2021-2022年小學英語 1A Unit 6 Mid-Autumn Festival教案 牛津版

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1、2021-2022年小學英語 1A Unit 6 Mid-Autumn Festival教案 牛津版1、 Teaching aims: Ss can use imperatives to give simple instructions, such as : Look at your hands2、 Teaching aids: tape recorder3、 Teaching period: 11Teachers activitySs activityremarksPre-task1. Revise the body parts vocabulary students have learnt

2、,using picture and word cards.2. Say Look at your hands.Explain the meaning of the instruction by miming.Ask students to copy me.3. Repeat step 1 with the other two mands Wash your hands and Eat a cake.While-task1. Have the class listen and act according to your mands.Repeat several times until they

3、 can act freely.2. Say the mands in random order and ask individuals to act according ly3. Play the cassette tape.Ask some Ss to act it and the rest to judge right or wrong.4. Play a game:Simon says.Post-task1. Divide the class into groups of three.Practise giving and doing the mands,substituting wi

4、th other body parts.2. Select groups to say and act the modified mands to the class. Mime and copy.Learn to sayWash your hands and Eat a cake.Listen and act.Act.Act and judge.Play a game.通過模仿動作來理解句子的意思,使學生對句子的理解更直觀。讓全體學生通過判斷動作的正誤來鞏固所學知2Teachers activitySs activityremarksPre-task1. Write some of the

5、vocabulary learnt from past units on the board in pairs.Use a simple melody to sing out the words.2. Bring a box of mooncakes to class.Ask What are these?When do you usually eat them?While-task1. Hold up a picture about Mid-Autumn Festival.Discuss what people do during this festival.2. Play the cass

6、ette tape.Ss listen and repeat several times.3. Show picture cards of some food and fruit names Ss have learnt.Ask individual Ss to say I like to eat.Post-taskPut some word word cards for food and fruit in a box and let Ss take out one piece of paper ,read out the words and say I like to eat.Sing a

7、songAnswer questionsDiscussListen and repeat.Learn to say.利用簡單的旋律復習所學單詞,比較生動有趣。通過討論在復習所學知識外,還鍛煉了學生口頭表達能力。通過游戲做一個鞏固,避免枯燥。3Teachers activitySs activityremarksPre-task1. Put up some picture cards of Previous units.Under each picture write three words including the correct one.Ask Ss to e up and circle

8、the right one.2. Say:Do you know what people eat and do during the festival?While-task1. Introduce the words mooncake,taro,and bean using picture and word cards.2. Referring to the Wallchart,point to the moon.Say Moon and ask Ss to repeat.Show picture and word card of moon.Read the word several time

9、s with the Ss.Post-taskMake leaf printLook and circle.Lean new words.本練習目的在于提高學生對單詞的整體認讀能力。4Teachers activitySs activityremarksPre-taskPut up the word cards for Unit 5 and 6.Let Ss read them together.While-task1. Play a game:Guessing Hold a rubber and hide it at your back.Allow Ss to guess a few tim

10、es.Then show the rubber and sayLook!I have got a rubber.Ask Ss to repeat after you.2.Repeat step 1 with other classroom objects.3. Have a student e up and hold sth in his/her hand.Other Ss guess what it is.4. Continue with other Ss.5. P30 Play the cassette tape.Ss listen and repeat.6. Divide the cla

11、ss into pairs to play the game.Post-task1. Extend the task by having the samepairs practise the dialogue,substituting with other objects they hve learnt.Select pairs to act out their modified dialogues.ReadPlay a game.Listen and repeat.通過復習開始今天的新課,以舊帶新,符合認知規(guī)律。通過游戲做一個鞏固,避免枯燥。通過游戲復習和鞏固所學知識。5Teachers a

12、ctivitySs activityremarksPre-task1. Put up the picture card for moon,Ask What is this?2. Say Today we will learn a song about the moon.While-task1. Point to the full moon on the wallchart.Say Wow,big!,miming to show the meaning of the word big.Let Ss repeat.2. Ask What colour is the moon?Answer your

13、self Yellow,big and yellow.Get Ss to repeat.3. Sing the song for the class with some actions.Post-taskVary the song by posing another two verses about the sun and the stars.Answer questionsSing a song.通過教師自己的問答,幫助學生理解big和yellow的含義。邊做動作邊唱,讓唱歌的過程變得更有趣。6Teachers activitySs activityremarksFinish workboo

14、k1. page 19: listen and match2. page 20: listen and circle the correct picture3. page 21: can you find the words in the puzzle, color the boxes4. page 22: put a tick in the correct box.Revision of Unit 11. play the game: Simon says in order to review the mands 2. throw a toy to a student and say “Wh

15、at do you like to eat?”. After the student respond to the sentence, he can throw the toy to his friend and ask him the question3. show the Ss the word cards and ask them to judge. If what the teacher said is correspond to the picture, Ss repeat. Otherwise, dont.4. ask Ss to act the rhyme and the son

16、gSs finish the workbookSs play the game : Simon saysSs greet to each other, using the toySs judge and repeat the right wordSs act the rhyme and the song通過完成練習冊,鞏固學生聽和認讀的技巧借由各種各樣的游戲,來復習本單元所學的所有的知識點,真正做到寓教于樂。附送:2021-2022年小學英語 1B Unit 4 Postman and policeman教案 牛津版執(zhí)教者: 教學理念:針對一年級小朋友好動,對新鮮事物好奇的特點,我這節(jié)課的主要

17、特點是讓學生在動中學。營造輕松愉快的氣氛,讓學生在學的同時沒有壓力。給他們的感覺是,是我自己很喜歡,很有興趣學。我正是遵循了這樣的教學理念。我們的教是為了以后的不再教,從小培養(yǎng)他們自主的學習能力,一種學習方法。當他們再次遇到一些問題的時候,自己會去思考,自己去探尋,我該怎么做。教材分析:Important point: Using nouns to identify peoples occupationsDifficult point: Pronounce words properlyKey Point: Using adjectives to describe peopleKnowledge

18、 aim: The nouns words postman policeman milkmanAbility aim: Using nouns to identity peoples occupationsFeeling aim; Enjoy English, Enjoy life; To have a sense of creationPrepare for class: Cards for words Cassette playerDesign on board:教學步驟:Step 1 Warm up Lets chant One two Red and blue Up and down

19、Orange and brown Kites in the sky Flying very high Lets sing Red and yellow and pink and green Purple and green and blue I can see a rainbow , see a rainbow see a rainbow now.(設計理念:讓學生在說說唱唱中體驗成功,體驗樂趣。把發(fā)散的思維集中到課堂中來。)Step 2 Revision 呈現(xiàn)一張大的七彩圖片,上有很多前幾個單元學過的小動物和其它的一些物品。Teacher asks: How many birds? Is i

20、t red?Class answer: Five. Yes, its red/No, its green. 鼓勵學生去問,學生自己答。以競賽的形式,哪一小組提出的問題,由哪一組的學生回答,看一看,哪一組提的最多。大部分學生都能夠踴躍舉手。(設計理念:復習了前面的單詞與句型,以競賽的形式,增加了學生的趣味性。)Step 3 Presentation在黑板上畫一筆,讓學生們?nèi)ゲ?,問:“Whats this? What am I drawing?”學生會猜出很多很多的以前學過的單詞:如grandmother grandfather mother father (設計理念:以滾雪球的形式,復習以前學過

21、的單詞。)然后畫一筆,讓學生猜一個單詞,直到畫出牛奶為止,領讀:milk問:Do you like milk? 引導他們回答說:I like milk.問:給我們送milk 的人,我們把他叫作 milkman領讀 milkman繼續(xù)在黑板上畫,讓學生猜,呈現(xiàn) fire 領讀 fire問:Do you like fire?學生們搖頭。引導學生說,是的,fire 是危險的東西,小朋友平時可不要玩火噢。(設計理念:在課中給以火是危險的東西,不要去玩火的教育意義。)邊做消防員滅火的動作,邊問: Who is he?提示學生牛奶工是milkman, 讓學生自主地總結(jié)出消防員是 fireman領讀 fir

22、eman(設計理念:培養(yǎng)學生的思考能力,自主學習的能力。)再畫,讓學生猜,呈現(xiàn) post 領讀,自主的讀。做郵遞員送信的動作,讓學生自主的說出 Postman在黑板上畫,讓學生猜,呈現(xiàn)出手槍,做動作,呈現(xiàn)出 policeman 領讀,跟讀,自主的讀。在黑板上畫,讓學生猜,呈現(xiàn)出 car 做動作,呈現(xiàn)出 driver 領讀,跟讀Step 4 practiceStick all the picture to the board, Let class match them.(設計理念:降低要求,讓學生再次地接觸剛才所學的單詞,強化記憶。)Step 5 consolidationTeacher rea

23、d the words, ask class to point to the words on the book.教學反思: 在復習階段,以競賽的形式讓學生自主的說出以前學過的單詞,激發(fā)學生發(fā)動腦筋把以前學過的單詞運用起來,當他想出很多很多的單詞的時候,自然而然產(chǎn)生一種成就感,更激發(fā)了學生學習英語的興趣。學生有一種獵新獵奇的心理,在新課導入的環(huán)節(jié)中,恰當?shù)剡\用游戲的形式,競賽的形式,來激發(fā)每個學生學習新課的興趣,主動探索新知。新課程理念里經(jīng)常提到我們的英語教學要培養(yǎng)學生的綜合素質(zhì),發(fā)散思維、培養(yǎng)學生創(chuàng)新能力和自主學習的能力。今天的教是為了明天的不教,使學生從小養(yǎng)成一種良好的學習習慣,在學習中享受樂趣,享受成功,體驗生活。把今天的學習延伸到生活中,使終生受用。所以,在我今天的課中的新課呈現(xiàn)中就是體現(xiàn)了這一理念,在教了第一個新單詞milkman以后,我就先教前面的一個單詞,讓學生自主地總結(jié)出后面加一個man就好了,如Post-postman fire-fireman.這也是從小培養(yǎng)學生的觀察能力,和思考的習慣,和自主的學生的能力。他們自己總結(jié)出的知識點,也能加深他們的記憶。

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