八年級英語下冊 Module 8 Public holidays課件 外研版

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1、NSE初二(下)初二(下)Module 8 Public holidays一、一、單元教學內(nèi)容分析單元教學內(nèi)容分析 二、學情分析二、學情分析l節(jié)日與學生的生活緊密相連,也是他們很感興趣的話題。節(jié)日與學生的生活緊密相連,也是他們很感興趣的話題。l學生學過有關春節(jié)、元宵節(jié)等的知識和詞匯,并對圣誕有一定的學生學過有關春節(jié)、元宵節(jié)等的知識和詞匯,并對圣誕有一定的 了解,具備了一定的基礎。了解,具備了一定的基礎。l對于其他的一些西方國家的節(jié)日所知甚少,所以詞匯量和信息量可對于其他的一些西方國家的節(jié)日所知甚少,所以詞匯量和信息量可 能會偏大。能會偏大。l學生英語成績的分化比較嚴重。學生英語成績的分化比較嚴

2、重。 語言技能目標語言技能目標語言知識目標語言知識目標情感態(tài)度目標情感態(tài)度目標學習策略目標學習策略目標三、教學目標三、教學目標u 聽:能通過簡單記錄的方式抓住聽力材料中的細節(jié)信聽:能通過簡單記錄的方式抓住聽力材料中的細節(jié)信息;能聽懂對節(jié)日介紹的陳述。息;能聽懂對節(jié)日介紹的陳述。u 說:能正確說出日期;能夠結合圖片、多媒體等手段,說:能正確說出日期;能夠結合圖片、多媒體等手段,談論中國節(jié)日。談論中國節(jié)日。u 讀:能讀懂介紹節(jié)日的文章;能抓住文章的主題和細讀:能讀懂介紹節(jié)日的文章;能抓住文章的主題和細節(jié)信息。節(jié)信息。u 寫:能根據(jù)自己的情況寫出新年時下的決心。寫:能根據(jù)自己的情況寫出新年時下的決心

3、。u 表達與演示:能向同學介紹一個中國的節(jié)日。表達與演示:能向同學介紹一個中國的節(jié)日。語言技能目標語言技能目標1 1、功能:談論過節(jié)計劃。、功能:談論過節(jié)計劃。2 2、詞匯:、詞匯:能夠正確使用下列單詞:能夠正確使用下列單詞:celebrate, labour (Am.E labor), season, vacation, while, ending, list, promise, zero理解下列單詞:理解下列單詞:beginning, resolution, , 能夠正確理解并使用下列詞組:能夠正確理解并使用下列詞組:Labour Day (May Day), as soon as,,al

4、l over, depend on,count down, get together, a list of, help out, Mothers Day語言知識目標語言知識目標情感態(tài)度目標情感態(tài)度目標加深對中國文化的了解和對祖國的熱愛。加深對中國文化的了解和對祖國的熱愛。文化意識目標1、通過課文的學習,了解一些中外節(jié)日的差異。、通過課文的學習,了解一些中外節(jié)日的差異。 2、學會如何介紹中國的節(jié)日,對外宣傳中國文化,、學會如何介紹中國的節(jié)日,對外宣傳中國文化,培養(yǎng)和增強民族意識和民族自豪感。培養(yǎng)和增強民族意識和民族自豪感。學習策略目標學習策略目標(1 1)自學策略:通過閱讀與話題有關的書、翻看百

5、科全)自學策略:通過閱讀與話題有關的書、翻看百科全書或上網(wǎng)查詢等方式獲取相關信息。書或上網(wǎng)查詢等方式獲取相關信息。 (2 2)合作學習策略:能用欣賞的眼光和心態(tài)去看待、理)合作學習策略:能用欣賞的眼光和心態(tài)去看待、理解別人的作品。解別人的作品。(3 3)交際策略:善于利用機會盡量用英語進行真實學習)交際策略:善于利用機會盡量用英語進行真實學習的交際策略。的交際策略。四、重點難點四、重點難點Key vocabulary celebrate, labour (Am. E labor), season, vacation, while, Labour Day (May Day),as soon as

6、, ending, all over, depend on, count down, get together, list, a list of, help out, promise, zeroKey structures Adverbial clauses with while, when, before, after, until or as soon asl教學重點l教學難點1、通過語句來體會、理解,進而初步掌握由通過語句來體會、理解,進而初步掌握由when, while, as soon as, before, until等引導的時間狀語從句。等引導的時間狀語從句。2、中國節(jié)日慶祝方式

7、以及相關詞匯的英語表達。、中國節(jié)日慶祝方式以及相關詞匯的英語表達。五、課時安排五、課時安排 第一課時第一課時 Unit 1 Listening and vocabulary & Pronunciation and speaking 第二、三課時第二、三課時 Unit 2 Reading and vocabulary & writing 第四課時第四課時 Unit 3 Activity 4,8,1,2,3 & Workbook (Grammar) 第五課時第五課時 Unit 3 Activity 5,6,7,Around the world, Module task,Workbook ,Self

8、-assessmentUnit 1Its the last day before the new school year begins.How many months are there in a year?What are they?Who can say these?5th1st8th2nd3rd9th12th20thStep 1 Revision & pronunciation (Activity 6) The ways of writing and saying the datesYou writeYou say1st January orthe first of January or

9、January the first設計意圖:本模塊語音重點為正確讀出日期,為設計意圖:本模塊語音重點為正確讀出日期,為后面的學習內(nèi)容后面的學習內(nèi)容- -談論節(jié)日在知識上做好準備。談論節(jié)日在知識上做好準備。 Now say the datesJanuary 1st1. 1st May 2 .2nd February 3 .3rd March 4 .13th April 5 .20th June 6 .16th AugustStep 2 Lead-in Team work: Word map construction festivals 設計意圖:學生根據(jù)圖片說出已知的節(jié)日,設計意圖:學生根據(jù)圖片

10、說出已知的節(jié)日,并嘗試聯(lián)想相關詞匯,有利于學生發(fā)散思維并嘗試聯(lián)想相關詞匯,有利于學生發(fā)散思維能力的培養(yǎng)。若涉及未學過的詞匯,學生可能力的培養(yǎng)。若涉及未學過的詞匯,學生可以通過小組互助合作查找出來,改變了由老以通過小組互助合作查找出來,改變了由老師教,學生學的傳統(tǒng)的教學模式。師教,學生學的傳統(tǒng)的教學模式。What do you do on January 1st? Do you go to school? (No.) Do your parents go to work?(No.) So its a public holiday.We can have a vacation. Do you do

11、 something special to celebrate it? 設計意圖:選擇學生共知的節(jié)日常識,設計意圖:選擇學生共知的節(jié)日常識,教授新單詞,為下一步教學打好基礎。教授新單詞,為下一步教學打好基礎。Step 3 Listening (Activities 1)設計意圖:通過圖片猜測節(jié)日名,但不一下子告訴正確設計意圖:通過圖片猜測節(jié)日名,但不一下子告訴正確答案,而是進行預測,可以提高學生的參與積極性,同答案,而是進行預測,可以提高學生的參與積極性,同時激起學生的學習興趣。時激起學生的學習興趣。-What public holiday is it? Now please listen t

12、o the tape and check your answer. Listen again and answer the questions in Activity 2. 1 When is Independence Day?2 What is a public holiday?3 When do most people take a vacation?4 How do Americans celebrate Independence Day?They put out flags, listen to bands, and have a picnic in the countryside.

13、From July to the beginning of September. Its when offices and shops close and everybody is on holiday.Its July 4th.設計意圖:本活動起到引入話題和準備詞匯的作用,設計意圖:本活動起到引入話題和準備詞匯的作用,并在教學中培養(yǎng)學生的學習策略并在教學中培養(yǎng)學生的學習策略Activity 1Activity 1培培養(yǎng)學生在聽力活動中預測并抓住主題的能力養(yǎng)學生在聽力活動中預測并抓住主題的能力; ;Activity 2Activity 2培養(yǎng)學生通過記筆記的形式記錄文培養(yǎng)學生通過記筆記的形式記

14、錄文中主要信息的能力,同時使學生在具體的語境中中主要信息的能力,同時使學生在具體的語境中學習并運用新單詞。學習并運用新單詞。Step 4 Listening and reading (Activities 3, 4, 5)1.When is May Day? Do people in the world have May Day on the same date?Listen to the tape carefully, and try to find the answer. Then check the answer.設計意圖:學生對于中國的勞動節(jié)非常熟悉,但對于設計意圖:學生對于中國的勞動

15、節(jié)非常熟悉,但對于其他國家的勞動節(jié)就基本不知了,所以如此設問,主其他國家的勞動節(jié)就基本不知了,所以如此設問,主要是讓學生能帶著疑問來有目的地聽,同時可以激發(fā)要是讓學生能帶著疑問來有目的地聽,同時可以激發(fā)他們的好奇心和求知欲。他們的好奇心和求知欲。2. listen again and try to fill in the table in Activity 4. UKUSAChinaDate of Labor Dayt h e c l o s e s t Monday to May 1st t h e 1 s t M o n d a y i n SeptemberMay the firstL

16、e n g t h o f holidayone dayone dayseven days3.choose the best answer in Activity 5.4. Practice the dialogue in groups of four. Then call two groups to act it out.設計意圖:設計意圖:Activity 4Activity 4通過讓學生將三個國家通過讓學生將三個國家LabourLabour Day Day的具體日期和假期長短提出來填寫表格的練習,的具體日期和假期長短提出來填寫表格的練習,可以幫助學生提煉有用信息,從而更好地掌握對話的可以

17、幫助學生提煉有用信息,從而更好地掌握對話的重點內(nèi)容。重點內(nèi)容。Activity 5Activity 5中的中的4 4個問題都是有關對話的個問題都是有關對話的細節(jié)問題,目的在于檢查學生是否讀懂了,訓練學生細節(jié)問題,目的在于檢查學生是否讀懂了,訓練學生認真閱讀的好習慣。認真閱讀的好習慣。Step 5 Everyday English and speaking(Activity 7) 1. Find and underline the expressions in the dialogue.2. Use these expressions to make a dialogue, talking ab

18、out Chinese National Day.3.Work in pairs.Talk about other Chinese festivals. 設計意圖:本活動是在聽讀等語言輸入活動之后的一設計意圖:本活動是在聽讀等語言輸入活動之后的一種輸出活動種輸出活動談論中國節(jié)日。目的是反饋前面的學習談論中國節(jié)日。目的是反饋前面的學習情況,應用剛剛學過的語言,同時培養(yǎng)學生敢于提問和情況,應用剛剛學過的語言,同時培養(yǎng)學生敢于提問和善于利用機會盡量用英語進行真實交際的學習策略。善于利用機會盡量用英語進行真實交際的學習策略。Step 6 Language focus Fill in the blank

19、s with the proper words:1)And_were staying with them, were going to spend a few days in Qingdao.2) Well stay there _ May 5th.3) And its the last day_the new school year begins.4) _ September comes, it starts to get cold, so _Labor Day we start classes. 5) True, but our weather gets better, and then

20、we only have a few weeks_the start of the summer holidays. 6) So lets enjoy ourselves_we go back to school. 設計意圖:引導學生通過語句來體會、理解、進而初步掌握設計意圖:引導學生通過語句來體會、理解、進而初步掌握時間狀語從句。時間狀語從句。Homework: 1.Listen to the tape and try to imitate it. (Activity 3).1.Listen to the tape and try to imitate it. (Activity 3). 2

21、. 2. Write about one of the Chinese festivals according to Write about one of the Chinese festivals according to Activity 7. Activity 7. 3.Keep a journal,using the new words and phrases 3.Keep a journal,using the new words and phrases you learnt today. you learnt today.設計意圖:由于課堂上時間有限,不可能讓每個組、每個學生都設計

22、意圖:由于課堂上時間有限,不可能讓每個組、每個學生都有任務匯報的時間。在作業(yè)布置上要求學生把課堂上說的內(nèi)容落有任務匯報的時間。在作業(yè)布置上要求學生把課堂上說的內(nèi)容落實到寫上,其實是課堂上任務完成情況的匯報和反饋。實到寫上,其實是課堂上任務完成情況的匯報和反饋。 Unit 2 As soon as its 12 oclockStep 1.Warming up Date PreparationSpecial things to doChinese Spring Festival Christmas Day 設計意圖:通過復習初一的內(nèi)容,激活原有的知識,溫設計意圖:通過復習初一的內(nèi)容,激活原有的知識

23、,溫故而知新。故而知新。 from the 1st day to the 15th day of the first lunar month on Dec. 25th cleaning,decorating homes with paper cuts& spring couplets, hair cutting,buying new clothes going shopping for presents & Christmas tree,decorating homes Dragon dancing,lion dancing,eat jiaozi,watch TV, set off firew

24、orks,visit friends and relatives, having Christmas dinner, singing Christmas songs,eat Christmas pudding Step 2 Look and say (Activity 1)設計意圖:通過觀察圖片的活動將設計意圖:通過觀察圖片的活動將學生頭腦中已有的知識,即可描述學生頭腦中已有的知識,即可描述圖片的詞匯激發(fā)提取出來,之后再圖片的詞匯激發(fā)提取出來,之后再與教材所提供的詞匯對比,這樣會與教材所提供的詞匯對比,這樣會加深學生的印象,也有利于促進他加深學生的印象,也有利于促進他們思維的發(fā)展。們思維的發(fā)展

25、。通過這一活動復習相關的單詞、詞通過這一活動復習相關的單詞、詞組和句型,并引出新年。請學生講組和句型,并引出新年。請學生講述他們已知的有關新年的知識,為述他們已知的有關新年的知識,為文章的學習進行文化背景知識的鋪墊。文章的學習進行文化背景知識的鋪墊。 Step 3 Learning to learn Learning to learnYou can get more informationabout a topic by looking it upfrom reference sources, such asbooks about this topic, websiteor encyclopa

26、edia.Step 4 Skimming(Activity 2) 1.Which song do people sing on New Years Day?2. Read the passage, and match the topics with the paragraphs.a A family dayb Different ways of celebratingc Making plans for the new yeard New Years Eve in New Yorke An ending and a beginning設計意圖:本活動側重培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀技巧設計意圖:本活動側重培

27、養(yǎng)學生的閱讀技巧通過閱讀段落首尾句來迅速瀏覽通過閱讀段落首尾句來迅速瀏覽文章進行判斷的學習策略。采用的是從已知話題讓學生尋找相應描寫段落的方式文章進行判斷的學習策略。采用的是從已知話題讓學生尋找相應描寫段落的方式來進行,這種逆向思維的方式可以幫助學生更好地理解和掌握英文文章的寫作習來進行,這種逆向思維的方式可以幫助學生更好地理解和掌握英文文章的寫作習慣或者寫作結構,這對他們提高閱讀理解能力和寫作能力都是有益的。慣或者寫作結構,這對他們提高閱讀理解能力和寫作能力都是有益的。 Step 5 Scanning(Activity 3)1 Do people all over the world alw

28、ays celebrate the new year at the same time? No, they dont. 2 Where do many people in New York go to celebrate the New Year? Times Square. 3 What songs do people sing at the New Year? Sometimes people sing Auld Lang Syne.Step 5 Scanning(Activity 3)4 What special things happen at twelve oclock? There

29、 are fireworks and special drinks.5 What special things do people do on New Years Day? They make a list of resolutions and read it to their family.6 What New Years resolutions do students often make?“I will work harder at school” or “I wont spend so much time playing video games.”設計意圖:這是一個語言輸入和輸出相結合

30、的活動。學生再讀設計意圖:這是一個語言輸入和輸出相結合的活動。學生再讀文章,找出課文的細節(jié)信息,并通過問答的形式檢查學生是否文章,找出課文的細節(jié)信息,并通過問答的形式檢查學生是否掌握了。掌握了。Step 6 True or False QuestionsAsk the Ss to make up True or False questions individually according to the passage.Then work in pairs,having one student say a sentence and another say true or false and tr

31、y to correct the mistakes. 設計意圖:該活動培養(yǎng)學生自主學習策略、思維能力設計意圖:該活動培養(yǎng)學生自主學習策略、思維能力及良好的聽、說習慣。及良好的聽、說習慣。Step 7 Reading aloud and language focusParagraph 1 in every part of a place be decided by sth all over 遍及遍及 Jay Chou is famous all over China.depend on 取決于取決于 How much it costs depends on how much you buy.Pa

32、ragraph 2: count down 倒計時倒計時 Were counting down to our holiday. count seconds backwards to zero Paragraph 3 meet together for a certain activityget together 聚會聚會 On New Years Eve we Chinese get together for a family meal.Paragraph 4 decision to do or not to do sthresolution決心決心 Many people make New

33、Year resolutions on New Years Day. help out 幫幫分擔工作分擔工作 spend time doing sth花費一花費一段時間做某事段時間做某事 promise 保證保證 She promised to help me.help sb esp in a difficult situation use time or money for a purpose assure to do or not to do sth Is there anything I can do to help out? Ken spent the evening reading

34、the book. Step 8 Consolidation:Summarizing the text(Activity 4)New Years Eve is a (1) _ time for us. We live in New York, and we often go to a big New Years Eve (2) _ in Times Square. We (3) _ with ourfriends and sing (4) _ songs while we wait for the New Year. Then (5) _,just before midnight, the m

35、usic stops. We all (6) _ from ten to zero. Then the(7) _ begin. I love the bright lights, but the noise makes me jump. We all say “Happy New Year” to our friends.I usually (8) _ New Years Day at home with my family. We write our New Years (9) _ together. We all promise to work hard and help each oth

36、er more.五人一組,選擇自己喜歡的話題練習復述,每組要確保五人一組,選擇自己喜歡的話題練習復述,每組要確保每一個話題都有人承擔。然后教師指定話題,由相關組員每一個話題都有人承擔。然后教師指定話題,由相關組員進行復述。進行復述。設計意圖:進一步鞏固課文。設計意圖:進一步鞏固課文。Step 9 Writing (Activity 5)1. What resolutions do the students usually make on New Years Day? Do you want to improve yourself in the coming new year?2.Learn s

37、ome examples of the resolutions. Although I love sweets, I will try to eat healthy food. Last year I was very lazy with my schoolwork, but this year I will work harder. Last year I didnt tidy up my room very often. However, this year I will tidy it up everyday.3.Please write your resolutions down.Jo

38、in your sentences with although, but,however,when,while,as soon as,before,after, until,etc. 4.Share them with a partner.設計意圖:寫出新年決心能讓學生反思自己的學習和生活,設計意圖:寫出新年決心能讓學生反思自己的學習和生活,想一想有哪些地方有待改進,是一個很有意義的活動。想一想有哪些地方有待改進,是一個很有意義的活動。Homework 1.Listen to the tape and practise reading the passage aloud. 2.寫下至少三條寫下

39、至少三條resolutionsresolutions,然后貼在教室后的宣,然后貼在教室后的宣傳欄中,進行自我監(jiān)督和接受同學監(jiān)督。傳欄中,進行自我監(jiān)督和接受同學監(jiān)督。 3.Search the internet and try to get more information about how to celebrate New Years Day in different countries.Unit 3 Language in useStep 1 Revision1 1 Students share their ideas about how to celebrate New Years Da

40、y in different countries.設計意圖:檢查作業(yè)設計意圖:檢查作業(yè)了解別的國家如何過新年,對課文內(nèi)容做進一了解別的國家如何過新年,對課文內(nèi)容做進一步拓展,同時培養(yǎng)學生的自學策略,通過上網(wǎng)查詢等方式獲取相關信息。步拓展,同時培養(yǎng)學生的自學策略,通過上網(wǎng)查詢等方式獲取相關信息。Step 2 Vocabulary(Activities 4 & 8)Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box.The New Year is a very busy time. We have lots of thing

41、s to do. We hold a big(1) _, with lots of food and drink. We like to (2) _ with ourfriends, because its a (3) _ time.The New Year is a wonderful (4) _ of friendship. We hold hands andsing (5) _ songs. We make (6) _ for the New Year, and Promiseto try harder to help family and friends.Although it get

42、s (7) _ early because its winter, there are (8) _in the sky when the (9) _ start. We (10) _ “Ten, nine,eight .” and then shout “Happy New Year” to everyone as soon as its midnight.This is the most (11) _ moment.bright lights celebration count down dark exciting fireworksget together party resolution

43、s special traditionalComplete the passage with the correct form of the phrases inthe box.Weve started to (1) _ the days until (2) _ term. Next weekis (3) _ the summer holidays. Then well have six weeks off school. Wehavent made any plans yet, but were going to (4) _ doing all ourfavourite things. We

44、ll (5) _ with our friends every day, and have lotsof fun. We want to (6) _at the beach but we dont know when well dothat. It (7) _ the weather. Well go when its sunny.count down depend on enjoy oneself get togetherspend some time the end of the start of設計意圖:本活動主要練習和檢測學生對本模塊的單詞設計意圖:本活動主要練習和檢測學生對本模塊的單

45、詞或短語的掌握情況,這些單詞或短語在前面的單元中都或短語的掌握情況,這些單詞或短語在前面的單元中都已經(jīng)學習和練習過,在這里要求學生熟練應用,也可為已經(jīng)學習和練習過,在這里要求學生熟練應用,也可為教師和學生對前面的學習情況提供一個評價的手段。教師和學生對前面的學習情況提供一個評價的手段。Step 3 Grammar (To introduce the adverbial clauses) 1.Theyre waiting for the New Year.They listen to music, sing traditional songs and have fun.2.Its 12 oclo

46、ck.Everyone shouts very loudly, “Happy New Year!” 3.The weather is fine.Many families go out for a walk. 4.They have made their list.They read it to their family or friends and promise to follow their resolutions. 5.Its 12 oclock.Everyone counts down from 10: 10, 9, 8 . 設計意圖:本活動要求學生在理解設計意圖:本活動要求學生在理

47、解 while, when, before, until or as soon as 等詞的意義的基礎上,能根據(jù)具體語境正確選擇連詞,等詞的意義的基礎上,能根據(jù)具體語境正確選擇連詞,組成恰當?shù)臅r間狀語從句,同時對組成恰當?shù)臅r間狀語從句,同時對Unit 2再一次進行復習。再一次進行復習。(while)(as soon as)(when)(when)(before)Step 4 Grammar(Activities 1,2,3)Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.1. We went skating in the afternoon

48、 before / when the party started.2. Until / After dinner, we joined a group of friends and we all went to the square.3. While / When they were watching TV, we listened to music and sang traditional songs.4 .As soon as / After it was 12 oclock, we all shouted “Happy New Year” very loudly.5 .We stayed

49、 in the square after / until one oclock.6 .While / When the party was over, we walked back to our hotel.1 Do you do your homework before you have dinner?2 Do you listen to music while you do your homework?3 What do you do after school?4 Do you get out of bed as soon as you wake up?5 What do you say

50、when someone gives you a present?6 What will you do until the end of term?Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.設計意圖:本活動要求學生理解帶有連詞的句子,在此基礎上加以應用。設計意圖:本活動要求學生理解帶有連詞的句子,在此基礎上加以應用。Activity 3 Activity 3 是在是在Activiy1,2Activiy1,2的基礎上以回答問題的形式口頭說出完整的的基礎上以回答問題的形式口頭說出完整的狀語從句狀語從句, ,具有真實的交際意義,學生之間有信息差,同學們也

51、可以通過具有真實的交際意義,學生之間有信息差,同學們也可以通過這個活動加深相互間的了解。這個活動加深相互間的了解。Step 5 Listening (Activities 5 & 6)vListen and match the speakers with their holiday plans.MikeTomBeckyJanego somewhere new go to a favorite place stay at home visit family or friends 設計意圖:本活動的目的在于檢查學生通過聽力獲取細節(jié)設計意圖:本活動的目的在于檢查學生通過聽力獲取細節(jié)信息的能力,要求學

52、生在聽的過程中適當做些筆記,以幫信息的能力,要求學生在聽的過程中適當做些筆記,以幫助記憶。一方面可以培養(yǎng)聽力技能,另一方面也為后來的助記憶。一方面可以培養(yǎng)聽力技能,另一方面也為后來的模塊任務提供一些借鑒和語言上的幫助。模塊任務提供一些借鑒和語言上的幫助。vListen and check the true sentences.1 Linda celebrated New Year 2000 at home.2 1st January, 2000 was a cold and snowy day.3 Mothers Day is on 3rd May.4 Susans mother likes

53、flowers better than soap or chocolate.5 Thanksgiving Day is not on the same date every year. Step 6 Speaking(Activity 7) Ask and answer about your own holiday plans.1 how long / stay there? two weeks- _- _2 who / go with? family- _- _3 what / do? swim / eat favourite food / have a good time- _- _Ste

54、p 7 Western Public holidays ( Around the world)Column A St. Valentines DaySt. Patricks DayEaster DayApril Fools DayHalloweenThanksgiving DayRobert Burns birthdayMothers DayFathers DayChristmas Column Bthe last Thursday in November 17th March14th February1st April25th January2nd Sunday of May3rd Sund

55、ay of June31st October25th Decemberthe 1st Sunday after the full moon between March 22nd and April 25thWhat was Robert Burns famous for?When is Robert Burns birthday?Who celebrates it? What do people do on that day?Around the worldWhen is St Patricks Day?When is St Patricks Day? Who celebrates it? W

56、hat do they carry in Ireland?) 設計意圖:通過以上活動,參考書上的文字和圖片,設計意圖:通過以上活動,參考書上的文字和圖片,幫助學生體驗異國文化。幫助學生體驗異國文化。 Step 8 Writing about a Chinese festival(Module task) 1.Put the students into groups of 4 or 5. Select one festival and answer the questions.nswer the questions. Do people celebrate this festival in ot

57、her countries or only in China? Does everyone celebrate the festival at the same time? Is the festival on the same day every year? How do people celebrate the festival? Do they eat special food? Do they wear special clothes? Do they stay at home, or do they go somewhere to celebrate?2.Join the sente

58、nces together with as soon as, while, when, until, etc. 3.Find some pictures to go with the description and make a poster. They can draw some pictures if they cant find any elsewhere.4.Display the poster in the classroom, and look at other groups posters.設計意圖:提綱式寫作可以幫助學生理清對這個節(jié)日的認識,設計意圖:提綱式寫作可以幫助學生理清對這個節(jié)日的認識,從而寫出來的東西會更有條理。使用連詞既可以使文章連貫、從而寫出來的東西會更有條理。使用連詞既可以使文章連貫、邏輯性強,又是本模塊語法教學的應用和反饋。邏輯性強,又是本模塊語法教學的應用和反饋。1 Listen to the tape and practise reading aloud.2.完成一份關于中國節(jié)日的招貼畫。完成一份關于中國節(jié)日的招貼畫。3.Keep a journal,using the new words and phrases you learnt in this module.HomeworkThe end

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