(新課標)2020屆高考英語一輪復習 專題一 語法基礎 考點三 形容詞和副詞(含解析)

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《(新課標)2020屆高考英語一輪復習 專題一 語法基礎 考點三 形容詞和副詞(含解析)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《(新課標)2020屆高考英語一輪復習 專題一 語法基礎 考點三 形容詞和副詞(含解析)(16頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。

1、考點三形容詞和副詞限時25分鐘一、單句語法填空1I think playing games every evening is a waste of timethere are more _ (mean) things to do 答案:meaningful句意:我認為每天晚上玩游戲是在浪費時間還有很多有意義的事情要做。此處應用形容詞修飾名詞things。意為 “有意義的”, 故填meaningful。2At first Robert wouldnt let his daughter go diving, but _ (eventual) he gave in as she was so con

2、fident about her skills答案:eventually句意:起初,羅伯特不愿讓他女兒去潛水,但最終他讓步了,因為她對她的技能是如此有把握。修飾整個句子使用副詞,作狀語。3John has three sisters Mary is the _ (clever) of the three 答案:most clever/cleverest設空后的of the three表示三者,因此暗示要用形容詞最高級。4Dont defend him any more Its obvious that he _ (deliberate) destroyed the fence of the g

3、arden 答案:deliberately句意:不要再為他辯解了,很明顯他是故意弄壞花園的柵欄的。分析句子結構及句意可知,此處應用 deliberate的副詞形式修飾動詞destroyed,意為“故意地”,故填deliberately。 5The Forbidden City attracts a constant stream of visitors every day, _ (especial) during national holidays 答案:especially句意:每天都有源源不斷的游客來參觀故宮,尤其是在國家法定假日。根據句意可知,此處應用副詞作狀語修飾 “during na

4、tional holidays”。6What was so _ (impression) about Jasmine Westlands victory was that she came first in the Marathon barefooted 答案:impressive句意:關于Jasmine Westland的勝利令人印象深刻的是她在馬拉松比賽中赤腳,并且得了第一名。此處應用形容詞作表語。故填impressive。 7Nowadays teenagers are not _ (satisfy) with appreciation of art works; they prefer

5、 to participate in them 答案:satisfied句意:現(xiàn)在的青少年并不滿足于只是欣賞藝術作品,他們更加喜歡參與到其中。be satisfied with為固定詞組,意為“對感到滿意”。8John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes _ (opening) 答案:open當open作賓語補足語時,一般用它的形容詞,不用它的現(xiàn)在分詞。比如:with his eyes open。9The pianos in the other shop will be _ (cheap), but not as good 答案:c

6、heaper根據句意,兩個商店之間的比較,應填入比較級形式。該句可理解為:The pianos in the other shop will be cheaper, but not as good as those in this shop10Everything seemed to be going _ (smooth) for the first two days after I arrived in New York 答案:smoothly句意:在我到達紐約的前兩天,所有事情似乎都進展得很順利。go是一個實義動詞,修飾動詞,使用副詞作狀語。11If we had followed his

7、 plan, we could have done the job better with _ (little) money and fewer people 答案:lessbetter和fewer暗示應用比較級形式,根據句意應填入less,修飾不可數名詞money。12It is _ (possible) for so few workers to do so much work in a single day 答案:impossible句意:這么少的工人在一天內做這么多的工作是不可能的。由句意可知,此處需填impossible “不可能的”。13Listening is thus an _

8、 (act), not a passive behavior, consisting of hearing, understanding and remembering 答案:active句意:聽是一種主動的,而不是被動的行為,它包含了聽、理解和記憶。根據后面的“not a passive”可知,此處與passive并列作定語,修飾后面的behavior,故使用形容詞形式active。 14The students are _ (most) young people between the age of sixteen and twenty 答案:mostly根據語境和后面的“young”可知

9、,使用副詞mostly,意思是“主要地”,修飾謂語動詞。15The new bridge is three times as _ (width) as the one built last year 答案:wide句意: 這座新橋是去年建的那座橋的三倍寬。表示 “某物是某物的幾倍(寬、長、大)” 應用“Sth be倍數as形容詞原級as sth”的結構。故填wide。16She said she had never gone abroad, but _ (actual) she had ever been to three countries at least答案:actually句意:她說她

10、從未出過國,但實際上她至少去過三個國家。由句意可知,此處需用副詞actually “實際上”,修飾整個句子。17What followed was a _ (touch) scene答案:touching句意:隨后發(fā)生的是感人的一幕。這里要用ing形式的形容詞, touching “感人的,動人的”。18How was your job interview?Oh, I couldnt feel _ (bad) I hardly found proper answers to most of the questions they asked答案:worse根據答語的第二句可推知,回答者感覺再糟糕

11、不過了,“cant/couldnt比較級”表示“再不過了”,所以答案為worse。19Our notes are much _ (thin) than the books so we can learn them more easily and can often review them答案:thinner句意:我們的筆記和書相比薄多了,所以學習起來相對比較容易,而且我們可以經常溫習筆記。由空格后的than可知,此處應用形容詞比較級,much修飾比較級。thin的比較級形式需要雙寫字母n再加er。20It is reported that global warming is heating t

12、he planet twice as quickly as _ (previous) feared答案:previously句意:據報道,全球變暖正以兩倍于先前所擔心的速度加熱著地球。previously “早先,以前”,相當于before “以前”,符合句意。21If you decide to do your own makeup, here are a few _ (value) tips that will help you look your best答案:valuable句意:如果你決定自己化妝,這里有一些有用的小竅門,可以幫助你呈現(xiàn)最美的一面。valuable “有用的;有價值的

13、”,修飾tips。22It was one of the largest and _ (fine) ships at that time答案:finest句意:它是當時最大最好的船只之一。由句意及and前面的largest一詞可知此處應填形容詞的最高級形式。23Seeing a dog suddenly appearing on the road, the driver turned the steering wheel _ (sharp) to avoid hitting it答案:sharply句意:看到一條狗突然出現(xiàn)在路上,司機迅速轉動方向盤,以免撞上它。此處用副詞sharply “迅速

14、地,突然地”,修飾謂語動詞turned。24Alex has been in China for quite a few years _ (consequent), he speaks fluent Chinese答案:Consequently句意:亞歷克斯已經在中國待了好多年了,因此,他說一口流利的漢語。consequently “因此,所以”,符合句意。25The lion attacked a goat and soon the goat fell to the ground, _ (die)答案:dead句意:獅子襲擊了一只山羊,很快這只山羊倒地不起,死了。此處指狀態(tài),故用形容詞dea

15、d作伴隨狀語。26Australia is the _ (large) island country in the world, which is in the south of the earth答案:largest句意:澳大利亞是世界上最大的島國,位于地球的南部。根據后面給出的范圍in the world可知,這里應用形容詞的最高級形式。27Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs _ (much)答案:more根據句意可以判斷,此處表示血庫需要更多該種類型的血。故填more。28T

16、he manager has a strong preference for a job interview, for it evaluates a candidate more _ (thorough)答案:thoroughly句意:經理對面試工作有強烈的偏好,因為這能夠更全面地評估一個應試者。thoroughly “徹底地,全面地”,修飾謂語動詞evaluates。29We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us, which made us even more _ (frighten)答案:frightened句意:我們可以很

17、清楚地看到在前方出現(xiàn)了一道奇異的光芒,這使得我們更加害怕。由句意可知此處應填形容詞frightened,修飾人。30The farmers living conditions have improved _ (significance) ever since the policy of supporting agriculture was introduced答案:significantly句意:自支持農業(yè)的政策實施以來,農民的生活條件顯著提高了。該空需要用副詞修飾動詞improved,故填significantly “顯著地,重大地”。二、單句改錯1In college, it is goi

18、ng to be different from high school and Ill have to make an entire new group of friends _答案:entireentirely此處entire并不是修飾名詞group,而是修飾形容詞new,故將 entire改為entirely。2It was original 600 dollars, but I got a 10 percent discount _答案:originaloriginally此處應用originally,作狀語,意為“起初”。3After waiting for about half an

19、 hour, I began to get impatiently _答案:impatientlyimpatient此處get在句中意為“變得”,為系動詞,故其后應用形容詞作表語。4Giving help to the people who need it really counts in making us happily _答案:happilyhappy此處使役動詞make后應用形容詞作賓補。5The mans body was pinned under the second car after it came to a suddenly stop_答案:suddenlysudden句中s

20、top用作名詞,意為“停止”,修飾名詞應用形容詞。6It seems that if the result is bad, what people work for will be meaningless Personally speaking, the process of fighting for a goal is less important than the result _答案:lessmore根據語境可知,表示過程比結果更加重要,因此將less改為more。 7She found someone was following her, so she felt very fright

21、ening _答案:frighteningfrightened句意: 她發(fā)現(xiàn)有人跟著她,因此她感到非常恐懼。描述人的心理感受,應該使用ed結尾的形容詞。8As a result, people in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past_答案:去掉moremuch用于修飾比較級,表示程度,而more用于構成比較級。此處longer本身已是比較級的形式,所以不需要加more。9I used to watch TV a lot in my spare time, but now I am i

22、nteresting in football to build up my body_答案:interestinginterestedbe interested in “對感興趣”,為固定搭配。10David sings better than me, but he doesnt sing as good as my brother_答案:goodwell句意:戴維唱歌比我好,但他不如我兄弟唱得好。此處修飾動詞sing,因此應用good的副詞形式well。11We decided to stay at home instead of climbing the mountains because

23、 it was raining hardly_答案:hardlyhardhardly為否定副詞,意思是“幾乎不”。此處指雨下得大,因此應用副詞hard,也可用heavily。12He is a hardworking boy and often comes to class early and leaves lately_答案:latelylatelately為副詞,意思是“最近,近來”。late也可用作副詞,意思是“晚”。根據句意,應該用late。13More important, it reminds them that youre thinking of them_答案:importan

24、timportantlymore importantly “更重要的是”,作整個句子的狀語,因此必須用副詞。14Chopsticks may be made of any of the follow materials: bamboo, wood, gold, silver, ivory, or plastic_答案:followfollowingfollow為動詞,意思是“跟隨,遵循”;following為形容詞,意思是“下面的,接著的”。the following materials “下面的材料”。15I am not satisfied with his answer at all I

25、t couldnt have been bad_答案:badworse句意:我對他的回答一點也不滿意。真是糟糕透了。“否定詞比較級”表示最高級的含義,因此應用bad的比較級形式worse。形容詞和副詞(一)一、形容詞和副詞的基本用法1形容詞一般用作定語修飾名詞,用作表語說明主語的性質、狀態(tài)等或用作賓語補足語說明賓語的情況。2副詞一般用作狀語,修飾形容詞、副詞、動詞或整個句子等。 但是,也有少數幾個形容詞,如:tired, hungry, dead等也可作狀語,說明主語當時的情況或狀態(tài)。同時,有的副詞,如:here, there等也可作后置定語。二、“形容詞ly”構成副詞的規(guī)則三、與形容詞同形的

26、副詞一般情況下形容詞詞尾加ly可以構成副詞,但有的形容詞以ly結尾,如:friendly, lively, lovely, manly等。另外,英語中也有一類副詞,形式上與其形容詞相同,但同時又可以加上ly構成另一個副詞,這兩種副詞意義大都不同。1通常與形容詞同形的副詞表示直接、具體意義,ly結尾的副詞表示抽象意義。常用的這類副詞有: An eagle is circling high overheadThe government thinks highly of his inventionWe were all deeply moved by his story2也有一些這樣的副詞意義毫無關

27、聯(lián)。hard 努力地;艱苦地hardly 幾乎不late晚;遲 lately近來,最近,不久前most十分,非常,很 mostly大部分地;主要地四、形容詞和副詞某些特殊用法1當形容詞修飾不定代詞one, no, any, some和every等構成的復合詞,如:something, anything, nothing時,經常位于這些詞的后面作后置定語。I have something_important to tell you2形容詞作狀語表示伴隨或結果。說明主語所處的狀態(tài),并不表示動作的方式。He went to bed, cold_and_hungry3“否定詞比較級”表示最高級含義。I

28、t cant be worseIts the worst thing (Ive ever known)4most前如果沒有定冠詞the修飾,就沒有比較的意思,只是用來加強語氣,有“很,非?!敝狻his is a_most_interesting_story5though也可以用作副詞,但用作副詞時常放在句末,意為“然而,可是”。She promised to phone I heard nothing, though6cannot/never與enough或too連用,意為“再也不為過;越越好”。You cannot be careful enough/too careful to stu

29、dy7有些副詞置于句首可修飾全句,作評注性狀語。Obviously,_your answer is absolutely wrong限時25分鐘一、單句語法填空1(2018全國卷)According to a review of evidence in a medical journal, runners live three years _ (long) than nonrunners答案:longer此處指跑步的人比不跑步的人多活3年。根據后面的than可知,此處要使用比較級形式,故填longer。2(2018全國卷)Running is cheap, easy and its alway

30、s _ (energy)答案:energetic本句為主系表結構,故此處應該用形容詞作表語。energetic “精力充沛的”。3(2018全國卷)A taste for meat is _ (actual) behind the change: An important part of its corn is used to feed chickens, pigs, and cattle答案:actually根據語境,此處修飾謂語動詞is,故用副詞作狀語。4(2018全國卷)According to the World Bank, China accounts for about 30 pe

31、rcent of total _ (globe) fertilizer consumption答案:global根據語境,此處表示中國幾乎占了世界化肥消耗量的30%,因此使用形容詞作后面名詞的定語。故填global。5(2018全國卷)That makes her baby scream, and then a 400pound male appears He screams the _ (loud) of all答案:loudest由空格后的“of all”可知,他(雄性大猩猩)喊叫的聲音最大。因此填最高級形式loudest。6(2018浙江高考)The obvious one is mon

32、ey; eating out once or twice a week may be _ (afford) but doing this most days adds up答案:affordablemay be后面加形容詞,將afford變成形容詞affordable,作表語。7(2018全國卷)Everybody can buy takeaway food, but sometimes were not aware how _ (cheap) we can make this food ourselves答案:cheaply根據how后面跟形容詞或者副詞,設空處修飾后面的make,作狀語,故

33、填cheaply。8(2018天津高考)_ (responsible) use of a fire extinguisher can create a dangerous situation for other residents and could result in damage to personal property答案:Irresponsible根據語境可知,不負責任的使用滅火器會造成危險的情況。故將responsible變成反義詞irresponsible。9(2018北京高考)With all the programs, teamwork is key as trainees l

34、earn the importance of leadership and being part of a _ (big) task答案:bigger此處強調與原來任務的對比,故填bigger。10(2018浙江高考)One study found that a cotton bag must be used at least 131 times to be _ (good) for the planet than plastic 答案:better根據后面的than可知,一個棉質的袋子至少使用131次才會比塑料袋對地球更加有好處,故填better。 11(2017江蘇高考)Only five

35、 years after Steve Jobs death, smartphones defeated _ (convention) PCs in sales答案:conventional句意:僅僅在Steve Jobs去世5年后,智能手機就在銷售上打敗了傳統(tǒng)的個人電腦。設空處應該用形容詞形式修飾后面的名詞。12(2018河南八市重點高中質檢)He gave me one thing I had lost _ (complete): hope答案:completely句意:他給了我一件我完全失去的東西:希望。設空處需用副詞修飾動詞lost。13(2018江西九江一中第一次月考)It is _

36、(real) an exciting place答案:really句意:那真是一個令人興奮的地方。設空處用副詞作狀語。14(2018河北唐山一次調研)Als adult son, Ernie, however, is one of the _ (kind) men I have ever known答案:kindest句意:然而Al已成年的兒子Ernie是我認識的最有愛心的人之一。根據“I have ever known”可推知空處需用形容詞最高級。15(2019湖北襄陽一次調研)Learning signals of respect in _ (variety) cultural backg

37、rounds can help you avoid misunderstanding答案:various句意:學會在各種文化背景里表示尊重的信號可以幫助你們避免誤解。設空處后為名詞短語,需用形容詞作定語,故填various。16(2018江西二次聯(lián)考)Then I sat there with her, a _ (pride) mother and wife who lost her entire family a few years ago答案:proud句意:然后我和她坐在那里,這是一個幾年前失去了全部家人的自豪的女人,她是一位母親、一位妻子。設空處需用形容詞作名詞短語mother and

38、 wife的定語,故填proud。17(2017全國卷)_ (unfortunate), you must carry the necessary equipment with you, since its all but impossible to find natural substitutes答案:Unfortunately句意:不幸的是,你必須隨身攜帶必備的設備,因為你幾乎找不到天然的替代品。unfortunately用在句首,修飾整個句子,作評論性狀語。18(2018福州質檢)With the word “PM25” _ (constant) appearing in media r

39、eports, people pay great attention to it and seek health tips for smoggy days答案:constantly句意:隨著“PM25”這個詞不斷地出現(xiàn)在媒體報道中,人們更關注它,并尋找應對霧霾天氣的健康建議。根據結構可知,此處應用副詞形式修飾appearing。19(2016全國卷)The title will be _ (official) given to me at a ceremony in London答案:officially句意:這個頭銜會在倫敦的典禮上正式地授予我。此處修飾動詞given應用副詞形式。20(20

40、16全國卷)If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify (識別) those of _ (great) and less importance答案:greater句意:如果你因為工作責任而感到有壓力的話,那么你應該暫緩一下,識別哪些事情更重要,哪些不太重要。由and連接兩個并列成分可知,所填詞應與less并列,故用比較級greater。21(2016全國卷)Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twi

41、gs which _ (gradual) turned into chopsticks答案:gradually句意:小塊的食物用樹枝容易吃到,這樣樹枝就逐漸演變成了筷子。所填詞修飾動詞,所以用副詞形式。22(2016浙江高考)That young man is honest, cooperative, always there when you need his help In short, hes _ (rely)答案:reliable句意:那個年輕人很誠實,有合作精神,當你需要他的幫助的時候,他總會在那里。簡而言之,他是可以信賴的。be動詞后面要接形容詞作表語。23(2019江蘇啟東中學月

42、考)Many actors, actresses and models hold ordinary, less _ (glamor) jobs, often working as waiters or waitresses, in order to support themselves答案:glamorous句意:許多男演員、女演員和模特都從事著普通的、不那么令人向往的工作,通常是做服務員來養(yǎng)活自己。此處修飾名詞jobs,表示令人向往的,故填形容詞glamorous。24(2019湖南長沙長郡中學摸底)As a result, farmers are _ (gradual) unable to

43、 use fields close to the sea答案:gradually句意:結果,農民們漸漸不能使用靠近海洋的土地。此處應使用副詞形式作狀語。25(2018吉林普通中學一調)I _ (recent) returned to my home city and my first stop was at a museum on the River Mersey答案:recently句意:最近我回到了我的家鄉(xiāng),第一站就是默西河畔的一家博物館。此處需用副詞形式作狀語。26(2018河南中原名校質量考評)Whenever I use public transport and if I get a

44、 place to sit, I offer that seat to someone who needs it more than I, especially to the elderly, to women or someone _ (desperate) looking for a seat答案:desperately句意:每當我乘坐公共交通工具的時候,如果我有座位坐,我會把座位讓給比我更有需要的人,尤其是老人、婦女或者是渴望找到座位的人。此處需用副詞(desperately)作狀語。27(2018湖南郴州質檢)The Xray photograph _ (clear) showed h

45、er wedding ring and her bones答案:clearly句意:那張X光影像片很清楚地展示出了她的結婚戒指和骨骼。設空處需填副詞來修飾showed。28(2019內蒙古赤峰二中高三第二次月考)As Artificial Intelligence becomes _ (increasing) complicated, there are growing concerns that robots could become a threat答案:increasingly修飾形容詞complicated,應該使用副詞作狀語。29(2018福建四地六校月考)His words tou

46、ched me, and I _ (sudden) realized that family is the most important in the world答案:suddenly句意:他的話打動了我,我突然意識到家庭是世界上最重要的。設空處需要副詞作狀語。30(2019廣東高三“六校聯(lián)盟”第一次聯(lián)考)The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) is one of the worlds _ (large) art museums答案:largest句意:大都會藝術博物館是最大的博物館之一。根據“one of the形容詞最高級復數名詞”的結構,此處使用larg

47、est。 二、單句改錯1(2019肇慶市藍精靈中學高三月考)Since there are such many good points with online reading, no wonder it is so popular!_答案:suchsomany此處為形容詞,需用副詞so修飾。2(2018全國卷)Immediate, I raised my hand _答案:ImmediateImmediately根據語境,此處修飾整個句子,使用副詞,作狀語。3(2017全國卷)The government spent near 30 years coming up with a plan to

48、 reintroduce the wolves_答案:nearnearly句意:政府幾乎花費了30年的時間,提出了一個再引進狼的計劃。nearly “幾乎,差不多”,為副詞,修飾動詞spent。4(2017北京高考)Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online to save their value time_答案:valuevaluable句意:為了節(jié)省乘客們的寶貴時間,許多航空公司允許乘客們自己在線打印機票。time是名詞,此處用形容詞作定語。5(2017北京高考)People have g

49、ood access to health care than they used to, and theyre living longer as a result_答案:goodbetter句意:比起過去,現(xiàn)在的人們擁有更好的醫(yī)療條件,因此現(xiàn)在人們比過去更長壽。由than判斷可知,good應用比較級形式,因此用better。6(2016全國卷)They were also the best and worse years in my life_答案:worseworst句意:它們也是我生命中最好和最壞的時光。此處用最高級,與前面的the best呼應。7(2016全國卷)At one time

50、, I even felt my parents couldnt understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them_答案:freelyfree句意:曾經,我甚至感到我的父母不能理解我,所以我希望我能夠遠離他們。be是連系動詞,其后要跟形容詞作表語。8(2018河南豫北名校聯(lián)考)She told everyone to leave immediate, and after almost five minutes, all of them left the building_答案:immediateimmediately句意:她告訴大家馬上離

51、開,差不多在五分鐘之后,他們都撤離了大樓。此處需用副詞修飾動詞leave,故將immediate改為immediately。9(2019貴州遵義一聯(lián))He is to be given an honorary Oscar for his greater achievements in film this year_答案:greatergreat句意:由于在電影方面的巨大成就,今年他將獲得奧斯卡榮譽獎。本句并沒有比較的意義,故應用原形great。10(2018河南天一大聯(lián)考)I decided to take it home and look after it careful_答案:carefu

52、lcarefully句意:我決定把它帶回家,悉心照顧它。此處需要用副詞carefully修飾動詞短語look after。11(2018浙江檢測)Pleasing with the effect of the colour change, the woman smiled with satisfaction_答案:PleasingPleased句意:這位女士對顏色變化的效果感到很滿意,她滿意地笑了。be pleased with “對滿意”,為固定短語,本句中用過去分詞短語作原因狀語。12(2018云南月考)Fortunately, these visitors helped me a lot

53、 and made my life much easy than before_答案:easyeasier句意:幸運的是,這些訪客幫了我很多,使我的生活比以前更安逸。根據than before可知,此處包含比較的含義,故用比較級。13(2018遼寧鐵嶺高三協(xié)作體一聯(lián))As a result, we spend such little time on books_答案:suchso句意:結果,我們在讀書方面花的時間如此之少?!癿any/much/few/little (少)名詞”前需用so而非such,表示“如此多/少的”。14(2018西城期末)What our physics teacher

54、 said could never be true Im crazy about him_答案:truetruer句意:我們物理老師所說的內容再正確不過了,我非常喜歡他?!胺穸ㄔ~比較級”結構表示最高級的含義。15(2019南通調研)The lawyer presented more and more evidence, and eventual, the criminal had to admit her guilt_答案:eventualeventually句意:律師呈遞出越來越多的證據,最后,罪犯不得不承認她的罪行。eventually“最后,終于”,在句中作狀語,修飾整個句子。形容詞和副詞(二)五、形容詞比較級和最高級的構成規(guī)則1規(guī)則變化一般在詞尾加er和est來構成比較級和最高級;以字母e結尾只加r和st;以“輔音字母y”結尾的詞,將y變成i,再加er和est;其他多音節(jié)詞,在形容詞前加more或most。2不規(guī)則變化goodbetterbestbadworseworstfarfartherfarthest (距離)furtherfurth

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