高中英語 Unit3 第一學時Reading and Comprehension同步教學課件 新人教版選修6

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1、第一學時第一學時Reading and ComprehensionA healthy life 1Have you ever smoked?If you have,have you ever tried to stop?No.2Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?Some adolescents start smoking because they are falsely influenced by some media.Some think its cool.Maybe some want to lighten some stres

2、s.3In what ways is smoking harmful?Smoking does harm to ones mental and physical health.4What advice would you give to someone when they want to stop smoking?Let them get interested in some positive hobbies like sports,playing music,reading,playing chess and so on.Task 1快速閱讀課文Advice from Grandad,用大約

3、30詞寫出課文的概要。溫馨提示:本文是爺爺寫給孫子的一封信。寫概要時要緊扣原文的體裁特點及寫信的目的。_答案:答案:In the letter,James grandad takes his own experience of smoking as an example,illustrating how people get addicted to smoking as well as its bad effects on people.Grandfather also gives him some advice on giving up smoking.Task 2仔細閱讀Advice fr

4、om Grandad,選擇正確答案。1. Which of the following illustrates the ways you may become addicted to cigarettes according to the letter? ( )aYour body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it.bYou can become addicted to cigarettes through habit.cWhen you think something over,it is easy to smoke.dSome peop

5、le think they feel happier and more relaxed when they smoke.AacdBabcCabdDcbd C2How many suggestions did James grandfather give in the text? ( )AThree. BFour.CFive. Dsix.3Which of the following is NOT true according to the letter? ( )ASmoking does terrible damage to peoples heart and lungs.BIt is imp

6、ossible for smoking couples to become pregnant.CThe ends of the fingers of heavy smokers may easily turn yellow.DSmoking can affect the health of nonsmokers.DB4About James grandad,which of the following CANNOT be inferred from the letter? ( )AHe is talkative and humorous.BHe cares about his grandson

7、.CHe was a smoker when he was young,but he succeeded in giving up smoking.DHe is fit and leads an active life now.5The right statement about quitting smoking is_.Athe best day to stop smoking is the first day to go to workByou should be ashamed if you fail to give up smokingCdo your favorites to kee

8、p your hands busyDsmoke all the cigarettes before you plan to quitACTask 3再次閱讀Advice from Grandad,然后完成下面的表格。Purpose of the letterTo give James some _1_ and to encourage him to _2_.Three different _3_to make people smokebecome _4_ addicted to nicotine,become automatically addicted through _5_,become

9、_6_ addicted.1advice2.give up smoking3.ways4.physically5.habit6.mentallyThe harmful _7_of smokingdo terrible _8_ to your heart and lungs,have difficulties in becoming _9_,_10_ the health of nonsmokers.make smokers smell terrible and the fingers turn yellow.Some _11_forquitting smoking_12_ yourself.B

10、e _13_14_ the habit. Relax.Get help if you need it. _15_.7.effects8.damage9.pregnant10.affect11.suggestions12.Prepare13.determined14.Break15.Keep tryingTask 4根據(jù)課文How can you stop smoking?在下文空格中填上恰當?shù)脑~語,使文章連貫完整。How can you stop smoking?It isnt easy to stop smoking,but millions have managed to quit and

11、 1_ can you.Choose a day that is not 2_ (stress) to quit smoking.Make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking.Throw 3_ all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit.Every time you feel like smoking,remind 4_ that you are a nonsmoker.Develop some other habits

12、 5_walking,drinking some water,cleaning the house and so on to keep yourself busy.If you feelnervous 6_ stressed,try to do some 7_ (relax) exercises.You can join a stopsmoking group.If you feel really bad,ask 8_ doctor or chemist for help.The most important thing is 9_(keep) trying.Dont feel ashamed

13、 if you weaken and have a cigarette because some people have to try many times 10_ they finally quit smoking.Never give up and you will succeed eventually.1so2.stressful3.away4.yourself5.like6.or7.relaxation8.a9.to keep10.before 一、請將課文Advice from Grandad翻譯成漢語,然后對照“譯文助讀”自主勘誤。譯文助讀爺爺?shù)闹腋嬗H愛的詹姆士: 今天這兒的天氣很

14、好?,F(xiàn)在我正坐在花園盡頭的那棵大樹底下呢。我剛剛才回來,騎自行車跑了很長一段路,一直到了古城堡。感到驚奇吧,像我這樣的年紀,身體健康而且能在一個下午騎車跑20公里。再過兩個禮拜就是我82歲的生日了!我想之所以長壽而且精力充沛,要歸功于我的健康生活。 這就是我寫信給你的真正原因,我親愛的孫子。你媽媽告訴我,你不久前開始吸煙了,而且現(xiàn)在很難把它戒掉。相信我吧,我知道,吸煙容易戒煙難。你知道,當我還是一個十幾歲的孩子的時候,我也吸過煙,而且還上了癮。這兒我想順便問你一個問題,你知道上癮有三個方面的原因嗎?首先,你會在身體上對尼古丁有癮,它是香煙里的幾百種化學物質之一。這就是說,過一段時間以后,你的身

15、體習慣了香煙里的尼古丁。一旦你的體內沒有這種麻醉劑了,你就會有斷癮癥狀,我記得曾感到煩躁、甚至痛苦。其次你在習慣上上癮。你知道,如果你反反復復地做同一件事情,你就會自動地做它。最后,你可以心理上癮。我那時認為,抽了一支煙后就會感到更輕松愉快,于是我就以為抽煙才能使自己感覺良好。我之所以上癮是有著這三個方面的原因的,因此,要戒煙就很難。但是我終于還是戒掉了。 在我年輕的時候,關于吸煙的危害性我知道的并不多。例如,我不知道抽煙能嚴重侵害人的心臟和肺部,也不知道吸煙的夫婦生育能力會下降。我當然不知道他們的嬰兒在出生時可能體重較輕或在某些方面不正常。我更不知道,自己吸煙還會損害那些不吸煙人的健康。然而

16、我的的確確知道,我的女朋友覺得我的煙味很難聞。她說我的呼吸、我的衣服都有味道,而且我的手指頭都變黃了。她說在我把煙戒掉之前,她是不會再同我一起外出的。我也發(fā)現(xiàn)我跑步很快就氣喘,也不像以前那樣愛好運動了。而當我因為不健康而被校足球隊除名之后,我才知道是我該戒煙的時候了。 我把我從網上找到的一些忠告寄給你?;蛟S對你戒煙和堅定決心會有所幫助。我的確希望你把煙戒掉,因為我希望你能像我這樣活得健康長壽。 愛你的爺爺你怎樣才能戒煙?戒煙不容易,但許許多多的人都成功地戒掉了煙,所以你也能。這兒有幾點建議:作好準備。確定一個開始戒煙的日子。不要選擇你明知有壓力的日子,例如要考試的那一天。把戒煙的好處列一個清單


18、使非得經過多次戒煙才能最后把它戒掉,你也不要失去希望。如果你因意志薄弱而又抽煙了,也不要覺得難為情。那就再努力戒就是了。最終你會成功的。二、將下列單詞或詞組譯成英語然后參閱Unit 3的詞匯表自主勘誤。1濫用;虐待 n&v._2香煙 n_3壓力 n使緊張 v_4青少年 n青春期的adj._5禁止 v禁令 n_6無意識的,自動的 adj._7精神的 adj._8結果,效力 n_9加強,鞏固 v_1abuse2.cigarette3.stress4.adolescent5.ban6.automatic7.mental8.effect9.strengthen10絕望的 adj._11失望的 adj._12感到慚愧或羞恥的 adj._13由于_14對有癮_15習慣于_16對作出決定_17想要做_10.desperate11.disappointed12.ashamed13.due to14.addicted to15.accustomed to16.decide on17.feel like(doing)

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