備戰(zhàn)2018年高考英語 必考話題分類解析 話題14 語言與學(xué)習(xí)(Language Learning)(含解析)

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備戰(zhàn)2018年高考英語 必考話題分類解析 話題14 語言與學(xué)習(xí)(Language Learning)(含解析)_第1頁
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備戰(zhàn)2018年高考英語 必考話題分類解析 話題14 語言與學(xué)習(xí)(Language Learning)(含解析)_第2頁
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備戰(zhàn)2018年高考英語 必考話題分類解析 話題14 語言與學(xué)習(xí)(Language Learning)(含解析)_第3頁
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《備戰(zhàn)2018年高考英語 必考話題分類解析 話題14 語言與學(xué)習(xí)(Language Learning)(含解析)》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《備戰(zhàn)2018年高考英語 必考話題分類解析 話題14 語言與學(xué)習(xí)(Language Learning)(含解析)(30頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、- 1 -話題話題 1414 語言與學(xué)習(xí)(語言與學(xué)習(xí)(LanguageLanguage LearningLearning)語言與學(xué)習(xí)是高中英語新課標話題之一,也是高考常考的話題之一。本話題包括英美英語的差異、英語和文化、語言學(xué)習(xí)的困難和策略、語言和交際的態(tài)度、學(xué)習(xí)方法和學(xué)習(xí)策略等方面。這些話題與學(xué)生的日常學(xué)習(xí)密切相關(guān),通過這些話題的學(xué)習(xí)和考查,可以讓學(xué)生了解西方語言的特點及其語言背后的文化差異,研究學(xué)習(xí)方法和策略,激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)外語的熱情,促進他們的身心健康。近幾年高考英語中語言與學(xué)習(xí)話題常以聽力、閱讀理解、完形填空和書面表達的形式來進行考查,例如 2017 年新課標卷 I 完形填空和書面表達,

2、2017 年江蘇卷閱讀理解 B 篇,2017 年天津卷閱讀表達,2016 年新課標卷 II 閱讀理解 C 篇,2016 年四川卷完形填空;2016年浙江卷閱讀理解 C、D 兩篇;2016 年北京卷閱讀理解 A、D 兩篇;2016 年江蘇卷閱讀理解 A篇和天津卷閱讀理解 A 篇;2015 年天津卷閱讀理解 C 篇;2014 年新課標全國卷閱讀理解 D篇;2012 年四川卷書面表達等?!鞠嚓P(guān)詞匯】【相關(guān)詞匯】.寫作必記單詞1.absorbvt.吸收;理解;使全神貫注;吸引(注意)2.approachv.接近;靠近;n.接近;方法;途徑3.coursen.課程;過程4.difficultyn.困難,

3、困境5.explainvt.解釋,說明explanationn.解釋;講解;說明6.expressv.表達;表示7.graduallyadv.逐漸地gradualadj.逐漸的8.mastervt.精通,掌握;n.大師;主人9.overcomev.克服,解決10.practicen.&v.練習(xí)11.requestv.&n.請求;要求- 2 -.閱讀識記單詞12.accentn.口音;腔調(diào);重音13.accumulatevt.&vi.積累;積聚accumulationn.積累,積聚14.accurateadj.準確的,精確的accuratelyadv.精確地,準確地accuracyn.精確,準確


5、.發(fā)音pronouncevt.&vi.發(fā)音29.recognizev.辨認出;承認;識別30.scanvt.&vi.掃讀;瀏覽31.sentencen.句子32.shortcomingn.缺點,短處33.shortlyadv.不久;簡單地,扼要地34.skimvt.&vi.跳讀;略讀35.spellingn.拼寫;拼法36.standardn.&adj.標準(的)37.straightadj.筆直的;正直的;adv.直接地;坦率地38.stressn.重音39.termn.術(shù)語;條目- 3 -40.usagen.使用;用法41.vocabularyn.詞匯42.wonderfuladj.精彩的

6、;了不起的1.at present 目前;現(xiàn)在2.attach importance to 重視3.because of 因為;由于e up 提出;走近5.form the habit of 養(yǎng)成的習(xí)慣6.have a good command of 精通7.have a good knowledge of 通曉8.insist on 堅持9.keep/bear.in mind 記住10.look up 查閱;向上看11.make progress 取得進步12.make full use of 充分利用13.pick up(偶然)學(xué)得;拾起,撿起;接收14.put.to use 使用15.s

7、uch as 例如;像讀得快才能買得快:文字會慢慢消失的書!The Book That Cant Wait seeks to strengthen bonds between first-timewriters and their readers by getting their books read quickly.等不起的圖書這一發(fā)明催促人們盡快閱讀圖書,從而加強了新人作家和讀者之間的聯(lián)系。- 4 -Argentinean independent publishers Eterna Cadencia are publishing an anthologyof new Latin autho

8、rs using special ink that disappears once it comes in contact withsun and air, completely disappearing within 2months time after opening the book. Thismakes for an interesting approachto motivate book buyers to readbooksmorepromptly,givingfirst-time authors the attentionthey need to survive:阿 根 廷 獨

9、立 出 版 商 EternaCadencia 使用了新型油墨,出版了拉美新人作家的文集。這種新型圖書一旦打開,接觸到陽光和空氣,它的文字就會在 2 個月后完全消失。這樣的變化促使讀者購買書籍后立刻閱讀,從而給予新人作者更多關(guān)注。The Book That Cant Wait tackles an important problem for new authors. Theinnovative independent publishers teamed up with DRAFTFCB Buenos Aires to developthis initiative.等不及的圖書這項發(fā)明解決了新人作

10、者面臨的重要的市場化問題。這些具有創(chuàng)造思維的獨立出版商們已與布宜諾斯艾利斯 DRAFTFCB 廣告公司合作,繼續(xù)推廣這一創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)品。Books are very patient objects. We buy them, and then they wait for us to readthem. Days, months, even years. Thats OK for books, but not for new authors. Ifpeople dont read their first books, theyll never make it to a second.圖書都是非常耐心的

11、。我們購買了它們,接著它們就靜靜等我們?nèi)シ啞7置肓魇?,乃至?jīng)年累月。圖書當(dāng)然等得起,可新人作家就不行了。要是人們沒有讀過他們的第一本書,下一本就基本無望了。Thats why Eterna Cadencia, an independent publisher and book store, decide tocreate something different to launch their new authors into the market. The bookscant wait. Hows that? We developed the unique kind of ink, an i

12、nk that starts todisappear when it comes in contact with light and air. Then we printed an anthologyof the best new American Latin author, using this ink, to create a new kind of book.A book that lasts only two months once you open it.既是獨立出版商又是書店的 Eterna Cadencia 才會因此決定劍走偏鋒,采用新方法來推出新- 5 -人作家。圖書等不得,那

13、怎么辦呢?他們創(chuàng)造了一種新型墨水,之后用它來出版的拉美新人作家的一本文集。這種油墨一旦接觸陽光和空氣,就會慢慢消失。也就是說,這本書只能放 2個月,否則文字都會消失。We presented The book cant wait for the critics and the press. The inventionis a success. Hundreds of people came to the bookstore to pick up their book. We gaveaway the entire first edition. The very same it was rele

14、ased. We received thousandsof requests for the book.他們向評論家和出版社展示了等不起的圖書這一發(fā)明。事實證明,它是成功的。成百上千的人來書店購買這種圖書,乃至全線售罄。同樣的圖書一經(jīng)出版,訂單就紛至沓來。And the best results? This time we had the guaranteethat our new authors were read. Then when to use the bookas a platform for other different titles, becausetherere a lot

15、of literatures out there that doesntdeserve to wait on the shelf. And ours wont wait atall.這就是最好的結(jié)果。新人作者的作品都得到了閱讀。接下來,他們將以此為平臺,延伸到其他類型的作品。還有很多其他的文學(xué)作品不能默默地在書架上蒙塵,它們的作者再不能等待時間的消磨。教育已成奢侈品教育已成奢侈品! !月薪月薪 3 3 萬還撐不起孩子一個暑假萬還撐不起孩子一個暑假? ?Whats the latest luxury status symbol in China? Its not a handbag by Lou

16、isVuitton or Gucci. According to Chinese parents, its their children. Shelling outasmallfortunefortheirchildrensschooling,summervacations,andextracurriculars is the latest trend for Chinese parents looking to distinguishthemselves.中國最新的奢侈品的標志是什么?不是路易威登或古馳的手提包。中國父母們表示,是他們的孩子。對中國父母而言,拿出一大筆錢用于孩子的學(xué)校教育、暑

17、期和課外活動是他們彰顯自己的最新趨勢。This summer, an article titled, A Monthly Salary of 30,000 RMB ($4,493) is NotEnough for My Childs Summer Vacation went viral on WeChat Moments. Written by- 6 -a high-paid executive mom, it tells the story of how she can hardly keep up with theextravagant overseas summer programs

18、that she lines up for her daughter.今年夏天, 一篇名為月薪 3 萬, 還是撐不起孩子的一個暑假的文章在微信朋友圈瘋傳。這篇文章的作者是一位高薪的高管母親,文章稱,她為女兒安排了奢侈的海外暑期課程,但她的工資幾乎滿足不了這些課程的費用。The mother says the total cost of her daughters education for the summer is 35,000yuan, including 20,000yuanfor a 10-day US study tour and other tutoring classesthat

19、 cost up to 10,000yuan.這位母親表示,她女兒的暑期教育總共花費了 35000 元,其中為期 10 天的美國學(xué)習(xí)之旅需要 20000 元,而其他輔導(dǎo)課程的費用共計達 10000 元。Immediately after the post was published, Chinese netizens responded furiously,with many Weibo users asking, Can an expensive summer vacation really make yourkids better than others?這篇帖子一經(jīng)發(fā)出就引起了中國網(wǎng)民的

20、激烈回應(yīng),許多微博用戶問,昂貴的暑期課程真的就能讓你的孩子比其他人更優(yōu)秀嗎?Other internet users wondered about the intentions of parents making such asacrifice. Is this to fulfil the parents vanity or to make the children happy?其他網(wǎng)友質(zhì)疑父母們做出如此犧牲的目的。這是為了滿足父母的虛榮心還是為了讓孩子開心?Linda Xu strongly oppose such criticism. Xu, who works as an Operati

21、ons Managerin an international automobile company in Beijing, said that she spent less than thatof the mom in the post, though the cost of different tutoring classes that she selectedfor her eight-year-old son to take during the summer definitely exceeded 20,000RMB.琳達徐強烈反對了這樣的指責(zé)。徐女士在北京一家跨國汽車公司擔(dān)任運營經(jīng)理

22、,她表示,雖然與帖子中的母親相比,她的支出要少一些,但在暑假期間,她也為自己 8 歲的兒子選擇了不同的輔導(dǎo)班,而所有的費用肯定超過了 20000 元。She rationalized her decision by saying, This is the luxury I didnt get toenjoy when I was young, and I hope to start early on my kids elite education sothat he can stand out among his peers as he grows older.- 7 -她解釋了自己的決定,稱

23、這是我小時候沒有享受到的奢侈,我希望我的孩子可以早早地接受精英教育,這樣隨著他慢慢長大,他就可以從同齡人中脫穎而出。According to a report on global education expenses, 93 percent of Chinese parentshave been paying for kids private schools, a figure surpassing that of the UnitedStates (46 percent), France (32 percent), and the United Kingdom, respectively,

24、byat least 40 percent.一份關(guān)于全球教育費用的報告指出,93%的中國父母會為孩子支付私立學(xué)校的學(xué)費,而這一比例分別超過了美國(46%) 、法國(32%)和英國(至少 40%) 。The strong emphasis placed by Chinese parents on education has fueled the growthof the childrens education market in China lately. Whats more, there has beena myth among Chinese mothers that the qualit

25、y of education is positively correlatedwith the price they pay. However, the loosely regulated education market means thatthe correlation is not always true.近來,中國父母對教育的重視刺激了中國教育市場的增長。而且在中國媽媽之間還有一個說法,那就是教育質(zhì)量與他們支出的學(xué)費呈正相關(guān)。然而,監(jiān)管松散的教育市場意味著這種相關(guān)性并不總是如此。This irrational phenomenon is unique to the middle cla

26、ss in China , writesYu Xiulan, the Professor of Education at Nanjing University .這種不合理的現(xiàn)象是中國中產(chǎn)階級特有的,南京大學(xué)教育學(xué)教授余秀蘭寫道。She reasons that the countrys elite class doesnt have to worry about changingthe social status through education, whereas for lower-class households, they simplycannot afford it. Chinas

27、 middle class comes in between, whose anxiety about keepingtheir current social status urges them to spend a great deal of money in education,even at the expense of their quality of life, in order to make them feel secure.她解釋道,中國的精英階層不必擔(dān)心教育會改變他們的社會地位,而對于平民階層的家庭來說,他們根本就負擔(dān)不起這樣的教育支出。中國的中產(chǎn)階級處于兩者之間,他們對保持

28、自身當(dāng)前社會地位的擔(dān)憂使他們在教育上投入了大量的資金,為了讓自己覺得踏實,甚至不惜犧牲自己的生活質(zhì)量。- 8 -高考試題一(2017 年新課標卷 I)題型體裁話題難度建議時間完形填空記敘文大學(xué)期間學(xué)習(xí)手語17 分鐘While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspectsof life, college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this41process and found something that

29、has changed my42at college for thebetter: I discovered ASL American Sign Language(美式手語).I never felt an urge to43any sign language before. My entire family ishearing, and so are all my friends. The44languages were enough in all myinteractions(交往). Little did I know that I would discover my45for ASL.

30、The46began during my first week at college. I watched as the ASL Club47their translation of a song. Both the hand movements and the very48ofcommunicating without speaking49me. What I saw was completely unlike anythingI had experienced in the50. This newness just left me _51_ more.After that, feeling

31、 the need to52further, I decided to drop in on one- 9 -of ASL clubs meetings. I only learned how to53the alphabet that day. Yetinstead of being discouraged by my54progress, I was excited. I then made ita point to55those meetings and learn all I could.The following term, I56an ASL class. The professo

32、r was deaf and anytalking was57. I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant.58,if there had been any talking, it would have59us to learn less. Now, Iappreciate the silence and the60way of communication it opens.41. A. searchingB. planningC. naturalD. formal42. A. progressB. experienceC. maj

33、orD. opinion43. A. chooseB. readC. learnD. create44. A. officialB. foreignC. bodyD. spoken45. A. loveB. concernC. goalD.request46. A. meetingB. tripC. storyD. task47. A. recordedB. performedC. recitedD. discussed48. A. ideaB. amountC. dreamD. reason49. A. disturbedB. supportedC. embarrassedD. attrac

34、ted50. A. endB. pastC. courseD. distance51. A. showingB. actingC. sayingD. wanting52. A. exerciseB. exploreC. express- 10 -D. explain53. A. printB. writeC. signD. count54. A. slowB. steadyC. normalD. obvious55. A. chairB. sponsorC. attendD. organize56. A. missedB. passedC. gave upD. registered for57

35、. A. prohibitedB. welcomedC. ignoredD. repeated58. A. LastlyB. ThusC.InsteadD. However59. A. requiredB. causedC. allowedD. expected60. A. easyB. popularC.quickD. new【話題解讀】本文是一篇記敘文,講的是與語言學(xué)習(xí)有關(guān),文章講述了作者在大學(xué)期間學(xué)習(xí)手語的經(jīng)歷。剛開始作者認為自己沒有必要學(xué)習(xí)手語,直到有一次看到手語俱樂部的表演,作者深深地為之吸引,從而產(chǎn)生了學(xué)習(xí)手語的渴望。41.A【解析】考查形容詞辨析。searching 尋找的,探索

36、的;planning 計劃的;natural 自然的; formal 正式的。 句意: 我自己經(jīng)歷了這個探索的過程。 根據(jù)前文 While high schooldoes not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, collegesets the stage for that exploration 可知大學(xué)為探索提供了舞臺,所以這里指的是作者探索的過程。故選 A。42.B【解析】考查名詞辨析。progress 進步;experience 經(jīng)歷;major 主修科目;opinion觀點。句意:我發(fā)現(xiàn)有些東西改

37、變了我的大學(xué)生活經(jīng)歷。故選 B。43.C【解析】考查動詞辨析。choose 選擇;read 看,讀;learn 學(xué)習(xí);create 創(chuàng)造。句意:我以前從沒有過學(xué)習(xí)手語的沖動。故選 C。- 11 -45.A 【解析】考查名詞辨析。love 熱愛;concern 關(guān)心,顧慮;goal 目標;request 請求。句意: 我沒想過我會發(fā)現(xiàn)自己對美式手語的熱愛。 前文中 I never felt an urge to43any sign language before 表明作者以前從未想過學(xué)習(xí)手語,而根據(jù)后文內(nèi)容可知作者非常喜歡手語。故選 A。46.C【解析】考查名詞辨析。meeting 會議;tri

38、p 旅行;story 故事;task 任務(wù)。句意:故事發(fā)生在我上大學(xué)的第一周。分析語境可知在這里作者開始講述在大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)手語的事情,故選 C。47.B【解析】考查動詞辨析。record 記錄;perform 表現(xiàn),表演;recite 背誦;discuss討論。句意:我觀看他們在 ASL 俱樂部表演一首歌的翻譯。分析語境可知 ASL 俱樂部是手語俱樂部,因此他們應(yīng)該是在用手語表演一首歌。故選 B。48.A【解析】考查名詞辨析。idea 想法;amount 數(shù)量;dream 夢想;reason 原因。句意:手的動作和不用語言進行交流的想法吸引了我。分析語境可知作者當(dāng)時在看手語表演,而手語就是為了幫助

39、人們交流而設(shè)計的手勢。故選 A。49.D【解析】考查動詞辨析。 disturb 打擾;support 支持; embarrass 使難堪;attract吸引。分析語境可知 ASL 俱樂部的表演吸引了作者,否則作者也不會主動去學(xué)習(xí)手語。故選 D。50.B【解析】考查名詞辨析。end 結(jié)束,末尾;past 過去;course 課程;distance 距離。句意:我所看到的和我在過去經(jīng)歷的事情完全不同。in the past 在過去。故選 B。52.B【解析】考查動詞辨析。exercise 鍛煉;explore 探索;express 表達;explain 解釋。句意:在那之后,我感覺到想要探索更多(

40、關(guān)于手語的東西),于是我決定參加 ASL俱樂部的一次會議。故選 B。53.C【解析】考查動詞辨析。print 打?。粀rite 寫;sign 簽名,打手語;count 數(shù)。句意:那天我只學(xué)會了打字母表的手語。分析語境可知作者第一次參加手語俱樂部的會議,學(xué)會的應(yīng)該是最基本的打字母表的手語。故選 C。- 12 -54.A 【解析】考查形容詞辨析。slow 緩慢的;steady 平穩(wěn)的;normal 正常的;obvious 明顯的。句意:我并沒有因為自己進步緩慢而沮喪,相反我很興奮。因為作者只學(xué)會了打字母表的手語,所以進步是很慢的。故選 A。55.C 【解析】 考查動詞辨析。 chair 主持, 使

41、入座; sponsor 贊助; attend 參加; organize組織。句意:之后我下定決心參加俱樂部所有的會議,學(xué)習(xí)我能學(xué)習(xí)的一切。attend ameeting 參加會議。故選 C。56.D【解析】考查動詞辨析。miss 錯過,想念;pass 通過;give up 放棄;register for報名,注冊。句意:接下來的一個學(xué)期,我報名上了一個手語班。故選 D。57.A【解析】考查動詞辨析。prohibit 禁止;welcome 歡迎;ignore 忽視;repeat 重復(fù)。句意:教授的耳朵聽不見,任何口語交流都是禁止的。根據(jù)后文 if there had beenany talkin

42、g 可知在課堂上禁止用口語交流。故選 A。58.C【解析】考查副詞辨析。lastly 最后,終于;thus 因此,如此;instead 反而,相反地;however 然而。句意:反而,如果當(dāng)時有口語交流,那只會造成我們學(xué)的手語更少。根據(jù)前文 I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant.可知作者很快意識到安靜并不是令人不愉快的,反而有口語交流會影響他們學(xué)習(xí)手語。故選 C。60.D【解析】考查形容詞辨析。easy 簡單的;popular 受歡迎的;quick 快速的;new 新的。句意:現(xiàn)在我很感激當(dāng)時的安靜,并且享受它帶來的一種新的交流

43、方式。分析語境可知手語對于作者來說是一種新的交流方式,故選 D。高考試題二(2017 年新課標卷 I)題型體裁話題難度建議時間書面表達應(yīng)用文告知下次上課的計劃18 分鐘假定你是李華,正在教你的英國朋友 Leslie 學(xué)習(xí)漢語。請你寫封郵件告知下次上課的計劃。內(nèi)容包括:(1)時間和地點;(2)內(nèi)容:學(xué)習(xí)唐詩;(3)課前準備:簡要了解唐朝的歷史。注意:- 13 -1. 詞數(shù) 100 左右;2. 可以適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。Dear Leslie,I am very happy that you have made great progress in learning Chinese and y

44、ouare interested in Chinese culture. Now Ill tell you the next learning programme.On July 20, we are going to learn poems of the Tang Dynasty which you are interestedin in the Lecture Hall. As a foreign learner, it is difficult for you to understandthe true meaning and the culture of them. Therefore

45、, before class, you can read somebooks related to the history of the Tang Dynasty to better appreciate the poems.Be sure to go to the Lecture Hall on time. You cannot miss the wonderful poems.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua【思路點撥】隨著時代的發(fā)展,電子郵件越來越受廣大中學(xué)生的歡迎,所以寫電子郵件是中學(xué)生經(jīng)常做的文檔次。高考試題三(2017 年江蘇卷)題型體裁話題難度建議時間閱讀理解說明

46、文鳥兒胎教6 分鐘Before birth, babies can tell the difference betweenloud sounds and voices. They can even distinguish theirmothers voice from that of a female stranger. But whenit comes to embryonic learning (胎教), birds could rule theroost. As recently reported inThe Auk: OrnithologicalAdvances, some mothe

47、r birds may teach their young to singeven before they hatch (孵化). New-born chicks can thenimitate their moms call within a few days of entering the world.- 14 -This educational method was first observed in 2012 by Sonia Kleindorfer, abiologist at Flinders University in South Australia, and her colle

48、agues. FemaleAustralian superb fairy wrens were found to repeat one sound over and over again whilehatching their eggs. When the eggs were hatched, the baby birds made the similar chirpto their mothersa sound that served as their regular feed me! call.To find out if the special quality was more wide

49、spread in birds, the researcherssought the red-backed fairy wren, another species of Australian songbird. First theycollected sound data from 67 nests in four sites in Queensland before and afterhatching. Then they identified begging calls by analyzing the order and number ofnotes. A computer analys

50、is blindly compared calls produced by mothers and chicks,ranking them by similarity.It turns out that baby red-backed fairy wrens also emerge chirping like theirmoms. And the more frequently mothers had called to their eggs, the more similar werethe babies begging calls. In addition, the team set up

51、 a separate experiment thatsuggested that the baby birds that most closely imitated their moms voice wererewarded with the most food.Thisobservationhintsthateffectiveembryoniclearningcouldsignalneurological (神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)的) strengths of children to parents. An evolutionary inferencecan then be drawn. As a pa

52、rent, do you invest in quality children, or do you investin children that are in need? Kleindorfer asks. Our results suggest that theymight be going for quality.58.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 1 means_.A. be the worstB. be the bestC. be the as badD. be just as good59. What are Kleindorfers fin

53、dings based on?A. Similarities between the calls of moms and chicks.B. The observation of fairy wrens across Australia.C. The data collected from Queenslands locals.D. Controlled experiments on wrens and other birds.60.Embryoniclearninghelpsmotherbirdstoidentifythebabybirdswhich- 15 -_.A. can receiv

54、e quality signalsB. are in need of trainingC. fit the environment betterD. make the loudest call【話題解讀】文章大意:文章介紹了鳥類在胎教方面的超凡本領(lǐng)。實驗發(fā)現(xiàn)鳥兒在孵化時不停地鳴叫是為了教會以后出生的雛鳥歌唱的本領(lǐng),從而挑選出能夠適應(yīng)環(huán)境的雛鳥。58. B【解析】根據(jù)第二段when the errs were hatched, the baby birds made the similarchirp to their mothers可知,鳥兒在孵化小鳥的時候,鳴叫對未出生的小鳥有很大影響,它們被

55、孵化后也能發(fā)出類似的聲音,說明鳥兒很擅長胎教。59. A【解析】根據(jù)第三段the researchers sought the red-backed fairy wren, anotherspecies of Australian songbird.可知,研究人員并未在全澳洲范圍展開調(diào)查,排除 B 項;未對其它鳥類進行記錄研究,排除 D 項。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第三段中的A computeranalysis blindly compared calls produced by mothers and chicks, ranking themby similarity.可知,A 項正確。高考試題四(2016

56、 年北京卷)題型體裁話題難度建議時間閱讀理解說明文大學(xué)并不是溫暖的家,也不能成為學(xué)生的家6 分鐘WhyWhy CollegeCollege IsIs NotNot HomeHomeThe college years are supposed to be a time for important growth in autonomy(自主性) and the development of adult identity. However, nowthey are becoming anextended period of adolescence, during which many of toda

57、ys students and are notshouldered with adult responsibilities.For previous generations, college was a decisive break from parental control;- 16 -guidance and support needed to come from people of the same age and from within. Inthe past two decades, however, continued connection with and dependence

58、on family,thanks to cell phones, email and social media, have increased significantly. Someparents go so far as to help with coursework. Instead of promoting the idea of collegeas a passage from the shelter of the family to autonomy and adult responsibility,universities have given in to the idea tha

59、t they should provide the same environmentas that of the home.To prepare for increased autonomy and responsibility, college needs to be a timeof exploration and experimentation. This process involves trying on new waysof thinking about oneself bother intellectually(在思維方面) and personally. Whilewe sho

60、uld provide safe spaces within colleges, we must also make it safe toexpress opinions and challenge majority views. Intellectual growth and flexibilityare fostered by strict debate and questioning.Learning to deal with the social world is equally important. Because a collegecommunity(群體) differs fro

61、m the family, many students will struggle to find a senseof belonging. If students rely on administrators to regulate their social behaviorand thinking pattern, they are not facing the challenge of finding an identity withina larger and complex community.Moreover, the tendency for universities to mo

62、nitor and shape student behaviorruns up against another characteristic of young adults: the response to beingcontrolled by their elders. If acceptable social behavior is too strictly defined(規(guī)定) and controlled, the insensitive or aggressive behavior that administrators areseeking to minimize may act

63、ually be encouraged.It is not surprising that young people are likely to burst out, particularly whenthere are reasons to do so. Our generation once joined hands and stood firm at timesof national emergency. What is lacking today is the conflict between adolescentsdesire for autonomy and their under

64、standing of an unsafe world. Therefore, there isthe desire for their dorms to be replacement homes and not places to experienceintellectual growth.Every college discussion about community values, social climate and behavior- 17 -should include recognition of the developmental importance of student a

65、utonomy andself-regulation, of the necessary tension between safety and self-discovery.67. Whats the authors attitude toward continued parental guidance to collegestudents?A. Sympathetic.B. Disapproving.C. Supportive.D. Neutral.68. The underlined word passage in Paragraph 2 means _.A. changeB. choic

66、eC. textD. extension69. According to the author, what role should college play?A. To develop a shared identity among students.B. To define and regulate students social behavior.C. To provide a safe world without tension for students.D. To foster students intellectual and personal development.70. Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?I:IntroductionP:PointSp:Sub-point( 次 要 點 )C:Conclusion67.B 【解析】觀點態(tài)度題。根據(jù)第一段The college years are supposed to be a time- 18 -for importa

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