高考英語一輪 Unit4 Pygmalion課件 新人教版選修8(廣東專版)

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1、高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 選修選修 8 Unit 4 Pygmalion 高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語Part A模仿朗讀請聽課文錄音,并跟讀課文,注意語音、語調(diào)和停頓Part B角色扮演角色:John and Jack情景:John和Jack在談論皮格馬利翁劇情。任務:請你扮演John,根據(jù)中文提示提出問題,請你的同桌扮演Jack,根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容回答你的提問。 1.躲雨的男人叫什么名字?_高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語2賣花女孩為什么怕他?_ 3.伊莉莎的夢想是什么?_ 4.皮克林上校一直在研究什么?_ 5.希金斯急

2、切的要見誰?為什么?_答案:1Q:What is the name of the man hiding from the rain? A:Henry Higgins.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語答案: 2.Q:Why is the flower girl afraid of him at first?A:She thinks he is a policeman in disguise.3Q:What is Elizas ambition?A:Her ambition is to be a shop assistant.4Q:What has Colonel Pickering be

3、en studying?A:He has been studying many Indian dialects.5Q:Who is Henry Higgins anxious to meet and why?A:He is anxious to meet Colonel Pickering because he is researching in the same academic field as Pickering.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語Part C故事復述答案:Henry Higgins,an expert in phonetics,was hiding from th

4、e rain when he saw Eliza,a poor flower girl,who was also sheltering from the rain. When the girl asked him to buy a flower,he gave her some coins and took some notes,which annoyed the girl as she thought he was a policeman in disguise. Then they met Colonel Pickering,an officer in the army who share

5、d the same interest in phonetics. Henry Higgins told Colonel Pickering that once Eliza was educated to speak good English,she could pass off as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. 請結(jié)合上述問題答案,用自己的話復述課文。 提示詞:hide from,flower girl,in disguise,educate,pass off.as高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版

6、英語英語.寫出下列必考單詞1經(jīng)典的,第一流的_2說明文字,字幕,標題n._3妥協(xié),折中n. &v._4情節(jié),陰謀 n_5光輝燦爛的,才華橫溢的adj._6古時的;古董adj. &n._7談論,評論;言論v .&n._8俯視,忽視,不理會 v_高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語9破舊的,寒酸的adj._10身份,地位,職位n._11使褪色,減弱,逐漸消失 v_12帶來麻煩的adj._答案:promise4plot5.brilliant6.antique7.remark8overlook9.shabby10.status11fade12.troublesome高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版

7、英語英語.寫出下列單詞的變化形式1適應,改編v._;適應,改編本n._;能適應的 adj._2誤會n. &v._;(過去式)_;(過去分詞)_;錯誤的adj._3恐怖,恐懼n._;可怕的,恐怖的adj._;可怕地 adv._4猶豫,躊躇v._;猶豫,遲疑n._高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語5 編排,分類 v_;編排,分類 n_6使作嘔,反感,厭惡v._;使人反感的adj._;感到反感的adj._答案:1adapt;adaptation;adaptable2mistake;mistook;mistaken;mistaken3horror;horrible;horribly4.hesit

8、ate;hesitation5.classify;classification6disgust;disgusting;disgusted高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 活學活用用所給單詞的適當形式完成句子1Yesterday her old mother _me for her daughter. That means I was _for her daughter. In fact she often makes the same _.(mistake)2Tom is often _.Last year he went to Shanghai to try his _._,he m

9、et and married his girlfriend there. (fortune)高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語3To her _,she saw a boy fall from the stairs. The _scene often _her and makes her wake up _.(horrible)4His _jokes made everybody _.(disgusting)5The books in the library are _according to the subjects. (classification)答案:1mistook;mista

10、ken;mistakes2fortunate;fortune;Fortunately3horror;horrible;horrifies;horribly4disgusting;disgusted 5classified高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語.翻譯下列必背短語1再一次_2(某人)冒充_3結(jié)識,與相見_4驚愕地_5一般來說_6就來說,從角度_高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語7帶或領(lǐng)進來 _8需要_9自以為是_10逐漸模糊、漸淡_答案:1once more2.pass.off as3.make ones acquaintance4.in amazement5general

11、ly speaking6.in terms of7show. in 8.in need of9fancy oneself10.fade out 高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 活學活用根據(jù)括號中的解釋,從課文中找出恰當?shù)亩陶Z完成下列句子1He tried to _(pretend to be)a qualified doctor.2Many schools in the faraway villages _(ask for) teachers.3He is so friendly that many students want to _(know him)4We could do n

12、othing but look at him _.(in surprise)高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語5The plane with loud noises _(disappear gradually)6_(In money terms) were quite rich,but not in terms of happiness.答案:1pass himself off as2are in need of3make his acquaintance4in amazement5faded out6In terms of money高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語.重點句型1

13、I thought perhaps you wanted her to talk into your machine.(P34)我本來還以為是你要她對著機器講話的呢。 句型: sb. thought that sb. had thought.意思為“ 原以為” 動詞think,expect,suppose,hope,believe,plan 等的過去完成時, 表未曾實現(xiàn)的意圖、安排或希望等。 I had hoped to visit you yesterday,but I was too busy.昨天我本想來看你,但太忙了。高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 模仿造句(1)他們本打算把

14、辦公室搞干凈,但沒有時間。_(2)我本以為他會事先告訴我的。_答案:(1)They had planned to clean the office,but time didnt permit.(2)I had thought he would tell me about it in advance.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語2Suppose you have a chance to help Eliza improve her use of English language.(P31)假設你有機會幫助伊莉莎提高她運用英語的水平。 句型:suppose that/ supposin

15、g that:假設,suppose/supposing引導條件狀語從句。高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 模仿造句(1)如果我們籌不到資金,那我們怎么辦?_(2)假定這消息是真的,那又怎么辦?_答案:(1)Suppose we cant raise enough money,what shall we do?(2)Supposing the news is true,what then?高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語.語篇領(lǐng)悟根據(jù)課文Fateful Meetings完成下列短文 Eliza Doolittle was _1_ unrefined,dirty flower gi

16、rl with poor phonetics_2_ Professor Higgins was an expert in phonetics. One day they happened to meet each other while_3_(hide)from the rain. When Eliza was talking with a gentleman,Higgins always watched her and took notes,_4_ made her get worried,for she thought he was a policeman _5_ disguise. In

17、 fact he just showed interest in her poor phonetics and made a bet with Colonel Pickering _6_ he was going to高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語meet. Higgins said once _7_(educate)to speak properly,Eliza could pass_8_off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. After that Higgins threw a _9_(ha

18、nd)of money into her basket and left with Pickering,leaving Eliza _10_(excite)and in amazement. Eliza decided to find him the next day.答案:1an2.while3.hiding4.which5in6.who/whom7.educated8herself9.handful10.excited高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語.考點活用用本單元所學詞組、句型翻譯下列短文 我們都希望結(jié)識更多的朋友。真正的朋友應該互相尊重、幫助和關(guān)愛。有些人自以為是大人物,總要

19、對方服從自己的意愿。還有少數(shù)人為了某種利益去冒充別人的朋友。 前幾天,我的鄰居帶著一個陌生人進來,那個人說是我姐姐的朋友,很需要我們的幫忙。后來我把這事告訴姐姐時,她很吃驚地看著我,說她根本不認識他,所以我們要小心被騙。高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語答案: We all hope to make our acquaintance with more people and true friends should respect,help and care for each other. However,some people tend to fancy themselves as im

20、portant,always demanding their friends to obey their will and a handful of people will pass them off as your good friends for their own interest. The other day,my neighbor showed in a stranger who said he was one of my sisters friends and he was in great need of our help. Later when I told my sister

21、 about the man,she looked at me in amazement,saying she did not know him at all. So we must be careful not to be cheated.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語1.But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.(P29)但是他們一張嘴就露出馬腳(暴露自己的身份)。 詞語歸納betrayvt.泄露(秘密)betray oneself 無意中露出本性;背叛betr

22、ay n to 出賣;背叛betray that 表示“無意中顯示,暴露”高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練根據(jù)括號中的提示完成句子(1)Quite a lot of people will _ (原形畢露)when tempted by money.(2)They _the enemy.(背叛祖國,投降了)(3)His face _(顯露出)he was angry.(4)He _(透露了這個消息)to all his friends.答案:(1)betray themselves(2)betrayed their country to (3)betrayed that(4)

23、betrayed the news高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語2The English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days.(P30)她講的英語令她命中注定要在貧民窟里呆一輩子。 詞語歸納be condemned to death be sentenced to death 被判死刑condemn sb. to do sth.或condemn sb. to sth.迫使某人處于不利境地condemn sb. s behaviour譴責某人的舉動高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練將下列句

24、子譯成英語(1)報紙及時地譴責他的錯誤。_(2)病魔迫使他臥病在床。_(3)我們譴責殘忍行為和殘忍的人。_答案:(1)The newspaper is quick to condemn him for his mistake.(2)His illness condemned him to the bed.(3)We condemn cruelty and cruel people.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語3But,sir,(proudly) once educated to speak properly,that girl could pass herself off in t

25、hree months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party.(P30)可是,先生(自豪地),一旦那個女孩被教會說正確的英語,她就能夠在三個月后在一位大使舉辦的舞會上冒充一位女公爵。高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 詞語歸納pass. off as 冒充pass off 逐漸消失;不理會;順利pass by從旁邊經(jīng)過;不理會pass.on to把傳遞給 pass down/on把傳給后世 pass out昏倒,失去知覺pass away去世 pass through通過,穿過高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練選用上述詞組

26、完成句子(1)The house came to him when his parents _.(2)I happened to _,so I dropped in.(3)The road was so crowded that the car could not _.(4)He _his secretary _his wife.(5)The gold watch _to him from his fathers father.(6)She _at the sight of a snake on her bed.答案:(1)passed away(2)pass by (3)pass throu

27、gh(4)passed.off as(5)was passed down/on(6)passed out高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語4And I came to England to make your acquaintance! (P30)我也正是到英國來找你的! 詞語歸納make ones acquaintance結(jié)識某人make the acquaintance of sb.結(jié)識某人have some/an acquaintance with 對有了解人高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語acquaint sb. with使某人了解acquaint oneself wit

28、h be familiar with 對熟悉 have no acquaintance with 不熟悉,不了解 pick acquaintance with 偶然結(jié)識(認識)strike up an acquaintance with sb.偶然認識某高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練用上述詞和詞組填空(1)You must_(熟悉,了解)your new duties.(2)My parents soon_(認識)my new teacher.(3)I_(對有了解)Japanese.(4)Tom is_(熟人)of mine for many years.(5)Its a

29、pleasure to_.(與你相識)答案:(1)acquaint yourself with (2)made the acquaintance of (3)have some acquaintance with(4)an acquaintance (5)make your acquaintance高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語5A whole pound ! A fortune! (P30)整整一英鎊!一筆財富! 詞語歸納fortune U 成功;好運,幸運;C 未來的命運;運道;運氣;C 財富fortunate adj.幸運的 fortunately adv.幸運地make a

30、fortune 發(fā)財seek ones fortune 外出找出路try ones fortune 碰運氣be fortunate to do sth./ in doing sth.幸運地做某事高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練將下列句子譯成英語(1)幸好火勢剛起就立即被發(fā)現(xiàn)了。_(2)現(xiàn)在很多村民去大城市碰運氣。_高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語(3)她有這樣一位好心的丈夫,真是幸運。(be fortunate to do sth./ in doing sth.)_答案:(1)Fortunately,the fire was discovered soon after

31、 it had started.(2)Now many villagers go to the big cities to try their fortunes.(3)She is fortunate in having such a kind husband.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語6superior (P31) 探究學習閱讀下列句子,學習superior的用法(1)I acknowledged him as my superior. (n.長者,高手,上級,長官)(2)Which of the two methods is superior? (adj.上好的,出眾的)(3

32、)A soldier must obey his superior officers.(上級的)(4)Johnson is superior to Mr. Wang in maths.(比優(yōu)越/好)高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語7I rather fancied myself because I can pronounce twenty-four distinct vowel sounds.(P34)我很欣賞自己,因為我能清晰地發(fā)出24個元音來。 詞語歸納fancy adj.奇特的,異樣的fancy v t.想象,設想,認為,愛好,自負fancy n愛好,迷戀,想象力fancy on

33、eself (as)自以為是 fancy doing sth.想不到會干某事, 常用于祈使句, 表示驚嘆。高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練完成下列句子(1)She_.(自以為是個名演員)(2)想不到會遇到那么多老朋友!_答案:(1)fancied herself as a famous actress(2)Fancy meeting so many old friends !高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語8But you cannot overlook that!(P35)但是你不能不理會這件事情! 探究學習閱讀下列句子,注意overlook的用法及意義(1)My

34、room overlooks the sea.(俯瞰,俯視)(2)He overlooked a spelling error on the first page.(未看到,忽視)(3)She overlooked his rudeness and tried to pretend nothing had happened.(不理會)(4)Please overlook my rudeness.(原諒)高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子(1)從鄰居的窗戶可看到我家的花園。_(2)選任新經(jīng)理時沒有考慮他。_(3)我可以寬容她的缺點。_高考總復習高考總復習人教版

35、人教版英語英語(4)我們不應忽視困難。_答案:(1)Our garden is overlooked by our neighbours windows.(2)He was overlooked when they set about choosing a new manager.(3)I can overlook her bad points.(4)We should not overlook the difficulties.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語分析利弊型議論文的寫作模板 寫作指導 寫作時可分三步走:引出問題、分析利弊、提出自己的

36、觀點。 1引出主題(存在的現(xiàn)象):In recent years,. has been popular. 2論述利的方面:There are many advantages in_(現(xiàn)象)First,_.Second,_.Third,_. 高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語論述弊的方面:However,therere some disadvantages._(弊端一)Besides,_(弊端二)Also,_(弊端三)However,every coin has two sides,so does_(某一現(xiàn)象)4提出自己的看法或觀點:In my opinion,it is true tha

37、t advantages are more than disadvantages.(依我看,的確是好處多于壞處)I think _.One big advantage of _is that_ / One obvious advantage of _is_/ Finally,_While it is true that.has many advantages,it is also important to realize that.(雖然某事確實有許多好處,但是意識到也很重要。)高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 活學活用 李華是一名高一年級的中學生,閱讀她的這篇日記,然后按照要求寫一篇

38、150詞左右的英語短文。August 6,2010 Sunny Half of my summer vacation has passed. Its supposed to be the time for me,a senior-one student,to relax,read novels,chat with friends and,anyway,not to worry about getting up at 7 am. for class. Even before the vacation,I had been arranged to attend different “enrichm

39、ent” classes to improve my main subjects. My mum did ask for my opinion whether I would like to go to such高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語classes. But could I refuse? My negative reply would cause a long persuasion,which I would not face.Besides,the teachers made summer homework lists as we were sent off for va

40、cation. The reason sounds persuasiveto keep us studying during the long break so we wouldnt forget our lessons.I found that the joy of my summer vacation had been stolen. But do I blame my mum or my teachers? Of course not. Though I dont like listening to my mums lessons about society competition,I

41、still understand that I should do well in study .What bothers me is that I dont feel like sitting in the classroom focusing my mind on the teachers lectures. My mind is staying outdoors,tasting the freedom of the blue skies,the power of sunshine and the comfort of gentle wind.not only scores or cert

42、ificates.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語寫作內(nèi)容1以約30個詞概括短文的要點;2然后以約120個詞就“中學生在暑假參加學習班”的現(xiàn)象發(fā)表看法,并包括如下要點:(1)分析中學生在暑假參加強化學習班(enrichment classes)的利弊;(2)你是否贊成中學生在暑假參加強化學習班? (3)對中學生的家長們提出建議。寫作要求可以使用實例或其它論述方法支持你的論點,也可以參照閱讀材料的內(nèi)容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語答案:答案: About Enrichment Classes The student complained in her

43、 diary that instead of having fun in the summer vacation, she was occupied by enrichment classes and piles of homework, which were arranged by the parents and the teaches. Though she followed the arrangement, she seemed to be fed up. More and more parents would like their children to study in all ki

44、nds of enrichment classes during the holiday. They think it useful way for their children improve their studies and it help their children enter a key school or university. However, by doing so their children could not relaxing themselves and they may lose interest in their subjects and chances to k

45、now about the real situation in society.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語答案:In my opinion,its not a good idea to attend enrichment classes during the summer vacation. Summer vacation is supposed to be a time for students to have a break between terms of hard work. Without a thorough relaxation,how can we refresh

46、 ourselves? Besides,surfing the Internet,visiting museums or reading novels are also ways of learning,which are more interesting to us.I dont think parents should arrange the vacation for the children themselves. Instead,parents should care more about the childrens feeling,try to understand and believe in them.Above all,parents have to understand not only scores guarantee childrens future.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語祝祝您您

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