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20 積分





1、家樂福銷售策略Similary,in those conris wher Carefor s gw sased na ulipe forma setup,it was organisasobest ae ofthe ou slocaeorces。 iFrane,the new logitic gnization for upemarktnd convniene stoswll esltn ignificat eooesof scae forboh rmas。I Brazil,the ypermarkes and upermarets management,proureen and mareti

2、g rsucs w poledtofurther oostsles。Wher e Carrefour Grop oes usiness,issoreshae frther oed ts metposningowads thediscount n through oicy o oprcesndge-scale pomoion.Thebnnrsconcered by th convrsiont therocdin thei pies thoughMa202and iened afreze on onbran ovr thewoe yean Gee,fo examl,theices of over1

3、,000prd werfrzn andth “budgetitsprices ”waintaine toghDecebr 31。h pe psiioning s supported manyrotonalampainnthirst hlf,Caefor onbackmaet sre nBrazil by conductin thre shrt mtional campaigns a week。nte secod hal,the gou s40thAnniversar offered a worldwipportnity t dsly theomtive natre of he oduct ng

4、e.Otherinernationalprotios u a he onen cuntris firm postining dcounarreours rioriy is for eaho its retost thebenchmrk in reailing mg its pes.It ores rovidafthe bnefts oconeniec,boad selecti anprieundeone rof,wich nly a orldclass Group caprovid。Eforts made in 2001 to pol knowow,oistis toosand to grop

5、 uchae haepaid of。Thans diealow r aggessive discouningwhileincasin thnum o invatios。In ro,hies achieved b rance,Ital,Saiand Belm bse sales itheir tres,wichagedto maintainaveryresive ric posiioning comaredtothe averagef te mrket。Thesesyneries alsbneite fromtheterationadeplymen o pduct ange。Spai sw te

6、 ntroductionof 44 Carrefour prouc rane ad Ital 28Manwhle,,400 reailer rands ok the Crefornamein BelgumThe Dia banwa nrodued i France,thereyivng Ed t benet ofDia Spain purchsiglout.n th nonfoodscor,Crrefour Sin scsslly inroducdi tile knowhow nreecead tay,herebyrsultingin a ne sales ain in tse locatio

7、sMeanwhie,Italybgan o sp upi rol s a caterfo its urenneighborOptimzing esure hrough synrgie14“Durig 20,our Group onud toin mrkt shae basdo strngaes moetum nd manyew store openin in the30 ountres wher wehave operation。Weenhane apealo or anes ad it custmr loyalty with our strngdiscount postionin wel a

8、 fouson innvation adqualt。Thce of exan pid up withtheadditin f93,000 qare mets of aes pacen 2002 under the Group sbannes ompard o 1,00 sqre eters irrefurso eyed hefirs ritsof its muile fma sregnWester Eurpe ad atinera,assig o the gans derivedrom icngsyneries o th geaterbeneft of nsuersBecase pt the

9、csomerfit,waesyteaizethimplmentation oa program for ln grhtt encmpases h afety ad qalityo ur pouc,nvironmenl protctio nd a commimnt o ethis n ourmpoyee。Lasly,tosppot our expnin ad provie th besposible srvice to our ustomers,the Gruphid atotl of70, new empoyees inl its anners ill untrie”Daiel eard,Ch

10、irman Chixcutive OfficURSTRATEGYS T E P P N GU H F N SVEaeosmrprouct acssibe othegeae nmbe orrefou is orking o achivetis gal evr day tailringtproduct ndcocept tocoumereedsnd pctaionsIn 2002,ths ncopromisingapach i fTh Grp grew s ke sare inve counywhere it es busess through an aggsi pricing polc,rvmp

11、ed makeg poram omnewith aiy podutadasusful ustome oyt progra.5 Stepping phe ofensiv ur strategi Chia Poln Frerand,resent in 9 countri wit 85 producreferec in 202。The cientee aprecies this commitnt。The salesolums tte to the rle Crreourpays inmakingquayaesse to allSmulateb low prices,stresaoun ectvend

12、nventvetols to drvth ale momnum。Te Grphas mltiediovations by inroduing w ocets al ofte formats,lacig new uctines (likethe aime”ne)an increasnghe scp of its srvices.Innovation to ake toresnesinglappainginvled in te World Ftall Cup,hpedo bott stor financia peforac。Fo quaitand saft are ne of the Group

13、s ngoingpiities.i coern ha resultd inthecaton ofCareu Qulit Linessupply newrk,te yers ago。Wih 50 lines,icudig 18 in Frace,inpatnshipwith 4,00 farmrs,the progm hasowattnenneraionascoe.1countris r developing thei wnlins and hevolum f tde amongheountriesis highand constatly goin。eGrup suplmnted thisoff

14、ernfour yea ag byntrodcing teCrrfur Biouaiprducs wihin everyoe s reacI Eupe,nwork renvatn contn n rec。InFce,amajor modernztionefort asbgun,aimeaimpementg allof Crrours newconcptstrouhout shymakets。enty str re reo-vate in 2002.Th effort to tl product odfrent cosumr targetotnd。Th Grup rempe280 Shopi a

15、n“8 Hut ”onniencestoes in Frane to metthe nedsf a clietel seking ualy and riendliness。n ll thecontrwhere Carrefourdoes bsness,te Diabannerspported the grwthin dead y ain to its slsarea nd inceing th number f ts liteddcs。Growth instrbrans,reilrbrands andrice leadersCarreor fe awidand vied raefprductM

16、utipig nw cnptsCarreor me siiiancapita epditures in 2002tocnfiguitssres to ake them more attrativeand mprove utor seie.Reorgniz salsaresand produc stagng make tebsto e Gop various area of experti.hs appliesto bththe foo andnonood aea n hypermrks,to fresh fodinspearktsand nvenince stores nd to h mnag

17、mento prout lie nhrd discunt tore.eGroupcontined to moenz its networkInAgntia,0 sprmarket ere rought up t tan-dards and now b the Nore bannerIn sia,mansores aded new cncets or frshfoods,therebygnig ge competitve advana ov eir minrivls,the streearketsIn Taild,60%o the storeetrk was remeld folwghesrin

18、cples。16efletde rnce N J imeFirtine Carrfour17estntion SveusStepping up thefensiOur traeylnes,wich aeofen updatd in both fods nd ofoods。It hathreenxcllet valeformoy stoe r,four of which havan internatio ad mltpeormt scope.Rflets n Frceandits oshoots Tirrauetra inpin,Tr d ali in Iay,nd SouveirTerror

19、in Belgm;Destnaions us,EscapadsGoandes an rad Jury.Store brand represen sgificat shareofslsraningfrom anaverage of 25uo 8fr smeput fmiliesinFrance. 2002,thCarour,Champinnd a retilerbrands contnue t increase their sre of thirpoductline the varis sres.Diatoduced rom30 to450 isted items i its vrious le

20、s otle。Ial in paicula,thntwrk s rwt was sodby he intuction ov 1,600 listed tmin a itforms.Of ese,2ee sldunder the nwlycre Di perD an,920 ee GS prducts and280 ere new Carreour pducts.“Piceeader ”rod weealo apowefaesdriver in202,partclayin those conries mosttouchby the cnomic crissIn rtiula,y wereinro

21、ducednt Norte rduct range in Argtina.Sal of the igh quality Bio nQuali inescnt t rise inhs cuntries heethe wereintoduced,dvancing tronglinWesernErpe wiha signicant thrust into Ltn Amrca.nroducdin200 b CareourinFanc,th new brand ofathfoo proucts,“j aim”ha jut bee added otheselines.In the nonfod ar,te

22、 Group h serlbrad ht hae an appasimilar to thoe of thespciized ames. Tex cting band one orance ledingttile brad.Growing s of yalty carsLoyay cad contineto b inresnglused.Today,1 mllio usehod i Europe own a loyalty cardf oneofGus banes andionloyaly ad Iisaccunt fo 75%of is Frech sleInreee,th erdokart

23、 loylycard ws intoduce inSepember001 an as owne y 47,000 customerin 00 wh geratd4f thestre s al。InSpan,Dia s customeloyaltrogram nvolve 6miion carhlers ad acunts fr2%of Di s sas nthat cutryAddiionl ustoer loltytols weempementd inomcuntries。In France,Chamionintroduced Tickt+Championi January02.The pr

24、ogram ditributedcupns to al its uperark shoppers,generatig a4rdemptio rate oer te er.Th ntroductionof a iilatln Pland booste stor trafic y 21。Aways mrecomrsericevthe yars,Carrfouha aded numerouspracti-cl ad accessie servics o tsoffering.The Gruhas thus bee aompetitiv layer and heencmak in seralareas

25、 o actity outsi is orbusi-nesslineWit 8 fice lated ear its ors,Vacnces Carreour isono France saing troprators。The opeatio puicize its expertise bymakin a rvl broche availbe Campin storeand hsintrodcedan ffer in t conveninestores.n200,the concepts exportedto Greee unde thearreur ravel anerThe roup ha

26、 alsoconnued to expand it ntor ofpician hopsn rance,Spai and Itly and i underakin to deelp etwk of rvice tatons in Span.n Eurp,twork renotion inedi reee.InFrn,amajor modernizatin efforas bgn,imdtimpemeng al of arrefour s new cnceptthrogot s hyemarkets.Teny sto wee renoated i 2002Te effor o tilorprod

27、uo diferent onsuer rgtconinuedThe Grop revape 80hopid“8 Hut cneninceor iFance t e the needsof a lintel eeing quality and findlineIn all hecountries wer aurdoebusnes,he Diaannersprted he gwth indan by ddig o it sseaand ncreasing he numbrofs lstd rocts.oth in store brands,etailer rands adice lesCarref

28、our offersa wad vaid an o produtMltiplyig new onceptsCrru mad sgnian capitlexpeditures i02 recofgure itsstrestomake thm mreatrativean mproeustomer sevice.Reogd sas areasanprdut sain mak thebst othe ou s var-us as f epertise。his apliesto oth thefood andonfod aeas nhermare,to fesh foodsin uper-markets

29、 ad onveniene soresan t heanametof podct liesin hard dicoun ste.Th ru cotinudto dernzet eorksInAretna,80suermes ere broh to standardad nwbear t Norte banern sia,anstoe adtednew cocpt forfre fods,thbygaing a hecomitieadant oer trmainrival,the strt markets.n Tailad,0o thstorenewr ws remoeled fllowi he

30、se rini。16Refetse Fac N 1 aimeFirstlinearrfour7estinati aveursSepig uphe offensiveOstrategynes,whih are otenpated inbothfos and nonfods。It has thrte ecllent valformne ore brads,fou of whchave n internationl ad miplefot sope。Reflets i Face a ts offsoo TeaNuestrain Sain,TeradItali i Ialy,and SuenirdTe

31、roir in Blum;Destinatons Seurs,EscapadesGrdeand ran Jury。St brands repent asignficant r osalsrngingfrom averaeo 25p to0%f smepodc filiin ae.In 2002,theCarrfr,Capionnd iaretaierbras cnid to inre their share f erprut line in thevariosstres.Diaitrdced from30 to45 lisditems n tsvarous salesult.IItaly in

32、parcar,the ework goth wa suppotedbthe toducton fover 1,600 isted items allitsfas thes,20 wr o underthnelyetd per Dban,92 were S productad280were new rrefor rucs.“Price leaer ”poduts ere also a owerlsalesdrier i 20,parcully n thoecties mostoucedby te conomc cris。I particula,they werentrouced inorte s

33、 prouct rag iArgentin。Sal of te hgh qalityBo an Qulty Linescotinue to isen those countiesher hey rintrduced,adncin stongyin er Europwh nifiant thrus inoLtinAmericaItroducdin202 CarrouriFrance,th ew rnd of healhfood poducts,“ aime hajust beeaded t heslis.thenon-foodarea,the Go has sevralbandstht hvea

34、nappea similar o hs of hespcializ names。The Tex clothing bran s o ofFrace s leing textl bran。Gring use ooaly ardsLoalty ads cninue o e ireasingly sd。Tody,21 millionhoushos in Euro oa loyalt carfm n ofhe roup s nnerad Chamion loylt car Is acconts for 75f i Fench saes。Iee,th erdartaloalty carda intodu

35、ceiSeptembe 2 and was n by 71,000 custori 202 who erad40o te stre salsInSin,Di sctoelaly prog invoes 6milon cardldead accntsr82o Dia s sales itht ounty.Additional stomroyaly oos wre plmenteins untresIn Fnc,hpo intrdced ckethaponin Januar 2002。The pogram dsibutopons all ts supermarketshopper,generati

36、ng 40%redmtion ate ovr the yea。Th intductionof a siar tooli Plnd bostedstor traffic b 21.Alwys more cusomer ericsOver tyeas,Crrefour has ade numeousractl and accesble srices oi ofeng。Te Gupasths becme a copetitiv player ad the benh-mark in severa area of ativy ousideof is or busi-nesln.Wh 88ofce lca

37、t near itsstres,Vacances Carrfo i ne ofFrance lad ouroprr。The opraion picized its eertise byknga tael rochur aailable inChampinoresadhs intouced an fer in tsonvnce stresIn2002,theconcepwsexpordto Greecen heCrreur Travel bner。TheGo has aocotiedtoxpad its nerk ooptcaspsn rae,Spain d tly and is ndrtaki

38、gt devop aework of ervice tations inSpan.Over is 0ye f eistece,the relevn of its hpmrket concep as eetedors of 0cuntries tthe Group.Iony ten oftem des t have a ultiple ormaresec。Hene,Carefu hsacosirabl groh margnfor it twooter gobalbsness lies te surmark and hehard discount stoeIn 202,temultipicaon

39、thenumber of stre opeings worlwide inal foats demnstatesthe Grou effs to reu i traitial growth rte。18it solid bse n30 ounres paning furconients,arreoega02in anw xpanionhaoriented uldin upon its xising tworkandrionaizin its concepts.Thcurren objectives o exoi he growthpoteial that it aind n tsmajor t

40、rategic eas ncuded irecen y。During002,Crrefuroped 57 sores。They r broken down nto 43 hypermarets,7 supemarkets,38 hard dicount sto,95onveniece sres n 4cashandcarry tos.Ths roughthe total numbero tors under teCareforbaner t9,632。h tres tal saera rs from 1,16,00squae mees o1,780,000 sque meter。Same so

41、 saesccuntdo2。8perentage ptso Carefor stotl rowth rteIn Eurpe,thesteppe-u expni progrmresulted n hepngof 17 hyprmakets dOve 60 open pannig the cinents1 superkets,enablinge rup to maethre in all of cutries whre itopeates,prticulrly hose heet s recntly ered.In tn Ameica,the Groupla t dd to itsexisting

42、nwok y plying on the divert of isformatsand tagetigdenslypulated regios。In Argenina,theeconoi cisis hmpered tgrwthof hyermet and spermarkt names,but faoredD adanc,wose cncept proepartcurlapropriate in the tugh ecoomicndoca eirmenIn Bazil,the expansn i hypermres andsupermaretsremeTheGopw oneupswin th

43、e rsf atin Amria withw storein n Mxico nd Colomba。The rteogo is exeted toacceerain003 adeten tChli。Asia accoute for 42of nw hypraktrrfouropeneda frh hypermarktin Japan,onfirinisplans to expan intopomsig market,an it steedupits ito-tio i China majorcities.FOCUSIN N EXPANIONwith avirCao,Drecto Ha dsco

44、unDIA is pidy expain nnrtat ha pvedts rsiliencehe hrddisot soreisa g-wher fat tha ispaticurly we sutd to th mst dficult situationstnks to s rm,ow pries ndpruct lns.Daiswell estalhe n seen conrie,which aveso or market pnettin n the 3 ors hretheGou is etablishd。We have n mmesepotntial forowh,but ourpo

45、liy to onoteountk eorcomiti ourvesin aditioaloutrieOur pricial taski 2002 was to ildonour presence inths cotries recnl opnedo usoughaprgram frapid epanion。In Bzi,wherewe justpened 52 ores,70 opnngs areplanned nSo aufor 203In Turky,45 stores wre dd tothe ttl ubr。nthee couries ee retainiENCOUNTRpredmn

46、ant,Dia sueeded makig sinificantmrkeshare gainthak o itscoetite ricinnd uality sore brands.We opened 137 res inSpai,whereweare th leader in as cnsumer foodproducts wth 12of th market,and in France,3 Esores,whi attts isormat s caitorgrowth,eve i a ver maur market.ountislkePrtugal,Greceandve Argetinas

47、awb incaesin samestore sa during theyear。ot aks o gain scssfulenty nto hina。eave eenpai to ntth wrld istrket fohre yarrefour spastexperencein h gin wa a greathel inadncinghis project。u firthiestorewillhave heirrd pings n h seconafo 200 underthe “iaCasa Dia ”annr have pnsto n stes i Shnghaian Bijng n203.The goalis o hve a toaof 500reailulets in 07 witloation i the countrys ma itiFcusing o expansion ur trateg0 most of thecouris whr theGrop isetabished,rkt shar aegained by either enngnewretal outts or din o th exisg on。Therefore,in rder o achiv itsobjecives and t these time ntrolost,Carefor u

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