高三英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) 模塊四 Unit 1 Advertising課件 牛津譯林版

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《高三英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) 模塊四 Unit 1 Advertising課件 牛津譯林版》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《高三英語一輪復(fù)習(xí) 模塊四 Unit 1 Advertising課件 牛津譯林版(38頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、UNIT 1UNIT 1ADVERTISINGADVERTISING( (主題語境主題語境: :人與社會人與社會社會服務(wù)與人際關(guān)系社會服務(wù)與人際關(guān)系) )-3-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型1.persuade vt.說服;勸說;勸導(dǎo);使相信經(jīng)典例句 I managed to persuade my classmates into accepting my idea.我設(shè)法說服了我的同學(xué)接受我的想法。(1)persuade sb.into doing/into sth.說服某人做某事persuade sb.out of doing sth.說服某人不要做某事persuade sb.of sth.使某

2、人相信某事(相當于convince sb.of sth.)try to persuade sb.to do sth.試圖說服某人做某事(2)persuasion n.說服;勸導(dǎo)(3)persuasive adj.有說服力的-4-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型用法點撥(1)可用于“動詞+sb.+into doing sth.”結(jié)構(gòu)的還有:cheat/trick/fool sb.into doing sth.欺騙某人做某事;talk sb.into doing sth.說服某人做某事;terrify/frighten sb.into doing sth.威脅某人做某事,等等。(2)可用于“動詞+sb.+

3、out of doing sth.”結(jié)構(gòu)的還有:talk sb.out of doing sth.說服某人不做某事;terrify/frighten sb.out of doing sth.威脅某人不做某事,等等。-5-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)The other day,my husband (試圖勸我不買)that coat as he thought it was too long.However,the assistant tried hard (使我相信良好的質(zhì)量)and fashionable style of it.Therefore,I couldnt help (

4、勸說)into buying it.So you can see how easy it is (說服女人購買)the things that arent suitable for her.(2)The clever salesman cheated my wife his goods.這位聰明的推銷員巧妙地使我太太買了他的商品。(3)It was with difficulty that I talked him the experiment.我好不容易才勸他打消了終止試驗的想法。tried to persuade me not to buy/out of buying to persuad

5、e me of the good quality being persuaded to persuade a woman into buying/to buy into buying out of dropping -6-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型2.aim vt.&vi.以為目標,目的是,旨在;瞄準,對準n.目的;目標高考佳句 She started the Ladybug Foundation,an organization aiming at getting rid of homelessness.(2017北京卷,完形填空)她創(chuàng)建了一個名叫Ladybug Foundation的機構(gòu),旨在

6、幫助無家可歸的人。(1)aim at. 朝瞄準aim to do sth.目的是;旨在be aimed at(doing)sth.目的是;旨在(2)achieve/realize ones aim 達到某人的目的with the aim of. 有的目的take aim at. 把目標對準(3)aimless adj.無目標的;無目的的-7-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型用法點撥(1)由于aim可用作及物或不及物動詞,所以類似以下這樣的句子可用主動語態(tài)或被動語態(tài):My remarks were not aimed/didnt aim at you.我的話并非針對你。(2)在take aim中,aim

7、前不能加不定冠詞,即使aim前有形容詞,也不可加不定冠詞。-8-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)Mr.Abye was not a good hunter.He aimed at a rabbit,but hit a bird.= Mr.Abye was not a good hunter.He a rabbit,but hit a bird.艾比先生不是個好獵手,他瞄準了一只兔子,卻擊中了一只鳥。(2)This activity is aimed at (improve)the students ability of listening and speaking.(3)The prog

8、ramme aims (educate)and prepare students for a challenging career.(4)I dont know whom the Ministers remarks were aimed,but he ought not to say such things.took aim at improving to educate at -9-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型(5)Never do anything aim,or youll gain nothing.(6)Mr.Green visited China with the of seeing th

9、e Great Wall.without aim -10-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型3.benefit vt.&vi.使受益;得益于n.益處;福利費;獎金高考佳句 Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around but for Thomas Edison.(2015江蘇卷,單項填空)要不是愛迪生,我們今天獲益的很多東西就不會存在了。(1)sth.benefit(s) sb.某事對某人有益sb.benefit(s) from sth.某人從某事中受益(2)be of benefit to.對有益for ones benefit為

10、了幫助某人,為了某人的利益to ones benefit對某人有益(3)beneficial adj.有益的;受益的be beneficial to.(=be of benefit to.)對有利-11-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)His health daily exercises.=Daily exercises his health greatly.=Daily exercises his health.=Daily exercises his health.每天的鍛煉對他的健康非常有益。(2)Dont go to any trouble !別為我費工夫!(3)Those wh

11、o have already practising it sing high praise of it.那些已經(jīng)從練習(xí)中受益的人對它大加褒獎。benefits greatly from benefit are of great benefit to are greatly beneficial to for my benefit benefited from -12-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型4.consult vt.&vi.請教;向咨詢;與人商量;查閱高考佳句 If you have any doubts about your health,youd better consult your d

12、octor at once.(2015天津卷,單項填空)如果你對自己的健康有任何懷疑,你最好馬上咨詢你的醫(yī)生。consult sb.about sth.關(guān)于某事請教/咨詢某人consult with sb.與某人商量,與某人磋商consult.for.在中查閱-13-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)The salesgirl said she would have to consult the supervisor _the matter.女售貨員說關(guān)于這件事她得請示主管人。(2)To work out the difficult maths problem,I _ Professor

13、Russell several times.為了做出這道數(shù)學(xué)難題,我已經(jīng)向拉塞爾教授請教過多次。about have consulted -14-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型5.recommend vt.推薦;建議;勸告;介紹經(jīng)典例句 As a retired ear doctor,I heartily recommend TV Ears to people with normal hearing as well as those with hearing loss.作為一名退休的耳科醫(yī)生,我由衷地向聽力正常和聽力受損的人推薦這款TV Ears產(chǎn)品。(1)recommend sb.sth.=rec

14、ommend sth.to sb.向某人推薦某物recommend sb.to do sth.建議某人做某事recommend doing sth.建議做某事recommend that sb.(should)do sth.建議某人做某事(2)recommendation n.建議;推薦-15-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)I just spent a holiday there and would .我剛在那兒度完假,愿意向任何人推薦它。(2)I had the operation on the of my doctor.我根據(jù)醫(yī)生的建議做了手術(shù)。(3)The doctor that

15、 I a few more days in the hospital.醫(yī)生建議我在醫(yī)院多待幾天。(4)We strongly recommend (report)the incident to the police.我們強烈建議向警察報導(dǎo)此事故。recommend it to anyone recommendation recommended (should)stay reporting -16-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型6.determine vt.決定;下決心;確定;查明;裁決高考佳句 Applying my own rule,I determined to write them in al

16、phabetical order(按字母順序),never letting myself leave out a tough idea.(2016天津卷閱讀理解)我決心使用我自己的規(guī)則,按字母表的順序撰寫(這些文章),不遺漏一個難點。(1)determine to do sth.決定做某事(強調(diào)動作,是非延續(xù)性動詞短語)(2)determined adj.堅決的;有決心的be determined to do sth.堅決要做某事(狀態(tài))(3)determination n.決心;果斷a man of determination有決斷力的人用法點撥在需要用動詞-ed形式做狀語的句子中,常用de

17、termined.,而不用being determined.。類似的還有seated,lost,hidden,exhausted, convinced等。-17-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)He has nothing can prevent him from going to work in the countryside.他已經(jīng)下了決心,什么也阻止不了他到農(nóng)村去工作。(2)The government spare no effort in investigating this case thoroughly.政府決定不遺余力地徹底調(diào)查這個案子。(3)He at once.他決定立

18、刻就走。(4)We make our small business profitable.我們決定讓我們的小生意有利可圖。(5)I admire her to get it right.我贊賞她非把事情弄清楚的決心。determined that is determined to determined to go were determined to determination -18-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型1.fall for 上的當,受的騙,對信以為真;迷戀經(jīng)典例句 If you tell him that itll make him a lot of money,hes bound t

19、o fall for the idea.如果你告訴他這可以使他賺很多錢,他一定會信以為真。fall off從跌落fall down倒塌;跌倒;不實,不能令人滿意,不夠好;栽倒fall over被絆倒fall out脫落;原地解散fall ill生病fall in love with與相愛fall behind 落在后面-19-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)Two men her at the same time.兩個男子同時愛上了她。(2)I told him I would think about it and asked for his telephone number.He di

20、dnt that.我告訴他會考慮,然后跟他要電話號碼。他并沒有上當。(3)If we do not keep on learning English every day,we will _others.如果我們不堅持每天學(xué)習(xí)英語,我們就會落后別人。(4)Baby teeth to make room for bigger,stronger adult teeth later on.乳牙脫落是為了給之后更大、更結(jié)實的成牙讓出空間。fell in love with fall for fall behind fall out -20-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型2.figure out 計算出,演算出

21、;解決;弄清楚經(jīng)典例句 Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport,I figured it all out.(2016全國卷完形填空)我回到車上,往機場開去,一路上終于摸透了(Rani的為人)。(1)figure on sth./figure on(sb./sth.)doing sth.計劃/打算/預(yù)料到(某人/物)做某事(2)work out算出;解決;找到答案make out理解;看清楚carry out執(zhí)行;實施;履行;落實-21-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)We did not having so many peopl

22、e at the picnic.我們沒有料到會有這么多人參加野餐。(2)I was trying to how to swim to the boys in a straight line.我正盡力地弄清楚如何沿直線游到男孩們那邊。(3)Keeping a diary can help you your daily food intake more accurately.記日記可以幫助你更精確地計算出每日的食物攝入量。figure on figure out figure out/work out -22-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型3.get(sth.)across(to sb.) 使(某事)被

23、(某人)理解;把(某事)傳達給(某人);橫過,渡過經(jīng)典例句 Your paper wouldnt get across to readers if you used too many technical terms in it.如果你的論文中使用太多的專業(yè)術(shù)語,讀者就不好理解。get along=get on進展,(與)相處;應(yīng)付get through用完;耗盡;(設(shè)法)處理;通過(考試等);撥通電話get back回去,回家;找回get down下來,吞下,記下,開始做某事get off從下來;出發(fā),動身get out of離開,擺脫get over克服(困難),恢復(fù)get up起床,起立g

24、et rid of擺脫,消滅get hold of找到,拿到,抓住-23-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)They saw that a woman was trying to the broken window.(2016全國卷,完形填空)他們看到一個女子正試圖從那扇壞了的窗戶出來。(2)I had created a way to while using as few words as possible.我想出了一種能言簡意賅地表達自己意思的方法。(3)The teacher tried to explain the problem but the explanation did n

25、ot to the class.老師盡量把這個問題解釋清楚,但是其解釋沒有被學(xué)生理解。(4)She and her sister have never really .她從未與妹妹真正和睦相處過。get out of get my messages across get across getting on well with -24-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型4.appeal to 吸引,引起興趣;懇求;呼吁高考佳句 We tend to have a better memory for things that appeal to our emotions.(2015浙江卷,單項填空)我們對那些

26、吸引我們情感的事物通常有更好的記憶。(1)appeal to sb.吸引某人appeal(to sb.)for sth.呼吁;(向某人)請求得到某物appeal to sb.to do sth.呼吁某人做某事(2)make an appeal to sb.向某人提出呼吁have no/little appeal for sb.引不起某人的興趣-25-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)Sport has become an important form of entertainment,_ both men and women.體育已成為一種重要的娛樂形式,吸引著男男女女。(2)It is

27、the way he teaches maths me,not maths itself.吸引我的是他教數(shù)學(xué)的方式,而不是數(shù)學(xué)本身。(3)Music me.音樂幾乎引不起我的興趣。appealing to that appeals to has little appeal for -26-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型1.Nowadays,we can find advertisements almost wherever we go.如今,我們無論去哪里幾乎都能看到廣告。(Page 2)wherever引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語從句wherever意為“無論哪里”,做連詞或副詞。引導(dǎo)地點狀語從句的類似詞有wh

28、ere,everywhere。(1)where與wherever都能引導(dǎo)地點狀語從句。where指“在某個地方”;wherever指“無論哪里,在任何一個地方”。(2)wherever與no matter where兩者都可以引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,但是引導(dǎo)名詞性從句時,只能用wherever。-27-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)Some people enjoy themselves where they are.有些人無論在哪里都很開心。(2) you go does not matter to me.無論你到哪里去都和我沒關(guān)系。(3)you are,you can accomplis

29、h your achievement.不管你在什么地方,你都能取得成就。wherever/no matter Wherever Wherever/No matter where -28-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型2.Even if an ad does not lie,it does not mean it is altogether innocent.即使一則廣告沒有撒謊,也并不意味著這則廣告就是完全“清白”的。(Page 2)even if意為“盡管,即使”,用來引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,even though是更正式的說法。Even if many difficulties remain,we c

30、an overcome them.即便仍有許多困難,我們也能克服它們。I dont like oranges even though I know theyre good for my health.我不喜歡橘子,盡管我知道它們對我的健康有好處。-29-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)But its okay to be the one to break the ice, youve lived next door for years.但是即使你已經(jīng)在隔壁住了多年,成為打破僵局的人也不錯。(2)He will come on time .即使下雨,他還是會準時來的。even if eve

31、n if it rains -30-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型3.Not all ads play tricks on us though.但并非所有的廣告都跟我們玩花招。(Page 3)Not all.部分否定not all.=all.not部分否定,也稱半否定。具有總括意義的代詞each,everybody,everything,all,both;形容詞complete,whole;副詞completely,always,wholly,altogether等與否定詞not連用,構(gòu)成部分否定,表示“不都;并非都”。而no,none,never,nobody,neither,nothing,no

32、 more,no longer等表示否定意義的詞與謂語一起使用構(gòu)成了全部否定。-31-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練把下列半否定的句子改為全否定(1)Not everything she did pleased him._(2)Both of them are not my brothers._(3)I do not remember all the details._(4)She is not always excited._Nothing she did pleased him.Neither of them is my brother.I remember none of the de

33、tails.She is never excited.-32-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型4.According to the publisher,readers do seem to be interested in this new novel.據(jù)出版商說,讀者似乎確實對這本新小說感興趣。(Page 9)“do+動詞原形”表示對謂語的強調(diào)本句運用了助動詞do來加強語氣。seem 可用作系動詞或不及物動詞,意為“似乎,好像”。do是助動詞,用來加強語氣。助動詞do/does/did用于一般現(xiàn)在時和一般過去時的肯定陳述句中,與動詞原形連用,以加強語氣,在句子中要重讀,翻譯時要將其強調(diào)的意思“的確,

34、確實,務(wù)必”等表達出來;與祈使句連用,意為“務(wù)必,一定”。-33-高頻單詞重點短語難點句型四維熱練(1)When they a pedestrian or a vehicle,or cause an accident,at least they can be traced.當他們(騎自行車的人)確實撞到了行人或車輛,或者造成了事故,至少可以追蹤到他們。(2)The findings,however,why the sensation-seekers who multitask the most may enjoy risky distracted driving.然而,研究結(jié)果的確表明了為什么

35、那些經(jīng)常處理多重任務(wù)刺激尋求者喜歡在注意力不集中的情況下冒險駕駛。do hit do suggest -34- .單句語法填空1.The boss was very pleased with our work and promised us to go to Paris for (please).2.Ads always employ (persuade)language to talk people into buying their products.3.He was sure that the man was (innocent)of any crime,and claimed he h

36、ad evidence which could prove it.4.The cut of a diamond depends on the technique of its craftsman, and (skill)craftsmen are always in high demand.5.She was a woman of unique talent and (determine).pleasure persuasive innocent skilful determination -35- 6.(person),you never allow private problems to

37、affect your performance.7.It is high time you (start)off.8.The TV (update)a news story on the bad storm coming to our area.9.Now doctors believe they have (cure)him of the disease.10.She made helpful (comment)on my work.Personally started updated cured comments -36- .單句改錯1.Youre meaning to pay befor

38、e you go in._2.The sales girl persuaded them buy her clothes._3.Well,I recommend take a bus._4.When it came to the summer vacation,we all become excited._5.Urging by his parents,he decided to participate in the competition._meaningmeantbuy前加totaketakingbecomebecameUrgingUrged-37- .話題微寫作翻譯下面6個句子,然后通過

39、合理想象,用恰當?shù)男揶o手段整合成一篇短文。1.如今廣告成了我們生活的一部分,它們隨處可見。(advertisement)2.商業(yè)廣告的目的就是要說服你購買某樣?xùn)|西或接受某種服務(wù)。(be aimed at)3.特別是一些不誠實的廣告就是為了騙取顧客的錢財。(cheat)4.你可能一不小心就上了它們的當。(fall for)5.我們必須弄清楚廣告的真?zhèn)巍?figure out)6.而公益廣告是宣傳正能量的東西。(promote)-38- Nowadays,advertisements have been part of our life,which can be seen almost every

40、where.Commercial ads are aimed at persuading you into purchasing something or accepting some service.Especially some dishonest advertisements are designed to cheat the customers out of their money.Thus,you may fall for them unconsciously.We must figure out whether the ad is true or not.On the contrary,public service ads usually promote something positive.

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