備戰(zhàn)2020年高考英語 糾錯筆記系列 專題03 形容詞和副詞(含解析)

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備戰(zhàn)2020年高考英語 糾錯筆記系列 專題03 形容詞和副詞(含解析)_第1頁
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《備戰(zhàn)2020年高考英語 糾錯筆記系列 專題03 形容詞和副詞(含解析)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《備戰(zhàn)2020年高考英語 糾錯筆記系列 專題03 形容詞和副詞(含解析)(24頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、專題03形容詞和副詞易錯點1 形容詞與副詞的誤用1. We dont care if a hunting dog smells _, but we really dont want him to smell _.A. well;wellB. bad;badC. well;badly D. badly;bad【錯因分析】容易誤選 B,認為兩個 smell均為連系動詞,后接形容詞作表語?!驹囶}解析】句中的第一個 smell為實義動詞,意為“聞氣味”、“嗅覺”,smell badly意為“嗅覺差”;第二個 smell為連系動詞,意為“聞起來(有某種氣味)”,smell bad意為“聞起來氣味難聞”。

2、全句意為“我們并不介意一條獵狗的嗅覺不好,但我們的確不希望它的氣味難聞”。【參考答案】 D 2. A few days later, the missing girl was found _(death) in the house.【錯因分析】容易誤填deadly。有的學生誤以為是副詞修飾動詞found而填deadly?!驹囶}解析】分析這個句子的結構可知,形容詞dead在句中作主語的補語,本句意為:幾天后,那個失蹤的女孩被發(fā)現(xiàn)死在那幢房子里。【參考答案】dead3. This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their (nature

3、) course.【錯因分析】容易誤填natures。有的學生認為應該用名詞所有格而誤填natures?!驹囶}解析】在名詞course前作定語,要用形容詞形式natural,表示“自然的過程”?!緟⒖即鸢浮縩atural4. He told me the news in an _ voice.A. exciteB. excitedC. excitingD. excitedly【錯因分析】容易誤填exciting。有的學生可能因為對-ed形容詞與-ing形容詞的用法分不清而誤選C?!驹囶}解析】-ed形容詞通常說明人,意為“(某人)感到”,根據(jù)句意應該填excited。本句意為:他告訴我那個消息,

4、聲音很激動。【參考答案】B5. Mary is very clever and _ worth teaching, but her brother is not. Look, he is now_ asleep in class.A. very, very B. much, veryC. well, veryD. well, fast【錯因分析】容易誤選 A,因為許多學生往往將漢語中的“很”與英語中的 very等同?!驹囶}解析】但是,許多漢語中的“很”是不能用英語中的 very來直譯的。如漢語“我很喜歡英語”,在英語中就不能說成 I very like English,而應說成 I like

5、English very much,因為副詞very在英語中習慣上不用來修飾動詞。上面一題不能選 A,是因為形容詞 worth和asleep習慣上不能用副詞very來修飾,而是分別用 well和fast修飾,即說成be well worth doing sth(很值得做某事),be fast (或 sound) asleep(熟睡),所以此題的最佳答案應選 D。形容詞作定語:1. 單個形容詞做定語,一般放在所修飾的名詞之前,但修飾somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything, nobody, nothing等復合不定代詞的形容詞

6、,則必須放在不定代詞之后。如:I would like something cheaper. 我想要點較為便宜的東西。Do you know anyone anybody famous in this field? 你認識這個領域的名人嗎?2. 有時,一個名詞前出現(xiàn)有多個形容詞作定語,這時,它們的順序一般須根據(jù)它們與被修飾的中心詞之間關系的密切程度而定。在通常情況下,它們的順序為大致遵循以下原則:描繪形容詞大小(長短高低)形容詞形狀形容詞年齡(新舊)形容詞顏色形容詞國籍形容詞材料形容詞用途(類別)形容詞名詞【巧學妙記】限定描繪大長高形狀年齡和新老顏色國籍出材料作用類別往后靠-ed形容詞和-in

7、g形容詞1. 以后綴ed結尾的形容詞(如ashamed, delighted, excited, frightened, interested, moved, pleased, surprised, worried等)通常用于說明人,不用于說明事物,即使它們所修飾的名詞是事物,那它們指的也是與該事物相關的人。如: He had a pleased smile on his face. 他臉上露出了滿意的微笑。 He told me the news in a very excited voice. 他聲音很激動地告訴了我這個消息。 第一句中的a pleased smile 意為“滿意的微笑”,

8、它指的是某人因感到滿意發(fā)出的微笑; 第二句中的 a very excited voice 指的是“很激動的聲音”,即指的是某人因很激動而發(fā)生那樣的聲音。 原則上,-ed 形容詞通常直接用于說明人,若修飾事物,則多為 air(神態(tài)), appearance(外貌), cry(哭聲), face(表情), voice(聲音), mood(情緒), mood(等顯示某人的情感狀況的名詞。 2. 以后綴 -ing 結尾的形容詞(如delighting, exciting, frightening, interesting, moving, surprising, worrying 等)主要用于說明事物

9、,表示事物的性質或特征,若用它們說明人,則表示此人具有此性質或特征。如: The story is very interesting. 這個故事很有趣。 The man is very interesting. 這個人很有趣。 請再比較并體會以下句子: He is frightened. 他很害怕。He is frightening. 他很嚇人。 He has a frightened look on his face. 他臉上帶有驚恐的神情副詞的用法:主要用來修飾動詞、形容詞、其他副詞或全句,說明時間、地點、程度、方式等概念的詞。副詞在句中主要作狀語。填形容詞還是副詞? 動詞后面一般都跟副詞

10、,但不是所有動詞后面都跟副詞,實義動詞后面跟副詞,連系動詞后面跟形容詞。如:She sings beautifully. (sing是實義動詞,beautiful用來說明唱得如何) Tom draws well.(draw是實義動詞,well用來說明畫得如何) My teacher is young and tall.(is是系動詞,后面跟形容詞) She looks sad. (look是連系動詞,后面跟形容詞) 還有一些不是連系動詞的詞,例如make和get,要根據(jù)句子的意思判斷填形容詞還是副詞。區(qū)分:He is making a kite carefully.(carefully用來修飾

11、make這個動詞) He made the teacher angry.(angry是指the teacher,而不是修飾make這個動詞) The student got quiet when the teacher came in.(quiet是指the student,而不是修飾got這個動詞) I get up early.(early修飾動詞get up) She leaves the room quickly.(quickly修飾leave這個動詞) Please leave the door open.(open是指the door,而不是修飾leave這個動詞) 于是有詞組:m

12、ake sb+adj. leave sb+adj. get+adj. 因此,填形容詞還是副詞,首先要弄清楚句子的意思,判斷所修飾的成分是名詞/代詞還是動詞,修飾前者的用形容詞,修飾后者的用副詞。1. Masha, a hostess on a Chinese TV program, could not forget those _ moments when she first arrived in China, _ about Chinese culture. A. embarrassing; confusingB. embarrassed;confusing C. embarrassing;

13、 confusedD. embarrassed;confused【解析】考查非謂語(形容詞)?!澳切┝钊藢擂蔚臅r刻”,是指物,用-ing結尾的形容詞作定語;“他對中國文化感到困惑”,是指人,用-ed的結尾的形容詞作伴隨狀語。故選C。【答案】 C2. After ten days traveling, the couple arrived home, _. A. tired and delightedB. tired but delighted C. tiredly and delightedlyD. tiredly but delightedly【解析】考查形容詞作狀語。A. tired an

14、d delighted又累又高興;B. tired but delighted累但是很高興;C. tiredly and delightedly又累又高興;D. tiredly but delightedly累但是很高興。句意:經(jīng)過十天的旅行之后,這對夫婦到家了,很累但是很高興。根據(jù)句意可知A、C項不符合句意,可排除;B項為形容詞短語作狀語,修飾主語所處的狀態(tài),與句意相符;而D項為副詞短語作狀語修飾動作arrived,與句意不符。故選B?!敬鸢浮緽【名師點睛】形容詞作狀語的用法歸納:1. 形容詞或形容詞短語作狀語,表示方式或伴隨,說明謂語動作的方式,它在句子中有時像非限制性分句 一樣,表示意義

15、上的增補。其邏輯主語是句子的主語。在這種情況下,其位置比較靈活,可位于句首或 句末,有時也可位于句中。 Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.(= Crusoe, who was full of fear, stared at the footprint.) 克魯索兩眼盯著腳印看,滿心恐懼。 Flushed and breathless, she bounded in through the gate. 她滿臉通紅氣喘吁吁從大門口跑了進來。 2. 形容詞或形容詞短語可以作原因狀語,一般位于句首,有時也可位于句子中間。 Afraid of be

16、ing scolded, for a moment, little Franz thought of playing truant.(=As he was afraid of being scolded, for a moment, little Franz thought of playing truant.) 由于害怕挨罵,小弗朗茲一時起了逃學的念頭。 Eager to improve farming conditions, they tried out this new crop on a large area. (=As they were eager to improve farmi

17、ng conditions, they tried out the new crop on a large area.) 由于急于改進耕作條件,就大面積地試種了這種新莊稼。 Tom, very ill, sent for a doctor.(=As Tom was very ill, he sent for a doctor.) 因為湯姆病得很厲害,派人請醫(yī)生去了。 3. 形容詞或形容詞短語可以作狀語,表示時間和條件。通常位于句首,也可位于句末。 Ripe, these apples are sweet.(=When/If these apples are ripe, they are swe

18、et.) 熟了的時候這種蘋果很甜。 Enthusiastic, they are quite cooperative.(=When/If they are enthusiastic, they are cooperative. ) 熱心的時候他們是很合作的。 4. 形容詞或形容詞短語可以作讓步狀語,常由一個形容詞或連詞or連接的兩個或兩個以上的并列形容詞構 成。一般位于句首,有時也可位于句中。 Right or wrong, he always comes off worst in an argument because of his inability to speak coherently

19、.(=Whether he is right or wrong, he always comes off worst because of his inability to speak coherently.) 無論有理還是無理,由于他語言條理欠佳總是把事情弄得最糟。 Wet or fine, he got up at six and took a walk in the park.(=Whether it was wet or fine, he got up at six and took a walk in the park.) 不管天晴還是下雨他總是六點起床在公園里散散步。 The tw

20、o accidents, tragic, seemed natural enough. (=Though they were tragic, the two accidents seemed natural enough.) 盡管兩場事故損失慘重,然而是必然的。 5. 形容詞或形容詞短語可以作狀語,表示結果和狀態(tài)等意義。它在句中的位置比較靈活。 For a moment she just stood there, unable to believe what had just happened. 她在那兒呆呆地站了一會兒,不敢相信剛才發(fā)生的事情。3. Indeed a lot of skill

21、ful methods are used in many advertisements to cheat consumers. Not all ads play tricks on us . A. insteadB. thoughC. stillD. anyway【解析】考查副詞。instead“相反”;though“然而,但是”;still“仍然”;anyway“無論如何”。結合句意可知此處表示“但是”,故選B項?!敬鸢浮緽易錯點2 連接副詞的用法1. He was upright,loyal and highly respected. ,he was dismissed from offi

22、ce.【錯因分析】易誤用But。【試題解析】前后兩句是轉折關系,而空格后面有逗號,故要用副詞However?!緟⒖即鸢浮縃owever 2. While migrant workers may bring about new problems to the cities, they contribute greatly to the development of them, _.A. thoughB. yetC. meanwhileD. otherwise【錯因分析】易誤選B。由語境可知前后句表示轉折關系,yet作連詞時可以表示“但是”,但是不位于句末。【試題解析】考查副詞的用法。A. tho

23、ugh雖然,然而;B. yet但是,仍然,尚,已經(jīng)C. meanwhile同時;D. otherwise否則,在其他各方面。句意:盡管農(nóng)民工可能給城市帶來新的問題,然而,他們對城市的發(fā)展貢獻很大。根據(jù)句意可知C、D項不符合句意,可排除;根據(jù)句子結構可知此處應用副詞放于句末,though作副詞時表示“然而”,常放于句末且用逗號與其他成分隔開,故A項正確;yet表示“但是”時不放于句末,故B項錯誤。故選A?!緟⒖即鸢浮緼常見的連接副詞:表轉折表遞進表結果表讓步though, yet, however(其后常用逗號), otherwise, instead等besides, moreover, st

24、illtherefore, thusanywayWhat a terrible experience! However, youre safe nowthats the main thing. 多么可怕的經(jīng)歷??!不過你現(xiàn)在安全了這是主要的事情!注意:instead, besides 等很多詞都是起連接作用的副詞,不能做連詞使用,因此它們所在的句子和前面的句子之間只有語義上的邏輯關系,而句子之間在語法上是獨立的,因此兩個句子之間要用句號、分號或用and連接。1. Li Ping works hard at his lessons. He didnt get the first place in

25、the exam, _.A. thoughB. yetC. howeverD. although【解析】考查副詞。句意:李平平時學習很努力。但是,他卻沒有在考試中獲得第一名。though作副詞時,表示“可是,但是,不過”,通常放在句末,通常前面加逗號。yet(用于引出頗令人驚訝的事實)“可是卻,卻又”。however為副詞,表示“然而,不過,仍然”。although無副詞詞性。故選A?!敬鸢浮緼【名師點睛】although 和though 用作連詞時可以通用,但though可用作副詞放于句尾,而although則不可以。2. Though the boy came back to life,

26、_ he was still weak.A. butB. yetC. howeverD. so【解析】本題考查連詞詞義辨析。句意為:盡管這個男孩已經(jīng)蘇醒,但是他仍然很虛弱。but“但是”,是表示轉折意義的連詞;yet“然而”,是表示轉折意義的副詞,通常與not等連用;however“然而”, 是表示轉折意義的副詞;so“所以”,是表示因果關系的連詞。根據(jù)句意以及句首的Though可知選B。句首有Though時不能與but或however連用。【答案】B易錯點3 形容詞與副詞的比較等級1. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in

27、 the river is _(clean) than ever.【錯因分析】容易填clean。有的學生沒有注意到后面有than,這里要用比較級?!驹囶}解析】從后面的than可知,此處要用比較級,而且是單音節(jié)詞,因此填cleaner。句意:最后辛勤的勞動得到了回報,現(xiàn)在河里的水比以往任何時候都清澈?!緟⒖即鸢浮縞leaner2. - How did you find your trip to Water Park in the summer of 2016? - I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was _ than I expected.A. even much int

28、erestingB. far more interestingC. so far interestingD. far from interesting【錯因分析】容易誤選A。有的學生知道此題應該用比較級,想到much也可以修飾比較級,故誤選A。【試題解析】考查形容詞。根據(jù)后面的“than I expected”可知,此處運用比較級more interesting,而far可以修飾比較級。故選B?!緟⒖即鸢浮緽修飾形容詞,副詞比較級的常用修飾詞有:no, a little, a bit, much, even, still, a lot, a great deal, far, by far, r

29、ather, any等。1) 只用于修飾比較級的: much,still,even 2) 既可以修飾比較級又可以修飾原級的:a little, a bit, rather 等 。 3) even修飾形容詞,副詞的比較級,以加強比較的語氣和程度。 4) 在這些詞中,其中no在修飾比較級時,在意義上否定兩者,表示前者在某方面不比后者強多少。He is no richer than Peter. 他不比彼得富裕多少。=He is as poor as Peter. 他和彼得一樣窮。表示前者比后者強一點時,通常采用a little,a bit等。The room is a bit larger tha

30、n that one. 這個房間比那個稍大一點。5)表示前者比后者強很多時,通常采用much,even,still等。(still修飾形容詞,副詞的比較級時,可以位于比較級之前或之后。) He works still harder than ever. =He works harder still than ever. 他比以往更加努力學習了。6)表示前者在某方面遠遠地超過對方時,通常采用far,by far,a lot,a great deal等。Matters are a lot better than ever before. 情況遠遠比以往好。 7)在否定句,疑問句或條件狀語從句中,修

31、飾形容詞,副詞的比較級,只能用any來修飾。He cant jump any higher. 他不能跳得更高了。Can he jump any higher? 他能跳得更高一些嗎?If you can jump any higher, I will give you a prize. 如果你能跳得更高些,我就獎勵你。Work harder, Jim. _you practice, _ you can understand.A. The most; the bestB. The more; the betterC. The less; the betterD. The least; the wo

32、rst【解析】考查固定搭配?!皌he+比較級,the +比較級”意為“越,越”,表示一方的程度隨著另一方的變化而變化,其中的兩個the都是副詞,而不是冠詞,前面部分是從句,后面部分是主句。句意:多加努力,吉姆!你練習得越多,你就能理解得越好。故選B?!敬鸢浮緽【名師點睛】比較級的用法歸納:1)比較級的單獨運用 Would you please speak more slowly? 請講慢一點,好嗎?Cant you live here a little longer?不能在這里再多住點時間嗎? 2)比較級+than這種句式可以表達一方超過另一方的情況,也可以表達一方不如另一方的情況。The c

33、ars running less smoothly than it used to.這輛汽車跑得沒有過去平穩(wěn)了。 John drove much more carefully than I. 約翰開車比我小心的多。3)“no + 比較級+ than”“都不”,是對兩者的共同否定,且側重前者。 “not + 比較級+ than” “不比更”,表示相比較的兩者情況相當。 Josie speaks Chinese no more fluently than her brother. 喬西漢語說得和她弟弟一樣都不流暢。 I run not faster than you. 我不比你跑得快。4)比較級

34、+ and + 比較級 這種句式用于表示自身情況的逐漸增長,意為“越來越”。The fire spread further and further with the wind blowing more and more strongly. 隨著風越刮越大,大火蔓延得越來越遠。 With time going on, we are getting on better and better with one another. 隨著時間的流逝,我們之間相處的越來越好。5)the + 比較級the + 比較級 這種句式用來表示一方的程度隨著另一方的程度平行增長,意為 “越(就)越”。 The hard

35、er you work, the better youll learn.你越努力,學得越好。The more you talk to the children, the less they will listen. 你對孩子們談得越多,他們聽進去的就越少。易錯點4 倍數(shù)句型的用法Its said that the power plant is now _(兩倍大)as what it was.【錯因分析】容易受漢語思維影響,誤填twice larger或誤填two times?!驹囶}解析】 倍數(shù)的表達方法有很多種,但由題干中的as可判斷,此處為“A+倍數(shù)+as+原級+as+B”結構。句意:據(jù)說

36、這個發(fā)電廠現(xiàn)在是以前的兩倍大?!緟⒖即鸢浮?twice as large用 times 表示倍數(shù)(一般限于包括基數(shù)在內(nèi)三倍或三倍以上的數(shù)。表示兩倍的數(shù),一般用 twice )。其句式有: 1) “ times 形容詞 / 副詞的比較級 than ”例如: Line AB is three times longer than line CD. 線段 AB 是(線段) CD 的三倍長。 This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 這個大廳比我們的教室大 5 倍。 2)“ times +as + 形容詞 / 副詞的原級 as ”例如: Thi

37、s table is three times as long as that one. 這張桌子是那張桌子的三倍長。 This dictionary is five times as thick as the one you borrowed from the library. 這本詞典的厚度是你從圖書館借的那本(厚度)的 5 倍。 3)“ times + the + 名詞(如: size, height, weight, length, width 等) of ”例如: The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球的體積是月球的 49 倍。 T

38、his river is three times the depth of that one. 這條河是那條河的三倍深。 4) “ times + more 名詞 than ”例如: He earns five times more money than he did ten years ago. 他現(xiàn)在掙的錢比十年前掙的多5 倍。 There are twice more students in our class than in theirs. 我們班的學生人數(shù)比他們班多兩倍。 5)“times +as many (或 much )名詞 as”例如: Weve produced twice

39、 as much cotton this year as ( we did ) ten years ago. 今年我們生產(chǎn)的棉花比十年前多了一倍。(漢語中的多一倍實際上也指兩倍一樣多。) He has got three times as many books as his sister. 他擁有的書的數(shù)量是他妹妹的3倍。 6)“times + what 從句”例如: The length of the road is four times what it was three years ago. 這條路的長度是三年前的 4 倍。 The price of the meat is twice

40、what it was last year.肉價是去年的兩倍。The house rent is expensive here. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying _(3倍多) as I paid at home.【解析】句意:這里的房租昂貴。這里的面積只有我在家的一半,并且我付的房租是我在家所付房租的3倍。由as可知本句用了“asas”原級比較結構?!敬鸢浮縯hree times as muchenough 用法歸納 1. enough 可以做名詞、代詞,意思是“足夠、充分”。 作代詞可以代替可數(shù)名詞或不可數(shù)名詞

41、,在句中作主語或賓語。 Enough has been said on this subject.關于這一問題的說明已經(jīng)足夠了。 At the end of six months he had learned enough (enough Russian) to read articles and reports. 六個月以后,他就學到了足夠的俄文,達到了能夠閱讀用俄文寫的文章和報告的程度。 No, thanks, Ive had enough. (enough food)不,謝謝,我已經(jīng)吃飽了。 At that time the land along the Changjiang River

42、 was becoming very crowded; there was not enough (enough land) for the population. 那時候,長江沿岸的土地上人口越來越稠密,再也容納不下那么多人了。 注意:當enough 后的名詞前有冠詞、形容詞性物主代詞、指示代詞或其本身就是代詞 時,要用介詞of。 Weve had enough of your coldness. 我們已經(jīng)受夠了你的冷漠。 Did you buy enough of them? 這種原料你買夠了嗎? 2. enough 作形容詞,意思是“足夠的、充分的”,常與for或不定式連用,可以作定語

43、或表語。作定語置 于被修飾的名詞前后均可,前置時強調(diào)enough,后置時強調(diào)被修飾詞。 I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have one.我希望每位客人都能夠有一個杯子。 Enough is enough.夠了就是夠了。 3. enough 作副詞,意思是“十分地、充分地、足夠地、充足地”,置于被修飾的形容詞 或副詞之后,常與 不定式或介詞for連用,在句子中作狀語,表示程度。 You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. 你十分地勇敢地在會議上提出了反對的

44、意見。 Im sorry, none of you watched carefully enough. 很遺憾,你們當中誰都觀察得不夠仔細。 4. enough 作感嘆詞,意思是“夠了!停止!住手!不要再繼續(xù)了!”,用以表達不耐煩或 惱怒。 Youve been practicing the violin all afternoon. Enough! 你整個下午都在練小提琴。夠了! 5. 用在“主語 + cannot + enough”句型中 該句型形式上是否定句型,實際上表達的是肯定意義,意思 是“再也不過分;越越”enough 用作副詞。 I cant thank you enough.

45、我對你感激不盡。(我怎么感謝你都不算過分。)常用形容詞辨析 1. common, ordinary, usual common 表示“普通的,一般的,多見的”與rare“罕見的,珍稀的”相反。 Dont tell me about that! Its a common sense.要對我講那個,那都是常識。 ordinary 表示“普通的,平常的,不特殊的”與special“特殊的”相反。 Yesterday he got up earlier than usual, for it was not an ordinary day for him. 昨天他比平時起得早,因為昨天對他來說是個不尋常

46、的日子。 usual 表示“通常的,平常的”。一般指所熟悉的常用的東西或常發(fā)生的事件的性質。 He wasnt his usual self.他失去了常態(tài)。 2. alive, living, live, lively alive 作表語或后置定語,表示“有生命的,活的” Of these two men the former is dead, but the latter is still alive. 這二人中前者已死,但后者仍活著。 living 作表語或定語,表示“活的,健在的,現(xiàn)行的?!?His grandmother is still living at the age of 97

47、.他奶奶已97歲,仍然健在。 live 作定語,一般指修飾鳥或其他動物,不修飾人,表示“活的,有生命的”; 還可表示“實況的,直播的”。如: a live show 現(xiàn)場直播 That is a live fish. 那是一條活魚。 lively 作定語或表語,表示“活潑的,有生氣的,生動的?!?She gave us a lively description about his life in Africa.她生動地敘述了他在非洲生活的情況。 3. alone, lonely alone 表示“單獨,獨自一個人”,不含感情色彩。 The old woman lives alone, but

48、she doesnt feel lonely. 這位老太太自己一個人住,但她并不感到孤獨。 lonely 指人孤獨,寂寞;也可指地方偏僻,荒無人煙,有濃重的感情色彩,可作表語或定語。 That night I went to bed feeling ashamed, lonely and discouraged. 那天夜里我去睡覺時,感到羞愧,寂寞和氣餒。 Antarctica is the loneliest place on the earth. 南極是地球上最偏遠的地區(qū)。 4. well, healthy well 表示短期的或暫時的“身體好”。 I am not feeling ver

49、y well.我覺得身體不舒服。 healthy 表示較長時間的身體狀態(tài),意義為“健康的,身體好的?!?They are healthy children.他們是健康的孩子。 5. likely, probable, possible likely 既可以說“It is likely + that 從句”,又可以說“sb. /sth. is likely to do sth. ” It is likely that he will be late. = He is likely to be late.他可能會遲到。 probable 常用“It is probable + that 從句”句型

50、;表示的可能性比possible 大“極有可 能” Its probable, not only possible.這件事多半如此,不只是可能。 possible 常用“it is possible (for sb. ) to do sth. 或 “it is possible + that 從句”;表示的可 能性不大。 Its possible for him to solve the problem.他可能解決那個問題。 注意:probable和possible都不可用人作主語。likely的可能性位于其他兩者中間。常用副詞辨析 1. just, just now, right now j

51、ust 剛剛,剛才(多用于完成時)Ive just had a talk with Tom. 我剛同湯姆談過話。 just now (= a moment ago) 剛才(用于一般過去時) I had a talk with Tom just now. 剛才我同湯姆談過話了。 right now (= right away) 就在現(xiàn)在(用于現(xiàn)在時或進行時) Im having a talk with Tom right now. 我現(xiàn)在正在同湯姆談話。 2. ago, before, since ago 用于表示以現(xiàn)在為起點的“以前”。(常與一般過去時連用) I saw him three d

52、ays ago. 我3天前見過他。 before 用于以過去的某時刻為起點的“以前”。(常用于完成時態(tài)) I said I had seen him three days before. 我說我是3天前見到他的。 since 從那時起到現(xiàn)在。(只用于完成時) I havent seen him since then. 從那以后,我再沒見到他。 3. sometime(s), some time(s) sometime 某個時侯(用于過去時、將來時),表示過去或將來一個不確定的時間。 It happened sometime last month.這件事發(fā)生在上個月的某個時候。 Well go

53、shopping together sometime next week.我們下周某個時候將會去購物。 sometimes 有時,時常(用于過去時、現(xiàn)在時或將來時) It happens sometimes.這種事有時會發(fā)生的。 He sometimes dropped in on me for a game of chess.他有時來找我下棋。 some time 一段時間,一些時候。 It took me some time to finish the work.干完這項工作花去了我一些時間。 They came again after some time.一段時間以后,他們又來了。 so

54、me times 幾次,若干次。 It happened some (several) times this month.這種事這個月發(fā)生了幾次了。 He failed his driving test some times.他好幾次都沒通過駕照考試。 4. fairly, rather, quite, pretty fairly 作“很,非常,相當”講時,只修飾褒義詞;它不可修飾比較級或too引起的短語。 The book is fairly easy for the children of ten這本書對十歲的孩子來說難易適中。(意即“適合讀”) rather 作“很,非常,相當”講時修飾

55、褒義或貶義詞;還可修飾比較級或too引起的短語。 The book is rather easy for the book of ten.這本書對十歲的孩子來說太容易了。(意即“不適合”) The question is rather too difficult for me.這個問題對我來說太難了。 quite “很,完全”,多修飾褒義詞和無等級之分的形容詞。 The bottle is quite empty.這瓶子完全空了。 pretty “很,非?!?,多用于口語。 5. too, as well, also, either too 和as well 主要用于肯定句,多用于口語,一般放在

56、句尾,但有時根據(jù)修飾的需要, 也可以靈活變動位置。 If you would like to go, I will go, too. 如果你去,那我也去。 She can dance and she can sing as well.她會跳舞,也會唱歌。 also 多用于書面語中,一般放在實義動詞之前,助動詞,情態(tài)動詞或be動詞之后,多用于肯定句中。 It would also create the conditions needed to reduce international trade restrictions. 這還會創(chuàng)造出減少國際貿(mào)易限制所需要的必要條件。 either 多用于否定

57、句,常置于句尾。 She cant speak Chinese and her husband cant either. 她不會說漢語,她丈夫也不會。 6. almost, nearly 1) 兩者意思相近,都有“幾乎,差不多,將近”的意思。 almost 強調(diào)“差一點,缺一點”。 nearly 強調(diào)“接近”。 從程度上講almost 相當于very nearly,實際應用中,兩者經(jīng)常通用。 Almost/Nearly all of my friends came to the party. 幾乎我所有的朋友都來參加聚會了。 It almost/nearly frightened me to

58、death. 差點兒把我嚇死。 2)almost 可以與表示否定意義的詞如no, no one, none, nobody, nothing, never, nowhere 等詞連用。 Almost no one believed him. 幾乎沒有人相信他。 當修飾any或由any構成的不定代詞時,用almost。 You can find the meaning of almost any word in this dictionary. 從這本字典里你幾乎能找到任何一個詞的意思。 Almost anything will do. 幾乎什么都行。 當與too連用時,用almost。Thats almost too much.那簡直太過分了。 注意: nearly 可被not 前置修飾,意為“一點也不,相差甚遠”,但almost 不能這樣使用。 Im not nearly ready. 我一點兒都沒準備好。 almost和nearly都可用于表示極端意義的形容詞前,但

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