高三英語一輪復習 M4 unit 101 Money課件 北師大版

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1、Part 1 Of 2 假設你在某旅行社做暑期工,負責為旅游項目“肇慶黃金溝(the Golden Valley)探險”寫一份英文宣傳資料。 【寫作內容【寫作內容】 1. 活動名稱:黃金溝探險; 2. 特色:貼近自然,林中露營;鍛煉身體,認識朋友; 3. 服務優(yōu)勢:導游有經驗; 4. 注意事項:要走3、4小時的路,要求身體健康,穿舒適的鞋子。 【寫作要求【寫作要求】 只能使用5個句子表達全部內容。 Welcome to our tour “Adventure in Zhaoqing Golden Valley”! You can get close to nature and go campi

2、ng in the forest. Besides, it is a good opportunity to exercise your body and get to know more friends. All our guides have several years of experience in leading such adventures and they know the best routes and the best places to camp. As we have to walk three or four hours during the trip, you ha

3、ve to be fit and remember to wear comfortable shoes.1.賺得 vt. _2.決定,確定 vt. _3.使人快樂的 adj. _4.二手的 adj. _5.勤奮的 adj. _6.關于,關系到 vt. _7.寢室,宿舍 n. _8.意識到的 adj. _earndetermineenjoyablesecond-handhard-workingconcerndormitoryaware9. 商人 n. _10.(酒)醉的 adj. _11.記者 n. _12.貪婪的 adj. _13.交易,討價還價 vt. & n. _14.現(xiàn)金 n. _15.

4、產品 n. _16.熱情的 adj. _businessmandrunkjournalistgreedybargaincashproductenthusiastic17.慚愧的 adj. _18.有進取心的 adj. _19.打攪,使煩惱 vt. _20.女售貨員 n. _21.皮革 n. _22.評論,評價 vt. _23.娛樂活動 n. _24.鉆石 n. _ashamedaggressiveannoysalesgirlleathercommentamusementdiamond25.吸引,引起興趣 vi. _26.大約地 adv. _27.包含 vt. _28.平衡 n. _29.移開

5、vt. _30.重要(性) n. _31.經濟 n. _32.使困惑 vt. _appealapproximatelycontainbalanceremoveimportanceeconomypuzzle33.祖國,家鄉(xiāng) n. _34.舉止,表現(xiàn) vi. _35.取得進展,改進 vi. _36.實際的 adj. _37.無用的 adj. _38.信號n. _39.自由 n. _40.攝影 n. _motherland / homelandbehaveadvancepracticaluselesssignalfreedomphotography41.自動的 adj. _42.焦點,中心 n. _

6、43.喧鬧的 adj. _44.(電)冰箱 n. _45.翻譯 n. _46.用電的 adj. _47.取代 vt. _48.高興的,滿意的 adj. _49.粗魯?shù)?,無禮的 adj. _50.堅定的,穩(wěn)固的 adj. _automaticfocusnoisyrefrigeratortranslationelectricreplacepleasedrudefirm1.失業(yè) _2.贈送給 _3.退學 _4.意識到 _5.決心做 _6.花時間在某事上 _7.不理睬,拒絕 _out of work give away drop out be aware of be determined to do

7、spend some time on sth. turn ones back on8. 放棄 _9. 厭倦 _10.使喜歡,吸引 _11.贊同,同意 _12.而且,更重要的是 _13.和發(fā)生聯(lián)系 _14.代替 _give up be tired of appeal to agree with what is more be associated with instead of15.編造,創(chuàng)造 _16.務必去做某事 _17.收拾起來,儲存 _18.變弱,逐漸消失 _19.確定地說 _20.再三考慮 _make up be sure to do sth. put away die away to

8、be exact think twice about1. 什么也不能讓我再回到富人行列中了,決不能! I wouldnt go back to being rich for anything no way.2. 節(jié)目對年幼的兒童尤其有吸引力。 The programme especially appeals to young children.3. 會上,約翰編了一個笑話,使在場的人開懷大笑。 At the party, John made up a joke, at which people burst out laughing.4. 而且,這個項目的成功已經大大改善了當?shù)鼐?民的生活。 W

9、hat is more, the success of the programme has greatly improved the lives of the local people.5. 沒有人知道我做了這件事,千萬別把我出賣了。 Nobody knows Ive done this, so please dont give me away.1. replace vt. 取代,代替,替換 常用結構:replace sb. / sth. with / by sb. / sth. George has replaced Edward as our captain. 喬治接任愛德華當了我們的隊長

10、。 Can anything replace a mothers love? 有什么東西能代替母愛嗎? I replaced the worn-out tires with / by new ones. 我用新輪胎替換了那些磨損不堪的舊輪胎。1. 課堂上電腦永遠不會取代老師。 _ _2. 他們已經用新窗戶更換了破窗戶。 _ _Teachers will never be replaced by computers in class.They have replaced a broken window with a new one.2. determine vt.&vi. 決定,決心(做某事)

11、He determined to travel no further that night. 那天晚上他決定不再往前走了。 He has determined that nothing shall prevent him from going to work in the countryside. 他已下定決心什么也阻擋不了他去農村工作。 They determined on an early start. 他們決定早點動身。 be determined to do sth. make up ones mind to do sth. 決心做某事 She is determined to do

12、the job regardless of all consequences. 她不顧一切后果,決心做這份工作。3. concern vt. 關系到,擔憂,關心; n. 關心,關心的事 The safety of food concerns millions of families. 食品安全關系到千家萬戶。 She is always concerning about other peoples business. 她總是關心別人的事情。The boys poor health concerned his parents.這男孩身體不好,他父母很擔心。Generally speaking,

13、the main concern of parents is their childrens future.一般說來,父母主要關心的是他們孩子的未來。be / feel concerned about 關心;憂慮so / as far asbe concerned 關于;就而言1. 房價是人們目前關心的事情之一。 _ _2. 你不應該不打招呼就離開,我很擔心你。 _ _The house price is one of peoples concerns at present.You should not have left without a word; I am concerned abou

14、t you.4. aware adj. 意識到的,覺察到的(用作表語) I dont think people are really aware of just how much it costs. 我認為人們并不真正明白這要花多少錢。 You must be aware that what you are doing is quite illegal. 你必須意識到你正在做的事情完全是違法的。I was too sleepy to be aware how cold it was.我很困以至于沒覺察到有多冷。awareness n. 意識,知道1. 他好像沒有意識到這些問題。 _2. 你意識

15、到困難了嗎? _He doesnt seem to be aware of the problems.Are you aware that there is a difficulty?5. bargain n. 交易,便宜貨 I picked up a few good bargains in the sales. 我在大減價時買了幾件挺不錯的便宜貨。 He and his partner had made a bargain to tell each other everything. 他和他的合伙人約定,要互通信息,毫無保留。v. 討價還價 常構成bargain with sb. abou

16、t / over / for sth. We bargained with the farmer for a supply of milk and butter. 我們?yōu)榕D毯忘S油的供給跟那農夫討價還價。用適當?shù)慕樵~填空1. The woman spent hours in the market, bargaining _the goods.2. He made a bargain _ his wife, “You cook and Ill wash up.”for / about / overwith6. ashamed adj. 羞恥的,慚愧的(多作表語)構成短語be ashamed of

17、,意思是“為而 羞恥”。 He is terribly ashamed of what he did. 他為自己所干的事深感羞愧。(be) ashamed可接動詞不定式作補足語,意思是 “羞于做某事”或“因做了某事而感到慚愧”。 Im ashamed to say that I lied to her. 我真不好意思說我向她撒了謊。 I cried at the end and Im not ashamed to admit it. 最后我哭了,我并不恥于承認哭過。(be) ashamed后也跟that從句。 Bill felt ashamed that he had not told the

18、 truth. 比爾為自己沒有說實話而感到羞愧。1. The student _(感到羞愧) his cheating in the English examination.2. I _(十分不好意思) have to trouble you.was ashamed ofam quite ashamed to7. contain與includecontain 強調“盛有,容納”,指在某一范圍或 容器內能容納某物。不用于進行時態(tài)。 This book contains all the information you need. 這本書包含了你所需要的所有內容。 The jar contains

19、sugar. 這個罐子里裝的是糖。 Beer contains alcohol. 啤酒含有酒精。include 包括,包含;側重被包含者只是整體 中的一部分。 There are six people in the hall, including me(=me included). 算上我,大廳里一共有6個人。用contain, include的適當形式填空1. Ive got three daysholiday, _ New Years Day.2. The box is used to _ the childs toys.3. Our teacher said, “Sea water _

20、salt.”includingcontaincontains用contain, include的適當形式填空4. All of us, myself _, have been to the Summer Palace several times.5. His university courses _ art and literature.includedinclude8. advancevt. 前進,發(fā)展,提前; vi. 向前推進,有進展 Our troops have advanced about two miles. 我們的部隊前進了大約兩英里。 The date of the exam

21、was advanced from the 10th to the 5th. 考試日期已由10號提前到5號。 The work during this week is not advancing. 這周的工作沒有進展。n. 進展,前進 This could be an advance on the present situation. 事態(tài)可以比目前的狀況更好。 Nothing could stop the advance of the soldiers. 沒有什么可以阻止士兵們的前進。adj. 預先的,事先的 They dont normally give any advance notic

22、e about which building theyre going to inspect. 對于要視察哪一棟建筑,他們通常事先不會 通知。in advance 事先,預先advanced adj. 高級的,先進的advancement n. 提升,促進,進步9. focus n. 中心,焦點 Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office. 由于他身穿奇裝異服,他一走進辦公室就成了 大家關注的焦點。vt. (使)特別注意;集中(注意

23、力)于;(使)調 節(jié)焦距 You must try to focus your mind on work and study. 你應該努力把思想集中于工作和學習中。 This photograph looks funny; I think you forget to focus the camera. 這張照片看上去有點滑稽,我想你是忘記調焦 距了。in focus 焦點對準,清晰out of focus 焦點沒有對準,模糊When a photograph isnt in focus, it isnt clear; its out of focus.當焦點沒有對準時,照片不清晰,即模糊。1.

24、 大家的目光都集中在老師身上。 _2. 照片上他的臉模糊不清。 _All eyes focused on the teacher.His face is out of focus in the photograph.10. value n. 價值,重要性; vt. 估價;尊重,重視be of great value 很有價值People seldom realize the value of health till they have lost it.人們直到失去健康才懂得健康的重要性。What is the value of this picture by Rubens?這幅魯本斯創(chuàng)作的畫價

25、值多少?The machine is valued at 1,000 yuan.這臺機器估價1,000元。I shall always value your friendship.我會始終重視你的友誼。valuable adj. 貴重的,很有價值的 value, price, cost與worthWhat is its price?=What does it cost? 均指所標價目。某一工作(商品)所需要花費的錢是cost,某商品出售的價格是price,某物的實際價值是value和worth。He sold the house at a price below its real value.

26、他低價賣掉了這幢房子。priceless無價的;valueless或worthless 意為“沒有價值的”。These paintings are priceless.這些畫是無價的。學生向來尊重他們的老師。_The students have always valued their teachers.11. choose v. 選擇,挑選;愿意,寧愿(多跟不定 式短語) Which one did you choose? 你挑了哪一個? She chose to accept his offer. 她決定接受他的提議。 He chose to say nothing about this t

27、o anyone. 他不愿意把這件事對任何人講。choose out 選出be well / ill chosen 挑得好/不好chooseas / for 把選為cant choose but do 只好choose between A and / or B 從A和B中選擇Theres nothing to choose betweenand 與之間沒有差別1. 我不得不這樣做。 _2. 他們選大衛(wèi)做他們的領導。 _I can not choose but to do so.They chose David as their leader.12. choice n. 選擇;入選者,可供選擇的

28、種類 There were so many cakes that it was difficult to make a choice. 糕點那么多,以致挑選起來很困難。 Buying that book was my wise choice. 買那本書是我明智的選擇。 This shop has a big choice of books. 這間書店有很多書可供選擇。to make the best choice of 精選a careful choice 細心的選擇the best choice 最佳選擇without choice 不加選擇地 have no choice but to do sth. 別無選擇1. 我們作出了正確的選擇。 _2. 他別無選擇,只好躺下睡覺。 _ We have made the right choice.He has no choice but to lie down and sleep.

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