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1、國家開放大學電大??乒芾碛⒄Z22021期末試題及答案(試卷號:3938) 盜傳必究一、交際用語(共計I。分,每小題2分)15贓:選擇正確的增句完成下面對話井將答案序號寫在答題紙上。L - Should 1 leave earlier tomorrow morning?A. Yes. its better to leave earlier to avoid I he morning traffic.B. Yes, you will.G No you shouldnTt.2. How arc you feeling now?A. Much hettenB. lt*s OK.C. Thank you

2、*3. What time does the train leave?A. On Tuesday.B In l he morning.C At hnlf past five.4. Good morning# Sunshine Community Center! May I help you?A Vd like to book one air ticketsBe Iem glad to iniroduce myself to you,C I need a plumber to repair the water pipe in my kitchen.5. Would you mind fillin

3、g tbc questionnaire lor me?A. No problem.B. Surry I can*! go thrreA conidrr both the companybcncfitM iind the employer benefitAaAlthoughB. Even ifC. AnllL Wr think thm Smith should hr told ubciut his contiiiion n Moon nn possible.phyicBe phynicC phynicnlH. We should keep in mine! the Irrdbnek i* ver

4、y helpful for plAnmnK futuremrrtinKs nnd events.A- whutH thntC when12. Im writing toa postition nn n computer rnRinccr in your cornpAny.A. thank forB wait forCrd15. (jiMomrr rcfuMc to filling the |urMionnAirc wre not permitted whatH. whichC. Who16. The music like the singing of a bird.A, hearsB roun

5、dsC listens17. Our workers have been checking the heating system since you called us. 1you it will perform well won.A. argueEL affectQ assure18 the fog wr should have reached the annual meeting site on time.A. Because ofIn spite ofC. But for19. His action is always with his wordsuA. constantconsiste

6、ntC. continuous20. We have toour annual work report to the manager next week.A. hand inB. hand outC. hands up / rrn三讀理佩(共40分,每小BJ 4分)21-25J8:閱讀下列蝴文,從A.1RC三個選瑣中選出一個正確答案.并周答案序號寫在答H蛾上. PassaRc 1Angry customf-rs lend to nim thrir diMMitisfacttcjn and complaints at Maif members 1( this happens to yuiu yo

7、u should remember that they are nctuMlly expreMing their diHsatisfacuon about thr corn|nny find not uhoul you as an indiviclunL But if you wish To be successful in ony bumc5t then you hnve to lcNvvrr argue hark* You must calm and aim to Rntify thr customer even in the most (Idliciilt jtUAtionH. 11 ;

8、、only by agreeing with their virw point /md tiiKgeftUng posmlilr solution thnt you will resolve the situation and send the cuamcr away happy.U ynur “T ihtn your rnouth- Make sure you listen more than you $pcnk you will be nhlc u Mndcr?und why the customer is complnmingt w thnf A/itisfactory steps ca

9、n bt tnken*Show that you core: Ust- evrry opportunity to rxprc your npology and understhnding. You have to、hcw ihm you will do everything within your power to try and resolve the ituatioru Thiii exhibition of your concern v/ill win ihr vuHtorurr ovvr. fhere will be n significant changr in their beha

10、viour.C*ontrl your anger find lit pntirnt Lcnrn t(i rrhin and calm yourftcIL llnving pnticnctj with your i HAtumrt ntid with ycmrself will ku a lung way n winning over huntile cuMornrrBThe nHove gnidrlinc!i nrr very useful In rvrry Nttnation in lifr nn! you can uccchnfully tnckh? hoMtilr cireunistAn

11、erM by following lhcm 1( you follow the ubovr tipn9 you nrr on your w/iy to nurcrcding in your career21. At whom lu nngry cu5tonicrM11. Company mAnnxrrft.( Thor who Mccompany them.22. When o culornrr nhoutB rudrly nt you. you should .At nri(ur Imrk und protect yourrlfH. krep qtnet nnrl leave the cUB

12、tornrr alone keep rnlm And liMrn rnrcfully tn the customer23. The underlined hcntcncr Uac your rnr more than your nioutlf mcan.A. Yuur tnouth in not mure importJint lor you thon yuur rnrnH You nhould litrn more than you speak( You uhould tulk more thnn you listen24. Whrn deMing with un nngry cuutomr

13、r which z N( )1 thr right nttitudf ?A. Be concerned.Be gutni. He urnuncd25. Which of the following MatrnirntM i true According lu the w好?A. When the euatomcra complain* you needrt11 liHten carefully.B. You nt-rdn11 any M)rry to thu*c anwry ruNomm.( You should relax yourself nnd try to undrrnfnnd the

14、 nnury cuMtomcr!*.文內容判斷餡出的演句是否正si .正瑞的的目也七并將答察邛 在答雄上PuMMiKr 2II you Hike the following tept you can rnnke a natinfactory unnual report# And your bo” nnd other supporter!* will be impsacd.Defining y(ur Mccornplihmrtnt Whwi di (It rrncc did you rnnkc? Whin han chntigril in ynur conwnunity or (irhl brr

15、auMr of your work over thr pmt yenr ? I nkr all of your nctivihrji over the lam 12 rnonthu und divide them into three io five major accompliuhmenviuI.crsi)i morei Bn xclrctivr. 1( yon mrludr rvrryibingt the nnnunl report bronirM lutlrrcd with mfornirttioru You Hhould think uhotlt whf you wini! nnd t

16、hen deleft umimh- to reprrRrnt tht nfid highlight key nchirvrnirntH with phoro% or Btudic9 ru*4Adding vihuaIa find charr* VtnunlM nnd chnrts enn reduce the nerd for texts ond let*iiU. And they will ninki* thr report more nttrnclivr. It f * Rrnd if you produt it full color publicniion with |ol Of cou

17、rar# it will depend on your resourcesA tronK call to nd ton)A nf rong call to net ion nt the end of your report will improv ihr rraderje deeply. Mnkv it clear whxt youfcl like your rr/ukrs to du once they rend 11 uch fin cionnlci purchase 5ervicci* rtc.26. Be (orc writing thr report you should gathe

18、r nil the work you have done over the priMl year.27. The contents of thr report should Iw selective.28. The uliorn ?: picture in worth a ihounand wordM in Approprintc here.29. The applicaiion of vimuhIa nnd chart* enn mnkr the report more bonng30. Ending the rcpiirt with a 3iranu call to action will

19、 offrml he readers.四的譯(共計20分,每小題4分)3135:謫從以下A.B、C三個選項中選出是佳IB譯.并將答案序號寫在答18紙上。31. The more larrnliar interviewing (eels to you, the less anxiety you will Rd with the process.A你對面試越熟悉,在面試過程中你的煩慮就會地少.B面試中熟人多.面試it程中你焦慮也會少.C. 你熟悉面試多一點.面試中的麻煩就會少一點.32. Will you be involved in opening the new office?A. 你會加入新

20、辦公室嗎?B. 你會參與開設新辦公室的I:作嗎?C你會彼卷入到新辦公室的工作中嗎?33. When you start a job, you must stick to it.A. 旦你開始了一件工作你就神持之以恒.B. 一旦你開始了一件工作.他就得緊跟莉它“C. 當你開始一件工作的時候.他就得認真做.34. By lhe following week, when hes on his own. he feels he has a pretty good i(le;i of whal he need? io do. and how to go about iua. ri到跟看的那個星期,他-個

21、人的時候,他感到對于自己需孌做什么以及如何開始 itt非常清楚.B-到第二個星期.他一個人的時候,他感到對于自己需要做什么以及如何開始做有了 一個很好的主就C. 到第二個.51期.當他獨立工作的時候.他感到對于自己需要做什么以及如何開始做 非常清楚.35. Having pa:i-ncc with yuur customers and with yourself will ga a long way in winning over hostile customers.A. 對顧客和對自己有耐心將走很長的路才能得生氣的峻客對你工作的支待.B. 對顧客和對自己有耐心將在H得生氣的顧客對你工作的支持

22、方面大有幫助.C. 對瞬客和對白己有耐心將會很難*得生氣的顧客對你工作的支持.試題答案及評分標準(僅供參考)一、交際用語(共計3分,每小睫2分1-5 E:選擇正確的語句完成下面對話.并將答案序號寫在答題紙上G2. A3. Cl.C5.A二. !匯與ttl構(共計3()分.每小IB 2分)6-20 18 :州讀下面的句于,從AJhC三個選項中選出一個嵯填入空白處的正琥選項,并將答案 序號寫在答18紙上。6.B7.A8.B9.C10.CII.B12. C13.AI4.A戚C16. B17. C18.C19. B2OA三、閱讀埋第(共)分,每小BM分)2I-2F. :閱it下列短文,從AJkC三個選項中選出一個正確答案,并將答案序號與在P心121. A 22. C23. B24. C23. C263aBhiW根懈短文內&判斷始出的語句是否正確.正確的的寫FL井將答案酹 在答PuMMiKt 226. T27. T28. T29. F30. E四、1庫(共計2。分,每小1A 4分)3135:博從以下AJRC三個選項中選出最佳Blflh并將答案序號勇在答B(yǎng)8紙上.3U A32. B33k A34. C35. H

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