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葡萄酒基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)(ppt 50頁(yè))

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葡萄酒基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)(ppt 50頁(yè))

葡萄酒基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)內(nèi)容概述 Table of Contents 葡萄酒的種類 Wine Varieties 葡萄酒的起源 Origins of Wine 葡萄酒的釀造 Vinification 紅白葡萄品種 Red&White Grapes 新舊世界對(duì)比 New World VS Old World 葡萄酒的品嘗 Wine Taste 葡萄酒與美食 Food Pairings1.葡萄酒的種類 Wine Varieties 什么是葡萄酒 Whats Wine葡萄酒就是100%經(jīng)過(guò)發(fā)酵的葡萄汁Wine is 100%fermented grape juice 釀制葡萄酒神奇的方程式The magic formula of Wine making這個(gè)神奇的方程式就是:糖+酵母=酒精+二氧化碳+化合物 The magic formula is:sugar+yeast=alcohol+co2+chemical compound1.葡萄酒的種類 Wine Varieties 按顏色分類 Classify by Color 按分 Classify by Sugar 按飲用方式 Classify by Food1.葡萄酒的種類 Wine Varieties 按顏色分類 Defined by color 紅葡萄酒 :帶皮發(fā)酵 Red wine :Fermented with skins and other solids 白葡萄酒 :不帶皮發(fā)酵 White wine:Fermented without skin and solids 桃紅葡萄酒:紅葡萄酒短期浸漬 Rose wine:Maceration in short piriod1.葡萄酒的種類 Wine Varieties 按酒內(nèi)糖分 Defined by sugar 干葡萄酒 Dry 40g/L1.葡萄酒的種類 Wine Varieties 按飲用方式 Defined by course 開(kāi)胃葡萄酒 Aperitif Wine 佐餐葡萄酒 Table Wine 餐后葡萄酒 Dessert Wine2.葡萄酒的起源 Origins of Wine 外高加索地區(qū) Transcaucasia 美索不達(dá)米亞 Mesopotamia 腓尼基人 (1100 B.C.開(kāi)始在歐洲各地運(yùn)輸葡萄樹(shù))Phoenicians(Start to transport vines around Europe)埃及墳?zāi)怪械淖C據(jù) Evidence in Egyptian tombs葡萄酒的簡(jiǎn)史 Wine History 埃及人飲用葡萄酒成了埃及文化精髓的一部分,記錄了葡萄酒年份和葡萄園,甚至在套管上課路了釀酒師的名字,在古埃及貴族墳?zāi)估锟梢哉业竭@些證據(jù)。最初只會(huì)飲用葡萄酒,后來(lái)學(xué)會(huì)在尼羅河三角洲種植葡萄酒 The Egyptians drinking wine became a major part of the culture of Egyptian elite.Recorded vintages,vineyards,even winemaker names on their clay pots,some of which were placed in the tombs of the nobility.The Egyptians were wine drinkers first,but soon learned to grow grapes in the fertile Nile River delta葡萄酒的簡(jiǎn)史 Wine History 埃及人和腓尼基人是閃族人的兩大貿(mào)易合作伙伴 Two groups with whom the Sumerians traded were the Egyptians and the Phoenicians 腓尼基人 (1100 B.C.開(kāi)始在歐洲各地運(yùn)輸葡萄樹(shù))1100 B.C.商業(yè)社會(huì),開(kāi)始在歐洲各地運(yùn)輸葡萄樹(shù) Phoenicians(Start to transport vines around Europe)1100 B.C.Mercantile society started to transport vines around Europe 最出色的航海家。地中海盆地-北非-南歐-西不駱駝巖山,The finest sea travelers in their age.Mediterranean basin and established colonies in north Africa and in southern Europe as far as the Rock of Gibraltar.Wine drinkers go,vine goes too葡萄酒的簡(jiǎn)史 Wine History 希臘人 Greeks 日常健康飲料 social beverage 殖民歐洲.帶葡萄樹(shù)回家.貢獻(xiàn):將新葡萄酒品種核心技術(shù)引進(jìn)法國(guó)南部,西班牙,最重要的是意大利 Colonizes Europe.Brought vines to permanent home.Contribution:spread vine,brought new grapes and new techniques to southern France,Spain,and perhaps most importantly,to southern Italy.葡萄酒的簡(jiǎn)史 Wine History 羅馬人對(duì)整個(gè)歐洲影響深遠(yuǎn),用手稿記錄了葡萄栽培和釀造,了解土壤,坡度和葡萄園方位的重要性,提高釀酒技術(shù),發(fā)展歐洲貿(mào)易。對(duì)歐洲葡萄區(qū)重要貢獻(xiàn),包括:法國(guó)勃艮第,波爾多,香檳,阿爾薩斯,隆和谷,盧瓦爾谷,德國(guó)萊茵高,奧地利多瑙河流域等。It is difficult to overstate the importance of the Romans for the development of wine culture in Europe.The Romans produced manuals describing grape growing and winemaking,understood the importance of soil,slope and vienyard aspect,and developed a pan-Europe wine trade3.葡萄酒的釀造 Wine Vinification +天氣 weather =微氣候 unique climate+土壤 soil =“風(fēng)土”terrior 選擇葡萄品種 grape types (最適合“風(fēng)土”)terrior釀造工藝 vinification -種植 growing -發(fā)酵 fermentation-陳釀 aging -調(diào)配 blending地理環(huán)境 geographic“Terrior”這是一個(gè)法語(yǔ)詞,它的含義廣泛,包括葡萄種植區(qū)域的傳統(tǒng),氣候,土壤,濕度,光照時(shí)間,以及釀酒師的技藝等方面。我們把它概括翻譯成“風(fēng)土條件”。正是這個(gè)特定的“風(fēng)土條件”使得每個(gè)葡萄種植區(qū)域都富有自己的特色?!癟errior”is a French term of wine industry.It embraces several meanings including the tradition,climate,soil,humidity,sunshine and all the elements like these making a wine-making region unique to the other ones all over the world.At its core is the assumption that the land from which the grapes are grown imparts a unique quality that is specific to that region.Fouloirs rouleaux整串葡萄整串葡萄 Whole grapes壓榨壓榨 press泵泵 pumpPompe泵泵 pump白葡萄白葡萄 white grspes澄清容澄清容 器器 Racking tank固體雜固體雜質(zhì)沉淀質(zhì)沉淀Deposit ofsolids發(fā)酵罐發(fā)酵罐 Fermentation tank溫度控制溫度控制 temp control18-20C溫控發(fā)酵溫控發(fā)酵 Temperature control葡萄汁流出葡萄汁流出 draining榨汁機(jī)榨汁機(jī) crushing添加二氧化硫添加二氧化硫Addition of sulphurdioxide紅葡萄紅葡萄Red grapes去梗去梗DestemmingStems removed滾筒滾筒榨汁機(jī)榨汁機(jī)Rollercrusher添加二氧化硫添加二氧化硫Addition sulphur dioxide泵泵發(fā)酵容器發(fā)酵容器Fermentation vat葡萄皮和籽的混合物葡萄皮和籽的混合物 30C Must at 30Pump降溫液體降溫液體Cooling liquid降溫液體降溫液體Cooling liquid涼水涼水 cold water降溫過(guò)程降溫過(guò)程 cooling葡萄皮和籽的混合物降溫至葡萄皮和籽的混合物降溫至25CMust cooled to 25CRemontage榨渣榨渣marc葡萄皮和籽的混合物葡萄皮和籽的混合物 must葡萄榨渣的抽取葡萄榨渣的抽取Spraying ofthe marc cap4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties Chardonnay 葡萄特征 Features of grape 果粒大,黃色,邊緣棕色斑點(diǎn) Large yellow berries with brown spots 產(chǎn)量中高 Naturally medium-high yields 4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties Chardonnay 著名產(chǎn)區(qū) Notable region 勃艮第:風(fēng)格多樣,夏布力,莫爾索,布衣復(fù)賽 Burgundy,wide range of styles,Chablis,Meursault,Pouilly-Fuisse 香檳產(chǎn)區(qū)(氣泡酒)Champagne (sparkling wine)加州:濃郁,橡木風(fēng)味 California:rich,oaky style 澳大利亞:熱帶水果,橡木風(fēng)味 Australia:tropical flavors,oaky4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties Chardonnay 口感 Palate 中等酸度 Medium acidity 中-高酒精度 Moderate to high alcohol 中-重酒體 Medium to full-body 極少釀甜酒 Rarely produced in sweet style4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties Sauvignon Blanc 外觀通用描述 Appearance 葡萄特征 Features of grape 中等大小果粒 Medium-sized berries 高酸,特別茂盛 High natural acidity.Particularly vigorous 4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties Sauvignon Blanc Sauvignon Blanc 口感口感 Palate 高酸度 High acidity 中等酒精度 Moderate alcohol 中輕酒體 Light to medium body A bunch of Riesling grapes after the onset of noble rot.The difference in colour between affected and unaffected grapes is clearly visible botryis 干型和甜型 Dry and sweet styles4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties Riesling Riesling 外觀通用描述外觀通用描述 Appearance 葡萄特征葡萄特征 Features of grapes 果粒小,果粒小,緊湊緊湊 Compact clusters of small berries 萌芽早,萌芽早,晚熟晚熟 Early budding,late growing4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties 其他常見(jiàn)白葡萄品種:其他常見(jiàn)白葡萄品種:Other white grapes varieties 麝香:非加強(qiáng)型(蘆筍,細(xì)膩白肉),加強(qiáng)型(奶油奶酪,冰激凌,水果撻餡餅)Muscat:non-fortified wine(asparagus,delicate white meats),fortified style(creamy cheese,ice cream,fruit tarts)灰皮諾:梨,香料,蘋果,花香,柑橘味,配合烤白肉,鵝肉,雞肝醬,濃郁的奶酪 Pinot gris:pear,spice,apple,flora,citrus,pairings with roasted white meats,goose,chicken liver pate,strong cheese 4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties 其他常見(jiàn)白葡萄品種其他常見(jiàn)白葡萄品種:Other white grapes varieties 白詩(shī)南:甘草,蘋果,濕羊毛,花香,搭配山羊奶酪,法式醬和燴牛肉,蘋果派 Chenin Blanc:hay,apple,wet wool,floral,pairings with goats cheese,pates and terrines,apple pie.4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape VarietiesRegion of origin產(chǎn)地產(chǎn)地Color 色澤色澤Fruitiness 水果味水果味Body 酒體酒體Dryness口感口感“干干”Aroma 香味香味霞多麗霞多麗ChardonnayEast France 法國(guó)中部,法國(guó)中部,東部東部Green Apple,Pineapple,Lemon 青蘋果,菠蘿,檸檬的青蘋果,菠蘿,檸檬的香味香味長(zhǎng)相思長(zhǎng)相思Sauvignon BlancSouth,France 法國(guó)南部法國(guó)南部Leafy,Grass,“Earthy”flavor 葉子,青草葉,有如葉子,青草葉,有如“塵土塵土”的氣息的氣息雷司令雷司令 RieslingGermany 德國(guó)德國(guó)Flower,Honey鮮花和蜂蜜的味道鮮花和蜂蜜的味道4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties Cabernet Sauvignon 外觀通用描述 Appearance 葡萄特征 Features of grapes 果串長(zhǎng)且松散 Loose and long bunches 果皮厚,籽大 Thick skin,large pips 萌芽晚,晚熟,產(chǎn)量低 Late budding,late ripens,low yields4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties Pinot Noir Pinot Noir 外觀通用描述外觀通用描述 Appearance 葡萄特征 Features of grapes 果串緊湊,皮較薄 Compact bunches,relatively thin-skinned 萌芽早,早熟 Early budding,early ripens 中等產(chǎn)量 Moderate yields4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties Pinot Noir Pinot Noir 口感口感 Palate 中-高酸度 Medium to high acidity 中低單寧 Low to medium tannins 中輕酒體 Light to medium body 中等酒精度 Medium alcohol4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties Merlot Merlot 外觀通用描述外觀通用描述 Appearance 果粒大,果串松散 Large berries,loose bunches 果皮薄,萌芽早,早熟 Thin skin,early budding,early ripens 產(chǎn)量比赤霞珠高 Higher yielding than cabernet sauvignon4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties Shiras Shiras 外觀通用描述外觀通用描述 Appearance 中等大小果粒,果串緊湊 Medium sized berries,tight bunches 萌芽晚,早熟 Late budding,early ripens 中等產(chǎn)量 Moderate yields4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties 其他常見(jiàn)紅葡萄品種:其他常見(jiàn)紅葡萄品種:Other red grapes varieties 品麗珠:中深寶石紅,中等口感,香料,覆盆子,巧克力牛奶味,適合烤肉,胡椒醬牛排 Cabernet Franc:medium to deep ruby,medium palate,grilled meats,steak with pepper sauce 金粉帶:中深紫色,寶石紅,重酒體,高酒精,藍(lán)莓,櫻桃,黑色水果,紅茶,適合不同口味(亞洲料理,烤野味,黑巧克力)Zinfandel:medium to deep purple/ruby,very full body,high alcohol,pairings with spicy Asian food,grilled game,dark chocolate4.常見(jiàn)葡萄品種 Grape Varieties 其他常見(jiàn)紅葡萄品種:其他常見(jiàn)紅葡萄品種:Other red grapes varieties 佳美:中等石榴紅,低單寧,輕酒體,花香,糖果,泡泡堂,巧克力,搭配干香腸,火腿,雞肝醬 Gamay:medium garnet,low tannins,light body,flowers,candy,bubblegum,chocolate,pairings with dried sausage,ham and chicken liver pates5.葡萄酒品嘗 Wine Tasting外觀 Appearance 氣味 Nose口感 Palate結(jié)論結(jié)論 Conclusion5.葡萄酒品嘗 Wine Tasting 外觀 Appearance 澄清度 Clarity Wine can be both opaque and clear 顏色的深度 Depth of Color Pale,moderate or intense 顏色 Color Straw,yellow or gold.Brown/red,ruby or purple5.葡萄酒品嘗 Wine Tasting色澤呈深紅色,酒體渾厚的紅酒 Dark and intense red color,it is a full-body red wine酒液呈明顯的磚紅色,屬于酒體適中的紅酒 The color is brick red,a medium-body red 該酒的顏色明顯較前兩款更淺,屬于桃紅酒 The color is obviously lighter than the former two,its a rose one明顯的金黃色澤,是酒體渾厚的白葡萄酒 Gold yellow,a full-body white wine酒色呈檸檬黃,典型的氣泡酒(香檳)The color is lemon yellow,a typical sparkling(Champagne)5.葡萄酒品嘗 Wine Tasting干凈 Clearness Absence of off-orders(flaws)氣味的濃度 Intensity of smell Low,medium or intense特征 Character Fruity,floral or earthy5.葡萄酒品嘗 Wine Tasting葡萄酒的香味并不是單單通過(guò)鼻腔來(lái)感覺(jué)的,各種香氣的分子通過(guò)口腔達(dá)到感官黏膜來(lái)感覺(jué)氣味The smell of wine is not accessed via the nostrils alone;volatile aroma molecules also reach the olfactory mucosa through the back of the oral cavity葡萄酒的香氣直接通過(guò)鼻孔吸入Direct route taken by aroma molecules via the nostrils香氣分子通過(guò)口腔后端,從而人體能夠感覺(jué)到Route taken by aroma molecules via the nasopharynx5.葡萄酒品嘗 Wine Tasting口感 Palate 甜味 Sweetness Dry,off-dry or sweet酸味 Acidity Tingling sensation on sides of tongue Sour taste Low,medium or high5.葡萄酒品嘗 Wine Tasting單寧 Tennins Only necessary in a red tasting note Drying sensation on palate and gums Low,medium and high酒精 Alcohol Heat in the mouth and throat low,medium and high 回味 Finish 5.葡萄酒品嘗 Wine Tasting 1-怎么品酒How to taste a wine 抿一小口葡萄酒在口中,讓口腔中的每一個(gè)部位都接觸到葡萄酒,吸幾口空氣,以帶出葡萄酒的香味,并細(xì)細(xì)品味Sip the wine and let it go around in your mouth,then take in some air to oxygenate the wine and feel the nuances of the flavor 2-品什么What to taste1-Attack given by acidity感受葡萄酒特有的酸味給你的第一感覺(jué) 5.葡萄酒品嘗 Wine Tasting2 Balance 感覺(jué)葡萄酒是否平衡3 Body感覺(jué)葡萄酒的酒體4-End of mouth感受葡萄酒在嘴里的回味5-Length Stops感覺(jué)回味在口中的延伸感5.葡萄酒品嘗 Wine Tasting 結(jié)論 Conclusion 平衡度 Balance Harmony of flavor and other elements 成熟 Maturity Requires aging,ready-to-drink or over-the-hill 品質(zhì) Quality Assessed using length,balance and range of flavor characteristics 6.葡萄酒與美食 Wine&Food 基本原則基本原則 Basics 葡萄酒可以清口 Wine refreshes the palate between bites 食物和葡萄酒中的成分相輔相克 Elements in food and wine can complement or detract from each other 紅配紅,白配白 Red to red,white to white6.葡萄酒與美食 Wine&Food 基本原則基本原則 Basics 葡萄酒的酒體與食物的食體搭配 Weight of wine matches weight of dish 葡萄酒的風(fēng)味與食物的風(fēng)味相得益彰 Wine flavor may echo with food flavor 葡萄酒的風(fēng)味可以與食物形成對(duì)比 Wine flavor may contrast with food flavor 復(fù)雜的菜配簡(jiǎn)單的酒,簡(jiǎn)單的酒配復(fù)雜的菜 Complex wines with simple dishes,simple wine with more complicated dishes6.葡萄酒與美食 Wine&Food 各種成分的互相作用各種成分的互相作用 Components the interact 酒精顯熱 Alcohol accentuates heat 甜顯酸 Sweetness accentuates acidity 甜可以降低另外一種甜味 Sweetness reduces perception of tannin 脂肪和蛋白質(zhì)減少單寧帶來(lái)的感覺(jué) Fat and protein reduce perception of tannin 食鹽減少單寧帶來(lái)的感覺(jué) Salt reduces perception of tannin6.葡萄酒與美食 Wine&Foodv 一般來(lái)說(shuō),葡萄酒都可以用來(lái)配菜,而且葡萄酒行業(yè)有句俗話叫“紅酒配紅肉,白酒配白肉?!敝v的就是葡萄酒和菜肴的搭配。v Generally speaking,we can pare food with wines and theres a saying:Red Meat goes with Red Wine while White Meat goes with White Wine所謂的紅肉就是指那些味道比較濃所謂的紅肉就是指那些味道比較濃的肉類的肉類Red Meat refers to those kinds of meat with strong flavor牛肉 Beef/Steak羊肉 Lamb豬肉 Pork鹿肉 Deer兔肉 Rabbit狗肉 Dog鴨肉 Duck白肉則是一些口味稍微清淡的肉類和白肉則是一些口味稍微清淡的肉類和其他的一些菜肴:其他的一些菜肴:White meat means those plain meat and other kinds of food海鮮 Seafood雞肉 Chicken水果 Fruit 蔬菜 Vegetable色拉 Salad 奶酪 Cheese 面食 Pasta/Noodles6.葡萄酒與美食 Wine&Foodv 葡萄酒有很多的種類,侍酒溫度的選擇對(duì)于品嘗葡萄酒是至關(guān)重要的。一般來(lái)說(shuō),紅葡萄酒可直接在室溫下飲用,而白葡萄酒冰鎮(zhèn)一下口味更佳。以下是一些葡萄酒的參考飲用溫度:v The appropriate serving temperature is of great importance to wine tasting.The serving temperatures of wine are as follows:6.葡萄酒與美食 Wine&Food李子味李子味 Plum薄荷味薄荷味 Mint煙草和香料味煙草和香料味 Tobacco and Spicy口感順滑口感順滑 Velvety草莓味草莓味 Strawberry黑梅味黑梅味Blackberry胡椒味胡椒味Pepper黑胡椒味黑胡椒味 Black PepperSome White Wine Descriptors青蘋果味青蘋果味 Green Apple甜瓜味甜瓜味 Melon無(wú)花果味無(wú)花果味 Fig桃子味桃子味 peach菠蘿味菠蘿味 Pine apple檸檬味檸檬味Lemon熱帶水果味熱帶水果味Tropical Fruit爽脆感爽脆感 Crisp謝謝觀看/歡迎下載BY FAITH I MEAN A VISION OF GOOD ONE CHERISHES AND THE ENTHUSIASM THAT PUSHES ONE TO SEEK ITS FULFILLMENT REGARDLESS OF OBSTACLES.BY FAITH I BY FAITH


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