(德州專)中考英語總復習 第三部分 題型研析 高分保障 題型五 閱讀表達課件

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《(德州專)中考英語總復習 第三部分 題型研析 高分保障 題型五 閱讀表達課件》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《(德州專)中考英語總復習 第三部分 題型研析 高分保障 題型五 閱讀表達課件(24頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、第三部分第三部分 題型研析題型研析 高分保障高分保障題型題型 5 5閱讀表達閱讀表達年份20172016201520142013文體說明文說明文說明文說明文說明文話題 摩拜單車介紹關于野營的五條建議如何做一個節(jié)儉的人好的睡眠有益于身體健康如何使生活高效詞數(shù)196193260313237分析 從近五年中考試題可以看出,閱讀表達以一篇的形式出現(xiàn),5個任務,價值10分。多以英譯漢、漢譯英、選擇填空、回答問題和擬定標題等形式進行考查。閱讀表達考查學生通過閱讀獲取信息和處理信息的能力以及寫作中對基本語法的運用能力,體現(xiàn)了語言能力、智力能力和社會經(jīng)驗等方面的有機結合。閱讀表達作為每年的必考題型,話題涉及面

2、較廣,主要涉及介紹類、個人經(jīng)歷、咨詢建議類等??忌龃祟愵}目時一定要注意人稱、時態(tài)、地點、關鍵詞、同(近)義句、通篇主題等,明確所要完成的任務。解題技法解題技法指導指導閱讀指導閱讀指導 解答閱讀表達題,閱讀是基礎,表達是關鍵。要想做好此類題,可以從以下幾方面進行訓練。1誦讀全文,感知任務 答題前,認真閱讀文章,掌握文章提供的信息內(nèi)容,同時要明確文章的中心思想,為答題做準備。2緊扣原文,搜集信息 誦讀全文后,再瀏覽問題,從原文中找出能回答問題的關鍵信息。3全面兼顧,準確作答 除了注意書寫規(guī)范以外,還要確保表達的準確性,要注意時態(tài)、語態(tài)和人稱、單復數(shù)、詞性、主謂搭配等的變化。4認真檢查,驗證答案

3、完成任務后要把答案帶入原文,檢查所寫的答案是否符合要求,發(fā)現(xiàn)問題及時解決。例題精析例題精析 2017德州中考Nowadays bikesharing has been very popular in China.Mobike(摩拜單車)is one of the market leaders in the bikesharing business.What is Mobike?What is Mobike?Mobike was founded in January,2015.It is supported by Tencent(騰訊)People in many cities,such as

4、Beijing,Guangzhou,Jinan as well as Shanghai,have a chance of using the app(軟件)The total number of Mobike app users is larger than that of any other bikesharing app users.Who uses Mobike?Who uses Mobike?According to a survey,53.23%of the Mobike users are men,while 46.77%are women.73.Mobike is not onl

5、y popular with young people,but also wins the hearts of the old.It shows that retired men traveled the longest distances(距離)by shared bikes.Why do people use Mobike?Why do people use Mobike?Chinese people use Mobike for different reasons.Users can rent(租借)a bike at a low price,usually about one yuan

6、 an hour.It also offers people a better choice for short journeys in cities,especially when people cant find a bus or the underground to take.Whats more,its helpful in traffic.And the most important is that it can help improve the environment.1When was Mobike founded?_2True or false.(“T”代表正確,“F”代表錯誤

7、)According to the passage,Mobike app has the largest number of users among all the bikesharing apps.()3Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese._4Why do Chinese people use Mobike?(At least 2 reasons.)_5Give a proper title(題目)to the passage._【主旨大意】本文是一篇說明文。文章主要介紹了摩拜單車的使用,包括使用方法、使用人群及使用共享單車的原因。1

8、(Mobike/It was founded)in January,2015.2T/True.3摩拜單車不僅受年輕人的歡迎,而且也受到老年人的青睞。4(1)Users can rent a bike at a low price.(2)Mobike/It offers people a better choice for short journeys in cities.(3)Mobike/It is helpful in traffic.(4)Mobike/It can help improve the environment.(回答其中任意兩條,即可得分)5Mobike(in China)

9、技法點撥技法點撥1回答問題類 在答題前,首先應該快速瀏覽所提問題,然后帶著問題有的放矢地去閱讀文章,獲取與問題有關的信息。對那些在文章中找不到答案的問題,必須再誦讀全文,對獲得的信息進行整理,通篇考慮,才能寫出答案。答完之后要認真檢查,確保答案在語法、拼寫及標點符號等方面準確無誤。2英漢互譯類 翻譯句子題要么考查某個句型或結構搭配,要么考查某條語法規(guī)則的具體運用。在做題時注意:要根據(jù)上下文翻譯,切忌斷章取義;翻譯時要與語言習慣相聯(lián)系,不要逐字死譯;注意文化差異;注意習語、諺語。3選擇類 選擇類題目主要包括選擇最佳段意或選擇句子將文章補充完整。此類題目主要考查考生對文章的整體或段落的理解能力。做

10、此類題目時,考生要找到該句的位置,然后根據(jù)語境、上下文意思等做出判斷,選擇正確的選項。4標題歸納類 此類題型用以考查考生對文章主題或中心思想的領會和理解能力。要從整體上理解文章的結構、邏輯關系、問題指向等,把握作者的寫作意圖,綜合歸納以提煉出文章的主旨,歸納總結出最符合文章主題的標題。即時運用即時運用Passage 1 2016德州中考文體說明文話題野營詞數(shù)193 Nowadays,camping has been popular among young people.Its a great way t o b e o u t s i d e a n d e n j o y t h e nat

11、ure.Whether you prefer to be in the woods,mountains,or by the river,you are sure to have a wonderful experience when you go camping.Here is some advice for camping.Fire may be dangerous,so just use fire only when you must.Make sure to put the fire out when you dont use it When you are talking,keep y

12、our voice down.If you talk loudly,you may disturb(打擾)other people,and you will also miss the chance to see wild animals outside.It is necessary to put up your tent(帳篷)only in safe areas.If you put up your tent in other areas,you may get into trouble.Remember to do it for your safety.Dont forget to t

13、ake your camera so that you wont miss the wonderful natural wonders.Later,youll understand how nice they are.Make sure your camera has enough power.People often get lost in the forest.Its a good way to take a map that helps you to get the right direction.Now,people usually take GPS with them.Maps an

14、d GPS can help you find the way easily.1The writer gives us _ pieces of advice for camping.(填數(shù)字)2Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese._3What does“they”in Paragraph 5 refer to(指代)?_4Which two things are needed to avoid getting lost in the forest according to the passage?_5Give a proper titl

15、e(題目)to the passage._five/5當你不使用火的時候要確保把它熄滅。The wonderful natural wonders./The wonders.Maps and GPS.Advice/Tips for campingPassage 2 2015德州中考 We need to be responsible(有責任心的)for our environment.Being a frugal consumer(節(jié)儉的消費者)is one way to help.But,what exactly does that mean?Use it up Use it up You

16、can use things up instead of wasting them.Press that last bit of toothpaste(牙膏)out.Use the last little piece of soap.Dont throw away any bits of the biscuit at the bottom of the box.文體應用文話題節(jié)儉消費者詞數(shù)226 _ You do not always need to have new things.Suppose there are holes in your socks.Mend them and wear

17、 them longer.You dont have to have the latest telephone until the old one doesnt work anymore.Then you can get a new one.2.Think twice before replacing something that still works._ When something you want is not on hand,look for something else that you already have to take its place.Suppose you are

18、preparing your lunch for tomorrow and want a butter sandwich.However,there is not any butter in your home.Have a cheese sandwich instead so that you can use all of the cheese.With a little thought,you can make something do,instead of buying something new.Do without Think about all those things that

19、you would like to have.Do you really need them?How long will you really play with that new toy?Make a list of things that you want.Delete the things that you dont really need,so you can save a lot of resources(資源)1When can you get a new telephone according to the passage?_2Please translate the under

20、lined sentence into Chinese._You dont have to have the latest telephone until the old one doesnt work anymore./You can have the latest telephone when the old one doesnt work(anymore)/When the old telephone doesnt work(anymore)(任選其一)在替換仍然能用的東西之前,請三思/請好好考慮一下/請斟酌。3What should you do if you dont have bu

21、tter for a sandwich at home?_ 4從下列A、B、C中選出能填入文中空白處的最佳段意。_AWear it outBStop pollutionCMake it do5Give a title(題目)to the passage._You can use something else,for example cheese(instead of butter)ACBeing a frugal consumer/Being frugal/One way to be responsible for our environment/What does being a fruga

22、l consumer mean/Be responsible for our environment/How to be a frugal consumer(任選其一)Passage 3 2017泰安中考改編 1Once,when there was a famine(饑荒),a rich baker sent for twenty of the poorest children in the town,and said to them,“In this basket there is a loaf(面包)for each of you.Take it,and come back to me

23、every day at this hour for more.”2The hungry children gathered eagerly about the basket,and fought over the bread because each wanted the largest loaf.At last they went away without even(2)_ the good baker.3Gretchen,a poorly dressed little girl,did not fight or struggle with the other children,but s

24、tood quietly in the distance(遠處)When the badly behaved children had left,Gretchen took the smallest loaf,which was all that was left in the basket.She kissed the bakers hand and went home.文體記敘文話題人物故事詞數(shù)264 4(3)第二天,孩子們表現(xiàn)得像以前一樣糟糕。Gretchen got a loaf almost half the size of the one she got the first day

25、.When she came home,her mother cut the loaf open.Many new,shining pieces of silver fell out of it.5Her mother was very worried and said,“Take the money back to the baker at once.The silver must have fallen into the dough by accidents.Be quick,Gretchen!”6When the little girl gave the rich man her mot

26、hers massage,he said,“(4)It was no mistake.I had the silver pieces put into the smallest loaf to reward(獎賞)you.Always be as content(滿足),peaceable,and thankful as you now are.Go home now,and tell your mother that the money is yours to keep.”1What did Gretchen do while the others fought over the bread

27、?_2Fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words._3Translate the underlined sentences in the sixth paragraph into Chinese._4What do you think of Gretchen and her mother?_5Give a title(題目)to the passage._She stood quietly in the distance.thanking to/saying thanks(goodbye)to/expressing t

28、hanks to這不是失誤,我把這些銀幣放進最小的面包里是為了獎賞你。Gretchen was content,peaceful and thankful.Her mother was honest./They were content,honest,peaceful and thankful.A polite girlPassage 4 文體說明文話題經(jīng)濟與文化詞數(shù)231 A road is just like a bridge between two places.The Silk Road has been a bridge between East and West.But the S

29、ilk Road is not a single route!It is a series of trade and cultural transmission routes.From the time Zhang Qian opened up the worldfamous Silk Road during the Han Dynasty,until the Yuan Dynasty,it enjoyed a history of about 1,600 years.This ancient road begins at Changan(now Xian),and it reaches Du

30、nhuang,where it divides into three,the Southern Route,Central Route and Northern Route.And then it ends in Eastern Europe,near the Mediterranean Sea(地中海)The Silk Road is about 6,500 kilometers long.It goes across onefourth of the planet.3.In fact,there is another trade road which is called the“Silk

31、Road on the Sea”in the southwest of China.The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world.Besides trade,knowledge about science,arts and technologies were shared across the Silk Road.The Four Great Inventions of China was introduced to the West and Chinese also knew about th

32、e religions of the West.4.In this way,languages and cultures developed and influenced each other.Today,places along the Silk Road are great places of interest,such as the Terracotta Warriors in Xian and Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang,Gansu.【主旨大意】本文是一篇說明文。本文介紹了歷史上的“陸上絲綢之路”以及“海上絲綢之路”的概況,及其對中國歷史的影響。1When w

33、as the Silk Road opened up?_2Where does the Silk Road end?_3Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese._4Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese._5Give a title to the passage._In/During the Han Dynasty.In Eastern Europe,near the Mediterranean Sea.事實上,在中國西南部還有另外一條被稱為“海上絲綢之路”的貿(mào)易通道。通過這種方式,語言和文化得到發(fā)展并彼此影響。The Silk Road/The Silk Road:bridging East and West/The Silk Road:a bridge between East and West

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