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1、國家開放大學(xué)電大本科商務(wù)英語32021期末試題及答案(試卷號:1380)交際用語(共計S2分)1-5超:選擇正確的塔句完成下列對話,井將答案序號寫在答題紙上.L Good morning. Madam?Good morning! 1 need a check to send to my publisher tn New York.A. What can ! do for you.B. What do you want to buy.C. Why do you come here.2. Thank you. I must say I have a great staff.A. I f d lik

2、e you to meet Joe Stcvcns Ik f s our sales team hwd. The Sales Ideportment hast more thnn 50 employees.Ik Please allow tne to introduce my colleague to you. She is the Purchasing ManagerC. It * s n pleasure to meet you. Bcn So youre the one responMble for thosr outstanding salc figures P ve seen.3.

3、What can I do for you. Madam?A. Youe 1 better remit 500 yuan in cash to my son in Beijing University.Be Id like to remit SOO yuan in cash to my son in Beijing University.C. Id rothcr rrmit 500 yuan in cash to my son in Beijing University.4. What nbuut the commission?A. hs a general practice everywhe

4、re else.B. Of course# Id give you our lowest quotation.C. Vm afrmri you have to tell me how large your order is going tu be.5. And could you give me your signature here?A ()h I don91 hove my signature with me today.Be Sorry? 1rn afraid I didnt quite catch thatC. What do yiu think of my handwriting?二

5、, 詢匯皓法(共計30分,每小J 2分)620 |:1讀下面的句子,從三個選頊中選出一個能境入空白處的佳選項,并將香 案序號寫在答紙上6. Whrthcr you leave (own for a dny or for n week, hnving nonirthinR fun you will exnfe you and dtimuhte energy.A. hvr been looking forward to B will look forwnrd w(: are going to look forward W7. The majority of your body is wairr.

6、If you donft hydnuj youre going 10 feel tired.A. marie up ofB. muck ofC. m*de from8. They tmc the money to buy the materia!* they need to make their product they then sell.A, whotB. thutC. which9. There in the Plnnnintf Department Chow Fung is lhai.A. on a charge ofB. in charge ofC. under charRc of1

7、0. Online banking developed in the late 1990s and grew more popular over the years since it cah make onefs (inJincinl life much to ninnnge.A be easyB. eaaierV. cusyIL Mr. TonAka him subiribcd Jin English lunguage magname from the sales person tries to build trust with connumers by recommending n pro

8、duct a nd letting the consumers their own decisions.A. mnkeB, to makeC making13. hicAlly b negotiation should be h win-win situntion so both you and your customer will probably hiive to on Nome points*A. give tnB. give outC. give overLI. I rlcphane selling may use the Mlenpeoplr S time of uon the ro

9、adH more but * face-to (cc meeting is more effect!veA promotionwllyB, progrrssivelyC. productively15. I think n bu?i stop ndvertinrmcrn is a very wise choice to our productsA. Inunch B. promotecnTnpnign16. You with the rupicl economic growth nowndnys in Chinn the logistccn industry grrtlytA hn extrn

10、ctrdB. is io explodeC. 1, expanding17- We work closely every Urge airline like Air China, Air France and American Airlines.A withB. toC, in18. You enn apply for an AUSkcy. which means you can online with ua nndupdate your detaih online.A. transferB. transactC. transport19. 1 d like 75 unila by the e

11、nd uf the month. Could I get an before placing an order?A,commerceB, evaluationl estimate20. I usu/illy get a commzjucHi of about 6% for the imports. Its a general everywhere clse it is critical to give each employee an entire task to complete. If that f s not possible make sure the individual knows

12、 and understands hss or her pan as it relates to the project or task. When people in your team know where they fit in the big picture# theyfre morr likely to be motivated to completr the task.Following that, we have the directing style. Sometimes n ituflt:on will cn for a direct Atyle of mnnagementa

13、 Perhaps a tight deadline looms or the project involves numerous employees and requires a top-down management approach. Hcrct a manager nwers five questions for the employees: What? Where? How? Why? and When? Let employees know what they need to do. how theyfre going to do iG and when the questions

14、mut be finished.The last one is the teamwork style If you want to speed up a project and choose the best process for completing that project. managing by teamwork is the way to go. When you rnotivnte people to pool their knowledge the results may exceed your cxpecianons. O*n tcam$ can tackle problem

15、s more quickly than what you can accomplish on your own. ThuKivr-nn chnngr bmiUM the avnilnblr r ourev hnvr chnnnvcl24. When people in your trnrn know where they fit in the big pidurre thry arr morelikely to beto cornplrlc I hr lnsk(5) Paying accidental dividends( Every time a cor|onition owner tkes

16、 money out of his buMinc5e it counts as a dividends That can lend to a bigger persoruil income*tax bilk(6) Not keeping pcrMnl finnnees neparntr from biinincsj Mixing up btiMDrsn nd personal money can cau?ir hookkrrpm nnd Icgol problems(7) Setting prices too lowi Know your comm before you net product

17、 or service pricrAt or you run the rink n( losing money on every Mile. A simple break even HHAlysis enn help you sc( cretin Milo your company nmy have no ca&h nt hnnd.2& Il is recommended not to pay bills too Aoon29. BunincM money and pcrnanal money enn br mixed up.30. Try your b函 tu tindcruund your

18、 coms hrlorc you sei prices for yowr products or services四、寫作(一篇作文,共29分)31. 根批要未寫作文Suppose you are Henry. momht you boiiftht a Cnnon chgifnl rnniera from JIX com anrl found that the len didnt wotk properly. You nskvd lor a new one and found fh/i thrre were some scratches on the screen when rhe new c

19、nnwni arrived. You nrc writinK to cnmplain nboul it i describe the problems clcarlyi ftnk for a replacement 4 the enmeraj ask for compensation or n 10% discounTi end the complaint Irttrn試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考)一 ,交際用語(共計I。分,每小分)1 一5H;逸擇正1的培句完成下列對話并將答案序號寫在答腰岷上.L A2. C3. B4. C5. B二,詢定與給構(gòu)(共計30分網(wǎng)小雄2分)020 18:三個選項

20、中選出一個能填入空白處的正確逸項,并將答 案序號寫在答11峨上.6. A7. U8. C9. H10. B】13, A14. C15. BI5. C17. A18 B)9. C20. C三、閱讀理解(共40J 4分)21 25 H:闡讀短文,從A、H、C.21. C22. B23. A24. C25, A26-30根據(jù)加文內(nèi)昏判斷始出的IB句是否正確,正例的的寫“F”,井將答案耳在答劇紙上.26. F27. T 28. T29. F30. TE5 寫作(共20分)31.根據(jù)要求寫作文.作文怦分標(biāo)襤:)評分原則本JK總分為20分.16 6 th次&分.評分時光根楓文體的內(nèi)竹w訊肖初步納定M所廈n

21、次,然后以域ri次的要垠來仇M確定或調(diào)準(zhǔn)料次啟榆分.(3、評分時。注意的I:安內(nèi)容為:內(nèi)方虬們句型堡化山!迫用出法結(jié)構(gòu)的州確件.論嫩 的iiwn俐邏割性以及應(yīng)用丈的格式酈求.7冊議段侈.K個料次.(2)各檔次的知分itttsi16 -20 分究全完成了域的艦定的任務(wù)8 1潺所0內(nèi)容g沼法M構(gòu),句型制間匯有變化謂怯站何和用何廊0h沿意連咒避機性做/應(yīng)用文勾作格式爆苑.11 15 分牧好地完成r城融爆定的任4H 熊所咨內(nèi)tf懿加句型和WIIC有變化0仍法址恂和何匯鳳本淮確.些忤情識&要jzm為會依敦夏命m桃站構(gòu)或何匯所致1訥怠某本連腿、布一定的邏輯性成川文好作格式較為觀壯.果本完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù),覆殺所fi內(nèi)壽要點,運用沿法結(jié)構(gòu)和何匯方面怩滿足任務(wù)的基本要求I有一些語法結(jié)構(gòu)或伺匯萬面的銷很但不影響理解:語息姓貿(mào)性及迎物性方而存在一定何監(jiān),應(yīng)用文寫作格式基本3-5分雖盡力但不足以完成試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)僅覆蓋部分主要內(nèi)容,或?qū)懥艘恍o關(guān)內(nèi)容3語旅結(jié)構(gòu)和詞匯運用能力很弱有許多語法結(jié)構(gòu)或詞匯方而的錯誤,影響了對寫作內(nèi)容的理解,語愈不連貫邏輯性方面問題較大S應(yīng)用文寫作格式不短范.2分未完成試地現(xiàn)定的任務(wù)$句孑不完整或無法理解語法靖構(gòu)或詞匯方面錯誤連篇.影響對寫作內(nèi)容的理解;語言運用能力差1倍意不清,密無邏輯1應(yīng)用文寫作椅式不規(guī)范.。分未答題.或雖作答但不知所云.

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