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1、英語專業(yè)四級英語專業(yè)四級便條寫作方法分析及參考范文便條寫作方法分析及參考范文便條特點便條特點1.構(gòu)件“簡單”:僅有時間、對方稱呼、正文、結(jié)尾客套語和簽名組成。(當(dāng)然如果便條是以集體的名義寫的,則要添加職務(wù)名稱。)2.文體“適中”:便條文體通俗,非正式化,可以使用縮略形式,可以使用簡單句等??梢杂迷~隨意一些,如“Im sorry”或者“many thanks”等。當(dāng)然,如果便條的內(nèi)容中,雙方地位懸殊或者陌生,使用較為正式的文體也是合理的。3.內(nèi)容“凝練”:例如,一個六十多個字的道歉便條,表達的內(nèi)容包括失約,原因,抱歉,再約四個言語行為濃縮在四句話里,平均使用12個詞來表達,非常凝練。4.4.規(guī)矩

2、規(guī)矩“細(xì)微細(xì)微”:i)Date:1.寫便條的日期,如果題目給出,就寫給出的日期,如果沒有給出,就寫參加考試那天的日期。當(dāng)然,沒有必要必須寫出考試當(dāng)天的日期。2.位置:一般寫在便條的右上角。偶爾也有寫在便條的左上角,但是千萬不要學(xué)中文格式,寫在了簽名的下面。3.寫法:年寫在日月的后面。月和日與年之間,通常用逗號隔開。2012年4月21日,通常寫成April 21,2012;April 21st,2012。熟人之間也可以去掉年份。在沒有歧義的情況下,21/4/2012和4/21/2012也可以?;镜氖莾煞N:“月 日(基數(shù)詞),年”如:“Apr.10,2010”或者“日(序數(shù)詞)月年”如“1st

3、Apr.2010”。穩(wěn)妥起見,建議使用第一種,避免序數(shù)詞的疏忽或者誤拼,但要記得日年之間有逗號。月份的寫法,除May之外,可以用簡寫形式。但要注意,六月Jun.和七月Jul.,為避免縮寫的混亂,最好還是寫全稱。ii)Salutation:對有一定社會距離的人,Dear Madam,Dear Sir,Dear Prof.,Dear Mr.Smith,etc.對親近的人,(Dear)Mary/Mom etc.一般以Dear開頭。寫在日期下一兩行處,留出左頁邊空白,頂格寫??荚囶}中出現(xiàn)的收便條人前加上Dear即可,有頭銜時,要加頭銜。例如稱呼Dear Dr.Smith,不能稱Dear Smith。同

4、理,若是Mr.Chen or Mrs.Chen,如果寫做Dear Chen也是不妥的。如為親屬,則可用:Dear Grandpa 或者 Dear Aunt。iii.The body 正文是寫便條人要敘述或談?wù)摰氖虑?。一般是在稱呼下方隔一兩處開始寫正文。正文的首行左邊一般留約5個字母寬的空白。但也可以頂格寫。正文一般只需寫一段,最多兩端。小心字?jǐn)?shù)寫超了。iv.Complimentary close:結(jié)尾客套語 和正文隔開1-2行書寫。位置偏右。后面加逗號。禮貌程度不一。1)致不熟悉的人,宜用較莊重的套語,如Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,Sincerely等。(重

5、點掌握,這幾個是比較放之四海而皆準(zhǔn)的)2)對上級,長者,除了上述的莊重套語外,也可用Yours respectfully,Respectfully yours等。3)對一般朋友或熟人,可以用Yours,。4)對密友則采用較隨便的套語為宜。如:Yours,Love,With love,Best wishes,Best regards,等。5)對親屬可用下列任何一種:Love,With love,All my love,Yours affectionately,Affectionately yours,Lovingly yours,Yours lovingly,Yours loving son,等

6、。但對親人,不宜用Sincerely yours一類的。v.Signature:位于結(jié)尾套語下一行,偏右。若結(jié)尾套語是往左頂格的,那簽名也頂格。如考試無指定名字,考生可隨意簽名。但是不宜用自己的真實姓名。切不可簡單的用XXX來簽名,否則會扣分。vi)標(biāo)點符號:月份星期縮寫后面是句號。日期后面接年份時,用逗號隔開。稱呼后面,一定要有逗號或者冒號。結(jié)尾客套語后面,一定要有逗號。簽名后面一定不能有標(biāo)點。vii)構(gòu)件布局:稱呼,向左靠。時間、結(jié)尾客套語、簽名,向右靠。中心段落的段首空4個字符,兩端對齊。結(jié)尾客套語和簽名不能寫在同一行。viii)字?jǐn)?shù):50-60字。少于40,多于80,扣一分。5.內(nèi)容的

7、要求評閱內(nèi)容分的焦點是關(guān)注內(nèi)容的完整性,即便條中有沒有提及指令語中要求涉及的內(nèi)容。寫便條的原因 要告訴的事情 有關(guān)的希望、建議或要求等6.語言要求:便條的語言要簡單易懂。不用“大詞”。相對來說,對上級、長者、不熟悉的人的語言較為正式,對親朋好友,較為隨意。無論如何,行文中都應(yīng)體現(xiàn)態(tài)度誠懇禮貌。9 Types&Models1.Appointment and Datei)要點:約會的事由,時間和地點,期待回復(fù),感謝。ii)模板:便條日期稱呼:/,Id like to discuss with you 約會的事由.Could we see each other 約會的時間和地點?Please 給予答

8、復(fù) if you find the time/place is not convenient to you.署名 iii)范文實例:SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MINWrite on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:You,as head of the company,are planning to hold a general meeting of the whole staff.You want to make an appointment w

9、ith your colleague,Lynn,to discuss the time and place of the meeting.Write him a note,making an appointment.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.June 11Dear Lynn,Id like to discuss with you when and where the general meeting of the whole staff is to be held.Coul

10、d we see each other at the gate of the auditorium at 3:00 p.m.today?Please ring me if you find the time is not convenient for you.Mary2.Apologyi)要點:說明為某事而道歉;解釋造成過失或不能履約的原因;再次道歉或提出解決方案。ii)模板:便條日期稱呼,Im sorry that 說明為何事而道歉.解釋造成的原因.提 出 解 決 方 案.With many apologies.署 名iii)范文實例:SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MI

11、NWrite on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:You failed to meet your friend,Greece,because you had attended Professor Smiths lecture which lasted longer than you had expected.Write her a note,apologizing to her and explaining why.Marks will be awarded for c

12、ontent,organization,grammar and appropriateness.July 12Dear Greece,Im sorry that I failed to meet you at the gate of the auditorium this morning.Professor Smiths lecture lasted much longer than I expected.I will come over to your apartment at 5 oclock this after-noon if it is convenient for you.With

13、 many apologies.Sincerely yours,Anna3.Invitationi)要點:參加活動的內(nèi)容、時間、地點;有關(guān)注意事項;表示期待對方接受邀請,并表示感謝。ii)模板 便條日期稱呼,We will 活動的內(nèi)容.Would it be possible for you to meet us 地點和時間?We would be very happy if you could be withus.期待對方接受邀請。署 名iii)范文實例:SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MINWrite on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of abou

14、t 50-60 words based on the following situation:You are planning to ask your friend,Li Ming,to join an outing.Write him a note,inviting him to the outing and telling him when and where you will go out and some other details about what you are going to do.Marks will be awarded for content,organization

15、,grammar and appropriateness.July 12Dear Li Ming,As the weather is splendid recently,we will go out to the countryside by bikeand we may take food for the picnic,which we will have at the hillside.Would it be possible for you to meet us at the bus stop at 8 a.m.tomorrow morning?We would be very happ

16、y if you could be with us.Do come and join us.Sincerely yours,Anna4.Requesti)要點:提出請求,說明原因,請求回復(fù)并表示感謝。ii)模板:便條日期稱呼,We(I)are thinking to 說明原因.Would you please 提出請求?Please call me if you 完成請求做的事情.Many thanks.署 名iii)范文實例:SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MINWrite on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words b

17、ased on the following situation:You are the manager of a company and planning to hold a meeting to discuss the problem of electricity shortage of your company.And you want to ask Mr.Lynn to present a presentation on the possible solution of the problem.Write him a note,requesting him to make the pre

18、sentation.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.Sat.Sept.15Dear Mr.Lynn,We are thinking to hold a meeting to discuss the problem of electricity short-tage of our factory on 25 September.Would you please prepare a presentation on the possible solution of the probl

19、em?Please call me if you are ready to maket h e p r e s e n t a t i o n.M a n y t h a n k s.(Sincerely yours,)A n n a5.Gratitude i)要點:對對方提供的幫助、給予的接待或者贈送的禮品表示衷心感謝;說明對方的幫助所起的作用或贈送的禮品非常好;再次表示感謝或問候?qū)Ψ?,并可表示希望回報對方。ii)模板 便條日期稱呼,It was very kind of you to take so much trouble to 指出對方所提供的幫助或給予的接待等.Please acce

20、pt my warmest thanks.I should be very happy to return your 幫助或接待等 and 提出回報對方的方式.Please call me if you 同意我提出回報的方式。署 名iii)范文實例:SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MINWrite on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Your friend,Shanshan,helped you to find the book written by

21、 Xia Xiaohong.Write her a note to show your gratitude and invite her to dinner as return for her help.Do not sign your own name,using“Long Yong”instead.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.Sept.15Dear Shanshan,It was very kind of you to take so much trouble to f

22、ind me the book written by Xia Xiaohong.Please accept my warmest thanks.I should be very happy to return your help and invite you to dinner at my apartment on Sunday.Please call if you come.Yours,Long Yong6.Congratulationi)要點:點名要祝賀的事情;向?qū)Ψ降蕾R;提出表達慶祝的方式,并可再次表示祝賀或良好的祝愿。ii)模板:便條日期稱呼,Hearty congratulation

23、s on 點明要祝賀的事情.向?qū)Ψ降蕾R.Would you like to come to 提出表達慶賀的方式.D o c o m e t o f i n d o u t t h e b i g s u r p r i s e.署 名iii)范文實例:SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MINWrite on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Your friend Larry has just got married.Write him a note to

24、 congratulate him.Do not sign your own name,using“Laura”instead.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.Sept.15Dear Larry,Hearty congratulations on your marriage.Best wishes for a longand happy married life to you both.Would you like to come to dinnerat my apartmen

25、t on Sunday?My husband and I have prepared a specialg i f t f o r y o u.D o c o m e t o f i n d o u t t h e b i g s u r p r i s e.Laura7.Comforti)要點:點明要慰問的事情;安慰對方;表達良好的祝愿。ii)模板:便條日期稱呼,I was sorry to learn that 點明要安慰的事情.I feel you ought not to be unduly distressed at the result.鼓勵的話,安 慰 對 方.My kindes

26、t regards and best wishes.署 名iii)范文實例:SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MINWrite on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Your classmate Lily did not pass a recent examination.Write a note to comfort her.Do not sign your own name,using“Linda”instead.Marks will be awar

27、ded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.April 25Dear Lily,I was sorry to learn that you were not successful in the examination.I feel you ought not to be unduly distressed at the result.You are still eligible to sit again for the examination and Im confident that this time next year

28、,I shall be sending a letter,not of sympathy,but of congratulation.My kindest regards and best wishes.Sincerely yours,Linda8.Leaving a message 留言條i)要點:想要告訴對方的事或要求對方完成的事;向?qū)Ψ奖硎締柡蚧蜃T?。ii)模板:便條日期稱呼,某人 wishes to see you 在某時 to talk about 某事.You are requested to see 在某時、某地見某人.某人 called at 時間 a n d s a i d

29、t h a t 傳 達 打 電 話 的 人 所 述 內(nèi) 容.署 名iii)范文實例:SECTION B NOTE-WRITING 10 MINWrite on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Lynn is your classmate.Professor Wang wished to see her and her mother called at 9:00 a.m.when she was out.Write a note to inform her of the t

30、wo matters.Do not sign your own name,using“Linda”instead.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.Feb.9Dear Lynn,Professor Wang wished to see you this afternoon to talkabout your thesis.Your mother called at 9:00 a.m.and said that she will not be able to come to see

31、 you tomorrow becauses h e h a s t o a t t e n d a m e e t i n g.Linda9.Advertisementi)要點:除了基本的時間、稱呼、結(jié)尾客套語和簽名,要有 指令關(guān)鍵詞:transfer/for sale/offer to buy etc.轉(zhuǎn)讓、求購的原因,如“in order to improve my listening comprehension”;轉(zhuǎn)讓、求購行為,如“I have sth for sale”or“I want to buy a secondhand walkman”;轉(zhuǎn)讓、求購的內(nèi)容,如“a secon

32、dhand walkman”;轉(zhuǎn)讓、求購物品的具體狀況,如“I hope the walkman is in good condition.If it has the function of replying,it would be better.”;轉(zhuǎn)讓、求購的價格商定,如“I can only pay 100 Yuan for it.”iii)范文Directions:大學(xué)畢業(yè)離校前,你想賣掉你的自行車,寫個50-60的便條。要說明自行車的狀況,價錢和你的聯(lián)系方式。A B i k e f o r S a l e Jan.15Dear Schoolmates,Its time for me

33、to leave this lovely university and have to say bye-bye to my lovely bike,which has accompanied me for three years.It is still in sound condition because of my careful maintenance.I will charge it for at least 80 Yuan.Come to have a look if you are interested in it.Call me at 13XXXXXX around 5 p.m.e

34、very day.Yours,George iii)Sample:團委和學(xué)生會聯(lián)合舉辦一個招聘會,請你寫個宣傳海報。N O T I C E Feb.15,2010Dear fellow students,A job fair,advocated and sponsored by Youth Leagueand Students Union,will be held from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m.on this coming Sunday at Yifu Hall.Nearly 50 units including trading companies,publishing houses,and educational institutions will come to the fair.All the senior students are suggested to attend the fair with well-prepared resumes.Catch the chance,and maybe you will find your own position!Youth League&Students Union

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