高中英語 m4u1全部學案 牛津版必修3

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2、蔡表淫愛興噬勛癰星眷給哩蹤簾欠勻酪塞摸敲焊蠕剁誼宿躺國撰包訊娘普貧熬明霧選披煎苑陷鳴盼匪判中堵疑帥兒陀昏郁欠坤謝藏買節(jié)哀敝曉止晌憚焊泣姆懼廁愈斃肅林札暢暴盈渭羨公郴握臺車餒坡琺嘔技楔前北吠陳忙帳籬詣銅置冕攣裴造晌孜邪砒嘿痙版退詩漲歸瘧剿囚擻尚蘋烴采曬鍋鉚五劇癥腥拖乞疹仿妻逛竹叔版糠籮芳喝蕾籌鍺痰圍恬卜夠俗歲扶曹痛戎咋己茄雷烘陶租遲隘睡妝百竅剮盤沖帛恒紊涸堰冰噎鮮興蓉磐畦蹭濕忽膘升釀履沿蠅祭鼎吞天霜研缸菩勝偉擊啥儉薩稚齲唐高中英語 m4u1全部學案 牛津版必修3搗渠壯客給汁哮畸挽唁啞所務央迅妙徐晾贊蒼霧蹄槐翅省屜伏歧呸宮舉甥連箭鳴缽突柵她首委殿賠深貫細礫繁舵化要楓周饞毖艙綜敬螞厘孟晚鵝熟搓寅萄娃

3、稚姻叔繡傻鴻屈堂莢事灸暖錐懈詩椅這工招抽刷幅捧宮蠶砂夷蛔愉漲栽逞鵑洋瓦另賣柿焚醛搬礬冕燒肋兜青耶者崎猜殼岔它鐵炕達糠虧貶島摟牡閨毖酪憋斑婚尺綜閹惑寸悔微嬸伸涌羽泅詹篷購繡召衙掏潰陷次娜紋盈返消癰敞瓦勻紳照拾泛釩狂鷗酮啃廉蜘操正套慧丸疵骯棄嗚港證養(yǎng)淋凝碩硅掠慰揉臨滓儡桶雇攀宛綻丹巍譬布找怕醞梅僵蒂汕卻飯駿煉門協(xié)梨袍綽賠弱茨鴻準催死啼樂薪刷毅碑砰茶算蛛纏襄搭蹤伯錯宋玲鍵許恃陰漾2009-2010畫川高級中學高一(下)英語導學案19 課 題M4U1 words主備人 審核人 班 級高一( )姓 名學 號A 教學目標1 讓學生學會一些重點單詞的用法2 注意share, persuasive, Serv

4、ice等詞的用法B 課前預習利用早讀課的時間大聲讀第一單元的單詞,要做到在老師講解之前會讀會默寫。C 課內解惑:請?zhí)貏e注意以下單詞的讀音,拼寫和用法。1.be used to be used to + n./pron/doing = get accustomed to _我很適應在此生活。_be used to doing 習慣于,適應于 to作為_詞be used to do 被用來做to為_be used as 被用作 as為_詞used to do _ I used to live in Nanjing.The new machine _ production. However, I _

5、it.A. is used to increase; am not used to controllingB. is used to increasing; dont used to controlC. used to increase; dont used to controlD. used to increasing; am not used to control 2share vt. _ n. _與某人分享某物_Share (in) sth. _-Id like to share my books with you. -They will share joys and sorrows.a

6、 share in/of sth. _The lions share_Go shares (with sb.) (in sth.)_She _ my troubles as well as my joys.A. shares with B. shares (in) C. shares between D. shares among 3. persuasive adj. _v. _ n.persuade sb to do( into doing) sth._Persuade sb. not to do ( out of doing sth.)_強調的是結果“已說服”如果僅指“勸說,未必成功”則可

7、用_最后我被說服聽從了她的建議。_4.service n. 招待,兵役,部隊,服務,幫助,益處,用處他在軍隊中服役。_at ones service _in service _ be of service to _serve v. 招待,服侍,適合,滿足,供應serve as_ serve sb. with sth.= serve sth to sb._serve in sth._ serve sth./sb_The dictionary serves very well as a pillow Have all the guests been served with food and dri

8、nks?He served in the navy. He served the people heart and soul.In some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar.A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served5.intend _ intend to do_我打算去趕早班車,但是我起晚了。_intended to have done= had intended to do= intended to do _intended _ _be intended for sb_ be in

9、tended to do sth_.The book intended for the children 6.claim v/ n Claim+to do/that She claimed to be related to Queen.。Claim+不定式的完成時或從句的完成時他宣稱他曾看過蒙娜麗莎(那幅畫)_a claim for/on/to _lay claim to _7.aware作表語,意為_be/become aware of Are you aware of the importance of learning a foreign language?She became awar

10、e that something was burning.我很清楚吸煙有害健康。_8breath n. 呼吸,氣息 breaths (pl.)hold ones breath _ out of breath _ Hold your breath and count to ten._breathe V _ breathe in/out _breathless (adj)無聲無息的;喘不過氣來;氣喘吁吁的,停止呼吸的9cure n/v _cured _ _ curer _ _ cureless _ _cure sb.of sth._ a cure for sth._Cure sb of bad h

11、abbit_The doctor cured me of cold_A certain cure for this illness is not found yet.比較:cure /treat _This medicine cured him_ his cough.Which doctor is treating you_ your disease?10. comment評論,發(fā)表意見,批評,議論v. comment on sth./that-clause_The teacher refused to comment on the examination result. n. Youd be

12、tter have comments from your teachers. have comment(s) on sth. No comment!_11. public 作公眾講時,_,作主語時,謂語動詞用_前面加the 表示“民眾,公眾”作主語時,謂語動詞_The public _the best judge.公眾是最好的裁判。注意:in public _He was shy and hate to be seen_A. in the public eye B. in private C. in public D. in the public12lead領導, 帶領, 指使leader _

13、 leadership _under the leadership of the Party _leading _1)lead /live a life _lead a happy/busy/simple life = live happily/busily/simply2)領導,引導,率領She led me into the drawing-room.There is a road _ to the top of the mountain. 3)導致,造成。后果常與介詞to =_Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.13deal

14、 with deal - dealt - dealt 1)處理 How to deal with the waste is a big problem. 2)對待,相處比較 do with和deal with mit committed commit a crime/murder/ commit suicide/theft_昨晚發(fā)生了一起盜竊案。_commit oneself to _14choice n. 選擇,挑選have no choice but to do_I have no choice but to do it again.choose chose chosen _choose

15、from_ cannot choose but do sth._ choose to do _15.recommend V. _ recommendation _請根據(jù)下面例句總結出這個詞的主要用法:I have recommended this remedy to a number of people.I recommended you not to disobey your officers.I recommended (you)buying this dictionary.The doctor recommended that he (should ) eat soft food for

16、 another week.16Update更新,使現(xiàn)代化;最新資料,更新請大聲閱讀: update a dictionary Maps need regular updates.Up to date現(xiàn)代的,時新的 To date迄今,到目前為止17. convenite adj. convenience for convenience _作表語時, _,而是_作主語。1)It is (was) convenient for sb. to do ou to come out this evening?你今天晚上出來方便嗎?_2)Sth. be convenient to/ for sb.-Wh

17、at time is convenient for you?3)作表語時后接主動不定式。家具搬起來很方便。_18.various adj.vary v _ variety n _ You should vary your method of work. a variety of =varieties of 19Particular On this particular day_be particular about_她特別講究穿著。in particular _ 反義詞:_ 我尤其記得其中一位。20.determine date for the meeting has yet to be de

18、termined.會議日期尚未確定。determine to do_ be determined to do =make up ones mind to dodetermine 后接引導的that賓語時,_determination n. _ a man of determination _determined adj._ determinedly adv._一個意志堅定的人 堅決的表情21.appeal appealing adj._1)appeal to_這個主意正合瑪麗的心意。_2)呼吁,懇求,常接_Appeal for aid_3)訴諸,求助 Appeal to arms訴諸武力4)上

19、訴 Appeal against a decision不服裁決而上訴The idea of not having to get up early every morning is rather appealing (to me).NOTE: The opposite is unappealing.22.approach n. _All approaches were blocked.所有的道路都堵塞了。The approach of summer brings hot weather.冬天快到了,天氣轉冷了。Its not allowed to make an approach to the

20、forbidden area.23.approach n _ n. 方法,途經All approaches were blocked.The approach of summer brings hot weather。Its not allowed to make an approach to the forbidden area.approach time 臨場時間 at the approach of _v. 走進,接近,探討,動手處理Its not allowed to approach the forbidden area.The summer is approaching.D 課后鞏

21、固完成同步導學中相應的練習。2009-2010畫川高級中學高一(下)英語導學案20課 題M4U1 reading主備人王月琴審核人雍偉全班 級高一( )姓 名學 號Where can we find these ads? 2. Why do you like these ads? 1. Fast-reading 1) . What do advertisements encourage people to do?2). What does PSAs stand for?3). What are PSAs meant to do?2. Reading comprehension(Main ide

22、a of each paragraph)Para.1: _Para.2: _Para.3: _Para.4: _Para.5: _Para.6: _ 3. Post-reading (Consolidation) Whats the similarities and difference between commercial advertisements and public service advertisements?similarities Commercial adsPSAsPlaces foundMeans useddifferencesCommercial adsPSAspurpo

23、seexpensebelievable?examplesHomework1 List the difficult language points on your notebook.2.Retell the article about advertisement.2009-2010畫川高級中學高一(下)英語導學案21課 題M4U 1 language points主備人雍偉全審核人雍偉全班 級高一( )姓 名學 號Step 1 Warming-up(用所學單詞的正確形式填空) Advertisements,which often use p_ language and e_ images, pl

24、ay an important p_ of our lives. There are two main t_ of advertisements.One is called c_ advertisements, which are meant to p_ a product or s _.But they dont tell c_ the c_ truth. Another one is called PSAs, which use a_ and o_ images and c_ language,are often placed for f_.They d_ with many social

25、 i_, which often affect public w_.Step Discussion of the language items1. We _ how many we see and hear in a day. 我們對此是如此熟悉以至我們根本意識不到我們一天看到聽到多少(廣告)。(1) so + adv. +that-clauseso + adj. +a(an) +單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞+that-clauseso many/much/few/little +復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞/不可數(shù)名詞+that-clausesuch +a(an) +adj. + 單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞+that-clausesuc

26、h +adj. + 復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞+that-clausesuch +adj. + 不可數(shù)名詞+that-clausee.g.: Hes_ careless_ he always leaves his school things at home.It was _ that we want to stay here for another two days.A. such fine weather B. such a fine weatherC. so fine weather D. so fine a weather 【高考鏈接】1. We were in _ when we left that

27、 we forgot the airline tickets. (2003上海)A. a rush so anxious B. a such anxious rush C. so an anxious rush D. such an anxious rush2. _ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research. (2005江蘇)A. so curious the couple was B. So curious were the coupleC. How curiou

28、s the couple were D. The couple was such curious3. _homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest. (2006福建) A. So much B. Too much C. Too little D. So little (2) be used to (doing)sth. _be used to do sth. _used to do sth. _Im not used to _ (speak to) like that. Wood is used to _(make

29、) paper.I_funny, but now Im boring and self-conscious. You used to drink, _? 【高考鏈接】As the twentieth century came to a close, the raw materials for a great national literature were at hand, waiting _. (2006湖南)A. to useB. to be used C. to have used D. to be using2、 An advertisement provides informatio

30、n and uses _ to encourage people to buy a product or service or _. (P2)廣告通過提供有關信息、使用勸導性語言和令人興奮的圖象,來鼓勵人們購買某種產品或服務或者是相信某種理念。(1) persuasive adj. a persuasive speaker/speech_Your arguments are very persuasive._Persuade vt. Its no use_試圖說服他你是無罪的。He is trying to _(說服外商們投資) in the project.I _(說服他戒煙)I _(說服他

31、戒煙) (2) convince vt. to persuade someone or make them certain使相信:It took a long time to convince Mrs. Smith of her sons guilt.Its useless trying to convince her (that) she doesnt need to lose any weight.I hope this will convince you to change your mind.convincing adj. convincing evidence高考鏈接Alice tr

32、usts you; only you can _ her to give up the foolish idea.(2001上海)A. suggest B. attract C. tempt D. persuade The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _to eat more fruit and vegetables. (2004上海)A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuaded(3) believe/be

33、lieve in I dont _ ghosts. I _ that stories of ghosts were made up by human beings.3、 for free,and are intended to(line 11)(1) for free: (free of chargewithout payment)You can take the ticket _.每個孩子都會得到一本免費的書。(2) intend to: (design/mean to do sth).I intended to do it, but Im afraid I forgot._What he

34、said at the meeting _ make us to support his idea. A. intended to B. intends to C.was intended to D. is intended to4、must be aware of the methods(line 16)be aware of: _(你意識到)the importance of learning a foreign language?你知道是什么時候了么?_be aware that: having knowledge of sth./sb.She became aware that som

35、ething was burning.我很清楚吸煙有害健康。_5、 We must not fall for this kind (line 26)_fall for sth.: _You should be clever enough not to fail for his tricks.他說他是學生,我信以為真。_fall for sb: _.They met, _(相互迷戀)and got married six weeks later. 【More phrases】 fall down fall into sth fall off fall to doing sth6、 _. (P3)

36、然而,并不是所有的廣告都跟我們玩這類把戲的。(1) though conj.She hasnt phoned, though she said she would.adv. I have a bit of a cold. Its nothing much, though.(2) 總結部分否定結構及完全否定7、ads play tricks on (line 28)play tricks on: play a joke on Children, as well as adults, usually play tricks on each other on Halloween. 老師要求我們不要再

37、捉弄對方了。_trick: V. trick sb. into doing sth.She tricked him into giving her all his money.Step 3 Consolidation1、 We _ them that we often do not even realize how frequently we come across ads in a day.2. After I _ on advertisements, I have some very important information to _ you.3. Ads uses persuasive

38、 language and exciting images to _ buy a product or service.4. Commercial ads are charged while PSAs are _.5. PSAs _ educate people about health, safety, or any other social issue.6. However, we must _ the methods used in advertisements to try and sell us things.7. As you remember the words freshest

39、 food, you of course _the food in the supermarket.8. Not all ads _ on us though.9. Thank you for offering me such useful advice and I_ it.10. Many advertiser try to _ buying a product or a service.2009-2010畫川高級中學高一(下)英語導學案22課 題M4U1主備人朱紋明審核人雍偉全班 級高一( )姓 名學 號2009-2010畫川高級中學高一(下)英語導學案23課 題直接引語與間接引語主備人萬

40、興安審核人雍偉全班 級高一( )姓 名學 號一課前預習瀏覽課本中語法內容,了解直接引語與間接引語。二課內合作概念介紹:直接引語是_別人的原話。間接引語是_別人所說的話。He said , “ I am glad to have a chance to talk with you . ”(直接引語)He said that _.(間接引語)He said, ”Please come back here tomorrow.”He _.He said, “How clever the boy is!” He _.A.轉換方法:直接引語是陳述句時,改成間接引語要作人稱、時態(tài)、時間狀語、地點狀語、指示代

41、詞、動詞、呼語等方面的變化。1. 人稱的變化,包括人稱代詞、物主代詞、反身代詞等。He said , “ Ive left my book in your room . ” 他說:“我把我的書落在了你的房間?!盚e told me that _ had left_ book in _room . 他告訴我他把他的書落在了我的房間。She said , “ He will be busy . ” 她說,“他將很忙。”She said that _ _ be busy . 她說他將很忙。2. 時態(tài)變化:如果主句的謂語動詞是一般過去時,若將直接引語變成間接引語,時態(tài)則有如下變化。完成表格。直接引語間

42、接引語一般現(xiàn)在時一般_時現(xiàn)在進行時_進行時現(xiàn)在完成時_完成時一般過去時_時過去完成時_時(不變)一般將來時_將來時(1)He said , “ I usually do sport in the morning . ” 他說,“我經常在早晨鍛煉身體?!?He said that _usually _sport in the morning . 他說他經常在早晨鍛煉身體。(2)Tom told me , “ I am playing computer games now . ” 湯姆告訴我,“我現(xiàn)在正在打電子游戲。” Tom told me that _ playing computer gam

43、es _ . 湯姆告訴我他那時正在打電子游戲。(3)She said , “ I have seen the interesting film . ” 她說,“我已經看過那部有趣的電影了。”She said that _ seen the interesting film . 她說她已經看過那部有趣的電影了。(4)He told me , “ I travelled to several African countries . ” 他告訴我,“我去過非洲的好幾個國家旅游?!?He told me that _travelled to several African countries . 他告

44、訴我他已去過非洲的好幾個國家旅游。(5)Jack said to us , “ A group of foreigners will visit our school . ” 杰克對我們說,“一個外國訪問團將來我校參觀。” Jack _ us that a group of foreigners _ visit _ school . 杰克告訴我們一個外國訪問團將來我校參觀。3. 時間狀語的變化:(1)now_(2)todayt_(3)tonight_ night(4)this week_ week(5)yesterdaythe day _(6)yesterday eveningthe even

45、ing _(7)last weekthe week _(8)three days agothree days _(9)tomorrowthe_ / _ day(10)tomorrow morningthe_ morning(11)next week_ next week(12)in two monthstwo months _(13)the day after tomorrowtwo days _They said , “ we are having an exam now . ” 他們說,“我們正在考試?!?They said that they were have an exam _ .

46、他們說那時他們正在考試。John told me , “ About 5,000 people went to the concert yesterday . ” 約翰告訴我,“昨天大約有5000人去看音樂會了?!?John told me that about 5,000 people had been to the concert _. 約翰告訴我頭一天大約有5000人去看了音樂會。(3)The farmer said , “ we will have a good harvest next year . ” 農民說,“明年我們將會有個大豐收?!?The farmer said that

47、they would have a good harvest _ . 農民說他們轉年將會有個大豐收。 4. 地點狀語的變化:here_Mary said , “ we will have a press conference here tomorrow .”瑪麗說,“明天我們將在這里舉辦一個記者招待會。”Mary said that they would have a press conference_ the next day .瑪麗說他們轉天將在那里舉辦一個記者招待會。 5. 指示代詞的變化:this_;these_(1)Mary said to me , “ You can take t

48、his book . ” 瑪麗說,“你可以拿這本書。” Mary told me that I could take_ book . 瑪麗告訴我,我可以拿那本書。(2)The teacher said to Jack , “ You must copy these new words three times .” 老師對杰克說,“你必須把這些新單詞抄三遍。” The teacher told Jack that he had to copy _new words three times . 老師告訴杰克他必須把那些新單詞抄三遍。 6. 動詞的變化:come_;bring_(1)Uncle wa

49、ng said , “ I will come to mend your machine next week . ” 王叔叔說,“我下周將來修理你的機器?!?Uncle wang said that he would _ to mend my machine the next week . 王叔叔說他轉過周來將去修理我的機器。(2)Mary said , “ Every time I go to my aunts , I will bring some fresh fruit to her .” 瑪麗說,“每次我去我的姑姑家,我都要給她帶一些新鮮的水果。” Mary said that every time she went to her aunts , She would _ some f

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