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廣州版滬教牛津版2018秋季九年級上學(xué)期期末試卷真題匯編 單詞拼寫 完成句子

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廣州版滬教牛津版2018秋季九年級上學(xué)期期末試卷真題匯編 單詞拼寫 完成句子

九年級第一學(xué)期期末真題匯編語言知識及運(yùn)用考點(diǎn)一:單詞拼寫A(2018越秀區(qū)期末)1. The kings problem was too difficult for the people to s_.2. I was so l_ to catch the last train that I could attend the meeting on time.3. New r_ shows that chocolate is actually good for peoples health.4. The two men sat face to face in s_ because they didnt know what to say.5. We all c_ Albert Einstein a genius.6. I will study a_ and live in another country after I finish middle school.B(2018天河區(qū)期末)1. You may have an accident easily if you dont o_ the traffic rules.2. They are so l_ to get the chance to travel to Paris for free.3. Just keep s_ and take it easy, Tom, and you can do it well.4. Please take your s_ because the film is about to begin.5. My dad often goes a_ on business. He flew to London again yesterday.6. He was the first to reach the end a_ all the runners, and he won the 100-metre race.C(2018荔灣區(qū)期末)1. I r_ not helping the sick lady lying on the street yesterday. I feel ashamed of myself.2. It is necessary for us to have a balanced d_ which means having different kinds of healthy food every day.3. Mark Twain, the w_ of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, is very famous in the USA in 1830s.4. Ben wanted to prove that he could paint the fence as well as Tom, so he promised that he would be very c_.5. Julia and Linda often Wechat each other since Linda went a _ for further study.6. Angela did really well in the quiz and soon she was a_of the other two contestants.D(2018白云區(qū)期末)1. Tom is a l_boy.He never helps his mother with the housework.2. -Have you heard of the n_about the missing plane? -Yes.I heard it on TV.3. Mike will come to Guangzhou next week. I'm going to i_ him to dinner in my home.4. I'm glad to s_ my feeling with my parents.5. This is a r_ golden crown.It is made completely of gold.6. It rained heavily this morning, but n_ of my classmates were late for school.E(2018海珠區(qū)期末)1. After a good r_, we went on climbing the mountain again.2. Tim and Mike often work together to s_ maths problems.3. It was c_ of me to make the same mistakes in the exam again.4. I often s_ my secrets with my parents because Im close to them.5. She spoke in a strange language,so I couldnt understand a s_word she said.6. Each day we should have p_of fruit,vegetables and grain products to keep healthy.F(2018花都區(qū)期末)1. The music is too loud. Would you m_ turning it down?2. We walked for an hour and then stopped to have a r_. 3. The girl is very b_ to save the boy. Everyone is proud of her.4. Jim is an honest boy, so I think we can t_ him.5. Although he studied very hard, he still failed the e_.6. We were l_ to win a trip to American for free.考點(diǎn)二:完成句子A(2018越秀區(qū)期末)1. 如果你對現(xiàn)在的生活不滿意,改變它呀!If you _ _ _ _ your life now, change it!2. 我害怕她,但同時也確實喜歡她。I was afraid of her, but _ _ _ _ I really liked her.3. 在你第一天開車時就應(yīng)該牢記這條規(guī)則了。You _ _ all these traffic rules _ _ before the first day you drive a car.4. 他經(jīng)常告誡我不要和殘疾人開玩笑。He often tells me not to _ _ _ _ the disabled.5. 雖然我已經(jīng)到處都找過了,還是找不到我的鑰匙。I cant find my keys _ I_ already _ _ them everywhere.6. 塞繆爾說他以前常把冰淇淋當(dāng)零食。Samuel said _ he used to _ _ _ some ice-cream for a snack.7. 亨利和蘇珊準(zhǔn)備今晚去看一場兩人都很感興趣的電影。This evening, Henry and Susan are going to see a film _ they _ both _ _.B(2018天河區(qū)期末)1. 書寫認(rèn)真對于我們來說是很重要的。_ _ _ us _ have a good hand-writing.2. 他沒有讓觀眾失望,輕而易舉地就打破了記錄。He didnt _ the audience_, he broke the record _ _.3. 高鐵好快??!_ _ the high-speed train runs!4. 我們應(yīng)該正確停放共享單車。Sharing bikes _ _ _ in the right place.5. 我想知道我們寒假什么時候開始?I wonder _ our winter holiday _ _.6. 媽媽要求我?guī)兔ψ黾覄?wù)。My mother _ me _ _ _ some housework.7. 為了逃離蜂群的襲擊,他們沖進(jìn)了山洞里。_ _ _ _ the attack of the bees, they rushed into the cave.C(2018荔灣區(qū)期末)1. 共享單車是如此的方便以至于越來越受歡迎Bicycle sharing is _ convenient_ it becomes more and more popular. 2. 湯姆歷險記是一本多么有趣的書!_ _ interesting book the Adventures of Tom Sawyer is!3. 他問了一個很難的問題以至于漢斯絲毫不知道他在說什么。He asked a question so difficult that Hans_ _ _ what he was talking about.4. 你們必須每天按時交作業(yè)。All your homework _ _ _in on time every day. 5. 我經(jīng)常請教音樂老師怎樣才能彈好鋼琴。I often ask my music teacher _ _ _ play the piano well.6. 他把罐子裝滿了水,把皇冠放進(jìn)罐子中,水就溢出來。He _ the pot_ water, put the crown into it, then water _ _ the pot.7. 你最好早點(diǎn)到餐廳里并愿意為了你的食物等待很長的時間You'd better get into the restaurant early and _ _ _ _ a lot of time waiting for your food.D(2018白云區(qū)期末)1. 我奶奶對智能手機(jī)不感興趣。My grandma is _ _ _ smart mobile phones.2. 我對自己所做之事感到慚愧。I _ _ _ what I have done.3. 這個問題是如此難以致我不能回答。This question was _ _ _ I couldnt answer it.4. 她的工作是照顧生病的小孩。Her job _ _ _ _ sick children.5. 盡管這件大衣已經(jīng)過時,但我仍然喜歡它。_ this coat was _ _ _, I still like it.6. 你記得你今天早上吃了什么?Do you remember _ _ _ this morning?7. 到處濕漉漉,天氣真糟糕!Its wet everywhere. _ _ weather it is! E(2018海珠區(qū)期末)1. 杰瑞到處找他的鑰匙,但沒找到。Jerry _ _ his key everywhere but he couldnt find it.2. 我已決定要遠(yuǎn)離不健康的食物。I've decided_ _ _ _unhealthy food.3. 我妹妹把我的房間搞得一塌糊涂,她真讓我受不了。My little sister made a mess in my bedroom, and she was _ _ mad!4. 那個年輕人因為誘騙人們買他的貨品而進(jìn)了監(jiān)獄。The young man _ _ to prison because he tricked people into buying his goods.5. 比賽過后,麥克覺得真放松??!_ _ Mike felt after the competition!6. 你記得你上一次是什么時候幫忙做了家務(wù)嗎?Do you remember _ _ _ _ the housework last time?7. 我們已經(jīng)聽過他的演講那么多次了,以致于我們都已經(jīng)能背誦下來了。Weve listened to his lecture_ many times _ weve learnt it by heart.F(2018花都區(qū)期末)1. 不要捉弄這個可憐的孩子,這非常沒禮貌。Dont _ a joke _ this poor boy.It is very impolite.2. 圣誕節(jié)就要到了,Tony花了一整天給他媽媽找禮物。Christmas is coming. It took Tony a whole day to _ _ a present for his mother.3. 對孩子們來說,多吃蔬菜少吃肉是有好處的。_ good for children_ _ more vegetables and less meat.4. 這個箱子太重了,我們都提不動。The box is _ heavy_ none of us can carry it.5. 好漂亮的裙子??!在哪兒買的?_ _ _ dress it is! Where did you buy it?6. 明年這里將會建一座新的兒童公園。A new Childrens Park _ _ _ here next year.7. 打擾一下,你能告訴我怎樣去書店嗎?Excuse me, could you tell me _ _ _get to the bookshop?九年級第一學(xué)期期末真題匯編參考答案語言知識及運(yùn)用考點(diǎn)一:單詞拼寫A(2018越秀區(qū)期末)1. solve2. lucky3. research4. silence5. consider6. abroadB(2018天河區(qū)期末)1. obey2. lucky3. still4. seat 5. abroad6. amongC(2018荔灣區(qū)期末)1. regret/regretted2. diet 3. writer4. careful 5. abroad 6. aheadD(2018白云區(qū)期末)1. lazy 2. news 3. invite4. share 5.real 6.noneE(2018海珠區(qū)期末)1. rest2. solve 3. careless4. share 5. single6. plentyF(2018花都區(qū)期末)1. mind2. rest3. brave4. trust5. exam6. lucky考點(diǎn)二:完成句子A(2018越秀區(qū)期末)1. are not happy with2. at the same time 3. should learn; by heart4. play a joke on5. although/though; have; looked for6. that; treat himself to7. that/which; are; interested inB(2018天河區(qū)期末)1. Its important for; to2. let; down; without difficulty3. How fast4. should be placed5. when; will begin/start6. asked; to help with 7. In order to avoidC(2018荔灣區(qū)期末)1. so that2. What an 3. had no idea 4. must be handed 5. how I can 6. filled with; ran over 7. be prepared to spendD(2018白云區(qū)期末)1. not interested in2. was/felt ashamed of 3. so difficult that4. is to look after5. Although, out of date 6. what you ate 7. what bad/terribleE(2018海珠區(qū)期末)1. looked for2. to keep/stay away from3. driving me4. was sent5. How relaxed6. When you helped with7. so thatF(2018花都區(qū)期末)1. play, on2. look/search for3. Its to eat/have4. so, that5. What a beautiful/nice6. will be built7. how I can8


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