1、國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大??啤队⒄Z(yǔ)閱讀(2) 2022-2023期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2156) PE 1 Quevtion* I —10 ?rv KumxI on Phmmrc 1 wild 2. PttMiMKC I I hU *hort passage pn^nts um whh u dclMlkxl rrport on Monica Seles* nthnk Spectator stnbs tennis itur on court nV FIBVARDIHSc ALLAN!)頊灌 K)RI ION SIAM MONICA ScIck the top-rnnked tennis
2、phyci; was stabbed m lhe back by n Bpcctotor while playing tn n luuuuinKiH in Hamburg yesterday. rhe 19-ycanoId wa> silling in her chan during a change-over when n mnn lunged at her with a lung-bhdcfj knitc She received 3 I inch cut Ixtwccn Iwr shoulders and wm taken to □ hospital nearby after bein
3、g amended on ccwirt She wutild suiy ihcicuvcrnighi Gn oSmuitiiw)
Woi 4、otly wn, nllccird?
5. How long would jhr hnvr to 5fny in ho^pitul?
Pm、岫 2
l hi ^hurt I、the purt of the above report.
I .nlrr repfirin ihn! Imm it tinker, mi rn^tern (ir t mnn. waA n Gin of her (trrniAii
tetthH rivnl ? Stcl li t >rj|f > nlwl luid wnnted to Mop Sclcji frorii playinK.
I hr 38 yrn 5、t old Aiinckcr lennrd nver n 3fl bnrrtrr and ^tabhed hrr dm hr look a hrrak.
Shv 5<-r( unitd niu\ run 6、court an a Ktretchcr.
“We snw D man n)me from the left.* said a woman silting in 血.Front mw of "化 tournament. MHe looked strange or drunk. Hr jiiM looked wrtrd. Then we saw him strike out at Monica."
The attacker wa pounced on by security men and metnbers of the crowdt and earned ?wuy by four guar 7、ds
Red Passage 2 und decide whether the following stnlrments are True nr False. Write I for i nic
and F for FuIm agulnM the number af rrh of lhe wlatemenK in your Answer Sheet.
6. The report ituRgcstcd thnt the ntuckrr wnf n western (reimnn
7. Alter ihr M/ib. Srlrn ran lo Imck-cuurl, reaching fo 8、r her up|H*r ku’k.
&. h whm her hrothrr iith1 officiftlfl that 1ixik her Ironi llw cquh “n a Btn uh4t
9. A wornnn fitting in I hr mid ro^ o( the tournnnienf xnw (he nttqckrr conir Ircrn ihr right
|0e The aTtnckcr wnn lirftlvn and enrried ^way by h】ui giinrd^.
P*rt II
Qucfttion* 11 —20 arc based 9、 on Pnssagc 3?
Pnsi^Mgc 3
China htn 267 nullitm fumiliE About 10 million nrwlywcds cAtnWixh new houxbddw every yor. Muny of thc^c new hourchold^ <111 (er nily -roni nmhnwml
Tcxhy wunten play n nvipr rolr tn the Ufnily. Tht- olil pntnnrch^l Inmtlv " Ri咔 rrplncrd by ? more ur IrMs c<|iinl >pounl rc 10、UtianMiip. I hiK chnngc wg no! wnply a rm" of (?hinw "w、thnt siupulAtr men und women nrc ciinnh. Chlnr^- wcifnrn arc- rrrdivtnw more educntiun. nre actively employed and urc riUikmg BiRnilicnni coninbntionw to lurnily inrumrs. Their hnnnrtMl coniributinn hiu mcrc^cd Irani 20 percent tn the I9S0- lo 11、10 perrent "NMy In name (nmihcA n " rvrn higher.
Two imtional ^ludirfi on the ntntab ol wornrn reftchrd Mnulnr cunch>6ionii Wunirn hvr more power in thr family. In rnnre women mokr dret-sionB oi\ Intnily rruim?r、? a
change many Chinese men nrc hnppy with.
Thr concept o( mornagc is chnnging so 12、thni people now marry for happiness rather thnn lo rarry on thr family line. In chooMtnR n spouset many w山 marry someone they |ovci otherwise they nwiy choose to remain single. Moxt people hope to find o spouse who i 13、l&o conHidrr the maienal well-being of a pocentml spousc< In both rural snd urban arens. people have more nbout who they marry.
Chiru is rapidly chunking from the traditional belie! that more children means niorr h?ppir>5 to the modern concept of fewer and healthier birth*. In less than two decades 14、< (?:hm/s Anility rate hux dropped by more than 50 pcrccnu Increfl^ingly^ young eouplcs are postponing having a child to allow (or (htnr own personal growth and enjoyment. Samr couplet nre declining to have children. In these cases, women Ktmerally phy s pivotal rolr; ihi% j*huition is niosi LomTnci 15、n in large cilice Mich 05 Beijing? Shanghai and (3uan^xhou.
NhEinx a new household is repheing fhv tradition of mArrying into the man S family. In a tradnicinnl mftrriaget the wife liccnmc a member of rhr husband^ fnmily. It wg cvxn
Mtipulaied by law that a wife Eg make her husband^ home her lega] 16、 residence^ This mc/int thm a woman war transferrrd from her parents1 home to her pnrentikin lAwS home where 血 4^5Uitird m 17、hotels proniotr Eiwlity "twem em ahiI women, hi rural nrc/is it i> null common for n wornAn tu rnovr into the iihinf> honir whrn 血 mArrim.
(hmi sc nifirrnt^eA nrr ^till rclativr!y vtAblc even though prapjefidcAiv and conduct have chnnffpd ^tgnihrnntly since Chmn .代 reform onci opening to (hr oufNid 18、r world. The uwrriHc ■gf irt which Chinese people fifMt tnnrry in between 22 and 23, thi nge beinit sumewhnt lower in rur^l nrrrtt* and ?ujnicwhut higher in the ritir^. Chinn f niftrrniK1 rntr im Inghi very (cw rrrnnin Mn^lr thrir entire livrec. Mom1 wonirn morry between ihr of 2 to 24.
In m-eni yr 19、m thr divorce rnte hn* slowly climhcd, bni m Mill only one third to ogJihh thm of developing cournricji such e Indio and Tlimlnnd. Fhr divorce rate in European and American eountncM 握 IO times that of Chinn. This indicates relnnve utahility rvrn fhouRh (-hinesv morringr* nnd (nmilks are chnnging^
R 20、ead Pawnee 3 and then choose the best answer that may compkCc cuch of the Atntrmcnlsi according tu the puwgc. Write your answers on lhe Arwwcr Sheet.
1 L Which onr of the Mntcmenfn i t rue?
A. China hs 2.670.000,000 Inmilien.
K Every year about 10>000#000 newlyweds entablUh new houtcholclft in Ch 21、iruu
C. Chmcjke Ihwh stipulHtc iKri mtn und women nre cqimh only in thr rural ms』
D. Womens linanciol contribution Hah tncrr/tNetl from 2() percent in thr 1950m to 30 ^xircent todny.
)2. Which of the following is the clonent tn meaning to the phrase Mpatnrchnl family0 in the second paragraph?
A. 22、 Father controh the tamilyw K Mother contruh the family.
C. (irnndmothrr rontroln the hrnily. 11 Everyone is eq uni in the fntnily.
13. ( >nc key (actor which enables women to ^niti cqunl Mtntux with men tn thr fnmily i>
that ■
A. more women enn choose ihrir own rnnrrMc pnrtnrr thim hrfnre
K m 23、nny women are contributing more to fhr fnrnily income
(-? men are happy Io hrr ihr fnrnily chores with their wiu”
[1 many women h^ve received collrKv education before they get married
14. In choosing their spuune? pvople ti^unlly consider .
A. lave R nuttcrial wealth
C. rducationul background l 24、l all uf thr lovr
15. In the Inat two rlccndc^. the fertility rati dropped nhnrply bccauM .?
A< moAt coupler re unwilling to huve childrrn
K thr trnditionfil belief of more children meaning rnorc happiness hn* ch.vigcd
G mo( urban couplcM airr more nlxwt their pcruonnl h^ppincs^
D. many women 25、Arc beconung ccononuadly independent
16. Which one at the xiAtemcnift False?
A. More young couples are postponing having n child to Mlnw {nr then own personal growth and enjoyment>
B. When sonic couples are declining to havr chikfrrn< nirn gcnerftlly piny an important role>
CL In a trHclnionfll 26、marriHgc# the wife became e member of thr hushnml、(mnily.
D< After the new Iaw was enacted in 198(). traditional rnarrmgE began disapprnnnK in cities^
I 7. Onr of thr fcnturrn of nuclear (amilieK im that _.
A. hunb/Hui Hfid wiir Arc eqnrd to rch other
B I he wife liKtcns more to her husband
C. 27、rhr wife normally tnovcM to her huhund、home
I). wile d(w 28、d At the ugr of 24
l men mny Uivr than women
t)- nioM people rnnrrird Aoonrr or latrr in thrir livrs
19. By contpnriHOHf thr 29、o higher thn n wm ten year ago
2() Which of thr following ntlm bmr >urnniiirixrM the mnui idea of thr posiuggc?
A> Chirir^c mnrriBgr< H. Chinese Gimilien.
(\ I hinrMc rnnrnngcN and famdicM. Ih (-hinrjiv divorce rntc.
Purt HI Trur nr Fuhv
Vucslioits 2—3,urv b心vd on I■心嘩c I.
Passiigc 4
Wh/it * 30、% >otir ilrrarn vnentiun? Wntchinn wildlife in Krnyn? lion ting down thr Anuian? Sunbatlnng m M.nlnymu#/ Nlw c huiuH xtre cipriiin^ up aII thr tirnr to explore the world. So wr viftit iravrl ngm. curnpftrc p/ickagrei and prices? and pay our money.
Wh know whfl! our vnvAtion rost^ ns. But da wr know 31、 whrt! it m蛾hi cost mohickhic rlnr? It * "w du>t nuny | 32、tr^ umOnK the iwodm in Hngnn ?)fhnt Ipurivts could visit rhe pngodAs.
I niinsni alight hImj ccki the loenl people their livelihood and dignity. Load wurker* often Imct only rneninl jol>5 hi the tourKt industry. And most of ihr profitii do no: help the local economy. Instead* profits return to rhe t 33、our operators tn wealthier countries^ When the Mqasai people in Ttmwnui were dnven from ihnr lands ?、omc moved to riiy slum a Others now make a little money selling souvenirs or posing for photos.
Problems like thenr wrrtt observed more than 20 years ogo. But now some non-govemmenr orRanizorionsi t 34、our operators and IocaI governments arc working together to bcRtn correcting them. Tourist, loo. are pultiug on the preaj#uret
The result is rrsjxjnsiblr tounMn< or "ethic*! lourism^ " Ethical tourisn ha> people ut it< heart. New intvrnationAl agreement? nd codex of conduct cwn hrlp protect ihr peo 35、ple * a Undi? homeA. economies and cultures^ The beginnings are small? thought nnd the problems an? complex.
But take hearts The good news h that everyone? including us enn play a pan to help the local proplr in the plnccs we VHf!. Tour operators anil eompanteH can help by making sure th&t Ideal pe 36、ople work in good conditions and earn reasonnble wages.
They can make it a point to use only locally owned hotelst restaurants and guide .
^rrvicvs They can share profile fairly to help the local economy. And they can involve the local people in planning and mannging tourism.
Wlwi can Tourists do 37、? Fitstf we can ask tour companies io provide infornwrion fl bout the conrlitions ol IomI citixcns. Wc can then mnke our choicer and tell them why. And while wef rr abroad ? we cant
? Huy loml (ood> and products ? not imported ones.
? Pay n (air price fur goods and services anti not burnam for the 38、 39、 aguin^t the number of each of the statements on your Answer Sheet.
2L The writer thinks dream vacations should only be spent abroad^
22. Many dcvclufnng countries now drpend w trnri5Hi (or foreign income,
23. IrOcal people in Mynnmnr were well paid to leave their lands,
2-L Lu匚id people in the 40、tuuriH! industry Ate usually provided with low-paying work<
25. Some Kovrrnmrnt orKam/intionn tour opt-ralarN and local gnvefnrnent> urr working together to begin correcting the problems caused by tounstn#
26. rh< problem?! caused by tuurmm nrc mny to settlce
2/ Thr undcrlirit d phrase wtfike lic 41、nrl* mcatu Hcherr 叩。
2& TouriRtR xhauld respect local cuxiom^ a nd cuhurc.
29 Totirintb could bargain with locnl pcuplr for n rraM>nAblc price.
30. Phr bent titlr fur the article in probably wVaamonn Coat More Than You Thmk:
Part IV Short Answer
Qucsiion% 31—35 art bawd on PiiMsn^e 5.
PaxMiige 42、 5
Scorpio (ktnbcr 2VNovembcr 22
Scorpios nrc clever and mysterious Thry urc able to get through difficult timeji And proiect themselves They will du anything to achieve their goals. While others arc waMting on unless thingst they fire quietly doing their own work, which help, them to get more cX[ 43、M:ricncc.
(icmini May 21-June 21
h MTmfi that nothing i impossible lor Crcmims. Instrxd of waiting for pies, from the fky, ihey try ihrir best to make use of every chance to achieve their goals9 oven if it mturns UitH they Iimvc to work much harder than otherju They will never give up easily in th 44、e fnee of dilfirultirs.
Leo July 23*August 22
Lc?s an just like 1心口七 rncrgrtic nnd independente They nrc good at learning and can do many different job.. BccAunr of their strong 5clf-conhdencct sometimes they can easily cope with clilheuit Mtunrions. They can be good leaders and nuumgem
rhe horn^ 45、cope^ are just for fun. Dont take them 5vnuusly.
Head Pa^ugv 5 und then try to r!v short answers to Questions 31—3S. Write your iin^wers on lhe Answer Sheet.
3L When are (fcrnuu^ born?
32. Why can Leo* cAsily deal with difficult situations sometimes?
3X Whai are Scorpios like?
34. Who won*t g 46、ivr up easily in the face of difficulties?
35< Whm ^uggrKtion dors the passage give us in the end?
Purt 1 (30 points < 3 poinU each >
L In Hamburg.
2. 19 y頃s old.
3. A man (with n long-bladed knife,)
4. Her shouldcrH.
5. Shr would my there (in honpitnl) overnight (or oh5crv 47、nnon.
6. 7. F fi, T 9. F IS T
Part || ( 30 points, 3 points each)
]L B 12. A 13. B U. D 15. B
16. B 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. C
Pari QI ( 20 puinK, 2 p
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