10、ants to be _17_ he grows up. A shark biologist of course! Seans _18_ show how young people can make a big difference in the world. His advice to other youth is “if you feel strong about something and if you believe you can do it, you should try your best to make it _19_.” He has set a good _20_ to y

11、oung people all over the world.篇章導讀:本文是一篇記敘文。11歲的Sean通過自己的不斷努力,居然促成了一項新法律!1A.involvedBinterestedCemployedDabsorbed答案:B此處指他不僅對學習和觀看鯊魚感興趣,使用be interested in,故答案為B。2A.cureBswimCincreaseDsurvive 答案:Dcure “治療”;swim “游泳”;increase “增加”;survive “幸存”。句意:而且盡最大的努力幫助它們生存下來,故答案為D。3A.earlyBlateCslowlyDstrangely答案

12、:A由下文內容可知,Sean對鯊魚的熱愛在很小的時候就開始了。early “早”,故答案為A。4A.thoughtBensuredClearnedDrecalled答案:C句意:在觀看Shark Week的時候,他得知人們每年為了鯊魚的鰭殺害了很多鯊魚。learn “了解,得知”,故答案為C。5A.movementBfunCmedicineDfood答案:D根據(jù)下文的“for eating”可知,鯊魚的鰭是用來作食物的,故答案為D。6A.raisedBkilledCattackedDdamaged答案:B句意:估計全世界每年有一億條鯊魚被殺害。kill “殺害”,故答案為B。7A.alsoBj

13、ustChardlyDnever答案:C因為被殺害的數(shù)量過于龐大,所以他幾乎沒法相信這樣的事情在發(fā)生著,故答案為C。8A.grewBappearedClostDrested答案:A句意:隨著Sean對鯊魚的興趣和熱情的增加。grow “增長”,故答案為A。9A.waitBstayCplayDstart答案:D句意:他決定從家鄉(xiāng)開始。start “開始”,故答案為D。10A.questionBresultClawDchance答案:C根據(jù)下文的“in June, 2014 it became a law”可知,此處指Massachusetts沒有阻止鯊魚被殺害的法律,故答案為C。11A.redu

14、ceBstopCconsiderDsupport答案:B他寫信請求David Nangle推行一則法律阻止人們殺害鯊魚。故答案為B。12A.removedBdestroyedCfoundDsaid答案:A句意:Sean手繪一張圖片,里面是鯊魚被除掉鰭作為食物。remove “移除”,故答案為A。13A.requestsBwaysCeventsDtries答案:D經(jīng)過幾次嘗試,Sean能夠和代表Nangle講話,故答案為D。14A.referBcancelCsuggestDoppose答案:C句意:Nangle同意提議該則法案。suggest “建議,提議”,故答案為C。15A.moneyBef

15、fortsCattentionDideas答案:C句意:Sean將注意力專注在幫助鯊魚上。attention “注意”,故答案為C。16A.cautiousBsmartCconfusedDenthusiastic答案:D句意:他現(xiàn)在也對保護海龜很有熱情。be enthusiastic about “對充滿熱情”,故答案為D。17A.becauseBwhenCuntilDbefore答案:B句意:當Sean長大他想成為什么人,故答案為B。18A.lettersBworksCactionsDwords答案:C句意:Sean的行動表明了年輕人如何對這個世界作出影響,故答案為C。19A.happenB

16、endCperfectDimprove答案:A句意:你應該盡力讓它實現(xiàn),故答案為A。20A.exampleBexcuseCadvertisementDfaith答案:A句意:他為全世界的年輕人做了個很好的榜樣,故答案為A。閱讀理解The gentle giants of our oceans are whale sharks. Its the biggest whale shark and can reach as long as 41.5 feet, and these amazing creatures are not only the biggest sharks, but they a

17、re also biggest fish of any kind.Whale sharks have a lifespan of 70 years on average, and they spend their days gently swimming in the warm and tropical oceans.Their teeth are the size of match heads, and while their jaws could be powerful, they have never tended to attack humans. Their teeth play n

18、o role in eating, as plankton (浮游生物) does not need to be chewed. They are to be found in numbers in the warmer oceans and they prefer the deep waters of open oceans. They tend to travel alone.Several times a year they gather together in certain spots where plankton is plentiful. Those areas are all

19、within a 30north or south latitude from the equator. Sadly whale sharks are targeted by commercial fisheries at those spots.How easy it must be for the fishermen to catch those beautiful creatures who can only swim at 3.5 miles per hour! So great a loss in numbers have they suffered that whale shark

20、s are now listed as one of the endangered species. Some countries have started to take measures to protect the whale sharks from extinction.The Philippines, India and Taiwan have all banned the fishing, selling, importing and exporting of whale sharks for commercial purposes. However, the law doesnt

21、 seem to be effective because the hunting and killing still goes on today, especially in Taiwan and the Philippines. Each whale shark can fetch around $21,000. In parts of Asia they are known as the “money shark”The mighty dollar wins again at great cost to our habitat, and we will not know what we

22、have lost until we have lost it forever. Therefore, it is high time for us to do something for the whale sharks.篇章導讀:本文是一篇說明文。作為世界上最大的魚類鯨鯊,雖然體形碩大,卻從不攻擊人類,但就是這樣溫順的鯨鯊也難逃悲慘命運!1We can learn from the passage that whale sharks_.Ausually live a life of more than 70 yearsBalways travel in the ocean in group

23、sCdepend on their teeth to harvest their foodDlive in the deep waters of warmer oceans答案:D細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段可知鯨鯊生活在熱帶海洋水域,故選D。2Why can the whale sharks be caught easily?ABecause they swim in the oceans at a slow speed.BBecause they are surrounded by so many fisherman.CBecause they often gather together.DBe

24、cause they never tend to attack humans in the water.答案:A推理判斷題。根據(jù)第五段第一句可以推測出鯨鯊很容易被抓住是因為它們游得很慢,故選A。3It is implied in the passage that_.Awhale sharks will be extinct even if they are protectedBwhale sharks are the most dangerous marine animalsCthere is no law about banning the fishing of whale sharksDt

25、he huge profit is to blame for the decreasing numbers of whale sharks答案:D推理判斷題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段最后兩句可知漁民捕殺鯨鯊是因為它們能賣出很高的價錢,漁民可以從中獲得巨大利潤,故選D。4What is the main purpose of this passage?ATo appeal to people to protect whale sharks.BTo advise the government to make related laws.CTo guide people how to fish and kill whale sharks.DTo analyze the value of whale sharks.答案:A主旨大意題。通讀全文可知作者寫這篇文章是為了呼吁人們保護鯨鯊,故選A。- 7 -

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