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1、宿遷現(xiàn)代實驗學校六年級英語教案 自主學習 快樂成長教學內(nèi)容Unit 1 The kings new clothes(第一課時)教學目標1. 學習單詞和詞組:rich, clothes, king, clever, foolish, light, soft, beautiful, wearing, 理解意思,能聽懂,能讀熟。2. 初步感知句型: can 能聽懂,會讀,會說。3. 能正確理解故事內(nèi)容,有感情地朗讀故事。4. 讓學生體驗故事表演的快樂,明白為人要誠實,待人要真誠。教學重難點(1) 正確朗讀與理解單詞clothes, foolish, wearing,clever,magic,poin

2、t at,shout等。(2)在正確理解故事的基礎上,有感情地朗讀、表演故事內(nèi)容。教學過程教學過程Step 1 Pre-reading1. 出示國王的圖片。T: Who is he? (the king)(teach “king”)T: The king is very powerful and he has a lot of money.Hes rich. (teach “rich”)Step2 While-reading1. Listen and read to learn “beautiful”, “clothes”T: What does the king like? 引導Ss: He

3、 likes new clothes. (teach “clothes”)T: Look at the clothes. How nice! They are beautiful! (teach “beautiful”)2. Talk about the background3. Paragraph 1:1) Look and learnT: Im the king. I am very rich. I like new clothes very much! (PPT: mirror) Mirror, mirror, are my clothes beautiful?Mirror: I don

4、t think so! T: Who can make new clothes for me?4. Paragraph 2 1) Read and underline T: Who can make new clothes for him? T: Why ? Please read and underline. (學生自讀)引導Ss: Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people cant see them. (學生自讀,教師學生互動表演)5. Paragraph 3 T: What kind of clothes are they? T:

5、 They are soft and light. (teach “soft”體驗感知, “l(fā)ight”手勢感知)教師示范朗讀兩個騙子的話語,引導學生有感情地朗讀。三個學生為一組,進行操練朗讀。6. Paragraph 4&51) Learn the textT: The king is going to show his new clothes to other people. What do they think of the clothes?(出示人群和男孩的圖片) T: (拿出人群的圖片) What do they think?(They are beautiful!)Do all t

6、he people think they are beautiful? (No)Then who? (The boy.)What does he say? (出示圖片5,文字)(引導學生朗讀文本)(teach “wearing”)2) 一位學生扮演國王巡演,引導其他學生朗讀圖4&5。Step3 Post-reading1. Talk about the charactersKing: rich, foolish Two men: clever, bad Other people: foolish Boy: honest2. Read the story. 3. Act the story4.

7、A trick 拿出另一個盒子,但盒子里什么也沒有。T:Can you see some clothes? (Yes/No.)T: Remember! Clever people can see the clothes.Foolish people cant see them! Can yousee them? T: Remember! Be honest! Be yourself!Step4 Homework1. Design an ending for the story. The king is back home,2. Read more English stories from th

8、e bookshops and the internet.教學內(nèi)容Unit 1 The kings new clothes(第二課時)教學目標1.學生能掌握動詞過去式的規(guī)則。2.學生能運用一般過去時進行對話和表演。3.學生能試著談論過去的經(jīng)歷。教學重難點(1)Long long ago, there was. (2) There were a lot of . (3)過去時態(tài)的句子教學過程教學過程 Step 1 Revision1. Revise the words and phrase clever, foolish, laugh, point at, shout. Pay attentio

9、n to the spelling.2. T: Last class we learnt a story about a king and his new clothes. Look at the boy. He pointed at the king and laughed. Why? S: Because the king wasnt wearing any clothes. T: Yes. The king was foolish. Do you like the story? Lets read the whole story together.Step 2 Grammar time1

10、.T: From the story we know Longlongago, there was a king. The king liked new clothes. Who can read the words and sentences like this.教師示范朗讀,糾正發(fā)音,學生練習讀。板書is-was, like- liked。2.T: Lets read the following sentences in groups. Divide the class into groups of four. They should read the sentences loudly.

11、呈現(xiàn)Grammar time中的句子,讓學生在小組里讀一讀。3. Underline the words was, were, visited, liked, looked, pointed shouted, laughed.劃出句中的動詞過去式。4. Let the students try to read these words correctly. They may help to each other. Then later the teacher help.學生組內(nèi)朗讀,互相糾正讀音。教師幫助。5. 組內(nèi)討論并總結(jié)動詞過去式的發(fā)音規(guī)則即變化形式。6. Report. 小組代表發(fā)言總結(jié)

12、。7. 教師總結(jié)。1)一般過去時表示過去某個時間發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),常和表示過去的時間狀語連用。一般過去時也表示過去經(jīng)?;蚍磸桶l(fā)生的動作。引導學生找出句子中的時間標志語,并板書。 long longago, one day。補充:yesterday, last night, three days ago。2)Be動詞在一般過去時中的變化:am 和is在一般過去時中變?yōu)閣as。are在一般過去時中變?yōu)閣ere。3)動詞過去式變化規(guī)則:1一般在動詞末尾加-ed,如:point-pointed, shout-shouted2以不發(fā)音的e結(jié)尾加-d,如:like-liked live-lived4

13、) 過去式“-ed”的發(fā)音規(guī)則(1)動詞詞尾為“t,d”時,發(fā)/ id /音, want wanted (要)need needed (需要)(2)動詞詞尾為清輔音時,發(fā)/ t / 音。help helped (幫助)laugh laughed (笑)look looked (看)kiss kissed (吻)wash washed (洗)watch watched (注視)(3)動詞詞尾為t,d以外之濁輔音或元音時,發(fā)/ d /音。call called (叫)staystayed(停留)crycried(哭)8. 練一練。呈現(xiàn)紫色部分的動詞及其過去式。讓學生在組內(nèi)讀一讀并互相糾正發(fā)音。9.

14、 Practice. 通過寫出單詞過去式和用動詞的適當形式填空的練習復習鞏固所學一般過去時。Step 3 Fun time1. 教師通過課文圖片的展示,引導學生以King 和Man1,Man2等的口氣進行對話。教師可先與一名學生做示范。2. Pair work.組織學生兩人一組進行對話練習。3. Get the pairs to act the dialogues. Ask two or three pairs to present it to the class.Step 4ConsolidationT: Now boys and girls, you can read and act th

15、e story. Lets try to write the story, OK? 1. Look and say Show the pictures of the story to the Ss. And give the key words. Help the Ss tell the story. Pic.1 Log long ago, there was He liked One day visited The king was Pic.2 The two men showed Clever people Foolish people Pic.3 The king walked thro

16、ugh There were They looked at shouted Pic.4 A little boy pointed laughed 教師示范第一幅圖。在此過程中,提醒并幫助學生用準確語言流暢地表達。2. Choose one picture to write. 選擇一幅圖寫一寫?!景鍟O計】 Unit one The kings new clothes date.am- was is was are-werelaugh laughed point pointed like- likedlive- lived look liked shout shoutedshow showed

17、walk walked教學反思教學內(nèi)容Unit 1 The kings new clothes(第三課時)教學目標1. 能正確讀出字母組合ar發(fā)音,并能夠體會小詩的韻腳。2. 能正確理解、朗讀Cartoon time中的故事,能讀懂其中的趣味之處,能在教師的指導下表演故事。3.了解美國牛仔和蘇格蘭等外國服飾文化,并能用英語做簡單的介紹。教學重難點1.通過朗讀,體會字母組合ar的發(fā)音規(guī)律和小詩的韻腳。2.通過趣味卡通故事,幫助學生強化語言知識,訓練語言技能,著重培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀理解能力。教學過程教學過程 Step 1. Review1. Free talk: What is the boy wea

18、ring today? What is the girl wearing today?What do you think of his/her clothes? Do you want to be a king?2. Who can retell the story? (利用圖片提示來復述) ( The king liked .Two men wanted to make new clothes for the king. The king was .The men showed the king his new clothes.The king walked through the city

19、 in his new clothes. A lot of people looked at the king and_. But one little boy pointed at the king. He _and said: The king isnt wearing any clothes.) (學生在描述中因為個別差異可能有難度,可用填空的形式給學生簡單的提示,比較優(yōu)秀的學生要求不要看,盡量用自己的話復述故事的主要內(nèi)容。)(此部分也可以用Say and act的形式來復習)Step 2. Listen and say(Sound time) 1.Look at the picture

20、. Who is he? He is Mike. What did he get? He got a card from Mark.What did the card say? It said: Come to my party at half past four in the park.2.Could you try to say something about the picture?Mike got a card from Mark. The card said: Come to my party at half past four in the park.3.Try to listen

21、 and repeat. (ar:arm, card, hard, park, party)4.Can you find some other words? (farm,start,cartoon.)(教師鼓勵學生自主歸納整理出更多的單詞,the more the better)Step 3 Look and match(Culture time)1.Who is he?圖片An American cowboyA Scottish man2.What is the American cowboy wearing?He is wearing jeans. (教師對jeans做些介紹)3.What

22、 is the Scottish man wearing?He is wearing a kilt. (教師對kilt做些介紹)(Cowboy, Scottish和kilt是新單詞,學生朗讀和理解有一定難點,可以先讓課前預習好的同學說說,教師再適當補充,了解異域文化與中國文化之間的區(qū)別。)4.Do you know them? What are they wearing? (文化知識拓展)The Chinese woman The Japanese woman is wearing a chi-pao is wearing a kimono.Step 4 Look and say.(Carto

23、on time)1.Talk about the picture.(設置問題,引導閱讀)1)What are Miss Fox and her students doing?2)What does each student need to do?3)Who says the first /second/third sentence of the story?4)Why do they have to start the story again?2. Explain the new words (each,sentence,think,hard)(要求學生根據(jù)上下文語境理解生詞)3. Lets

24、read and try to remember.4.Try to say. (學生以小組為單位,分角色表演)We tell the story. Each student says one sentence.Who starts?(Long long ago, there was a mountain.)Who says the next sentence? (There was a house on the mountain.)Whats next? (An old man and a little boy lived in the house.)Whats next? (The old

25、man told the boy a story.)Whose turn?It is Mikes turn. Oh, he is thinking hard.Whats next?(Long long ago,We have to start the story again.)5.Tell a new story.(組織學生完成P15 Circle and say,并模仿Cartoon time部分的內(nèi)容接龍編創(chuàng)故事,以小組為單位進行)Step 5 Homework1.Read, recite and act out Cartoon time.2. Recite the key words,

26、phrases and sentences of Cartoon time.【板書設計】Unit 1 The kings new clothesLong long ago, there was a mountain.There was a house on the mountain.An old man and a little boy lived in the house.The old man told the boy a story.教學內(nèi)容Unit 1 The kings new clothes(第四課時)教學目標1. 復習與鞏固前三課時所學單詞、句型和日常用語。2. 熟練掌握一般過去

27、式相關語法知識,并能正確運用。3.加強語言輸出的訓練,促進綜合語言運用能力的提升。4.讓學生體驗故事表演的快樂,明白為人要誠實,待人要真誠.教學重難點1. 復習與鞏固前三課時所學單詞、句型和日常用語。2. 熟練掌握一般過去式相關語法知識,并能正確運用。3. 加強語言輸出的訓練,促進綜合語言運用能力的提升。教學過程教學過程 Step1Learning aims(1分鐘)1. 按要求掌握本單元單詞、句型和日常用語。2. 理解過去式的用法,掌握單詞的正確讀音并能正確運用。3. 能夠在表演和復述故事的過程中體會語言的運用。4. 掌握字母組合“ar”的發(fā)音規(guī)則。5通過Checkout time以及Tic

28、king time的學習來評價自己本單元的學習情況。Step2Presentation(16分鐘)Task1:Review Story time小組內(nèi)嘗試復述故事。Task2:Review Cartoon time1Act out Cartoon time. 2. Finish some exercise about past tense Task3:Checkout timeA: Read and write1. 學生根據(jù)圖片內(nèi)容回答,并學習新詞forest, angry, pick, turn into, prince2. Try to finish the story3. 組內(nèi)討論并校對

29、訂正。4. Read the story in groupsStep3Practice(6分鐘)B: Circle and say1. 完成書本練習。2. Prepare your own story and tell your story in groups.Step4Production(6分鐘)1小組合作完成Ticking time Step5Checkout(10分鐘)課課練相應內(nèi)容。Step6Homework(1分鐘)明確作業(yè)要求。教學反思教學內(nèi)容Unit 1 The kings new clothes(第五課時)教學目標1.熟練掌握本單元單詞、句型和日常用語。2.理解過去式的用法,

30、掌握單詞的正確讀音并能正確運用。3.掌握字母組合“ar”的發(fā)音規(guī)則。4能熟練完成相應的練習,提高學生的答題能力。教學重難點1.考查學生對本單元詞匯和句型的運用。2.考查學生對一般過去時的使用情況。教學過程教學過程 Unit1 單元練習聽力部分(30分)一、 聽錄音,選擇你所聽到的單詞或詞組。(10分)1. ( ) A. clean B. clever C. class D. classroom2. ( ) A. king B. boy C. people D. man3. ( ) A. liked B. visited C. showed D. walked4. ( ) A. jacket B

31、. wear C. kilt D. jeans5. ( ) A. short B. long C. ago D. got6. ( ) A. happy B. new C. old D. make7. ( ) A. laugh B. foolish C. cry D. shout8. ( ) A. new clothes B. magic clothes C. make clothes D. like clothes9. ( ) A. try on B. point to C. shout at D. look at10( ) A. looked B. lived C. liked D. lau

32、ghed二、 給下列所聽到的句子排序。(5分)1. ( ) All the people said:“ What beautiful clothes!”2. ( ) He likes new clothes.3. ( ) But a boy laughed:“The king isnt wearing any clothes.”4. ( ) The two men made the new clothes for the king.5. ( ) Long long ago , there was a king.三、根據(jù)所聽到問句選擇合適的答句。(5分)1. ( ) A. Yes, there

33、wasnt B. No. there was. C. Yes, there was.2. ( ) A. Yes, I am B. Oh yes,They fit well.C. No, I dont.3. ( ) A. We like English and Chinese. B. I dont like Art. C. I like toy monkeys.4. ( ) A. Do you like spring? B. M e too. C.I dont like spring.5. ( ) A. No, I dont. B. Yes, there were. C. No, there a

34、re.四、聽錄音,完成下列短文。(10分)One Mr. and Mrs. White went shopping by car. They stopped their car near a store. They bought a lot of and they to put the things in the car. But Mr. White open the door of the car, so they a to help them. The policeman is very to help them. Just then a man came up and : “What a

35、re you with my car?” 筆試部分(70分)一、 單詞辨音,判斷讀音是否相同,相同的打“ ” ,不同的打“”(8分)1long point ( ) 2. laugh afternoon ( )3. arm art ( ) 4. start hard ( )5. flower show ( ) 6. shout house ( )7. through foolish( ) 8. try party ( )二、 詞組翻譯(10分)1.皇帝的新裝 2. 很久以前 3. 一天 4. 給國王看他的新衣服 5.試穿這些有魔力的衣服 6. 聰明人 7.走過這個城市 8.在街上 9.一個小男孩

36、 10. 指著 用適當形式填空(8分)1. He lived in the new house. He _ (be) happy . 2. The king isnt wearing _ (some) clothes.3. The _ (man) like drinking_(some) milk.4. One day, they _ (be ) at school. They walked through the playground.5. He _(look ) at the pictures and _(laugh) two days ago.6、Long long ago, the o

37、ld man _(tell) the boy this story 三、 句子翻譯(24分)1.很久以前,有一個國王。他喜歡新衣服。_ _ _, there _ a king. He _ new _.2.國王什么衣服也沒穿。The king isnt _ _ clothes.3.一天,兩個男人拜訪了國王。One day, two_ _ the king.4.愚蠢的人看不見它們._ _ cant see _.5.大街上有許多人。(過去時)There _ a lot of _ in the _.6.每位學生說一個句子。_ _ says one _.7.輪到你了。Its _ _.8.我們只能重新開始

38、這個故事。We _ _ start the story _四、 按要求改句子。(10分)1. There was a king.(改成一般疑問句)2. We can make new clothes for you. (改成一般疑問句)3. The two men showed the king his new clothes.(同義句)4. city 、the 、king、walked、the、in、clothes、through、his(連詞成句) _.5. are、a、Miss、her、playing、students、Fox、and、game(連詞成句)_.五、 閱讀理解(10分)(A

39、)Hello, I am Chen Jie. I had a nice Sunday. The weather was fine. In the morning, I watched TV with my sister. Then I helped my mother wash clothes and clean the room. In the afternoon, I went to my friend Ma Lis home. It was her birthday. There were eight children there. We sang, danced, ate good f

40、ood and took many cool pictures. Everybody was very happy. ( ) 1.What day was it? A. It was Sunday. B. It was Saturday.( ) 2.Whats the weather like?A. It was rainy. B. It was fine.( ) 3.What did Chen Jie do in the morning? A. She watched TV. B. She read a book. ( ) 4. Today was _birthday. A. Chen Jies B. Ma Lis( ) 5.How many children were there? A. There were eight. B. There were seven.教學反思12自主探究 合作交流 主備人:高卓敏

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