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_Lesson 1 Nice to meet you!教學目標i掌握問候、介紹和告別的英語表達方式。2學會運用人稱代詞提問和回答。3學會用適當的形容詞描述他人。4學會寫簡單描述同學的小短文。教學內容詞匯:classmate schoolnewfriendcousinphotoshortthintallstrongclassbigsmallcleverkind詞組:a nice schoolhave some photoshave a lookshort and thintall and strongin our classLily's dog 句型:Hi/Hello, Fm Millie.Good morning./Good afternoon.Goodbye./Bye.This is my classmate Jill./This is my cousin Andy.Nice to meet you (too).Are you Lily? Yes, I am./No, I'm not.How are you (today)? Im fine, thank you.What's your name? Im Millie.教學準備i相關圖片。 2學生的照片。3配套磁帶或光盤。教學步驟A Meeting new friendsStep I導入1 教師先打招呼并自我介紹:Hi, boys and girls, rm your new English teacher. Nice to meet you.詢問學生該怎樣回答,并把Nice to meet you.和Nice to meet you too.這兩句寫在黑板上。2告訴學生以后見到你可以用“Hi, Miss/Mr 來跟你打招呼。教師說:From now on, you can greet me with "Hi, Miss/Mr .”并把該句寫在黑板上。Step II呈現教師說:Now you're in this new school. What do you think of it?鼓勵學生回答: It's a nice school.教師說:This is a new class. Can you tell me your names?教師揮手跟任意一位學生 打招呼并自我介紹:Hi, I'm Miss/Mr.鼓勵學生用“Hi, I'm”回應。3安排同桌的學生用“Hi, 互相介紹。教師說:Now introduce yourself to your partner, please. Don't forget to use "Hi”.4 告訴學生:Today we're going to meet four new friends. Listen to the tape.教師播 放錄音,聽完后問學生:Can you tell me their names?讓學生集體回答。5讓學生看A1部分的圖片,然后提問:Picture 1: Who are they? (They are Millie and Jill.)Picture 2: What are they talking about? (They are talking about their school). Picture 3: Who is introducing Jill? (Millie is introducing Jill.)Picture 4: Who is Andy? (He is Millie's cousin.)6播放錄音,要求學生集體跟讀對話,教師說:Now read the conversation after the tape.播放錄音時可一句一停,以便學生跟讀。 7請學生看圖復述對話內容。8把學生分成三人一組進行分角色朗讀,并給學生幾分鐘時間準備,之后請兩到三 個小組上臺表演。讓他們用自己的真實姓名表演,達到活學活用的效果:Would you please come to the front and act out the conversation for us? You may use your own names to greet each other.Step III 練習1把學生分成三人一組,一人介紹另外兩人彼此認識。Sample conversationSI: This is my new friend .S2: Hi, . Nice to meet you.S3: Hi, . Nice to meet you too.2全班同學互相認識后,以小組為單位從前到后依次快速打招呼。使用句型“Hi, ”和“Are you?”并用yes/no回答。Step IV呈現1呈現A1部分的學生圖片,教師問:Who's the girl/boy?鼓勵學生用人稱代詞he、 she、they回答問題。2完成A2部分的練習。3教師介紹人稱代詞以及be動詞的完整和縮寫形式,向學生解釋:I'm = I am、 You're = You are等,前者是后者的縮寫形式。要求每位學生用I、you、we、he、she、they、it來介紹同學和教室里的物品, 內容不重復。Step V鞏固1背誦對話。 2完成書后配套練習的相關部分。B Photos of friendsStep I導入1教師在黑板上畫一只鐘,顯示上午的某一個時間,問學生此時應該怎樣用中文 跟教師或同學打招呼:At this time of the day, how do you greet your teachers or classmates in Chinese?當學生回答“早上好”時,教師說出“Good morning!” 并把該句寫在黑板上。2假設當時是上午九點,讓學生用“Good morning!”與同桌互致問候:It's nine o'clock in the morning now. How do you greet your partner?Step II呈現1教師和一位學生進行示范問候:Good morning!告訴學生可簡略回答:Morning!2 告訴學生如何問候認識的人:Now I know you all and you all know me. How do we greet each other when we meet again? I would say "How are you?"然后要求學 生跟讀:Now repeat it after me: How are you?重復多次,確保每位學生都能正確模仿。3當學生最后一次跟讀“How are you?”時,教師回答:I'm fine, thank you.并在 黑板上畫一張笑臉。教師再將“I'm fine, thank you.”重復多遍讓學生跟讀,并 把“How are you?”和“I'm fine, thank you.”都寫在黑板上。然后問能力較弱 的學生:How are you?啟發(fā)他們回答:I'm fine, thank you.還可啟發(fā)能力較強的 學生進一步詢問“And you?”教師回答:I'm fine too.4同一列學生前后依次問答,練習這段對話。呈現B1部分的學生圖片,問:Who are they?討論每張圖片中的學生:Who is he/she? Is she short? Is he strong?讓學生用yes/no回答。6學生分角色朗讀對話。 7鼓勵學生指著課本上的圖片表演對話。 8展示幾張班上學生的照片,要求學生模仿B1部分用真實信息改編對話。Step III 練習1完成B2部分的表格。 2完成表格填寫后,教師每說一個人稱代詞,學生齊聲說出相應的be動詞形式。教 師也可依次請一位學生來回答,最后幫助學生總結規(guī)律。Step IV呈現教師說:Now I want to know if I can remember all your names.走到學生面前問: Are you right?引導學生回答:Yes, I am./No, I'm not.也可問學生同學的姓 名:Is he/she right?引導學生回答:Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn't.2讓學生兩人一組用這種一般疑問句進行對話。3引導學生操練B3部分的對話,用一般疑問句向學生提問:Are you .? Is she tall? Are they classmates?讓學生用yes/no回答,并在其后用肯定或否定形式完整 表述。4提醒學生注意否定的縮寫形式。5教師播放B3部分的錄音,要求學生集體跟讀對話。教師說:Now read the conversations after the tape.播放錄音時可一句一停,以便學生跟讀。6學生兩人一組用同學的真實身份模仿B3部分的句型進行對話。Sample conversationSI: Is she thin?S2: No, she isn't. She isn't thin.SI: Is she .?S2: Yes, she is. She's .Step V鞏固1背誦對話。2完成書后配套練習的相關部分。C Greeting each otherStep I導入1教師在黑板上畫一只鐘,鐘面顯示兩點整。教師說:It's two o'clock in the afternoon. Can I say “Good morning" to you?啟發(fā)他們回答:No.進一步引入 “Good afternoon!”并將該句寫在黑板上。2教師假裝要離開,邊走向門口邊對學生揮手說“Goodbye!”,鼓勵學生用 “Goodbye!” 回應:I'm leaving. I say goodbye to you. What do you say to me?鼓勵 學生說出“Goodbye!”然后把“Goodbye!”寫在黑板上。告訴學生,在和熟悉的 人告別時還可以簡單地說“Bye”或“Bye-bye”。教師說:You can say "Bye!" or "Bye-bye, for short.Step II呈現1走到一個學生面前說:Hello! What's your name?啟發(fā)學生回答:Hello! I'm .告訴學生,跟 “Hello” 相比,“Hi” 更口語化:"Hi" is more informal than "Hello". We usually greet our friends with "Hi”.3與多位學生練習這個對話,直到被提問的學生都能正確回答為止。4組織學生開展活動,讓他們用“What's your name?”這一問句去主動認識那 些還不熟悉的同學:Please go to those classmates that you don't know and ask them their names.5 告訴學生Millie正在跟別人打招呼:Millie is greeting other people. Now let's say who they are. When do they meet? What does Mrs Li say to Millie?6讓學生看Tip部分,并解釋Mr、Mrs、Miss、Ms加姓氏的用法:課前準備一些不同年齡和性別的人的圖片。向學生展示三張圖片,分別是某 中國男子、某老年中國女子和某年輕中國女子。分別在三張圖片下用拼音 寫出他們的姓名,如:Li Ming, Wang Mei, Chen Yi。請幾位學生試著跟 這幾個人打招呼,從而引出Mr、Mrs和Miss: Please greet these people in the pictures. You can say "Hello, Mr Li, Mrs Wang or Miss Chen”.再給學生一些不同國籍的人物的圖片和他們的全名,如:TomGreen、Lily Brown、Chen Yi,讓學生用Mr、Mrs和Miss稱呼他們:This man's name is Tom Green. You can greet him by saying “Hello, Mr Green".介紹Ms的用法:Wealso use “Ms" before a family name. It can be used when you don't want to state whether she's married or not.教師也可以用中文補充 說明。7讓學生朗讀對話,并讓他們看圖復述對話內容。8學生兩人一組分角色準備表演,鼓勵學生用真實姓名改編對話。邀請幾組學生上 臺表演。Step III 練習依次讓學生回應你的問候或道別,如:Hi、Good morning、Goodbye。只給每個 學生幾秒鐘的時間考慮,如果學生在幾秒鐘內無法正確應答,立即跳過該學生,要 求下一個學生回答。對回答得又快又準、發(fā)音正確的學生應表示贊揚:Good./Well done.Step IV鞏固i背誦對話。2用所學句型和同學問候及告別。3完成書后配套練習的相關部分。D My classmates Step I復習1讓學生用學過的各種句型互致問候:Hi./Good morning./Goodbye./How are you?/ I'm fine, thank you. And you?/rm fine too.等。2請幾對學生上臺表演有關問候的小對話??蓡l(fā)學生添加內容,多運用本課所學 的詞匯、詞組和句型:I'd like to invite some pairs to the front. Each pair will act out a short conversation. Remember to use all you have learnt from this lesson.Step II呈現1讓學生對照表格內容口頭描述Lucy、Sally、Alan和Carl。教師可以用一般疑問句 適當引導:Is Lucy clever? Are they kind?2完成表格下方的短文填空。3要求學生三人一組模仿短文描述自己的同學。教師在教室內巡視,幫助指出有代 表性的錯誤。Step III 鞏固1寫一篇描述同學的小短文。2完成書后配套練習的相關部分。Answer keyAA22 classmates 3 cousin 4 friendsBB2IyouhesheitweyoutheyamareisisisareareareDthin; short; small; strong; short; clever; kind教學反思:_Lesson 2 A happy family教學目標i能夠就家庭成員的職業(yè)和年齡進行熟練問答。 2掌握100以內基數詞的表示方法。3學會寫簡單描述家庭成員的小短文。教學內容familydoctorwomanlonghairteacherfathermothergrandfathergrandmotherstudenthospitalspeakbrothersisterparentauntlookunclehappyworkercookfarmernursedriverman詞組:a photo of my family the woman with long hair 句型:Who's the man/the woman with long hair?He/She is my father/mother/aunt/uncle/Mr Li.How old are your grandparents?My grandpa is seventy and my grandma is sixty-five.My name is Bob. I am twelve years old.I have no brothers or sisters, but I have cousins.We are a happy family.What's he/she?He/She is a doctor/nurse/teacher/worker/cook/farmer/driver.教學準備i讓學生將自己與家人的合影帶到課堂上來。2相關圖片。3配套磁帶或光盤。教學步驟A A family photo Step I復習與學生用學過的問候語打招呼,如:Hi、_ Good morning、Good afternoon。根據 學生的回答情況,教師予以表揚或糾正。Step II導入i請兩位學生站起來,教師指著一人問另一人:Is this?學生回答.:Yes./No. This 2由這位回答的學生再指定一個人,讓其問同桌或后座的學生:Is this.?按照座 位順序依次練習。3留最后回答的兩位學生,教師指著他/她們說:This isand this is .然后問全班: Are they brothers/sisters?學生回答:No. They're classmates.接著問:Are they in the same family?學生回答:No. They don't have the same parents/mother and father.4 在黑板上寫出father、mother、brother、sister,繼續(xù)問:Who's your father's/ mother's father/mother?寫下grandfather和grandmother。最后在單詞間添加線 條,完成一個簡單的family tree。Step III 呈現1教師借用一位學生的照片說:Look, this is a family photo.隨后拿著照片走到另 一個學生面前問:Is this a photo of your family?學生回答:No, it isn't.利用學生 帶來的照片多做幾個示范。2讓學生拿出自己的照片互相問答,提醒學生使用“Is this?”和“Yes./No.” 的句型,并用grandfather、grandmother、father、mother、brother、sister、 uncle、aunt和cousin等詞來介紹自己的家庭成員。指導學生帶著問題聽錄音:Now let's listen to a conversation about a family photo. How many people are they talking about? Who are they? Does the boy's mother have short hair or long hair?讓學生閱讀對話并回答問題:What's the boy's mother/father? How old is his grandma/grandpa? 5向學生解釋father、mother、grandfather、grandmother的口語化表達分別為 dad、mum、grandpa、grandma。6教師再次播放錄音,要求學生集體跟讀對話,注意模仿語音語調:Please repeat the conversation after the tape and pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.7要求學生看圖復述對話內容。 8兩人一組,給學生幾分鐘時間根據自己的照片改編對話內容,然后請兩到三個小 組上臺表演。Step IV練習1完成A2部分的練習。2選幾個學生輪流上講臺,接受下面學生對其照片的提問并做出回答,問題包含:Is this your ? Who's he/she? How old is he/she? What's he/she? Is he/she tall?3請能力較強的學生上來轉述臺上其他同學的照片:This is a photo of Li Hua's family. This is his father. He's a/an . He's . years old.Step V鞏固i背誦對話。2完成書后配套練習的相關部分。B My family members Step I復習讓學生就各自帶來的照片,用所學句型輪流問答:This is a photo of my family. Who's he/she? He's/She's .或Is this your ? Yes/No, he's/she's my .Step II呈現1展示B1部分的人物圖片。逐張討論:What's he? What's she? How old is he/she?2 告訴學生:They're a family. Whose family members are they? Please read the short article.3根據文章繼續(xù)討論圖片:Who's the man/woman/boy?讓學生完成Bob's family tree。4讓學生仔細閱讀文章判斷對錯。對了就大聲說“True!”,錯了就大聲說“False!”。1 Bob is thirteen years old. (False!)2 Bob's mother is a teacher. (True!)3 Bob has a brother. (False!)4 Bob's aunt is his father's sister. (True!)5 Bob's mother has no brothers. (False!)6 Bob's uncle has a baby boy. (True!)5學生大聲朗讀文章。Step III 練習1用課文填空的形式檢查學生對文章的理解和記憶。My name is Bob. Itwelve years old. I am aMy father is ain a big hospital. He is My mother is a She canspeak. She is thirty-eight.I have noor sisters, but I have cousins. My father has a sister. She isMary. She is thirty-seven. She looks young. My mother has a brother. He isJoe. He is. He has a baby boy.I love them and they love me too. We are a happy.(am; student; doctor; forty-two; teacher; English; brothers; Aunt; Uncle; twenty-nine; family)2給三分鐘左右準備時間,要求能力較弱的學生按單張圖片描述個人情況,能力較 強的學生復述整篇文章。 3兩人一組模仿這篇文章互相用自己的照片簡單介紹家庭成員的情況。Step IV呈現1 問學生:When you began to go to school, how old were you? When you finished primary school, how old were you? When you leave college and go to work, howold are you?教師把答案分三行寫在黑板上:six、twelve、twenty-two,每一行 分別代表1-10、11-20、21-30的基數詞,然后讓幾位學生在黑板上寫出每一行 的乘1J余數字。Now would you please help me write down the other numbers on the blackboard?教師在一旁引導學生寫出正確的基數詞。 2教師帶讀基數詞1-30,幫助學生總結它們的規(guī)律。3 帶領學生依次拼讀基數詞:Now let's spell out the numbers. One, o-n-e, one; two, t-w-o, two .4小組競賽,15個學生為一組,進行數字接龍,從1開始數到15,正確率髙的小組獲勝。 5完成B2部分數字表格的填寫,小組之間互相檢查答案。 6指導學生朗讀B3部分的數字,提醒學生基數詞可以用來表達電話號碼、時刻、 價格、年份等,注意其讀法的不同。數字0在電話號碼中一般讀“oh”(/ou/)。 7多給學生一些數字的例子,指導他們按照不同用法正確朗讀。Step V鞏固1背誦課文。2完成書后配套練習的相關部分。C People and jobsStep I復習請幾位學生上臺向全班同學介紹自己的家庭:Would you please come to the front,show us your family photo and introduce your family members?Step II導入7 教1j帀說:Do you remember Bob's father? What's his father? (A doctor.) What's his mother? (A teacher.)8 出示醫(yī)生和護士的圖片:Where does a doctor work? (In a hospital.) Who else works there? (Nurse.)Step III 呈現1出示一些其他職業(yè)的人的圖片,如:廚師(cook)、司機(driver)和工人(worker)。問 學生:What's he/she?接著問學生:Is your mother/father a doctor/teacher/worker/ cook/farmer/nurse/driver?確保每位學生都能掌握這些職業(yè)名稱的讀音和含義。2 引導學生討論若干職業(yè):What can a cook do? A cook can make delicious food.3自由討論。問任意一名學生:What's your father/mother?幫助學生用英語回答自己 父親或母親的職業(yè)。對能力較強的學生可適當補充新單詞:policeman (男警察)、 policewoman (女警察)、engineer (工程師)、manager (經理)。Step IV練習1 讓學生根據圖片互相問答:Please ask your partner about his or her family members in the family photo. You can use "Who's he/she?", “What's this man/ woman?" and “He's/She's a/an ”2 將學生分成若干四人小組,用各自的照片進一步討論家庭成員的職業(yè)。Step V鞏固1背誦對話。2完成書后配套練習的相關部分。D My friend's family Step I復習1 讓學生猜測職業(yè)名稱:Who drives a bus? (Driver.) Who works in a restaurant? (Cook.) What are you? (Student.) Who teaches you? (Teacher.) Who works in a hospital? (Doctor and nurse.) Who works on a farm? (Farmer.)2讓同桌之間根據自己家庭的照片和family tree互相問答:Who's he/she? What's your father/mother? Is he/she a driver/.? How old is he/she?Step II呈現1呈現D部分的表格,要求學生兩人一組問答:Whafs Lily's father? How old is he? What's Lily's mother? How old is she? What's Lily's uncle? How old is he? What's Lily's aunt? How old is she?2要求學生根據表格口頭描述每個人的年齡和職業(yè),如:Lily's father is forty-one years old. He's a driver.3讓學生根據表格完成小短文。 4兩人一組互相檢查答案。 5教師讓幾個小組展示文章,糾正不足之處。6把學生分成四人一組,讓他們互相詢問家庭成員的信息,完成自己的調查表: Now please ask your group members questions and complete your questionnaire.鼓勵小組之間交流調查結果。Sample writingLily is my friend. She is twelve years old.Lily has a happy family. Her father is a driver. He is forty-one years old. Her mother is a cook. She is thirty-six. Her uncle is a worker. He is thirty-eight. Her aunt is a nurse. She is twenty-nine.Step III 鞏固i寫一篇描述同學家人的小短文。 2完成書后配套練習的相關部分。Answer keyAA21 doctor 2 teacher 3 seventy 4 sixty-fiveBB2onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninety教學反思:_Lesson 3 A nice school教學標 i學習一些課堂指示用語。 2熟練掌握there be句型。 3能夠運用基數詞描述學校。 4學會寫簡單介紹學校的小短文。 教學內容openturnpagepicturecloseblackboardreadwordexercise bookclassroomwindowdeskchairmapChinacomputerartmusictoiletplaygroundlibrarystudystand upsit downlook at the blackboardwrite downa map of Chinacomputer roomreading roomart roommusic room句型:It's time for class.Open your books and turn to page 16.Close your books and look at the blackboard.Read (the new words) after me.Listen to the tape again.Write down your answers in your exercise books.There are sixteen boys and fourteen girls in my class.Is there a computer room/library in your school?How many music rooms are there in your school?教學準備1相關圖片。2白紙和彩筆若干。 3配套磁帶或光盤。教學步驟 A In the classStep I導入1教師走進教室,不要關門,指著門問一位學生:What's this?幫助學生回答 It's a door.然后走到另一位學生面前,邊做手勢邊說:Close the door, please.讓學生理解并執(zhí)行教師的指令。再對另一位學生說:Open the door, please.用手勢幫助 學生理解并執(zhí)行教師的指令。2教師指著一扇開著的窗戶對學生說:What's that?學生回答:It's a window.隨后 對一位學生說:Close the window, please.讓學生按指令關窗。3教師拿起課本說:Look, this is a book.然后對學生說:Open the book, please.讓 學生按指令打開課本。要求學生翻到指定的頁碼:Turn to page .讓學生把翻 到的頁碼給教師看。4教師讓學生合上課本:Close the book.然后教師指著黑板對學生說:Look at the blackboard. Clean the blackboard, please.邊說邊檫黑板,讓學生理解含義。然后 指著一張較臟的課桌對一位學生說:Look at the desk. Clean the desk, please.讓 學生按指令檫課桌。Step II呈現1教師在黑板上畫一只鐘,鐘面顯示八點整。教師說:It's eight o'clock now. What's the time for? (It's time for class.) What does the monitor usually say at this time? (Stand up.) What do I say? (Good morning, class.) (Sit down, please.)把上課 的問候語再重新演練幾次。2教師把鐘面上的時間改成十二點整。教師說:It's 12 o'clock now. Whafs the time for? (It's time for lunch.)教師再把鐘面上的時間改成十點整。教師說:It、 ten p.m. now. What's the time for? (It's time for bed.)3 教師讓學生閱讀A1 部分:Now it's time for Al. Please look at the pictures in A1 and answer the following questions.Picture 1: What's the time for? (It's time for class.) Who's the teacher? (Miss Li.) Picture 2: Which page does the teacher ask the students to turn to? (Page 16.)What's in Picture 1? (There's a light.)Picture 3: What does the teacher ask them to do? (She asks them to close their books, look at the blackboard and read the new words after her.)Picture 4: What do the students do? (They listen to the tape again and write down their answers in their exercise books.)Step III 練習1教師播放錄音,要求學生集體跟讀對話:Now read the conversation after the tape.播放錄音時可一句一停,以便學生跟讀。 2把學生分成兩人一組進行分角色朗讀。 3讓學生合上課本,復述對話內容。 4給學生幾分鐘時間準備,然后請五到六個學生分別上臺表演教師的角色,其他學 生配合表演。鼓勵學生對對話進行改編和擴充,以達到活學活用的效果:Who would like to come to the front and play the role of the teacher?Step IV活動1呈現A2中不同動作的圖片,請學生口頭回答所缺內容并填寫完整。 2用本課所學的指令來做游戲,看誰的反應快。教師說出不同的指令,全班學生用 正確的動作回應。 3邀請一位學生在講臺上背對黑板,教師在黑板上寫上不同指令,讓其他學生(或 指定學生)一起做正確的動作,講臺上的學生根據動作猜測相應的指令,并口頭 表述出來。Step V鞏固1背誦對話。 2完成書后配套練習的相關部分。B My classroom Step I復習用學過的動詞和名詞組成各種指令,讓學生完成。Clean the blackboard, please.Clean the window, please.Open/Close your pencil case, please.Open/Close the window, please.Open/Close your schoolbag, please.Open/Close your book, please.Open/Close the door, please.Step II呈現1 教師問:What's on the wall? There's a blackboard on the wall. There's a map of China on the wall too.把這兩句回答寫在黑板上,提醒學生There's = There is。2教師指著一臺電風扇對學生說:This is a fan.再指著另一臺電風扇說:That's a fan too. We have two fans. So, there are two fans in our classroom.把最后一句話寫在黑板上。3讓學生觀察教室,用“There is和“There are ”句型描述自己的教室, 教師說:Now look around our classroom and talk about the things you can find in our classroom用手勢啟發(fā)學生多討論些物品,如:door、window、book、 pencil、pen、pencil case、desk、bag、boy、girl、teacher。4讓學生閱讀B1部分,根據短文內容判斷下列句子的正誤。在基礎較好的班級, 教師可以讓學生聽該部分的錄音,然后判斷正誤。9 Only the floor is clean. (F)10 There are thirty students in Sally's class. (T)11 There are fifteen chairs and thirty desks in Sally's classroom. (F)12 The big desk is for their teachers. (T)5讓學生合上課本,復述課文。教師在學生復述完成后進行點評,重點關注there be句型。Step III 練習1讓學生根據B1部分的內容完成B2部分的練習。 2全班集體核對B2部分的答案,并讓學生集體大聲朗讀句子。 3把學生分成四人一組,將白紙和彩筆分發(fā)給學生,讓他們在紙上畫出自己理想中 的教室。 4教師選擇幾組學生對他們畫的理想中的教室進行討論和描述,引導學生正確使用 there be句型。5 完成 “Work out the rule!”。Step IV呈現1 詢問學生:Is there a computer in our classroom?學生回答:Yes, there is.教師把 句子寫在黑板上。繼續(xù)討論其他的內容:Are there any sofas in our classroom?學 生回答:No, there aren't.類似的問題多問一些,幫助學生準確回答there be句型構成的一般疑問句。 2讓學生以接龍的方式練習問答,不限制所問人或物的范圍。要求學生能夠正確問 答,反應要快。Sample conversationSI: Is there a pencil case on your desk?S2: Yes, there is. Are there any books in your schoolbag?S3: Yes, there are. Is there a TV in our classroom?S4: No, there isn't. Are there any maps in your bedroom?S5: No, there aren't. Is there ?13 問學生:How many classrooms are there in our school?學生回答:There are .繼續(xù)問 Is there any other kind of room in our school?學生回答:Yes.繼續(xù) 問:What are they?展示學校的圖片,引出computer room、reading room、art room、music room014 繼續(xù)問學生:Is there an art room in our school? What can we do there? How many art rooms are there in our school?用類似的問題充分討論學校里其他一些 專用教室。5播放B3部分的錄音,提問:(1) Is there a computer room in Sally's school? (Yes, there is.)(2) Is there an art room in Sally's school? (No, there isn't.)(3) How many music rooms are there


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