人教版八年級英語上Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Section B ( 2a–Self check)教學設計

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《人教版八年級英語上Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Section B ( 2a–Self check)教學設計》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《人教版八年級英語上Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Section B ( 2a–Self check)教學設計(5頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section B ( 2aSelf check)(第二課時)一、教學目標1、知識與技能:功能:Learn to talk about cartoon.:(1)學習并掌握生詞:culture, reason, film, famous, successful, main, common, unlucky, ready (2)功能語言:One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man. However, he was always ready t

2、o try his best. 2、過程與方法:(1)能夠通過when/where/who/what/why問題進行文章的構思。(2)通過文章閱讀提高scanning/skimming閱讀策略能力。3、情感態(tài)度與價值觀:通過閱讀了解卡通片在美國文化的地位,特別是米老鼠的誕生和成名的過程從而了解世界其他國家的文化,形成跨文化的意思。二、教學重難點1、教學重點:( 1 ) 掌握本課時出現(xiàn)的生詞及表達方式。 ( 2 ) 閱讀短文,獲得相關信息,提高學生們的綜合閱讀能力。2、教學難點閱讀2b部分的短文并完成相關要求。 三、教學工具 多媒體課件 電子白板 課本 練習四、教學模式 任務型教學和情境教學相結

3、合五、教學步驟Step1. Lead-in ( 1 ) Free talk . Do you like watching cartoons? What cartoon characters do you know? Where do you usually find Mickey?( 2 ) Play a video about Mickey Mouse for students. 播放一小段米老鼠和唐老鴨的卡通片,導入新課,激發(fā)學生興趣,讓學生迅速進入學習英語狀態(tài)。T: What does Mickey Mouse look like?Ss: It is black and has two

4、large round ears.T: What do you think of Mickey Mouse?Ss: It is lovely/funny/smart/unluckyT: Do you want to know something more about Mickey Mouse?Ss: Yes.T: Lets read the passage in 2b on your book page37.【設計意圖】引導學生就自己喜愛的某一動畫片進行問答,一方面復習運用上一節(jié)課所學內容,另一方面導入新課,為學生創(chuàng)造輕松地學習氛圍。Step2. Presentation1 借助電子白板呈現(xiàn)豐

5、富的圖片教學生詞。為下一步任務掃除生詞障礙。 2 訓練快速閱讀前,進行快速閱讀技巧指導。3 Practice skimming 訓練快速閱讀 Have Ss read the passage in 2b quickly and silently to find the general idea and scan for information. Then have Ss look at the screen and guess the main idea of the passage.The main idea of the article is about_.A. What do peopl

6、e think of cartoons? B. Mickey Mouse, a famous symbol in American culture C. Some cartoons about Mickey Mouse3. Scanning for informationWhat happened at this time? On November.18, 1928In the 1930sOn November.18, 1978【設計意圖】引導學生速讀課文,通過回答問題來實現(xiàn)對課文的整體感知。因為學生要回答這個問題,必須運用略讀的技巧捕捉有用的信息,進而獲取文章的大意,不要求學生獲取所有細節(jié)信

7、息3. Careful readingRead the passage carefully and silently to find the specific ideas.Give the students three tasks.Task 1: Read the passage carefully and complete the time line on the next page.Then ask the students to discuss the answers with their partners. Task 2: Read the passage again and fill

8、 in the facts about Mickey.What does he look like?What was his first cartoon?Who is his girlfriend?Why is he popular?Mickey MouseThen ask the students to show the answers.Task 3: Read the passage once more and discuss the questions in groups.What is Mickey Mouse a symbol of?What cartoon character is

9、 a symbol of Chinese culture?Do you think Walt Disney is a smart man? Why or why not? Do you want to be like him?Why did people want to be like Mickey?Do you want to be like Mickey? Why or why not?Can you think of another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey? Why is the character popular?Th

10、en ask the students to discuss the answers in groups.【設計意圖】鍛煉學生尋找細節(jié)的能力。第一個任務以時間軸的形式設計,要求學生在閱讀中把握信息呈現(xiàn)的時間線索。該步驟的目的是培養(yǎng)學生尋讀的策略。第二個任務以表格的形式設計,引導學生注意閱讀材料的細節(jié)問題。在完成任務時,要求學生仔細默讀短文,找到有用信息,記錄在表格中。第三個任務要求學生讀完短文后,結合文章與自己的實際了解的相關情況,組內討論回答問題,體現(xiàn)了小組合作及綜合運用文章內的有用信息的能力。Step3 Group work (1). Do you want to be like Mick

11、ey? Why or why not? (2).Whats your favorite cartoon character? Why do you like it?Step 4 Writing1. Teacher reads the letter to class and call their attention to the blanks.2. Students look at the pictures in activity 1a. Complete the letter with their own opinions. Use the words like, love, dont min

12、d, dont like, cant stand, 3. Students read the letter aloud again and pay attention to the following words and expressions:enjoy doing sth, This is what I think.Step5 ExerciseFinish 3a,3b and 3c.Step6. Summary and exercise. 1. Have students summarize the sentences we learned. 2. Do exercise to conso

13、lidate what weve learned.Step7 Exercises用所給單詞的適當形式填空。 1. One of Edisons important inventions _ (be) telephone.2. Mr. Black worked hard and at last he became _ (success). 3. If you want to be successful, you must try _(face) many difficulties.4. Are you ready _(clean) up your bedroom?5. He is an/a _(

14、luck) boy. He broke his arms at the age of 6. Step8 Homework(1). Master the words and phrases after class and try to retell the article.(2). Write a passage about your favorite program.Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section B ( 2a2b)culture, , appear, become, rich, successful, main, reason,

15、 film, unlucky, lose, ready, be ready to, character 1. One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man. 2. However, he was always ready to try his best. 板書設計 教學反思閱讀課是訓練學生閱讀理解能力的主要途徑,也是學生學習新語法和鞏固舊知識的主要載體。 新課導入是整堂課的一個關鍵點,是使學生從平和達到興奮的轉折點。新課導入的好壞,關系到學生在學習下一個步驟,關系到這節(jié)課的整體效果。因此,本節(jié)課新課前,我設計一個Fre

16、e talk談論自己熟悉的卡通人物,引導學生就自己喜愛的某一動畫片進行問答,一方面復習運用上一節(jié)課所學內容,另一方面自然引出本課的主人翁Mickey Mouse,為學生創(chuàng)造輕松地學習氛圍。接下來,我利用電子白板播放一小段米老鼠和唐老鴨的卡通片,充分調動了學生的積極性,拉近了學生和教師的距離,為創(chuàng)造一個熱情的、活躍的、和諧的課堂氣氛打下基礎。 本節(jié)課的教學目標主要是培養(yǎng)學生的快速閱讀理解能力和細讀能力。 快速閱讀是非常重要的一環(huán),我們必須不僅在平常的練習和考試中訓練他們的快速閱讀能力,而且在課堂當中也要潛移默化的培養(yǎng)他們這種閱讀能力。 細讀課文這個步驟是閱讀課的主體,是閱讀課的中心任務,為了提高

17、學生的細讀課文的能力,我要讓學生自己去仔細的閱讀課文,去理解課文,去尋找問題,解決問題。同時,學生在閱讀的時候,也要養(yǎng)成他們遇到問題通過同學之間的討論和向老師請教的方式來自己解決問題,這樣,老師可以及時歸結出在備課時沒有準備的重點和難點,同時也給了學生動口的機會。 細讀課文之后,我通過讓學生回答有關課文內容的一些問題來檢驗學生的閱讀效果,還通過讓學生復述課文的方式來檢驗。在學生回答問題和復述課文的過程中,給與必要的提示和幫助,允許他們口頭上的一些小錯誤,不要影響他們的積極性。 總的來說,我要本著學生為課堂教學的主體,教師起主導作用的原則,注重課堂氣氛和教育節(jié)奏的把握,利用電子白板輔助教學,在盡可能調動學生各種感官器官的情況下,提高學生的閱讀理解能力和其他方面的能力。 5 / 5

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