高中英語復習 Unit 3 A healthy life課件 新人教版選修6.ppt

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1、Unit 3,A healthy life,知識清單,(一) 基本單詞,1. _ vt. 濫用; 虐待 2. _ adj. 性的; 性別的 3. _ n. 壓力 vt. 加壓力于 4. _ n. 青少年 5. _ vt. 禁止, 取締 6. _ adj. 入了迷的 7. _ adj. 無意識的,abuse,sexual,stress,adolescence,ban,addicted,automatic,8. _ adj. 欠款的; 到期的 9. _ adj. 精神的; 智力的 10. _ n. 結果; 效力,due,mental,effect,11. strengthen vt. _ 12.

2、desperate adj. _ 13. disappointed adj. _ 14. ashamed adj. _ 15. illegal adj. _,加強; 鞏固,不顧一切的; 絕望的,失望的; 沮喪的,感到慚愧的,不合法的; 非法的,16. survival n. _ 17. female adj. _ 18. prejudice n. _ 19. judgement n. _ 20. awkward adj. _,幸存者; 幸存,女(性)的; 雌性的,偏見; 成見,判斷; 看法; 判決,局促不安的; 笨拙的,1. _ vt. 加強; 鞏固; 使堅強 vi. 變強 _ adj. 強大

3、的, 強壯的 _ n. 力量, 力氣,strength,strong,(二) 派生單詞,strengthen,2. _ adj. 入了迷的, 上了癮的 _ v. 使沉溺, 熱衷于 _ n. 熱衷, 沉溺, 嗜好 _ 搭配沉溺于, 對有癮,be addicted to/addict oneself to,addict,addiction,addicted,3. _ n. 結果; 效力 _ adj. 有效的 _ adv. 有效地 _ vt. 影響,effective,effectively,affect,effect,4. _ adj. 失望的; 沮喪的 _ vt. 使失望; 使沮喪 _ adj.

4、 令人失望的; 令人沮喪的 _ n. 失望; 沮喪,disappoint,disappointing,disappointment,disappointed,5. _ adj. 感到慚愧或羞恥的 _ n. 羞恥; 慚愧; 遺憾的事情 _ adj. 可恥的; 慚愧的 _ adj. 無恥的; 不知羞恥的,shame,shameful,shameless,ashamed,6. _ n. 壓力; 重音 vt. 加壓力于 _ adj. 產(chǎn)生壓力的; 緊張的 _ adj. 感到有壓力的; 緊張的,stressful,stressed,stress,1. 節(jié)食, 控制飲食 _ 2. 冒險 _ 3. 習慣于某

5、事 _ _ 4. 對上癮 _ 5. 對造成損害 _,go / be on a diet,take risks / take a risk,be/bee accustomed to (doing) sth.,be addicted to,do damage to,(三) 短語,6. 形成習慣 _ _ 7. 列出 _ 8. 伸手去拿 _ 9. 被感染 _ _ 10. 處境危險 _,get into / form / develop the habit of .,make a list of,reach for,be / bee infected with / by,at risk,11. lead

6、 a healthy life _ 12. in spite of _ 13. give up _ 14. make a judgment _ 15. feel like doing _,過著健康的生活,盡管, 不顧, 不管,放棄,做出判斷,想做某事,16. take seriously _ 17. ban sb. from doing sth. _ 18. be ashamed of _ _ 19. decide on _ 20. stand for _,認真對待,禁止某人做某事,對感到慚愧 或羞恥,對做出決定,代表,核心要點,1. abuse n. 濫用, 妄用; 虐待, 傷害; 辱罵 v

7、t. 濫用; 虐待; 辱罵, 詆毀 【教材原句】 drug abuse 濫用藥物,【拓展】 alcohol abuse 酗酒 abuse of power 職權的弊端,(一)單詞,根據(jù)漢語意思補全下列句子。 1) 這個人濫用自己作為經(jīng)理的職權, 給他的朋友們安排工作。 This man _ as manager by _. 2) 該組織對嚴重侵犯人權的行為負有責任。The organisation was responsible for _.,abused his position,giving jobs to his friends,serious human rights abuses,【

8、拓展】 under the stress (of) 在壓力下 play/place/put lay stress on sth. 強調某事物 stress the importance of 強調的重要性 stressful adj. 壓力重的,緊張的 stressed adj. 緊張的,感到有壓力的,2. stress n. 壓力; 重音;強調,重要性 vt. 強調;用重音讀;(使)焦 慮不安,疲憊不堪(常與out連用),根據(jù)漢語提示完成下列句子。 1) 人在壓力之下, 辦事情就容易出差錯。 Things can easily go wrong when people are _. 2) 我

9、必須強調我們沒有多少時間了。 I must _ we havent much time. 3) 在演講中, 他特別強調了出版自由。 During his speech, he _ _ the freedom of the press.,under stress,stress that,put/placed/laid,particular stress on,3. ban vt. 禁止; 取締 n. 禁令; 譴責 后常接介詞on 【教材原句】 Do you think smoking should be banned? 你認為吸煙應該被禁止嗎?,【歸納】 ban sth. / ban sb. f

10、rom doing sth. 禁止某人或某物做某事 a ban on sth. 對某事物的禁止令,ban sb. from (doing) sth. 禁止某人(做)某事(常用被動式) a ban on sb. /sth. 禁止某人或某事物,根據(jù)括號內的漢語提示補全下列句子。 1) The man _ _ (被禁止離開法國). 2) _ _ (應 該禁止大聲說話) in the library.,was banned from leaving,There should be a ban on talking loudly/ Talking loudly should be banned,Fran

11、ce,4. due adj. 欠款的; 預定的; 到期的 【教材原句】 I think long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live. 我想我之所以長壽而且精力充沛, 要歸功于我的健康生活。,【拓展】 be due to do sth. 預期做某事, 預定要做某事 be due to sth. / doing sth. / sb. 歸因于某事/做某事應支付 be due for sth. 應有; 應得到,將下列句子翻譯成英語。 1) 多數(shù)問題是人為錯誤造成的。 2) 羅斯一月份就要開始上學了。,Most of the p

12、roblems were due to human error.,Rose is due to start school in January.,5. addicted adj. 入了迷的; 上了癮的 【教材原句】 You see, during adolescence I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes. 你知道, 當我還是一個十幾歲孩子的時候, 我也吸過煙, 而且還上了癮。,【拓展】 be / bee addicted to 沉溺于, 醉心于 addict oneself to 使自己沉溺于、醉心于 addiction n. 入迷

13、; 上癮,【拓展】 quit doing sth. 放棄/停止干某事 quit office 離職 quit school 退學 quit ones hometown 離開家鄉(xiāng) be quit of 擺脫, 脫離, 免除,6. quit vi. 離開; 辭職; 停止 vt. 離開; 放棄, 解除; 停止 【教材原句】 I was addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult to quit. 我之所以上癮是有著這三個方面的原因的, 因此, 要戒煙就很難。,【拓展】 have an/little/no effect on 對有/幾乎沒有

14、/無影響 put/bring sth. into effect 實施, 實行, 使生效,7. effect n. 結果; 效力 【教材原句】 When I was young, I didnt know much about the harmful effects of smoking. 在我年輕的時候, 關于吸煙的危害性我知 道得并不多。,e into effect / take effect 生效; 開始實施 in effect 實際上,事實上;在實施中,有效 side effect 副作用 根據(jù)括號內的漢語提示完成句子。 1) What I said _ (對他沒有作用). 2) The

15、 new tax law will _ (開始實施) next year.,had no effect on him,e/go into effect,【拓展】 be ashamed of 因而感到慚愧 be ashamed to do sth. 恥于做某事 be ashamed that . 對慚愧 be ashamed of doing sth. 做某事感到慚愧 be ashamed of sth. 對感到慚愧,8. ashamed adj. 感到慚愧或羞恥的 【教材原句】 If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. 如

16、果你因意志衰弱而又 抽煙了, 也不要覺得難為情。,根據(jù)括號內的提示翻譯下列句子。 1) 他恥于承認他犯的錯誤。(be ashamed to do sth.) 2) 我真慚愧我對她撒謊了。(be ashamed that .),He was ashamed to admit (to) his mistake.,Im ashamed that I lied to her.,3) 他對自己只做了這么一點兒工作感到慚愧。(be ashamed of doing sth.) 4) 她對自己在聚會上的表現(xiàn)深感慚愧。(be ashamed of sth.),He was ashamed of having

17、done so little work.,She was deeply ashamed of her behavior at the party.,1. be/bee/get accustomed to (doing) sth. 變得習慣 【教材原句】 This means that after a while your body bees accustomed to having nicotine in it. 這就是說, 過一段時間以后, 你的身體習慣了 香煙里的尼古丁。,【聯(lián)想】 be/ bee/ get used to (doing) sth. 變得習慣 get adapted to

18、習慣于,(二)短語,2. feel like (doing) sth. 想要 / 喜歡(做)某事物 【教材原句】 Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. 每當你想要吸煙的時候, 你就提醒你自 己, 你(已經(jīng))是不吸煙的人了。,【歸納】 feel like (doing)后跟名詞或動詞-ing形式; 也可意為“摸起來像、像是 ”。 【拓展】 would like也可表示“想要”, 后跟名詞 或動詞不定式。,根據(jù)括號內的漢語提示完成下列句子。 1) My for

19、eign friends _ _ (想吃一些餃子). 2) The old couple _ _ (愿意去散步) after dinner. 3) Im holding something _ (摸起來像是土豆).,feel like / would like,feel like going out for a,that feels like a potato,some dumplings,walk/would like to go out for a walk,3. in spite of 不顧; 不管 【教材原句】 In spite of all his efforts he failed

20、. 盡管他很努力但卻失敗了。,【拓展】 despite prep. 盡管 in spite of / despite the fact that although / though從句 不管; 盡管 in spite of oneself 不由自主地 regardless of 不管, 不顧,根據(jù)括號內的漢語提示完成下列句子。 They set out in the morning _ (不顧大雨).,in spite of the heavy rain,4. take risks (a risk) 冒險 【教材原句】 He felt he had to make up his mind on

21、 every step instead of taking risks. 他認為, 他必須下決心走好每一步, 而不 是去冒險。,【拓展】 at risk to sb. / sth. 冒失去或殃及的危險 at all risks / at any risk 無論冒什么危險; 無論如何 at the risk of doing sth. 冒著的風險 run the risk of doing sth. 冒做某事的危險 / 風險; 冒險做某事 risk doing sth. 冒做某事的風險; 冒險做某事,根據(jù)中英文提示完成下列句子。 1) 他冒著自己的生命危險救了我的命。 He saved my l

22、ife _ his own. 2) 他不愿意冒喪失金錢的風險。 He is not willing to _ losing his money. 3) 他們準備冒險獨自去旅行。 They are prepared to _ on their own.,at the risk of,run/take the risk of,risk traveling,5. get into 陷入; 染上(壞習慣); (尤指費力 地)穿上; 開始從事; 參與, 開 始(某事) 【教材原句】 Of course the best way to deal with these drugs is not to get

23、 into the habit in the first place. 當然對付這些毒品最好的辦法是首先不要 養(yǎng)成這一習慣。,【聯(lián)想】 get rid of 擺脫, 逃離 get away from 從中逃脫 get out of 從中出來 get outside of 到外面去,翻譯下列句子。 1) I cant get into these shoes theyre too small. 2) He wouldnt take advice, and now he has got into difficulties. 3) Dont let yourself get into bad hab

24、its.,這雙鞋太小, 我穿不進去。,他不聽忠告, 結果現(xiàn)在陷入困境。,別讓自己染上惡習。,(三)句式,1. It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon. 感到驚奇吧, 像我這樣的年紀, 身體健康而且能在一個下午騎車跑20公里。 “it seems . that .”句式中, it是形式主語, that引導的名詞性從句作真正的主語。該句型使句子成分平衡, 結構美觀。,2. When I was taken off the school football

25、team because I was unfit, I knew that it was time to quit smoking. 當我因為不健康而被學校足球隊除名之 后, 我才知道是我該戒煙的時候了。 “it was time to do sth.” 句式表示“是時候 該做某事了”, 其中, it是形式主語, 不定 式短語作真正的主語。當真正的主語為 從句時, 常用虛擬語氣。,3. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker. 每當你想要吸煙的時候, 你就提醒你

26、自 己, 你(已經(jīng))是不吸煙的人了。 every time (每次)起連詞的作用, 引導 時間狀語從句。其作用相當于從屬連詞 when或once。,“it”的用法(一) 用作人稱代詞, 指代上文提到的事物、動物、性別不明或沒必要知道性別的人。如: I cant find my pen. It was on my desk a minute ago. Mary has got a dog; she has had it for five months. The baby next door kept me awake. It cried all night.,(四)語法,用作非人稱代詞, 用來指

27、代天氣、距離、時間等。如: It was raining this morning. Its two miles to the beach. Its a long time since they left. 用作引導詞 1. 用作形式主語, 真正的主語為不定式短語、 動詞-ing形式短語或名詞性從句。如: It is impolite to talk loudly in public places. It was pleasant and fortable sitting there. It seems that we are not wele here.,2. 用作形式賓語, 真正的賓語為不

28、定式短 語、 動詞-ing形式短語或名詞性從句。如: I find it hard to give a speech in public. I think it no good learning without practice. We found it astonishing that he gave up the opportunity to go abroad.,根據(jù)括號內的漢語提示補全下列句子。 1. _ (天氣很暖和) at the moment. 2. _ (我覺得奇怪) that Jennifer doesnt want to travel. 3. John said _ _ (

29、繼續(xù)這個實驗是很重要的).,Its quite warm,I find it strange,its important to continue with,the experiment,4. Her babys due next month. She hopes _ (是個男孩). 5. Dont you think _ (與吉姆爭論是沒有用的)?,it will be a boy,it is no use arguing with Jim,如何寫勸告信 【寫作任務】 假設你是李華,你的英國筆友Smith染上抽煙的陋習不能自拔。請你給他寫一封信,告訴他吸煙的危害并提出你的建議,幫助他盡快戒煙。

30、 注意:詞數(shù)100左右。,(五)寫作,Dear Smith, _ _ _ _ Yours sincerely, Li Hua,【寫作指導】 這是一封勸告信。勸告信是書信的一種,主要目的是改變別人的觀點。 除了遵循書信寫作的一般格式外,勸告信的主體內容通常采用如下寫作方法: 首先,開門見山,直入主題。在正文的開頭找準話題的切入點,自然而然地引出自己想要談的主題。寫信時要充分了解情況,有的放矢,以提高寫作的針對性。 然后,給出希望對方采取或者終止某種行為的理由。,在陳述理由時要換位思考,盡量為對方考慮。盡可能用事實說話,以增強說服力。 最后,給出合理建議,通過提建議讓對方明確行動的方向,從而達到寫

31、信的最終目的。 注意:語氣要得當,既要委婉禮貌,又要有說服力。 就本篇習作而言,我們可按以下步驟來寫: 第一段:表明寫作意圖;第二段:陳述希望對方戒煙的理由;第三段:就如何戒煙提出自己的建議;第四段:希望對方采納自己的建議。,【常用表達】 Im sorry to hear that . Im writing to suggest / persuade you . I would like to suggest that . I think it would be more beneficial if you . I know its difficult to ., but . The foll

32、owing suggestions might help you . In my opinion, it would be wise to take the following action. As to ., I suggest that you should .,I hope you will take my advice into account / consideration. I hope you will find these suggestions practical / useful / helpful. Please let me know without hesitatio

33、n if you need any help.,【參考范文】 Dear Smith, Im sorry to hear that you have got into the habit of smoking. Im writing to suggest you quit. First, smoking can make you ill later in life. Second, it causes terrible smells. I know its difficult to stop smoking, but the following suggestions might help yo

34、u. First, make a list of the harmful effects of smoking and the benefits you get from quitting. Keep the list with you and reread it when you feel like smoking.,Second, do something else to keep busy, such as exercising. Third, visit your friends often. They may help you strengthen your resolve. I h

35、ope you will take my advice into consideration. Yours sincerely, Li Hua,高考鏈接,1. (2011四川) Lydia doesnt feel like _ (study) abroad. Her parents are old. 答案:studying 本題考查非謂語動詞的固定搭配feel like doing sth.在具體語境中的運用。 句意:莉蒂亞不想出國學習, 因為她的父母都上年紀了。,2. (2014江西改編) It is unbelievable that Mr. Lucas leads a simple li

36、fe _ his great wealth. 答案:despite 考查介詞用法。 句意:真是令人難以置信, 盧卡斯先生盡管很富有但還過著簡樸的生活。despite盡管(in spite of), 符合題意。,3. (2012江西改編) Ive got _ the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school. 答案:into 句意:我養(yǎng)成了在放學回家的路上看望爺爺奶奶的習慣。 get into“養(yǎng)成(習慣), 染上(毛病)”。,4. They are quiet, arent they? Yes. They

37、 are accustomed to not _ (talk) at meals. 答案:talking be accustomed to“習慣, 適應”, to為介詞, 后接動名詞作賓語。 答句句意:他們習慣了在吃飯的時候不說話。,鞏固練習,I. 用括號內單詞的正確形式填空。 1. Those children were so _ (fit) that they were unable to do even basic exercises. 2. Join now and you will _ (automatic) receive 50% off your first purchase.

38、3. It is _ (legal) to drive a car that is not taxed and insured. So please never do it. 4. The long climb left Jan feeling _ (breath) and weak. 5. In this town, the serving of _ (alcohol) drinks was forbidden after six oclock.,unfit,illegal,breathless,alcoholic,automatically,6. The university hopes

39、to _ (strength) its ties with the local munity. 7. Its going to be a tough petition but Im _ (mental) prepared for it. 8. Its too soon to make a(n) _ (judge) about what the oute will be. 9. The main threat to the _ (survive) of these creatures es from their loss of habitat. 10. Im _ (disappoint) in

40、you I really thought I could trust you!,strengthen,judgement,disappointed,survival,mentally,II. 用適當?shù)慕樵~填空。 1. After about three months, I was no longer addicted _ nicotine. 2. The children got _ the bad habit of switching on the television as soon as they came back from school. 3. Oh, _ the way, if y

41、ou see Jackie, tell her Ill call her this evening. 4. We decided _ Spain as our vacation destination this year.,to,into,by,on,5. He had bee accustomed _ living without electricity, and missed it very little. 6. Instead _ going to work thinking that it will be totally boring, try to be positive.,to,o

42、f,III. 用it或there填空。 1. _ is a meeting this evening. _ will start at seven. 2. _ occurred to me that we might visit them while we are in South Africa. 3. _ is nothing for the children to do in the village. 4. _ can be hard work looking after young children. 5. _ has been an accident. I hope no one is

43、 hurt.,There,It,It,It,There,There,6. _ is very warm in here. Can we open a window? 7. _ is obvious that she doesnt understand spoken English. 8. _ is red wine or white. Which would you prefer? 9. I find _ amazing that theyve never stopped arguing about football.,It,It,There,it,閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當?shù)膬热荩?個單

44、詞)或括號內單詞的正確形式。 We all want to be 1. _ (health) but sometimes we can be too concerned about our health. Many of us 2. _ (experience) unexplained symptoms, a spot or a headache, and thought it might be something more serious. Often a brief visit to a doctor, though, is enough to convince us to quit 3.

45、 _ (worry).,healthy,have experienced,worrying,Hypochondriacs (疑病癥患者), however, are very different from people who are 4. _ (simple) concerned about their health. In spite of 5. _ doctors may tell them, they will continue to believe their health or even their lives are 6. _ risk and get angry if doct

46、ors disagree. They demand tests and often see other doctors when they are told there is 7. _ wrong with them.,simply,what,at,nothing,Hypochondriacs also spend enormous 8. _ (amount) of money on medicines and treatments. At one time they were considered a doctors nightmare (噩夢), especially if there w

47、as a roomful of patients with real illnesses waiting 9. _ (treat). But attitudes are changing and it is now being seen as a real illness, a kind of anxiety disorder. Due to their frequent focus on new diseases and patients, the TV and Internet do not help.,amounts,to be treated,Neither does the usual advice 10. _ es at the end of such stories: “If symptoms continue, consult your doctor.” Because, when it es to a hypochondriac, they will.,which,

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