【紅對勾 講與練】(新課標)2021年高三英語二輪專題復習 專題一 冠詞(含解析)

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【紅對勾 講與練】(新課標)2021年高三英語二輪專題復習 專題一 冠詞(含解析)_第1頁
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《【紅對勾 講與練】(新課標)2021年高三英語二輪專題復習 專題一 冠詞(含解析)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《【紅對勾 講與練】(新課標)2021年高三英語二輪專題復習 專題一 冠詞(含解析)(6頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。

1、專題一冠詞高考精萃1(2014天津卷)Life is like _ ocean:only the strongwilled can reach the other shore.2(2014重慶卷)I cant tell you _ way to the Wilsons because we dont have _ Wilson here in the village.3(2014浙江卷)The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days _ week, often long into _ night.4(2014陜西卷)_ vill

2、age where I was born has grown into _ town.5(2014江西卷)They chose Tom to be _ captain of the team because they knew he was _ smart leader.6(2013新課標全國卷)India attained independence in 1947, after _ long struggle.7(2013重慶卷)The parents were shocked by _ news that their son needed _ operation on his knee.8

3、(2013山東卷)It was _ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across _ night sky.9(2013浙江卷)People develop _ preference for a particular style of learning at _ early age and these preferences affect learning.10(2013福建卷)The “Chinese Dream” is _ dream to improve peoples wellbeing and _ dream of

4、 harmony, peace and development.11(2013江西卷)Animals are obviously _ lower form of life than man.12(2013新課標全國卷)Four and _ half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and _ break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.13(2013陜西卷)Marco Polo is said to have sailed on _ Pacific Ocean on his way to

5、Java in _ thirteenth century.14(2012全國卷)Sarah looked at _ finished painting with satisfaction.15(2012全國卷)He missed _ gold in the high jump, but will get _ second chance in the long jump.16(2012安徽卷)Carl is studying food science at college and hopes to open up _ meat processing factory of his own one

6、day.17(2012遼寧卷)I woke up with _ bad headache, yet by _ evening the pain had gone.18(2012江西卷)The Smiths dont usually like staying at hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by _ sea.19(2012四川卷)We are said to be living in _ Information Age, _ time of new discoveries and grea

7、t changes.20(2012重慶卷)Sam has been appointed manager of the engineering department to take _ place of George.答案與解析1an句意:生活就像一片海洋,只有那些意志堅強的人才能到達彼岸。ocean 為可數名詞,在本句中表示泛指,故用不定冠詞,ocean 以元音音素開頭,故答案為an。2the; a句意:我不能告訴你去威爾遜家的路,因為我們村里沒有姓威爾遜的。第一個空表示特指,故用the; 第二個空表示泛指,表示“一個”,故用不定冠詞a。3a; the句意:論文下個月要上交了。我現在每周工作七

8、天,經常工作到深夜。第一空填a相當于one;第二空是固定搭配long into the night。4The; a句意:我出生的那個村莊已經變成一個城鎮(zhèn)了。由village 后的定語從句where I was born 可知這里特指“我”出生的村莊,故第一個設空處用定冠詞the。而第二個設空處泛指一個城鎮(zhèn),故用不定冠詞a。5the; a句意:他們選擇湯姆為這個隊的隊長,因為他們知道他是一個聰明的領導。第一空后的名詞captain 是特指,特指這個隊的隊長,故與the連用;第二空后的名詞leader 表示泛指,故與a連用。6a句意:印度經過長期斗爭后,在1947年獲得了獨立。struggle 為

9、可數名詞,在本句中表示泛指,故空格處填a。7the; an句意:這對父母被他們的兒子需要做膝部手術的消息震驚了。第一空后news 后有同位語從句解釋說明news 的內容,表特指,故使用定冠詞the;第二空表示在膝部做的一個手術,表泛指,故用不定冠詞an。8a; the句意:那是一個寒冷冬天的夜晚,月亮在夜空明亮地閃耀著。第一個空用不定冠詞表示泛指;第二個空表示特指:the night sky 夜空。9a;an句意:人們在小的時候就會形成一種對特定的學習風格的喜好,這些喜好影響(一個人的)學習。第一空需要填上a表示“一種喜好/偏愛”,而第二空是習慣用法,at an early age “在小時候

10、”。10a;a句意:“中國夢”是一個改善民生的夢,是一個和諧、和平、發(fā)展的夢。dream 是可數名詞,此處用不定冠詞a表示“一個”的意思。11a句意:動物顯然是一種比人類低級的生命形式。本空是泛指用法:一種形式。12a; a句意:我們討論了四個半小時直到午夜,休息時我們吃了些奶酪、巧克力,喝了些加糖的茶。第一空four and a half hours 是習慣表達,表示“四個半小時”;第二空a break 泛指“一段休息時間”。13the; the句意:據說在十三世紀,馬可波羅去爪哇島途中曾航行經過太平洋。“太平洋”是專有名詞,前面要用the; thirteenth 是序數詞,前面也要用the

11、。14the句意:Sarah 滿意地看著那幅已經完成的繪畫。根據句意可知空格后的名詞painting 在此處表示特指,故用定冠詞the。15the; a句意:他沒得到跳高的金牌,但是在跳遠項目上還有一次機會。gold 當金質獎牌講,在本句中表特指,故第一空用定冠詞。第二空考查冠詞的活用,“a/an序數詞”表示:又一,再一;“the序數詞”表示順序,而本題第二空并不表示順序,而表示“又一,再一”之意。16a句意:卡爾正在大學里學食品科學,他希望將來有一天自己開一家肉食品加工廠。factory 在本句中表示泛指,故與不定冠詞連用,a factory of his own 意為:一家屬于他自己的工廠

12、。17a; the句意:我醒來時頭很痛,但到了晚上疼痛就消失了。設空后的名詞均為可數名詞,第一空表示泛指,填a;第二空表示特指,填the。18the句意:史密斯一家通常不喜歡住旅館,但是去年夏天他們在海邊一家不錯的旅館住了幾天。by the sea 為習慣用語,意為“在海邊(on the coast)”。19the; a句意:據說我們正生活在信息時代,一個充滿了新發(fā)現和巨大變革的時代。第一空表示“信息時代”,是由普通名詞構成的專有名詞,前面需用定冠詞the;第二空處為泛指,表示“一個的時代”。20the句意:Sam已被任命為工程部的經理,以取代George。take the place of.

13、 為固定動詞短語,意為“取代”。模擬精選1(2014山東濰坊一模)It is reported that _ recently discovered painting may be _ Van Gogh.2(2014南昌一模)If you want to improve your working efficiency, it will be _ must for you to make _ most of your time.3(2014成都第一次診斷)Well, that is one of _ most expensive hotels in town, Im afraid.Do you

14、mean wed better choose _ cheaper one?4(2014重慶聯合測試)All of life is _ act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking _ moment to say goodbye.5(2014濟南高考模擬)Once you click _ button, _ email will be sent to you via your email address.6(2014鄭州第一次質量預測)In the ricegrowing world, _ Chinese scientist,

15、Yuan Longping, is _ leading figure.7(2014浙江考試院高三抽測)It is _ common mistake for students to present something as a proven fact when it is actually _ opinion.8(2014河北邯鄲調研)Hong Kong has a lot of advantages, including free flow of information, _ fair competitive environment and _ efficient government.9(2

16、014杭州高考科目教學質檢)Some experts say _ birthrate, after the onechild policy is relaxed, can see _ modest increase in future.10(2014福建廈門質檢)AntiJapanese War Victory Day is set to remind us of _ need to remember history, cherish peace and create _ better future.11(2014浙江名校聯盟第一次聯考)Jack thought that he had _ g

17、ift for telling directions, so he didnt take _ compass with him on his weekend hike.12(2014四川綿陽二診)_ Mr. Li is now waiting for you on _ first floor.13(2014天津南開二模)Could you tell me the way to _ Johnsons, please?Sorry, we dont have _ Johnson here in the village.14(2014山東青島一模)The Spring Festival is _ sp

18、ecial holiday for most Chinese when _ whole family will get together.15(2014浙江寧波二模)My grandparents like to live in the countryside where they can enjoy _ leisurely walk on the country road and feel _ warmth of the sun on their faces.答案與解析1the; a句意:據報道,最近發(fā)現的畫可能是凡高的。第一空后面的recently discovered 說明此處是特指,應

19、用the; a/an作家或畫家的姓氏單數表示其作品,此處a Van Gogh 表示“一幅凡高的畫”,故第二空用a。2a; the第一空,此處表示“一件你必須要做的事”,因此must 前加a;第二空, make the most of 表示“充分利用”,為固定搭配。3the; a第一空,“one of_ most expensive hotels”表示“最貴的旅館之一”,應用the; 第二空,“_ cheaper one”表示“一個較便宜的旅館”,為泛指意義,應用a。4an; a句意:人生就是要放手,然而最令人痛心的是,我們來不及說一聲再見。第一空,act后有定語修飾,表示“放手的行為”,此時a

20、ct為可數名詞且發(fā)音以元音音素開頭,其前應加不定冠詞an;第二空,take a moment to do sth. 表示“花點時間做某事”。5the; an句意:一旦你點擊這個按鈕,一封電子郵件就會通過你的電子郵件地址發(fā)給你。第一空,可數名詞button 在此處特指某一個按鈕,因此用定冠詞the;第二空,a單數名詞表泛指,此處泛指一封電子郵件。6the; a句意:在水稻種植領域,中國科學家袁隆平是一位領軍人物。第一空,單數名詞scientist 后面有特定人名做同位語,因此表示特指,應用the;第二空,單數名詞figure 前加不定冠詞泛指“一位人物”。7a; an句意:對于學生來說常犯的一個

21、錯誤就是把實際上是某種觀點的東西當作已經被證實的事實。第一空mistake 是可數名詞,表示“一個常犯的錯誤”,故用不定冠詞;第二空表示“某種觀點”,也用不定冠詞。8a; an句意:香港有很多優(yōu)勢,包括信息的自由流通,公平的競爭環(huán)境以及高效率的政府。第一空和第二空后的名詞性短語都是客觀的描述,應該用不定冠詞表示泛指。9the; a第一空,“_ birthrate”特指出生率,應用the; 第二空,名詞increase 前加a 泛指一定數量的增長。10the; a第一空,名詞need 后有定語修飾,表示特指,因此使用the; 第二空表示“一個更美好的未來”,表泛指意義,因此使用a。11a; a句

22、意:杰克認為他有辨別方向的天賦,所以在周末的徒步旅行中,他沒有帶指南針。have a gift for 意為“有天賦”;compass 是可數名詞單數,所以前面需加不定冠詞a。12A; the句意:有位李先生正在一樓等你。姓李的先生很多,這里指其中一個,因此第一個空填A;序數詞前用定冠詞,故第二個空填the。13the; a句意:能告訴我去約翰遜家怎么走嗎?對不起,我們這村里沒有叫約翰遜的人。第一個空填the, 姓氏的前面加the,特指一家人;第二空填a,泛指任何一個姓約翰遜的人。14a; the句意:春節(jié)對多數中國人來說是一個特殊的節(jié)日,這一天全家人會聚在一起。第一個空填a,泛指一個節(jié)日;第

23、二個空填the,表示全家人。15a;the句意:我祖父母喜歡住在鄉(xiāng)村,在那里他們可以在鄉(xiāng)村路上悠閑地散步,感受溫暖的陽光照耀在臉上。第一個空填a,泛指在鄉(xiāng)村路上散步;第二個空填the,特指陽光的溫暖。創(chuàng)新預測1University is _ most worthwhile time of discovery and learning, and it is also _ very enjoyable and valuable experience for every one of us.2As _ birthplace of Huaxia civilization, Xian is _ city

24、 with a long history and abundant cultural relics.3As _ rule, parttime workers such as babysitters or English tutors are paid by _ hour.4I found that she was unhappy and didnt say _ word all _ way home.5_Beijing of 2012 saw its first snowfall in the month of November.Oh, it came as _ surprise to us.

25、6As _ matter of fact, his room is in _ mess.7We were walking home. All of _ sudden, _ heavy rain poured down.8Which of the two poems do you like better?_ shorter one, of course. I think its really _ most interesting one.9The driver was at _ loss when the word came that he was forbidden to drive for

26、_ speeding.10Qingdao is _ most beautiful coastal city and I think Ill go there for _ third time.11A stone hit him on _ head. As _ result, he lay in hospital for two weeks.12My sister has _ gift for music and often makes _ most of her spare time to play _ piano.13The party was _ success. We sang and

27、danced until it came to _ end at midnight.14To tell _ truth, I think he was in _ way when he offered to help me with the work.15In _ 1960s, he made a voyage across _ Pacific Ocean.16Its out of _ question for me to get along well with such _ selfish man.17No one can take _ place of Mr Green in this f

28、ilm, who plays _ leading role in it.18Dan Brown, _ author of The Da Vinci Code is _ most famous writer.19_ taller of the two boys is kindhearted and generous.20I invited _ Greens to the party _ other day.答案與解析1a;a 句意:大學是一段學習和探索的非常有價值的時光,而且對于我們每一個人來說也是一次很快樂很有價值的經歷。第一空,因為沒有明確的范圍,故不用最高級,a most 意為“很,非常”

29、;experience 意為“經歷”時是可數名詞,在這里是泛指,所以前面需要用不定冠詞。2the; a句意:作為華夏文明的發(fā)源地,西安是一座擁有悠久歷史和豐富的文化底蘊的城市。birthplace 后面有of 短語作其后置定語,且“發(fā)源地”具有唯一性,故birthplace 在本句中表泛指,用定冠詞the;第二空后的city 為可數名詞,但“擁有悠久歷史和豐富的文化底蘊”的城市并非只有西安,故第二空應該表泛指,需用不定冠詞。3a; theas a rule 通常;by the hour 是固定用法,表示“按小時”。4a; the句意:我發(fā)現她不高興,回家的路上都沒有說一句話。word 表示“說

30、的話”時,為可數名詞,常和say,understand, hear 等詞連用,故第一空用不定冠詞a; all the way home 意為“回家的路上”,為固定搭配,故第二空用定冠詞the。5The; a句意:“2012年北京的第一場雪是在11月下的。”“噢,對于我們來說,它是一件令人驚訝的事情。”第一空由后面的2012修飾,表示特指,用定冠詞the;第二空后的surprise 是抽象名詞具體化,表示“一件令人驚訝的事”,是泛指,用不定冠詞a。6a; aas a matter of fact 實際上;in a mess 雜亂。7a; aall of a sudden 突然;第二空表示“數量一

31、”。8The; a兩者中比較的,用定冠詞the; 第二空為形容詞最高級前為不定冠詞,表示“很,十分”。9a; theat a loss為固定搭配,意為“不知所措”,第二空為特指,用定冠詞the。10a; a第一空為形容詞最高級前用不定冠詞a,表示“很”;第二空,序數詞用不定冠詞,表示“再一,又一”。句意:青島是一座很美的城市,我想我要再次去那兒。11the; ahit sb. on the head 擊中某人的頭部;as a result 結果。12a; the; thehave a gift for 有的天賦;make the most of 充分利用;play the piano 彈鋼琴。

32、13a; ana success 一件成功的事;come to an end 結束。14the; theto tell the truth 說實話;in the way 礙手礙腳。15the; the年代前用定冠詞the; 江、河、湖、海前用定冠詞the。16the; aout of the question 不可能的;such a/an形容詞單數名詞。17the; atake the place of 代替;play a leading role 扮演主角。18the; a第一空為特指,用 the;第二空為形容詞最高級前用不定冠詞,表示“很”。19The兩者中比較的,用定冠詞 the。20the; the姓的復數前用定冠詞; the other day 前幾天。6

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