廣東省高三英語 M7 Unit 2 Robots復習課件 新人教版

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1、Unit 2Robots 人們是如何度過晚上的時間的?以下是對部分人群進行的調查,請根據(jù)調查的結果寫一篇英語短文。年齡段安排50歲以上拜訪朋友;與家人散步4050歲和家人一起在家看電視; 帶孩子去公園3040歲加班2030歲泡酒吧;上網;與男/女朋友吃飯20歲以下大部分是學生,在家或在學校學習 【寫作要求【寫作要求】 只能用5個句子表達全部內容。 People spend their evenings in many different ways. People over 50 usually visit their friends or have a walk with their fami

2、lies and people between the age of 40 and 50 enjoy watching TV with their family or take their children to parks. Surprisingly, people between 30 and 40 mainly use their evenings to work overtime. However, those between 20 and 30 would mostly like to hang out with a few friends in a bar, surf on the

3、 Internet, or ask their girlfriends or boyfriends out for a nice dinner. Those under 20 are mostly students who spend their evenings studying at home or school.1. n. 渴望;欲望 vt.想要2. n. 滿意;滿足3. vt. 使驚恐 n. 警報4. n. 同情(心)5. n. 喜愛;恩惠 vt. 喜愛;偏袒6. vt. 細看;瀏覽;仔細檢查7. vt. 陪伴;伴奏_ _ _ _ _ _ _ desire satisfaction a

4、larm sympathyfavour scan accompany8. adj. 極壞的;可怕的9. n. 事務;事情;曖昧關系10. vt. 宣布;聲明;表明11. vt. 忌妒;羨慕12. vt. 陳述;宣布13. adj. 一定的;密切相關的14. n. 傳記;傳記文學_ _ _ _ _ _ _ awful affair declare envy state bound biography15. n. 全體員工;手杖16. adj. 較年幼的;資歷較淺的 n. 晚輩17. n. 天才;才干;特殊能力18. n. 離婚 vt. 與離婚;與脫離19. v. 服從;順從_ _ _ _ _ s

5、taff junior talent divorce obey 20. n. 評價;評定_assessment1. 考驗;試驗2. 從掉下來3. 不管;別惹4. 感到高興5. 將放在一邊6. 一共;總計7. 一定做_ _ _ _ _ _ _ test out fall off leavealone be pleased set aside in all be bound to 8. 給打電話9. 轉向;回轉_ ring up turn around 1 . C l a i r e t h o u g h t i t w a s r i d i c u l o u s _ (offer) sym

6、pathy by a robot. 2.At that moment, Tony folded his arms around her, _ (bend) his face close to hers. 3._ then _ Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window. to be offered bending It wasthat 4.He had prevented Claire from _ (harm) herself through her own sense of failure. 5

7、._ when Asimov was eleven years old _ his talent for writing became obvious. It was harming that 1. desire n. 愿望,心愿,要求 vt. 期望,希望,請求 vi. 要求 His desire for money led him to his destruction. 對錢的欲望導致了他的毀滅。 注意:desire后面可接名詞、代詞、動詞不定式以及從句作賓語;后接從句時,從句謂語用“(should 動詞原形)”。do sth. at sb.s desire 應某人的要求做某事a desir

8、e for sth. 對的向往satisfy sb.s desire 滿足某人的愿望achieve sb.s desire 實現(xiàn)某人的愿望desire to do sth. 渴望做某事desire sb. to do sth. 希望或要求某人做某事It is /was desired that 希望根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)我們總是希望與我們的鄰國和平相處。 We always _ in peace with our neighbouring countries.(2)他想做好那件事的欲望使他看不到所有的困難。 _ blinded him to all the difficulties.

9、 desire to liveHis desire to do it well 2. satisfaction n. 滿意,滿足 I always get a feeling of satisfaction from doing the job properly. 我把工作做好后總是感到很舒暢。 satisfied adj. 感到滿意的satisfy vt. 滿足,使?jié)M意;說服,使相信satisfactory adj. 令人滿意的,滿足要求的get a feeling of satisfaction 得到滿足感to ones satisfaction / to the satisfaction

10、 of sb.使某人感到滿意的是根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子他滿意地點了點頭。 He nodded_with satisfaction 3. accompany vt.伴隨;陪同;為伴奏 Accompanied by cheerful music, we began to dance. 我們伴隨著歡樂的樂曲跳起舞來。companion n. 同伴;伙伴company n. 陪伴;公司accompany sb. to 陪某人到be accompanied by 由陪伴/伴奏accompany sb. at / on sth. 為伴奏(尤指鋼琴)根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)他希望她陪他回家。 H

11、e wished her to_to his home.(2)就是行政命令也要伴以說服和教育。 Even administrative regulations must _ persuasion and education. accompany himbe accompanied by 4. declare vt. 宣布,聲明 She was full of impatience to declare her news. 她急不可待地想要宣布她的消息。declaration n. 宣告;宣言;聲明;申報declare sb. / sth. to be宣布某人/某物declare off 取消d

12、eclare against / for sb. / sth.表示反對/贊成某人/某事declare war on / against對宣戰(zhàn)declare oneself 表明態(tài)度;顯露身份根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)我們應向舊習俗宣戰(zhàn)。 We should _ the old customs.(2)昨天威爾遜先生成為表明自己主張的第一個候選人。 Yesterday Mr. Wilson became the first candidate to _.declare war ondeclare himself(3)她聲稱她對這起事故一無所知。 She _ she knew nothinga

13、bout the accident.(4)瓊斯被宣布為冠軍。 Jones _ the winner.declared thatwas declared(5)我們聲明贊成他們的建議。 We _ their proposal.(6)我現(xiàn)在宣布會議開幕。 I now _ this meeting open. declared for declare 5. envy vt. & n羨慕;嫉妒 The boys new electronic toy train was the envy of his friends. 這男孩的新電動玩具火車使他的朋友們很羨慕。envious adj. 嫉妒的;羨慕的en

14、vy sb. doing sth. 羨慕某人做某事envy of sb. 羨慕或嫉妒某人envy at/of sth. 羨慕或嫉妒某事out of envy 出于羨慕或嫉妒be envious of 嫉妒;羨慕根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)她的嫉妒已經變成了仇恨。 _ had transferred into hatred.(2)有些人嫉妒他的好運氣,于是不和他交朋友。 Some people _ and refused to be friends with him. Her envyenvied his good luck(3)一本好詞典是學生們所羨慕的東西。 A good diction

15、ary is _ of all students. the envy 6. divorce n. 離婚;斷絕關系 vt. 與離婚;與脫離;判(某人)離婚 Their marriage ended in divorce. 他們的婚姻以離婚收場。 get a divorce 離婚 a divorce from 與離婚;與脫離 a divorce betweenand與脫離 ask for a divorce 申請離婚 be divorced from 與離婚根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)法官判決這對青年夫妻離婚。 The judge _ the young couple.(2)這對青年夫妻去年離

16、婚了。 The young couple_last year. divorcedgot a divorce7. embarrass vt. 使尷尬 She was embarrassed when they asked her age. 他們問她的年齡時,她窘得很。 embarrassed adj. 感到尷尬的 embarrassing adj. 使人尷尬的 embarrass sb. with sth. / doing sth. (做)某事使某人尷尬/窘迫 用embarrass的正確形式填空(1)這個尷尬的局面使她尷尬。 The embarrassing situation made her

17、 _.(2)別提出那令人尷尬的話題。 Dont bring up that _ topic. embarrassedembarrassing 1. ring up 給打電話 call sb. up call / telephone / phone sb. give sb. a ring / call / phone I rang my father up in a state of great excitement. 我懷著一種高度興奮的心情給我父親打了電話。ring off 掛斷電話ring through to sb. 給某人打通電話call up 給打電話根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子他給警

18、察局打了電話。 He_the police station. rang up2. leavealone 不管; 別惹;讓一個人待著 The child will be terrified if he is left alone in the big house. 這孩子一個人留在那座大房子里會感到害怕的。let alone 更不用說leave for 動身去leave out 省去,遺漏,不考慮,離開leave sb. / sth. behind 忘記帶,遺落leave sb. / sth. out 不包括根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)別去惹那條瘋狗,否則它會傷害你的。 _, or it m

19、ay hurt you.(2)我們自己都不夠地方,更不用說留給客人了。 Theres not enough room for ourselves, _ any guests. Leave that mad dog alonelet alone 3. set aside 留出;忽視,為節(jié)省或保留;將放在一邊 He tried to set aside a few minutes each day for his exercise. 他每天盡量抽出幾分鐘時間來鍛煉。根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)爭取每天至少抽出一個小時來學習新詞匯。 Try to _ at least an hour each

20、day for learning new vocabulary.(2)國會應拋開政治分歧來通過這項衛(wèi)生保健的議案。 Congress should _ its political differences to pass the health care bill. set asideset aside 1. The guests would_be_arriving soon and Claire told Tony to go into another room. 客人馬上就要到來了,克萊爾叫托尼到另一個房間去。 該句型表示從過去某個時間看將來某動作會正在進行。 He said he could

21、 not come because he would be having a meeting. 他說他不能來因為要開會。 注意:will / shall be doing sth. 為將來進行時的結構,表示從現(xiàn)在看將來某動作會正在進行。如: I wont be free on Friday morning. Ill be seeing a friend off. 星期五早上我沒有時間。我正要給一位朋友送行。用所給詞的正確形式填空(1)我以為你那會兒正在睡覺。 I thought you _ (sleep)(2)我沒想到你們會都在這里等著。 I didnt expect that all of

22、you _ (wait) here. would be sleepingwould be waiting 2. She cried out “Tony” and then heard him declare that he didnt want to leave her the next day and_that he felt more than just the desire to please her. 她大叫一聲“托尼”,然后聽到托尼一本正經地說,明天他不想離開她,而且他并不滿足于僅僅使她開心。 (1)當一個句子有兩個或多個并列的賓語從句時,引導第二個和以后幾個從句的that不可省略。

23、 (2)在see, know, say, imagine, believe, tell, show, think, consider等動詞后引導從句的that可以省略,但在少數(shù)動詞如reply, object等之后不能省略。如: Do you know (that) he has joined the army? 你知道他參軍了嗎? He replied that he disagreed. (that不能省略) 他回答說,他不同意。 The manager objected that it was impossible.(that不能省略) 經理反對說,這不可能。完成句子他說他會來,還會幫助我們。 He said he would come and _ he would help us.that

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