(全國)高考英語一輪復(fù)習 第一部分 Unit 5 The power of nature課件 新人教選修6

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(全國)高考英語一輪復(fù)習 第一部分 Unit 5 The power of nature課件 新人教選修6_第1頁
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(全國)高考英語一輪復(fù)習 第一部分 Unit 5 The power of nature課件 新人教選修6_第2頁
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(全國)高考英語一輪復(fù)習 第一部分 Unit 5 The power of nature課件 新人教選修6_第3頁
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《(全國)高考英語一輪復(fù)習 第一部分 Unit 5 The power of nature課件 新人教選修6》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《(全國)高考英語一輪復(fù)習 第一部分 Unit 5 The power of nature課件 新人教選修6(33頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Unit 5The power of nature.情景默寫1Alia was worried that the fires of war would destroy the books,which are more _(珍貴的)to her than mountains of gold.(2017浙江卷)2Our Standard Course _(保證)a significant increase in your confidence in a foreign language.(2016天津卷)3After countless interviews and presentations,I

2、 managed to stand out among the _(候選人)and survive the test alone.(廣東卷)preciousguaranteescandidates4She sang to the music with her hand _(揮手)gently.5Mary felt _(不舒服的)in her eyes because she had played her cell phone for a long time.6The whole house _(搖晃)when the train went by.7Because of a big fire,t

3、he house was _(全部焚毀)8Having admired the beautiful view,she began to _(前往)down the mountain.9Opinions on this matter _ person _(從到不同)person,so it is hard for us to make the final decision.10With an attractive album lying on the desk,he asked if he might _(匆匆看一遍)it.wavinguncomfortabletrembledburnt to

4、the groundmake her wayvary fromtoglance through.詞性轉(zhuǎn)換1In our office,Jim is an _(absolute)brilliant expert in computers,and he always solves the complex problems in a few minutes.2It helps children to develop an _(appreciate)of poetry and literature.3I felt _(comfortable)in my stomach because I ate to

5、o much.4Smoke and flames came out of the volcano as it _,and the similar _ almost happens every year.(erupt)5The newlybuilt factory is _ with some modern _(equip)6Can you describe the _ condition of the country?Well,_ I know a little of it.(actual)absolutelyappreciationuncomfortableeruptederuptioneq

6、uippedequipmentactualactually7Tom was badly hurt and still _ after the accident,but his wife was _ and told what had happened to us _(conscious)8He was _ as manager of the company.But to everyones surprise,he didnt accept the _(appoint)9He was _ to leave and he could not hide his _(anxious)10Tom _ a

7、t the sound of explosion and his wife also got into a _(panic)11Do you want to _ your intelligence?Just complete the _ from below,please.(evaluate)12People from _ cultures hold different understanding on the play and this _ of opinions makes it hard to reach an agreement at the meeting.(diverse)unco

8、nsciousconsciousconsciouslyappointedappointmentanxiousanxietypanickedpanicevaluateevaluationdiversediversity1句型公式:the most important thing is.首先,作為一名學(xué)生,最重要的是學(xué)習,因此你們所有人都有必要在學(xué)習中建立一個有效的方式。Firstly,_,so it is necessary for all of you to build an effective method in your study.(江西卷滿分作文)2句型公式:現(xiàn)在分詞短語作狀語做了充分

9、的準備后,他決定了何時執(zhí)行他們的計劃。_,he decided when their plan would be carried out.as a student,the most important thing is to studyHaving made good preparations3句型公式:This is because.這是因為她不能忘記她在那個村莊生活的日子。_ when she lived in that village.4句型公式:be about to do when.他正要到河里游泳,突然導(dǎo)游制止了他。He _the guide stopped him.5句型公式:b

10、eadj.enough to do如果你有幸和我們一起學(xué)英語,不要忘了來參觀這個學(xué)英語的網(wǎng)站。_,dont forget to visit the web for learning English.This is because she cant forget the dayswas about to swim in the river whenIf you are lucky enough to have the chance to learn English with us6句型公式:before引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句不要傷心了,半年之后我們還會見面。Dont be upset._7句型公式:獨

11、立主格結(jié)構(gòu)由于她的眼鏡破了,她無法看清黑板上的字。_,she couldnt see the words on the blackboard.8句型公式:not only.but also.He _ his own plays,(but)_ in them.他不僅自編劇本,還飾演其中的角色。It will be half a year before we meet againHer glasses brokennot only writeshe also acts9句型公式:It is said that.據(jù)說這個男子是位著名導(dǎo)演,他具有導(dǎo)演電影的天賦。_,who has a gift for

12、 directing films.It is said that the man is a famous director1appoint vt.約定;指定(時間、地點等);任命;委任高考必刷題練透高考必刷題練透單句語法填空/微寫作Yesterday,Sam _(appoint)manager of the engineering department.You can put the books in the _(appoint)place,and other participants can have free access to them.(2015重慶卷)was appointedapp

13、ointedI have an _(appoint)with her,but I need to change it.(北京卷)我被指定來負責安排那一天的所有活動。(天津卷)_appointmentI was appointed to take charge of arranging all the activities on that day.狀元筆記全記牢狀元筆記全記牢(1)appoint sb as/to be.任命某人為appoint sb to do sth 委派某人做某事(2)appointment n.任命;約會make an appointment with sb 與某人約會h

14、ave an appointment with sb 與某人有約keep/break an appointment 守/違約2suit n一套外衣;套裝 vt.適合;使適宜高考必刷題練透高考必刷題練透(1)單句語法填空A good teacher suits his lessons _ the age of his pupils.Firstly,because my spoken English is fluent,I think I am very _(suit)for this job.(2)選詞填空(suit,match,fit)/完成句子The hat doesnt _ her,for

15、 one thing it doesnt _ because of its size;for another its color doesnt _ her charming face.If not,_(2016全國卷書面表達)如果不方便,請告訴我什么時間最適合你。tosuitablesuitfitmatchlet me know what time suits you best狀元筆記全記牢狀元筆記全記牢(1)a suit of clothes一套衣服(2)suit.to.使適合suit ones needs 適合需要(3)suitable adj.適當?shù)?;相配的be suitable for

16、 sb/sth 適合于某人/某物be suitable to do sth 適合做某事【點津】fit多指大小、形狀的合適;match多指色調(diào)、形狀、性質(zhì)等方面的搭配;suit多指合乎需要、口味、性格、款式等。3anxious adj.憂慮的;不安的高考必刷題練透高考必刷題練透單句語法填空/微寫作The drought had lasted several months,which made farmers _(anxiety)_(anxious),she took the dress out and tried it on,only to find it didnt fit.We waited

17、 for news with a growing sense of _(anxious)別人告訴我輔導(dǎo)中心可以給學(xué)生提供幫助,我急于想從您那兒得到一些幫助。I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and _anxiousAnxiouslyanxietyIm anxious to get helpfrom you狀元筆記全記牢狀元筆記全記牢(1)be anxious for/about為擔心/擔憂be anxious to do sth 急于做某事be anxious for sb to do sth 急于讓某人做某事(

18、2)anxiety n.憂慮;擔心;渴望with anxiety 焦慮地(3)anxiously adv.焦慮地4panic vi.&vt.驚慌 n驚慌;恐慌高考必刷題練透高考必刷題練透單句語法填空Not only do online rumors cause people _ panic,but they disturb public order.The whole class _(panic)when the teacher said that there would be a quiz today.Rumours panicked many investors _ selling the

19、ir shares.inpanickedinto狀元筆記全記牢狀元筆記全記牢(1)in panic驚慌失措地get into a panic 陷入恐慌(2)panic sb into doing sth 使某人驚慌地做某事【點津】panic的過去式和過去分詞為panicked,panicked;現(xiàn)在分詞為panicking5guarantee v.保證;擔保 n保證;擔保;保修單高考必刷題練透高考必刷題練透單句語法填空 The watch _(guarantee)for three years.Can you give me _ guarantee that the work will be

20、finished on time?The car is less than a year old,and therefore still _guarantee.We should pay attention to small details,which can guarantee us _(succeed)in the end.(湖北卷)is guaranteedaunderto succeed狀元筆記全記牢狀元筆記全記牢(1)guarantee to do sth保證做某事guarantee sb sth 向某人保證某事guarantee sb from/against 保證某人免受(2)u

21、nder guarantee 在保修期內(nèi)give sb a guarantee that.向某人保證/承諾1make ones way前往高考必刷題練透高考必刷題練透完成句子Look!Many children _ to the beach.看!很多孩子正往海灘走去。It was so foggy that we had to _霧這么大,我們只好摸索著回家。A stream is _ through the valley into the river.一條小溪蜿蜒著穿過山谷,流入這條河。are making their wayfeel our way homewinding its way狀

22、元筆記全記牢狀元筆記全記牢fight ones way奮力前進lose ones way 迷路feel ones way 摸索前進push ones way 擠出來wind ones way 蜿蜒前進 2vary from.to.由到不等高考必刷題練透高考必刷題練透(1)單句語法填空As in China,the climate in Canada varies _ the area.The original Cinderella varies very much _ the Disney version we know today.(福建卷)Though on the same family

23、,the bird varies _ size and color.withfromin(2)用vary的適當詞形完成片段There are a _ of animals and plants in the world.They _ in shape and size and exist in many parts of the world.But for _ reasons,some of them are dying out.varietyvaryvarious狀元筆記全記牢狀元筆記全記牢(1)vary from與不同;有別于vary with 隨變化;改變vary between.and

24、.從到轉(zhuǎn)變(2)various adj.各種各樣的;多姿多彩的variety n.種種;多樣化a variety of/varieties of 各種各樣的The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study,but this being my first experience,I stayed at the top and watched them.高考必刷題練透高考必刷題練透另外兩人攀下火山口去收集供日后研究用的巖漿,我是第一次經(jīng)歷這樣的事,所以留在山頂上觀察他們。(1)單句語法填空T

25、he work _(finish),they left the office and went home.The exam _(hold)tomorrow,I couldnt go to the cinema tonight.finishedto be heldThe students _(do)all the exercises,the teacher went on to explain the text.She _(be)absent,the meeting had to be put off.(2)用獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)改寫下面句子中的黑體部分Because class was over,th

26、e students went out of the room._The new teacher came in,and a smile was on her face._Ten students entered for the competition,the youngest of whom was a boy of 12._having donebeingClass over,the students went out of the room.The new teacher came in,a smile on her face.Ten students entered for the c

27、ompetition,the youngest a boy of 12.狀元筆記全記牢狀元筆記全記牢(1)句中this being my first experience為獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu),相當于原因狀語。(2)獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)的邏輯主語與主句的主語不一致,它獨立存在。該結(jié)構(gòu)在句中一般作狀語,表示時間、條件、原因、伴隨狀況等。(3)常見的獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)有:名詞/代詞現(xiàn)在分詞/過去分詞/不定式名詞/代詞形容詞/副詞/介詞短語名詞/代詞名詞Mount Kilauea is one of the most active 1._(volcano)in Hawaii.Its 2._(erupt)is always

28、 taking people by surprise.It is so quick and severe 3._ the places where it flows are ruined and many houses 4._(burn)to the ground.It is an absolute disaster for people 5._ live in the paths of the lava.They often get into a panic when they are warned 6._ it.But many people who are enthusiastic ab

29、out it would like to watch it with their own eyes.7._(fortune),when they are amazed at the fantastic sight of it,they always fail 8._(notice)the coming boiling lava.So after that,they must make 9._ effort to escape from it.Is 10._ necessary to take risks?.課文語法填空volcanoes/volcanoseruptionthatare burn

30、twho/thatof/againstUnfortunatelyto noticeanit.課文短文改錯Changbaishan is at Jilin Province.It is kept in its natural state for visitors to enjoy it.The height of the land varies 700 metres above sea level to over 2,000 metres.It is home for much plants and animals.Many people come here to study the uniqu

31、e plants and animal when others come to see the spectacular waterfalls.But,the most popular attraction in the reserve are Tianchi,or the Lake of Heaven.If you are luck enough to visit it with your loved one,dont forget to make a wish to guarantee your love will be as deeply and lasting as the lake i

32、tself.答案答案.單元要點微寫作假設(shè)你是中學(xué)生李華,通過瀏覽新聞你知道最近地球上的火山活動頻繁。請你根據(jù)以下要點寫一篇短文,介紹一下火山爆發(fā)帶來的危害。1在自然災(zāi)難面前,人類很弱??;2火山爆發(fā)時,巖漿噴射高達數(shù)百米。巖漿流經(jīng)之外,一切都被埋沒。人們擔心,驚慌失措;3消防員趕到起火的地方滅火,但仍有很多房子被燒毀。注意:1.請根據(jù)以上要點寫一篇60詞左右的短文;2盡量使用本單元的知識點;3可適當增加細節(jié)?!緟⒖挤段摹緾ompared with natural disasters,such as typhoons,hurricanes,floods,earthquakes and volcan

33、o eruptions,humans are weak.When a volcano erupts,hot lava is sent up hundreds of meters into the air like a fountain.Wherever the lava flows,everything is buried under the molten rock.So people are in panic and anxious about their safety.Meanwhile the firemen make their way to the places on fire.At last,though they make every effort to put out the fire,many houses are burnt to the ground.

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