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1、課例設(shè)計參賽作品層層深入 步步為營Book 3 Module3 Canada “ The True North”教學設(shè)計 甘肅白銀市平川中恒學校 司喜強 2011.4.25層層深入 步步為營 Book 3 Module 3 Canada “ The True North” 教學設(shè)計 甘肅白銀市平川中恒學校 司喜強內(nèi)容簡介:本課內(nèi)容為人民教育出版社出版的New Senior English For China Students Book 3高中教材“必修3(模塊3)”第5單元的Reading 部分。本單元的話題是加拿大李黛予等人在加拿大的旅游經(jīng)歷。通過本節(jié)內(nèi)容的學習,可以使學生初步了解加拿大的一


3、讀方法,獲取信息、整合信息、處理問題,解決問題,并且在對文章充分理解的基礎(chǔ)上,借助語篇排除詞匯、語法障礙,提高語言運用能力。一、語言知識目標1.初步理解、掌握課文中關(guān)于方向及位置的表達法,使用描繪地貌自然現(xiàn)象的詞語做回憶、寫游記、介紹風光。學習分析課文中的長難句子,初步感知課文中的同位語語法現(xiàn)象。2.了解英語游記式記敘文的寫法,能運用已有知識和新學詞語仿寫自己的旅游經(jīng)歷。二、閱讀技能目標1.能獲取和處理文章相關(guān)信息。2 理解文章的主旨大意,分析作者意圖。3.能借助語境排除詞匯、語法障礙,理解語篇意義。三、學習策略目標1.能使用速讀、略讀、查讀、預(yù)測、猜測詞義等閱讀策略。2.能利用圖片、題目及段


5、目的、訓(xùn)練閱讀技巧。教學流程環(huán)節(jié)一 Lead in Activity: Talking about the map of Canada and answering some questionsQuestion 1. If you take a trip to Canada, what do you think you might see there? (The teacher asks the students to look at the map of Canada on page33 or in PPT),Question 2: If you have a chance to take a

6、 long journey across Canada some day, what means of transportation would you like to choose? By plane, by train or by car and why?Question 3: What do you think the writer would choose to travel across Canada in the passage?【設(shè)計意圖】 這個活動可有效地利用教材資源。通過觀看圖片激發(fā)學生學習興趣,進一步接近要學習的內(nèi)容,特別是通過問題3讓學生產(chǎn)生一種閱讀期待預(yù)測,教師可及時地

7、導(dǎo)入本課話題,認識本節(jié)課的總?cè)蝿?wù)。While-reading環(huán)節(jié)二 Predicting for possible informationActivity: Reading the Title and Making Prediction on the Literary Form1. The students read the title Canada“The True North” and discuss the kind of literary form they think the passage can be. And the students may find it a narrati

8、on. The teacher then goes to encourage the students what they may expect to read in a narration.Possible answers:Who/where/What/how2. The students read the first paragraph of the passage and find out the questions about “who, where, what and how”quickly.Answers:WhoLidaiyu and her cousinsWhereCanadaW

9、hatwere on a trip to CanadaHow fly to Vancouver and the take the train from west to east across Canada.【設(shè)計意圖】 通過閱讀文章的題自,判斷文章的文體,根據(jù)文章的文體預(yù)期文體是一種很好的閱讀策略,高中學生在漢語學習過程中接觸到了很多不同的文體知識,英語教學中教師要考慮到學生的認知水平,將其有效遷移到英語學習中。這對于閱讀,乃至寫作能力的培養(yǎng)很有幫助。同時,判斷和預(yù)測能激發(fā)學生的探究動機,使其產(chǎn)生強烈的學習期待心理,這種心理會促使學生帶著濃厚的興趣學習,借助于已有的語篇知識、話題知識儲備,進行

10、判斷、預(yù)測,然后通過交流,討論修正預(yù)測,使思維層層跟進,閱讀步步深入。環(huán)節(jié)三. Skimming the passage and getting general ideas.The students skim the whole passage and complete the following.1) What does the expression” the True North ” refer to?A. the name of north Canada B. the name of a train which crosses Canada from coast to coast. 【B

11、】 2) Which place is the warmest in Canada? A. Toronta B.Vancouver C. Calgary D. Thunder bay 【B】【設(shè)計意圖】Skimming (略讀) 是一種令師生樂此不疲的閱讀方法,在平時的教學過程中,老師不可不強調(diào)它, 考試中,此法更為學生得分之法寶。環(huán)節(jié)四 Skimming for topic sentencesActivity: Reading the text to find the topic sentences or the topic paragraph.Students read the text

12、quickly and silently to find the topic sentence or topic paragraph if the passage has. And the teacher guides the students on how to conclude the main idea of each paragraph:Paragraph One is the topic paragraph of the whole passage: Li Daiyu and her cousins trip across Canada. The teacher should rem

13、ind the students that in the rest part of the reading, the topic sentence and the topic paragraph are not clearly marked, but readers themselves can make a conclusion according to the content. 【設(shè)計意圖】 引導(dǎo)學生快速瀏覽文章,主題句、段重點理解,初步了解文章內(nèi)容。要求學生使用默讀的方式,注意信息處理的層次,關(guān)注主題句、主體段。環(huán)節(jié)五 Scanning for detailsActivity: Read

14、ing the text, focusing on some detailed informationThe students read the text again, based on what they have known of the whole passage, to obtain required specific information. The teacher gives some guidance on how to focus on what is necessary information, and ignore what is unnecessary informati

15、on.And then the teacher asks the students to judge the following sentences and say they are true or false.1) Li Daiyu and her cousin were on a trip to visit their friends. (F)(cousins)2) The reason for their taking the train from west to east was that they could slowly appreciate the scenery along t

16、he way. (T)3) Their friend Danny Lin was a friendly girl. (F) (man)4) It is more than 5,000 kilometers from west to east across Canada. (T)5) Vancouver is a city with mountains around it. (T)6) They set off their journey on an autumn morning. (F) (afternoon)7) Cowboys from all over the country come

17、to join the Stampede. (F) (world)8) All the riders on the Stampede have a gift for riding. (F)(many)9) On the third day, the girls realized that Canada was an empty country. (T)10) The most part of Canadians population is near The USA border. (T)11) Canada is a country with the richest fresh water r

18、ecourses in the world. (T)【設(shè)計意圖】scanning(查讀)是根據(jù)一定的目的去有針對性地搜尋自己想要的信息,直奔所要信息而不關(guān)注其它信息的閱讀方法, 這種方法也叫skipping(跳讀)。這11個問題可依此閱讀方法得以解決。環(huán)節(jié)六 Reorganizing information for further understandingActivity 1: Doing comprehensive exercises to get trained in organizing information, using flexible strategies to reorgan

19、ize information.1) How does the write arrange the narration of paragraph? Is it the writers direct description? (Possible answer: The major information is presented though the mouth of Danny Li. )2) “Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses.” In the sentence, the word “gift” means:A. present

20、B. power C. natural ability D. a thing that is very easy to do or cheap to buy【C】3) “They were back in the urban area.” In the sentence, the word “urban” means:A. connected with a town or city B. connected with countryC. of the outside of a town or city D. of the inside of a town or city【A】4) The wr

21、iter and her cousin went through several beautiful places. According to the passage, the right order of them should be:(the Rocky Mountain Vancouver Calgary Thunder Bay the Great Lake Lake Superior)A. - B. -C. - D. - 【B】【設(shè)計意圖】 在學生對文章閱讀兩遍之后,再讓學生進行這樣的閱讀練習,學生借助前面閱讀和練習建立的對文章的理解,進一步整合信息,這個過程有效地訓(xùn)練著學生推理、對比

22、、總結(jié)、歸納等邏輯思維能力,實現(xiàn)課程標準提出的“著重提高用英語獲取信息、處理信息、分析和解決問題的能力;逐步培養(yǎng)學生用英語進行思維和表達的能力”。這個過程中,學生可繼續(xù)回歸文章,進一步閱讀,歸納整合Activity 2: Making a conclusion on the useful words or expressions of describing directions or location.Possible answers:be on the Atlantic Coastfrom west to east across Canadagoing westwardcross the R

23、ocky Mountainslive within a few hundred kilometerswent through a wheat-growing province sail up the Great Lakesrush across through southwest toward 【設(shè)計意圖】游記類記敘文中有關(guān)方向及位置的表達法是學習的主要目標之一。 環(huán)節(jié)七 Summarize the appositive clauses in the passageThe students mark all the appositive clauses in the passage【設(shè)計意圖】

24、在語境中學習語法,有助于學生建形式和意義的關(guān)系,改變了傳統(tǒng)的脫離語境、孤立學習語法的教學方式,這符合“發(fā)現(xiàn)式”語法教學思路。在這個環(huán)節(jié)中,學生充分體驗學習的過程,感悟知識,促進了自主學習、自我探究能力的培養(yǎng),提高了學習能力。環(huán)節(jié)八 Enjoying beautiful languageActivity :The students work in teams and pick out the well-chosen words and well-organized sentences used by the writer and give reasons why they think they

25、are good.【設(shè)計意圖】 高中一年級學生,已經(jīng)具備了近兩千個單詞的詞匯量和基本的語法水平,英語閱讀不能僅局限于信息的獲取與加工,教師要引導(dǎo)學生學會賞析語言中的優(yōu)美的詞、句,以及高級的修辭方法,并鼓勵學生有意識地運用于聽說讀寫活動以便不斷更新語言,提高英語素養(yǎng)和英語表達水平。環(huán)節(jié)九 Reading for FluencyThe students follow the tape to practice the pronunciation and get enough fluency【設(shè)計意圖】 通常在閱讀課教學中,教師不會采用朗讀的方式,因為閱讀課的是培養(yǎng)學生通過默讀獲取信息,處理信息,較快

26、速地建立讀者與文本的交流。而閱讀后的朗讀往往更指向語音、語調(diào)及其他發(fā)音技巧的訓(xùn)練,并且速度較慢,這不僅可以提高學生朗讀的流利性,而且也可加深對文章的理解。環(huán)節(jié)十 Thinking criticallyActivity: DiscussingThe teacher offers the students two discussing topics. Get them to work in teams and to choose either of the topics. Encourage all of them to voice their opinions, and then choose

27、two teams to report their opinions to the whole class to discuss:1) What do you think a good piece of writing should be like? 2) What should be the ideal relationship between human beings and nature?【設(shè)計意圖】 在學生充分閱讀文章之后,設(shè)計了這個讀后活動。第一個問題是對學生的作文能力的培養(yǎng);通過對問題二的回答,學生要作深度反思,努力構(gòu)建人與自然的和諧關(guān)系,保護環(huán)境,建設(shè)美好家園。環(huán)節(jié)十一Assig

28、nments1. Write a passage, introducing one of your traveling experiences.2. Search on the internet to find same information about how traveling will be like in the20th century.【設(shè)計意圖】 通過課文學習和讀后討論,學生了解了游記式記敘文的寫作特點,積累了一些描述交通和自然風光的詞匯和句子,作業(yè)一提供給學生一個練習的機會,促進學生的知識的再生和運用,有助于培養(yǎng)學生用英語進行思維表達的能力。作業(yè)二要求學生自己主動探究,自主學習

29、的能力??傮w設(shè)計反思本課設(shè)計的最大特點是充分體現(xiàn)了學生的主體地位,教學設(shè)計從學生出發(fā),充分尊重學生的認知特點、年齡特征、心理需求,充分調(diào)動學生的內(nèi)在動機,激活已有學習經(jīng)驗,并以此為生長點,讓學生感知、體驗、生成新的知識。 另一個特點是教學環(huán)節(jié)的設(shè)計層次分明,銜接流暢自然。整個的教學活動分讀前、讀中、讀后3個階段、11個環(huán)節(jié),并且每個階段的設(shè)計思路明確,讀前活動知識的激活和語言準備,讀中活動突出閱讀技能、閱讀策略的訓(xùn)練,讀后活動的應(yīng)用和話題的拓展。整個環(huán)節(jié)的設(shè)計由淺入深,由表及里,層層深人,步步為營。閱讀活動從整體到部分最后回到整體,理解的層次也由讀懂到讀深、讀透。任務(wù)式驅(qū)動閱讀模式的采用也是這節(jié)課的一個特點,教學過程多處體現(xiàn)了猜測、查讀,略讀等技法的使用,從而使閱讀過程成為學生與文本交互對話的過程,因而學生在閱讀中也能始終保持探究的欲望和學習的興致。 2011.4.25 9

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