外研版高中英語必修5《Module 1 British and American English》word教案

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1、必修5 Module 1 British and American EnglishNew words:1. have in common with sb / sth 與.有共同之處We have really everything in common with American nowadays , except of course ,language. (P1) have something / a lot / nothing / not much / little in common with 與有一些/ 很多/ 沒有/ 沒多少/ 幾乎沒有共同之處in common 共有的、共同的in c

2、ommon with 與一樣1)To my surprise, I found I had a lot in common with this stranger.2)In common with other earthquakes, the earthquake in Japan caused great damage. 3)他們是雙胞胎,但毫無共同之處。They are twins, but they have nothing in common.4)英語是一種不同于漢語的語言,但它們有一些共同之處。English is a different language from Chinese,

3、but they have something in common 5)Generally speaking, the music of one country has quite a lot _ her culture. A. in common B. in common with C. with common in D. in common of 2. make a difference 有影響,起作用;使不相同It doesnt make much of a difference whether a teacher speaks British or American English.

4、(P1) make some / much difference to 對有些/ 有很大關(guān)系make all the difference to 對關(guān)系重大;使大不相同make no difference to 與沒有關(guān)系 1)Its what you do today that will make a difference in your life tomorrow. 是你今天的所作所為使你的明天與眾不同。2)我們所能做的事情會對我們的社會產(chǎn)生很大的影響。What we can do will make much difference to our society. 3)在適當?shù)臅r候只言片語

5、的鼓勵足以令人改觀。Just a word or two at the right moment can make all the difference to someone. 4)無論你做什么決定,對他都一樣。 It will make no difference to him, whatever you may decide. 3. get around / round / about 四處走動(旅行);傳開(spread) 1)The old lady gets around with the help of a stick. 2) The news that he was electe

6、d president soon got around. get up 起來 get away from 離開;擺脫;回避;否認 get (sth) across (to sb) (某事)(為某人) 理解 get down to (sth / doing sth) 開始做 get through 做完,通過;接通 get over 克服,戰(zhàn)勝,掌握;恢復(fù)常態(tài) 1) Its time that you got down to study (n.) or the other students will leave behind. 2) He didnt come because he couldn

7、t get away from his work. 3) I spoke slowly, but my meaning didnt get across. 4) My secretary does everything very quickly; she can get through a lot of work in a morning. 5) The news, _ quickly through the country that he got a gold medal at Guangzhou Asian Games. A. was got around B. got around C.

8、 got over D. was got over 4. onfusing adj. 混亂的;混淆的;令人困惑的,難懂的Sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning, which can be confusing. (P2) 1)The instructions on the box are very confusing. 2)It is a confusing problem. 3)It was confusing that he should give up the chance. confuse vt. 使困惑,混淆;搞

9、亂 confuse A with / and B 把 A和B混淆了confused adj. (常指人)困惑的,煩惱的;雜亂的 get / be confused by 對感到困惑的confusion n. 困惑;混亂;混淆 in confusion 困惑地;迷惑地;在混亂中They confused me by asking so many confusing questions. I was totally confused, standing there in confusion, not knowing what to do. 他們提了一大堆令人費解的問題,把我難住了。我稀里糊涂,迷茫

10、地站在那兒,全然不知所措。The teacher didnt explain the problem clearly, so many students were _. A. confusing B. confused C. to confuse D. confusion 5. compare vt. 比較,對照;把比作 vi. 相比,比得上 n. 比較Prepositions, too, can be different: compare on the team, on the weekend (American) with in the team, at the weekend (Brit

11、ish). (P2) compare A with B 與比較,相比 compare A to B 把 比作 Eg: In the 19th century, Charles Dickens compared the two cities, London and Paris, in A Tale of Two Cities. 在19世紀,查爾斯*狄更斯在雙城記中把倫敦和巴黎兩座城市作了對比。Compared with / to + n / pron 與相比(過去分詞短語作狀語)1)We often compare children to flowers of our country.2)If

12、you compare this car with that one, youll find this one is better. 3)His spoken English doesnt compare with yours. 4)Compared to / with the laid-off workers, were indeed very lucky. 5)(09 重慶) Michaels new house is like a huge palace, _ with his old one. A. comparing B. compares C. to compare D. comp

13、ared 6. differ vi 不同,有區(qū)別;意見分歧或相左 The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronuciation. (P2) differ with sb on / about sth 在上與某人意見/觀點不同= disagree with sb on / about sth differ from sb / sth 與某人/某事物不同 differ in sth 在某方面不同 1)They differ widely in their opinions. People di

14、ffer individually. 人各有別。2)As we know, they differ with you on this subject. 3)English differs greatly from Spanish in pronuciation. 4)Thoughts of westerners differ much _ easterners in amny ways. A. between B. between those C. fom what D. from those of 5)(07上海) Leaves are found on all kinds of trees

15、, but they differ greatly _ size and shape. A. on B. from C. by D. in 6)The way Xiao Li did it differed _ we were used to. A. in which B. in what C. from what D. from which 7. be similar to 與相似 The accent, which is most similar to British English, can be heard on the East Coast of the US. (P2) be si

16、milar in similarity n. similarly adv. 1)What you said is similar to what the teacher said. 2)The two sentences are similar in structure. 3)My new dress is similar in style to the one you have. 4)The result showed that the method could reflect the similarity and difference among samples well. 結(jié)果表明:用這

17、種方法能很好地反映樣品間的相似性和差異性。5)Everyone is familiar with eggs. All eggs look similar, but no two eggs are quite the same. 人人都熟悉雞蛋。所有雞蛋看上去相似,但沒有兩個雞蛋是完全相同的。6)Cats are similar _ tigers _ several ways. A. with; to B. to; in C. in; to D. on; with 8. remark n. 言辭;評論;講話 v. 評論,談?wù)?;談到;說 When the Irish writer George B

18、ernard Shaw made the famous remark that the British and the Americans are two nations divided by a common language, he was obviously thinking about the differences. (P2) remark that 說, 評論remark on / upon sth / sb 談?wù)撃呈禄蚰橙?make a remark / remarks on / about 對發(fā)表評論 remarkable adj. 引人注目的;異常的,非凡的 1)He rem

19、arked that he would be absent the next day.2)He was remarking upon the subject when I came into the room. 3)Please make a remark on “Better City, Better Life”, the theme of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. 請你說說自己對上海世博會主題“城市,讓生活更美好”的認識。9. have difficulty (in) doing sth 費力做某事;做某事有困難have difficulty with s

20、th A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker. 1)Japan had great difficulty controlling the explosion of nuclear power station. 2)When I came to America, I had a lot of difficulty making myself understood. 3)There is some / much / a lot of / n

21、o / little / not much difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth / with sth 4)My sister is having some difficulty with her work this year. 5)Because of your coming, I think theres no difficulty (in) finishing the task on time. 6)You cant imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm. A. walked B.

22、walk C. to walk D. walking 10. lead to 引起;通向;導致;(result in ;contribute to)But it has also led to lots of America words and structures passing into British English, so that some people now believe that British English will disappear. (P3) lead sb to do sth 領(lǐng)著或領(lǐng)導某人做某事 lead sb to sp 領(lǐng)某人去某處 lead/live a

23、life 過著的生活 in the lead 帶頭,領(lǐng)先,處于領(lǐng)先地位 take the lead 帶頭 1)The picture led me to think of my childhood. 2)Could you do me a favour and lead me to the bus station? 3)The guide led us through the forest. 4)The one in the second lane is in the lead now. 11. add vt. 增加 Now add some more ideas in favour of y

24、our chosen variety. (P8) add to 增加,增添 add to 往加 add up 加起來,合計 add up to 總計達add that 補充說.1)Will you add more sugar to your coffee?2)The news added to his anxiety. 3)Please add these figures up and tell me how much they add up to. 4)Only then _ realize I had said the words _ the feeling of disappointm

25、ent. A. did I; added to B. I; adding to C. I did; added D. did I; adding to 12. in favour of 支持,同意,贊同 in sbs favour 對某人有利 in favour 贊同的,流行的,得寵的 do sb a favor 幫某人忙 =do a favor for sb 給某人恩惠,幫某人的忙,為某人盡力 1)Not everyone was in favour of this bill. 2)Could you do me a favor to hand me that pencil, please?

26、3)The majority of the local people got benefit from the medical reform which they are in _ of. A. honor B. danger C. favor D. memory 4)My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _ it. A. in favour of B. in memory of C. in honour of D. in search of 13. present vt. 陳述;提出(觀點、計劃);介紹,引薦 pre

27、sent sb with sth = present sth to sb 把某物贈送某人Present sb to sb = introduce sb to sb 把某人介紹給某人 1)Present your ideas to the rest of the class. (P8) 2)May I present a suggestion? 3)Allow me to present Mr Brown to you. 4)We learn from the past, experience the present and hope for success in the future. 5)H

28、e was presented with an award. = An award was presented to him. n. 禮物; 目前at present = at the present time 在目前,在現(xiàn)在 for the present 就目前來說,暫時 up to the present 直到現(xiàn)在 At present Libyas situation is extremely terrible. adj. (前置定語) 目前的,現(xiàn)在的 (后置定語) 出席的,到場的 We have no choice in the present case. 在目前情況下,我們別無選擇

29、。 1)The chairman presented a present to all the people present and presented his opinions on the present situation. 大會主席給所有在場的人頒發(fā)了禮物并就目前的形勢陳述了他的看法。 2)(2009北京)All of them try to use the power of the workstation _ information in a more effective way. A. presenting B. presented C. being presented D. to

30、 present 14. refer to as 稱為 refer to 參考,查詢;提到,涉及 The Chinese refer to their language as Han, as it became popular among the people during the Han Dynasty.; (P8) treat as 把某人或某物當作對待 regard as 把當作look on as 把視為 1)The American Indians referred to salt as “magic white sand”. 2)Professor Watson referred

31、me to an article she had written on the subject. 沃森教授要我去查閱她寫的一篇關(guān)于這個主題的文章。 3)We agreed never to refer to the matter again. 4)The hospital now _ patients by name, not case number. A. refers B. refers to C. refer to D. refers to as 15. attempt n. & v. 努力;嘗試Can you see any similarities between Websters

32、work and attempts to simplify Chinese?(P9) He didnt pass the exam, but it was a good attempt. attempt to do / doing sth 試圖做某事 in ones attempt to 力圖,試圖 make an attempt to do 打算,試圖 make an attempt at doing sth 嘗試做某事at ones first attempt 第一次嘗試 1)The doctors are making an attempt to prevent cancer cells

33、 spreading. 2)Not many people can answer this question at the first attempt. 小貼士:夏季養(yǎng)生常識立夏已過,炎熱的夏季來了。夏季是充滿生氣的季節(jié),但同時也要特別注意養(yǎng)生保健。我們該如何保持在炎熱的夏季保持身體健康,從而享受這個夏季呢?讓我來告訴大家?guī)讉€夏季養(yǎng)生保健小常識吧。1.夏季養(yǎng)生保健之多喝溫水 每天要喝七八杯白開水,身體要隨時保持水分和補充水分,水在人體內(nèi)起著至關(guān)重要的作明,維持著人體正常的生理功能。水是人體不可缺少的重要組成部分,器官、肌肉、血液、頭發(fā)、骨骼、牙齒都含有水分,夏季失水會比較多,若不及時補水就會嚴

34、重影響健康,易使皮膚干燥,皺紋增多,加速人體衰老。另外礦泉水、冷茶,牛奶,蘋果汁是理想的解渴飲料。2.夏季養(yǎng)生保健之補鉀 暑天出汗多,隨汗液流失的鉀離子也比較多,由此造成的低血鉀現(xiàn)象,會引起人體倦怠無力、頭昏頭痛、食欲不振等癥候。熱天防止缺鉀最有效的方法是多吃含鉀食物,新鮮蔬菜和水果中含有較多的鉀,可多吃些草莓、杏子、荔枝、桃子、李子等;蔬菜中有大蔥、芹菜、毛豆等也富含鉀。茶葉中亦含有較多的鉀,熱天多飲茶,既可消暑,又能補鉀,可謂一舉兩得。3.夏季養(yǎng)生保健之盡量穿淺色衣服 深色衣服會吸收陽光,使人體溫升高燥熱;同時蚊子有趨暗的習性,深色容易吸引蚊子,特別是黑色?!翱唷敝衼?苦味食品中所含有的生物堿具有消暑清熱、促進血液循環(huán)、舒張血管等藥理作用。熱天適當吃些苦味食品,不僅能清心除煩、醒腦提神,且可增進食欲、健脾利胃??喙希喝∑湮词炷酃魇卟?,成熟果瓤可生食,既可涼拌又能肉炒、燒魚,清嫩爽口,別具風味??喙暇哂性鍪秤⒅?、除熱邪、解疲乏、清心明目等作用。此外,苦菜、茶葉、咖啡等苦味食品亦可酌情選用。應(yīng)注意的是,食用苦味食品不宜過量,否則可能引起惡心、嘔吐等癥狀。5.夏季養(yǎng)生保健之皮膚瘙癢注意事項 夏季出游,因日曬而導致皮膚瘙癢、干疼時,可涂少量膚輕松等軟膏,不要用熱水燙洗,也不宜用堿性大的肥皂清洗,以免刺激皮膚,加重癥狀。

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