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2022年高中英語《Unit 3 Travel Journal》學案2新人教版必修1 (I)

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2022年高中英語《Unit 3 Travel Journal》學案2新人教版必修1 (I)

2022年高中英語Unit 3 Travel Journal學案2新人教版必修1 (I)Period 2 Knowledge Points必背句型:1.After graduating from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.(大學畢業(yè)后,我們終于有機會進行自行車旅游了。)2.Although she didn't know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she should orgainize the trip properly. (盡管她對去某些地方的最佳路線并不清楚,她卻堅持要自己把這次旅游安排得盡善盡美。)3.She gave me a determined look, the kind that said she wouldnt change her mind. (她給了我一個堅定的眼神這種種眼神表明她是不會改變主意的。)4.When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said that it would be all interesting experience, (當我告訴她那里將難以呼吸而且會很冷,她說這將是一次有趣的體驗。)Ever since middle school, and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.dream vi.做夢,夢想。 Vt. dream a dream dream of/about diong sth.夢想做某事這個女孩夢想像湯姆一樣當個教師。The girl _ a tacher _Tom.Ever since “自從”,逐句常用完成時態(tài)。自從接到那封信以后他就一直焦慮不安。She had been worrying _ the letter arrived。and then she persuaded me to buy one.Persuade 說服;勸服persuade sb. ( not ) to do sth. _ =into doing sth. I _ him _ play puter games.我勸服他再也不玩電腦游戲了。(1) persuade 強調說服,勸服的結果。如果 “勸說”,不能直接用persuade 而用try to persuade 或者用 persuade的否定形式。Jack _ Tom to go, but failed at last.(2) advise sb. to do sth.“建議/勸說某人去做某事”,強調提出建議但對方不一定接受。He _ me to go with him, but I wouldnt.Now she is planning our schedule for the trip.Schedul n.時間表;進度表 class schedul _ ahead of schedule _ behind schedule _ on schedule _Vt. 為某事安排時間 be scheduled for 預定在。時間 be scheduled to do 預定在。時間做。(1) The train arrived _(按時).(2) The interview _(預定在) 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.(3) He _(預定) visit the USA next year.She gave me a determined look the kind that said she would not change her mind.Determine 確定,決定。決心 sth. 確定某事 to do 決定做某事 (= be determined to do sth.)determine sb. to do sth. 使某人決定做某事 on sth. 確定,決定。 +從句 adj. Determined 決意的,已決定了的;堅定的,堅決的be determined to do _ a determined woman _(1)我們有權利來決得我們的未來。Weve a right to _ our own _.(2)無論發(fā)生什么事,她都已決定把真相說出來。No matter what happens, she has _ tell the _.(3)那個事件使他決定成為護士。That incident _ him _ _a nurse,(4)我們決定早點動身定。We determined _ an early start. _ _ early. (5)你決定好下周去哪里度假了嗎?_ you _ _ _ the holiday next week?be fond of=like very much他喜歡輕音樂。 He _ _ _ light music.She insisted that she organize the trip properly.她堅持要自己把這次旅游安排得盡善盡美。Insist “堅決要求,堅持要做某事”時后面的賓語從句中的謂語用虛擬語氣,即(should) do “堅持認為”,后面的賓語從句的謂語 用陳述語氣。 Insist on/upon (doing) sth. “堅決要求(做)某事。; 執(zhí)意(做)。他堅決要求我們不完工就不休息。He insisted that we _ _ _ until we finish the job. 他堅持認為那個答案是正確的。He insisted that the answer _ _.l 虛擬語氣用在表示要求、建議、命令等的名詞性從句中,從句謂語vt用“(should)do”用在動詞insist,suggest, order, demand(要求),determine等后面的賓語從句中。老人堅持獨自到哪里去。The old man insisted _ _ there alone.Organize 組織,安排他們籌劃了一場周末足球賽。They _at the weekend.你應該盡量游戲的安排時間 You should try and _.把思緒理清楚再說話。_ you begin to speak.Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.Once conj, “一旦。(就);一經(jīng)。便?!?,引導時間狀語從句。他一旦下定決心,就沒有什么能使他改變主意。_,nothing can be done to change his mind.一旦出版,這本字典將會非常暢銷。_, this dictionary will be very populary.Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling, too.很快王薇使他們也對騎車旅游產(chǎn)生了興趣。 sb./sth.+ adj. “讓/使” sb./sth.+ doingGet sth.+done sb. to do done sth.+prep我將很快使機器發(fā)動起來。I shall soon get the machine _.我要把我的壞牙拔掉。 Ill get my bad tooth _.我們應該使每個人都理解這一點。We should get everyone _ it.你怎么把衣服弄得這么臟? How did you get your clothes _.我很快就能把一切安排得有條不紊。Ill soon get everything _.他從自行車上掉下來,受傷了。He got _ when he _ the bike.When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold當我告訴她那里將難以呼吸而且會很冷,?!爸髡Z+ be +adj. + to do 結構”,其中 the air 是 breath 的邏輯賓語。不定式和主語之間是動賓關系,要用及物動詞的主動形式,因此不及物動詞要加相應的介詞。 英語難以在短時間內(nèi)學好。English is _. 這道題很難算出來。The problen is really _. 我的上司很容易相處。My boss is _. We were surprised by the view.(=scene)景色 (1).view =sight u _; _ The plane soon went out of _(從視野里消失)/_(進入眼簾) (2).= _ c 景色;眺望 The _is wonderful.(從山頂上眺望,風景真美。) (3).= _ c 看法;見解 _(依我看來), you should _(接受) your teachers advice.One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high rise is that youcan get a good _. A.sight B.scene C.view D.look 詞義辨析(1).Through/over/acrossThe river flows _ the city from west to east.When he was walking through the forest, he met an animal.A plane is flying _ the city.The thief climed _ the wall and ran away.He walked _ the street. How did you swim _ the river?The Great Wall winds its way from west to east,_ deserts, _ mountains, _ valleys, till at last it reaches the sea. 長城自西向東蜿蜒連綿,穿過沙漠,越過高山,穿過山谷,最后到達大海。(2).Care about/care for .Care about _,_,_ care for_,_,_.He doesnt _ _ his clothes.(他不講究衣著)。.I dont care _ what happens to him.It is impossible to defeat a person who never gives up.打敗一個永不放棄的人是不可能的。


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