2021-2022年二年級英語下冊 Unit 11(2)教案 新世紀版

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1、2021-2022年二年級英語下冊 Unit 11(2)教案 新世紀版一、教育目標:學生認識各種昆蟲并懂得要保護益蟲二、知識目標基礎目標:1認識Wonderland中關于昆蟲名稱的單詞,會讀,會認。2能理解和使用句型;There be3理解Grand Theatre中的故事,并能熟練表演對話。4聽懂并會說Make a circle.和 Draw a triangle.并能根據(jù)指令作出正確的動作。5. 初步認識There be的句型發(fā)展目標:1學習另外一些昆蟲的名稱如: moth /fly /mantis2運用所學There be的句型,描述在書包里或鉛筆盒內(nèi)的學習物品,提高學生的會話能力。能力

2、目標:1通過學習昆蟲類的單詞,要求學生通過觀察區(qū)分圖片,準確地說出關于昆蟲的單詞。2能簡單地描述某一種昆蟲。3能根據(jù)教師所示物體的位置,用There be的句型準確地描述。4培養(yǎng)學生自然大方地用英語表演對話的能力。三、情感、策略和文化目標:情感目標:教育學生遇到事情切忌大呼小叫,要膽大心細,以免影響別人。學習策略:根據(jù)教學內(nèi)容及學生的學習能力對他們進行優(yōu)化組合,使每個學生都有機會發(fā)展自己的英語會話能力。文化目標:愛護益蟲,并把它們當成人類的朋友。四、教學資源:Students book 2B P7984Cassette 2B Unit 11Students workbook 2B P8689W

3、ord and picture cards 2B Unit 11Teaching Transparencies 2B Unit 11五、教學過程(三課時) 第一課時 ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming-upDaily talk.Sports Club:Make a circle.Draw a triangle. Teacher and the students ask and answer each other.2. Listen to the tape. Read it after the tape. Tea

4、cher speaks English and the students do the actions.1日常會話,為學習英語提供良好的英語學習氛圍。2讓學生聽懂Sports Club中的英語口令,并能作出與口令相適應的動作While-task presentationTask 1.Lead in:Show the pictures of an ant and a spider.Task 2. Show another two new pictures.Task 3. Introduce the four kinds of insects.1. Teacher says: Look at th

5、e pictures. This is an ant and that is a spider. Students say it together.2. Teach and let the students read them together.3. Let the students say sth about them. e.g. An ant has six feet.1通過圖片,讓學生明白ant和spider的意思2通過不同的朗讀方式來幫助學生記憶單詞,糾正發(fā)音,積累詞匯。3.在教師的幫助下,介紹昆蟲的特征,以此來發(fā)展學生語言描述能力。Post-task activitiesTeam w

6、ork:Read the new words in pairs.Read and point.3Play a game: I am a little artist.1. Read the four new words: ant, spider, butterfly, dragonfly2. Ask one student reads the new words and the rest of them point it. 3.Teacher gives an example:In group, one student describe an insect, the others draw.1通

7、過同桌互相檢測的活動,培養(yǎng)學生的責任心2訓練學生的聽力,同時也養(yǎng)成學生傾聽別人的好習慣。3新舊知識有機結(jié)合,增加語言的豐富性。第二課時ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task PreparationWarming-up1. Rhyme: Every body, Watch out2. Make a circle. Count off.3. Revision:Match pictures and phrases.1. Listen to an English rhyme. Then read this rhyme after the tape.2. Tea

8、cher speaks and the students do the actions.3. To review the words with in, on, under,near1念一首兒歌可以營造濃郁的英語學習氛圍。2整合Sports Club中的語言材料可以訓練學生的聽力及反應能力。3通過圖片與詞組連線來達到復習介詞in, on, under, nearWhile-task presentationTask 1. Lead in:Teacher shows some pictures. There is a dog near the tree.There are some books o

9、n the desk.There is some juice in the cup.Task 2. Show some pictures again. And pare the two phrases.1. Teacher writes the sentence on the board and let the students follow the teacher.2. Make some sentences with There is /There are 3. Pair work.教授內(nèi)容分兩個層面進行,先教授There is,然后教授There are讓學生有一個初步的認識。通過單復數(shù)

10、圖片的交替使用,使學生能準確區(qū)分使用。培養(yǎng)學生的傾聽對方意見的好習慣Post-task activitiesTeam work: The students show their own pencil-boxes. Then describe them.Describe their own pencil-boxes with their own words. e.g This is my pencil-box. It is new. It is yellow. There are two pencils in my pencil-box將所學英語運用于生活實際并在相互合作的基礎上,發(fā)展學生的語言

11、表達能力,第三課時ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task PreparationWarming-up1. Everybody, watch out. The bus is turning tight.2. Make a circle. Make a cake. Make a.Draw a tree. Draw a fish.3. Revision:Play a guessing game.1. Read the thyme after the tape and let some students read it .individually 2. Tea

12、cher does the action and the students speak English.3. Guessing games:I can fly I am beautiful. Who am I?1.跟著錄音讀這首兒歌,通過朗讀提醒學生過馬路時應注意交通安全。2.整合Sports Club中的語言材料,另換一種方法來訓練學生的反應能力。3.通過描述與猜測來發(fā)展學生的聽說能力。While-task presentationTask 1 Lead in.Show two pictures of a cockroach. And a ladybird.Task 2: Ask and a

13、nswer.Task 3. Teach the new sentence:Whats the matter?Task 4. Teach the new sentence:Let it go. Fly away. Task 5: Read the dialogue of Fly away, Ladybird.1. Teacher asks: Is it an ant? Is it a ladybird? No, it is a cockroach.2. Let the students consolidate the two new words. Whats on the bed?Theres/

14、are.3. e.g Whats wrong with you?Is there anything wrong with you?4. Let the students follow the teacher.e.g Let it go. Run away. Swim away.6. Listen to the tape and practice in group.1. 通過問答,可增加學生的學習興趣。2. 通過鞏固單詞時的問答練習,進一步學習掌握句型Whats ?Theres/are.3. 通過新授時的拓展, 能適合與有余力的學生.。通過跟讀錄音,使學生自覺更正自己的語音,語調(diào)Post tas

15、k activitiesTeam work: Act out the Grand Theatre with Fly away, Ladybird.1. Read the whole dialogue and understand it.2. Prepare in the group.3. Role play.培養(yǎng)學生認真聽講,大膽模仿,培養(yǎng)他們的合作精神,并在合作中取長補短。附送:2021-2022年二年級英語下冊 Unit 11(3)教案 北師大版教學目標:1.學習swim、 jump 、walk 、run、 climb、 sing, 這六個新單詞。2.學習詢問句式Can you (run)

16、?及答句Yes,I can./No,I cant.3.通過學習,使學生認識新單詞,新句式,并且能夠運用新單詞新句式與他人進行詢問,加強學生的口語表達能力以及與他人交流對話的能力。教學重點:學習新單詞,新句式。教學難點:能夠運用所學新單詞,句式與他人進行詢問,進行交流。教學準備:圖片 動物頭飾課件 單詞卡片教學過程:一、 師生問好。T:lets begin our class.S:Stand up.T:Hello girls and boys!S:Hello teacher!T;sit down ,please。二、導入:(一)學習單詞jump。T:look ,They are our anim

17、al friends ,Who are they ? Can you guess?估計:學生會猜出很多的動物。對策:如果學生猜的不是兔子,T:No no .如果猜不出,必要時,教師可以用動作提示學生。 如果學生猜的是兔子。T:Yes ,You are right.1.教師出示單詞卡片jump,帶領學生讀單詞。教師在領讀的時候讀出單詞的聲調(diào)和降調(diào)。2.師生做動作記單詞。T:Stand up please .教師一邊說單詞一邊作兔子跳,帶領學生們邊讀邊跳。3. 指生讀單詞。運用教學卡片(貼單詞)如果學生讀得好,教師獎勵動物頭飾。4. 出示課件The rabbit can jump.The frog

18、 can _.Thisgirl can_.(1)教師作示范朗讀。強調(diào)can是能、會的意思。(2)請學生回答第二個問題。如果沒有學生回答師:Who is this ?生:frog.T: The frog can jump.教師引導學生將每個單詞讀出。(3)指生回答第三個問題。并給與獎勵。5.句型引入。T:rabbits can jump、frogs can jump、Thisgirlcan jump .問一學生 Can you jump ?估計:學生會不明白。對策:T:I can jump ,can you jump?邊說邊作兔子跳。如果學生還不明白,教師小聲地說漢語“我會跳,你會跳嗎?”引生說

19、出Yes I can.同時教師板書Canyou,并標出聲調(diào)、Yes I can。教師帶領學生讀問句和答句,引導生用聲調(diào)讀問句。6. 指生問句型Can you jump?使生熟讀Yes I can。T:Now I ask you answer.對學生的情況進行表揚獎勵(二)學習單詞walk,run。1.過渡:I know you can jump ,he can jump ,she can jump .I can jump too.(教師一邊說,一邊作兔子跳)哦 I can walk , (教師一邊說,一邊走)學生會說“走”T:Yes ,Walk (教師出示單詞卡片,帶領學生讀兩三遍單詞)接著教

20、師說I can run (邊說邊跑)學生會說“跑”T;Yes run (教師出示單詞卡片,帶領學生讀兩三遍單詞).2.教師帶領學生作動作學生起立。師:walk walk 走 ,runrun跑 walk run3.指生領讀單詞。(貼單詞卡片)4.師生同問教師請一位學生站起來。師:let sask him ,Can you walk?(教師指黑板上的句型和單詞)問23位同學。5. 生生互問Please ask you partner these sentences, for example.教師問一個學生Can you walk?生回答,t: Can you jump?生回答,T;Can you

21、run?生回答。6. 指生互問 兩人互問 教師給與獎勵過度:教師指黑板上的單詞卡片I can jump ,I can walk ,I can run. but I like walk best. oh ,I am sorry ,I am forgot there is another animal friend. Who is he? Look!(三)學習單詞sing。出示小鳥唱歌課件,請生看課件。生:小鳥,師;Yes two birds .估計:學生會說出 小鳥唱歌呢,師: Yes, they are can sing.出示單詞卡片。1.教師拿單詞卡片sing問生句型Can you sing

22、?(4_5名學生)2. 教師拿單詞卡片,讓學生讀出單詞。獎勵(貼)3. 指生用句型問其他學生。Who can ask he, Can you sing?(教師指黑板,集中學生的注意力)4.活動,復習單詞(1) 教師指黑板上的單詞,看誰第一個讀出來(2) 指生到前邊指讀黑板上的單詞。進行獎勵。 T:(指黑板上的單詞,I can jump ,I can walk ,I can run. but I like singbest,ok let is sing !5. 集體隨多媒體演唱歌曲。過渡:Ok ,you are great! What can Mocky do ?( Mocky 會做什么呢?)(

23、四)學習單詞climb。1.出示課件S:爬樹 t:Mocky can climb師帶領學生以各種形式學單詞。如:按升降調(diào)讀單詞,按節(jié)奏讀單詞先慢后快、運用手勢,教師輕聲說,然后大聲說等形式記單詞,朗讀單詞。2.請生小組內(nèi)互相讀單詞。Read the word in you groups.3.指生讀單詞。4.指生問句型Can you climb?引生說出No, I cant.(教師板書,同時帶領學生讀,并說明cant表示不會,不能)多問幾個學生5.請學生去問其他的學生。表現(xiàn)得好可以獎勵動物頭飾。6.教師指黑板上的單詞進行復習,同時指黑板上的句型,學生整體回答。過度:Now we play a g

24、ame, I do you guess教師作各種動作學生猜單詞。最快的獎勵。過度:Look !What are they doing?引生說出游泳。(五)學習單詞swim。1.教師貼單詞卡片swim ,帶領學生讀單詞,2.指生讀單詞3.句型教師:I am a fish ,I can swim,(教師帶小魚的頭飾,做游泳的動作),(1) 走到一名帶小魚頭飾的同學面前問道:fish fish ,can you swim ?(2) 走到一名帶青蛙頭飾的同學面前問道:frog frog can you swim ?(3) 走到一名帶小兔子頭飾的同學面前問道:rabbit rabbitcan you s

25、wim ?T:I dont know who can swim,who can jump ,who can sing ,can you help me ?4.調(diào)查(1)教師先示范,找一個學生對話并填寫調(diào)查卡并展示,使學生明白意思。(2)請學生互相問,使用英文。(3)匯報_canjump. _ cant climb.三、鞏固練習接力賽:教師先將要求講清楚,使學生明白游戲規(guī)則。每隊第一位學生問第二個同學三句話,由他回答后再去問第san位同學,以此類推,每個人又問又答。最快的一隊為獲勝隊。T: One two three go !教師抽查,點評發(fā)獎。四、回憶單詞與句型教師指黑板上的單詞和句型,學生朗讀。Class is over ,Bye bye。

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