新視野英語 Unit Section APPT課件

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《新視野英語 Unit Section APPT課件》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《新視野英語 Unit Section APPT課件(55頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Text UnderstandingText Understanding1. Answer the following questions with no more than 10 words.1) Why is judgment a more valuable contribution than knowledge?2) What stuff do intelligent but inflexible people lack? 3) How can we develop Emotional Intelligence? 4) How can we raise consciousness? 5)

2、 How can we use imagery?6) Whats the purpose of reconsidering events? 7) Why should we integrate others perspectives? 8) What does our ability to think involve?9) What is the meaning of the last sentence of the text?knowledge creativeperspectiveintelligentsenseinflexible 2. Which words are less rela

3、ted to EQ? The new research shows that EQ may be crucial for business success. To cultivate our EQ, our effort should be aimed at improving four adaptive skills: raising consciousness; using imagery; considering and reconsidering events to choose the most creative response to them; and integrating t

4、he perspectives of others. As long as we keep at such effort, we can make it, for they are based on our knowledge about the mechanisms of the mind. In effect, without EQ, IQ alone is worth little. The author begins his article with a pointed question, thereby bringing up the topic, his ready answera

5、 high performance of the mind or EQ. Then he devotes most of his ink to how to cultivate EQ through listing four adaptive skills and why the skills go a long way towards the cultivation of EQ through explaining the mechanisms of the mind. Finally, he reaches a conclusion that, without EQ, IQ alone i

6、s worth less and less, which in turn reemphasizes the role of EQ. For DetailsKey words from section AKey words from section A1.sort through2. cultivate3. embrace4. think of as5. set aside6. reflect on7. confine to 8. trigger9. nothing less thanexAmples of the Key wordsexAmples of the Key words1.She

7、found the ring while sorting through some clothes.2.They are cultivating relationships with these countries.3.Youd be a fool not to embrace an opportunity as good as this. 4.People may think of this as an insult to the 5.Some villas had several rooms set aside just for sleeping in, and in the larger

8、 houses there might even be spare rooms for guests.6.The manager demanded time to reflect on what to do. 7.I dont like a job in which Im confined to doing only one thing. 8.Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches. 9.His negligence was nothing less than a crime.1. key : (L8)Note t

9、hat after the word “key”, a preposition “to” is used . Some nouns are usually followed by a prepositional phrase whichconsists of to and a noun group:問題的答案問題的答案使用全部資料的權(quán)利使用全部資料的權(quán)利進入這所大學進入這所大學語言教學的新方法語言教學的新方法對環(huán)境的破壞對環(huán)境的破壞這個問題的解答這個問題的解答書的前言書的前言2. sort through (L18) look for sth. among a lot of similar t

10、hings, esp. when one arranges these things in order. 整理;分揀整理;分揀1) In the age of information explosion, it is wealth itself to sort through masses of sources and sort out the needed.在信息爆炸的時代,能從大量信息中找出所需信息,這本身就是財富。2) Her work is to sort through the applications for different jobs and hand them to pers

11、onnel department. 。3. cultivate (L18)v. try to acquire or develop a relationship, an attitude, etc. prepare and use land, soil for growing crops; grow crops.1) John always tries to cultivate people who are useful to him. (結(jié)交結(jié)交)2) We must cultivate our own garden and find the joy of doing it. (做好自己做好

12、自己的本職工作的本職工作)3) Oranges are chiefly cultivated in the south and persimmons p:simns in the north. (南桔北柿南桔北柿) 他們培養(yǎng)勤奮學習的美德,宣揚競爭的好處。 那里的大部分土地太貧瘠而無法耕種。 T h e y c u l t i v a t e d t h e v i r t u e s o f h a r d w o r k , c e l e b r a t e d t h e a d v a n t a g e s o f c o m p e t i t i o n . Most of t

13、he land there is too poor to cultivate.3. cultivate (L18)v. try to acquire or develop a relationship, an attitude, etc. prepare and use land, soil for growing crops; grow crops.4. embrace (L18) v. accept enthusiastically; hold (sb.) with both arms to express love; include 1) Youd be a fool not to em

14、brace an opportunity as good as this.2) The mother embraced her baby tenderly.3) The term “mankind” embraces men, women and children.5. think of as (L21)Note some verbs are usually followed by a noun group and a prepositional phrase which consists of as and a noun group:6. in the act of doing sth: (

15、Line 25) while sb. is doing sth真是說曹操曹操就到;大家正在夸你能干,你就來了。Just as the saying goes, you can hear the fluttering of an angels wing in the act of mentioning him. As we are praising your capabilities, you come on the scene.The idea with young children is to integrate learning with play. 7. integrate v. to

16、combine two things in such a way that to one becomes fully a part of the other對幼兒的辦法是學習玩耍相結(jié)合。她的態(tài)度提供了看待這一問題的一個新視角。 8. perspective n. a particular way of considering sth.Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject9. incorporate(L38) v. include incorporation 團體組織;公司團體組織;公司(Inc.) We will incor

17、porate your suggestion in/into the new plan.He was incorporated a member of the college.我們將把你的建議我們將把你的建議編到編到新計劃中去。新計劃中去。他他成為成為該大學的一員。該大學的一員。10. nothing less than(L39) The phrase is used to emphasize how great or extreme something is. (正是正是,簡直是簡直是,無非是無非是) 11. pull away from: (Line 42) cause (sb. or s

18、th.) to leave. 脫身;離開脫身;離開1) The car pulled away from( (駛離駛離) ) the burning truck.2) He always pulls himself away from troubles to play safe(置身事外,明哲保身)(置身事外,明哲保身). 3) A river, even pulled away with a sword cut, keeps runing on; Troubles, when drowned with alcohol, shall become double.(抽刀斷水水更流,借酒澆愁愁更愁

19、抽刀斷水水更流,借酒澆愁愁更愁) #12. keep at: (Line 43) continue working at. 堅持不懈堅持不懈If you keep at your work, youll soonhave the job finished. As long as you keep at what you arestriving after, the Goddess of Luckwill drop in unexpectedly.只要你堅持你的追求,幸運女神會不期而至。 13. trigger v. to cause (sth.) to start 周末發(fā)生的種族殺戮引發(fā)了全國

20、性的的抗議 浪潮。 石油價格和供應的不穩(wěn)定使人們意識到依賴 進口能源供應的種種問題。 T h e r a c i a l k i l l i n g s a t t h e w e e k e n d h a v e triggered off a wave of protests throughout the country. T h e o i l p r i c e a n d s u p p l y u n c e r t a i n t i e s t r i g g e r e d a w a r e n e s s o f t h e p r o b l e m s o f de

21、pending on imported energy supplies.14. confine to (L48) limit (sth. /sb.) to (sth.)原句原句: : And application takes judgment, which involves something of a sixth sense a high performance of the mind. (L. 3)1. Typical patterns for revealing interrelations between things: Sth. takes/needs/calls for/requ

22、ires sth. else, which involves/entails 某一事物需要一個什么東西,而這東西又涉及到某一事物需要一個什么東西,而這東西又涉及到 ,即即句型提煉句型提煉應用應用:a. 正義感需要智勇雙全,而智正義感需要智勇雙全,而智勇雙全又涉及到諸多其它因素勇雙全又涉及到諸多其它因素,即同即同情心、判斷力、法律知識等。情心、判斷力、法律知識等。The sense of justice calls for a good combination of wisdom and courage, which involves lots of other factorssympathy,

23、 judgment, knowledge about the law, etc.應用應用:b. 智力的開發(fā)需要情商的培智力的開發(fā)需要情商的培養(yǎng),而情商的培養(yǎng)又涉及到某些適應養(yǎng),而情商的培養(yǎng)又涉及到某些適應性技能性技能,即,即自我意識、自我激勵、自自我意識、自我激勵、自我控制和與人溝通能力。我控制和與人溝通能力。 原句原句1:1: Every time something important happens, assign as many interpretations as possible, even crazy ones. Then go with tinterpretation most

24、 supportive of your dreams. (L. 34)上一頁上一頁2. Typical patterns for advancing ones advice:1. Every time sth. + adj. happens, do as + adj. + n. as possible, even one(s). Then go with most supportive of your .每當發(fā)生每當發(fā)生事情時,要盡可能事情時,要盡可能,甚至,甚至,然后照,然后照著最有利于自己的著最有利于自己的去做。去做。 句型提煉句型提煉應用應用:a. 每當發(fā)生每當發(fā)生不順心的事情時,不順心

25、的事情時,要要盡可能盡可能作出積極的反應,作出積極的反應,哪怕是哪怕是過于樂過于樂觀的反應,觀的反應,然后照著最有利于自己然后照著最有利于自己心態(tài)心態(tài)平和的反應平和的反應去做去做。原句原句2:2: The next time someone interprets something differently from you say, a controversial political event pause to reflect on the role of life experience and consider it a gift of perception. (L. 39)下次如果下次如

26、果有人對某件事與你有不同的看法,有人對某件事與你有不同的看法,比如比如某個有爭議的政治事件,某個有爭議的政治事件,停下來停下來想想這其實是生活閱歷使想想這其實是生活閱歷使然,然,應把它看作應把它看作一種感知能力的饋贈。一種感知能力的饋贈。2. The next time( (從句從句) )say, pause to and consider it (as) 下次如果下次如果,比如,比如,停下來,停下來,應把它看,應把它看作作句型提煉句型提煉應用:a.下次如果下次如果下屬對你群起而攻之,下屬對你群起而攻之,比如比如嚴厲批評你武斷,嚴厲批評你武斷,停下來停下來想想它的想想它的積極意義,積極意義,應

27、把它視為應把它視為自己做人的一面自己做人的一面鏡子。鏡子。The next time your men all turn against yousay, a harsh criticism on your arbitrarinesspause to reflect upon its positive significance and regard it as a mirror of your conduct.1) Why is judgment a more valuable contribution than knowledge?5) How can we use imagery?7) Wh

28、y should we integrate others perspectives? 9) What is the meaning of the last sentence of the text?6. in the act of doing sth: (Line 25) while sb. is doing sth真是說曹操曹操就到;大家正在夸你能干,你就來了。Just as the saying goes, you can hear the fluttering of an angels wing in the act of mentioning him. As we are praising your capabilities, you come on the scene. Sth. takes/needs/calls for/requires sth. else, which involves/entails 某一事物需要一個什么東西,而這東西又涉及到某一事物需要一個什么東西,而這東西又涉及到 ,即即句型提煉句型提煉應用應用:a. 每當發(fā)生每當發(fā)生不順心的事情時,不順心的事情時,要要盡可能盡可能作出積極的反應,作出積極的反應,哪怕是哪怕是過于樂過于樂觀的反應,觀的反應,然后照著最有利于自己然后照著最有利于自己心態(tài)心態(tài)平和的反應平和的反應去做去做。

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