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廣東省陸河外國語學校高一英語《Unit2 English Around the World》教案新人教(必修一)

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廣東省陸河外國語學校高一英語《Unit2 English Around the World》教案新人教(必修一)

111.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aimMaster the words and phrases and get a view of the road to modern English.2.Ability aimTrain students reading skill.3Emotion aimLet students know more about English and inspire students to study English hard.Teaching important points   The understanding and comprehension of the passage.Teaching difficult point 1.How to get to master the useful words and expressions.2.How to improve students ability to read an article.Teaching Procedures Period 1Step1. Warming up 1. Lead in: Show Ss a map of the world, and ask them the following questions:1) How many languages are there in the world?2) How many English-speaking counties are there in the world?3) How are you ever heard some differences between American English and British English?Step2. Reading1.Skimming  Read the passage quickly and find out the answers of the questions in comprehension.2.ScanningThe causeCultures communicate with one anotherTimeThings that happenedBetween AD450 and 1150Based on German1150 to 1500Less like German; morelike FrenchIn the 1600s Shakespeare broadened the vocabulary A big changed in EnglishLaterBritish people broughtEnglish to Australia 3.Listen to the tape and tell the meaning of each paragraph.1. Para1: Brief introduction of the change in English.2. Para.2: An example of different kinds of English.3. Para3: The development of English.4.Para4: English spoken in some other countries.4.Post readingStep3.  DiscussionSome people say that Chinese is a much more elegant language, so it is more important for us to master it and it is not so necessary to master foreign language. Do you agree with this opinion and why? Homework Retell the passage and do the exercise in page11.Period 2. Explanation.   The explanation of words and phrases and practice using them.   How to let students master them well.Step1.Greetings and revision.Step2.Language points1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English in the world?你知道世界上英語的種類并不止一種嗎? more than one +名詞單數,后面的謂語動詞用單數例如:More than one student wants to go to swim.2.In some important ways they are very different form one another.在某些重要的方面,它們彼此有些差異。(1)inway(s)/bymeans        在方面We should solve this problem in a different way.=We should solve this problem by a different way.(2)one another/each other    彼此,相互之間We should communicate with one another/each other.我們應該相互交流。We send card to one another/each other every year.我們每年都相互寄卡片。 3.They include Canadian, British, American and India English.include         包含、包括The price includes dinner, beds and breakfast.including(prep)         included(adj)The bill came to $450,including tax.The bill came to $450, tax included. contain   包含,容納contain指某物容納在比其更大的東西之內The basket contains a variety of fruits.這籃子裝有各種水果。include指包括作為整體的一個部分或要素The tour includes a visit to Paris這旅程包括游覽巴黎。4. English plays an important role as a first or second language.plays a/an role/part       扮演的作用、角色Monitor plays an important role in managing a class.班長在班級管理中起著重要的作用。 5. Nearly all of them live in England.他們幾乎全部都住在英格蘭。almost與nearly兩者都可以修飾 all, every, always等詞,都可以用于否定句中。在very, pretty, not后用nearly, 不用almost。例如:Im not nearly ready.在any, no, none, never前用almost, 不用nearly。例如:I almost never see her. 練一練:用nearly或almost填空 (1). He said _ nothing interesting. (2)._ 1000 people were here. (3).There is not _enough boo for the whole class.解析(1)與nothing連用,所以填almost(2).與具體數字連用,用nearly(3).被not修飾時,用nearly6. Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.  把英語作為母語的人相互之間可以交流,即使他們說的不是同一種英語。even if /even though即使,引導讓步狀語從句Even though/if he had got a good job, he still wants to look for a better one.即使他找到了一份好的工作,他還想找更好的。7.Would you please come up to my flat for a visit?來我的公寓坐坐怎么樣?come up    上來,走近,被提出,發(fā)芽Strangers came up to him and asked how much his books are.陌生人走到他面前,問他課本值多少錢。The problem came up in the meeting.問題在會議中被提出來了。 8. Actually, it was based on German than present day English.事實上,那時候的英語更象德語,而不是今天的英語。(1)actually/in fact/as a matter of fact  事實上,實際上(2)base on/upon    以、為基礎This movie is based on facts.(3)present (adj) 目前的、現在的You should look clearly the present situation.9. It became closer to the language you are learning now.它和我們現在學的英語更加接近。close to相近,靠近,幾乎Our house is close to the bus stop.close(adv)     位置上接近closely(adv)    抽象關系上的密切Come close to me.I looked into the matter closely.10. Shakespeare made use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.莎士比亞使用了比以前更為廣泛的詞匯量。make (good/full/no) use of 使用We could make good use of our resources.Every minute should be made good use of. 11. India has a very large number of English speakers.印度有很多的人講英語。a number of  大量的(其后謂語動詞用復數)A number of people have came.the number of的數目(其后謂語動詞用單數)The number of homeless people has increased.只能修飾可數名詞的: a large/ great/ good number of, a good/ great many, dozens of, scores of, quite a few只能修飾不可數名詞的:a great deal of, a large amount of,quite a little, a large sum of既可修飾可數也可修飾不可數名詞的:plenty of, a lot of, lots of,a large quantity of 12. Only time will tell. 時間會證明一切。tell: 知道,判斷 Its hard to tell whether he is right.tell A from B: 區(qū)分,分別 Can you tell Tom from his twin brother?練一練: Step3 Exercises 1.This bill adds up to 25 cents, _B_A. postage including                   B. postage includedC. to include postage                   D. and including postage2. Mr.Huang will _A_ in the movement.A.play a leading part                   B. take partsC. play leading part                    D. take a part3._B_number of students taking part  in the training is 450.A.  A             B. The            C. A lot           D. Lots4. Sometimes _ English is quite different from _ English in many ways.  (A)A. speaking, writing                   B. speaking, writtenC spoken, written                     D. spoken, writing 5. Using body language_ a proper way will help communicate _others_ better. (A)A. in, with, even                      B. in, with, moreC. with, with, still                     D. with, in, mostPeriod 3Step 4 Homework Finish exercises in workbook.Period 3 GrammarI. Teaching aims1.Learn and master the sentence patterns which express an order and a request,and their different features.2.Use these patterns to communicate with others.3.Help students master the points in this period.II. Teaching important points   Point out the features of an order-which uses the imperative, namely “tell/order sb. to do sth.”and a request-which uses a question form or an imperative, very polite, namely”ask sb. to do sth.”III.Teaching difficulty   How to change orders and requests into reported orders and requests.Teaching procedures Step1.Greeting and revision Step2.Grammar1.First do some exercises.復習(把下列直接引語改為間接引語)  (1).He said:“ Ive left my pen in my room.”He told me that he had left his book in his room.  (2).She said: “He will be busy.”She said that he would be busy.(3).She said to Tom, “Can you help me?”She asked Tom if/whether he could help her.Revise the rules. 1.陳述句的間接引語連接詞用that,在口語中可省略。引述動詞用said, told,等。例如: He said: “Ive left my book in my room.” He told me that he had left his book in his room.2.疑問句的間接引語。一般疑問句后連接詞用if或whether,而引述選擇疑問句時只能用whether,引述動詞用asked,沒有間接引語的可以加一個間接賓語me, him等.例如: She said to Tom, “Can you help me?” She asked Tom if /whether he could help her. 3.特殊疑問句用原句中的疑問詞作連接詞,改為陳述語序。例如: The teacher asked, “how did you  repair it?” The teacher asked me how I had repaired it. 4.如何變時態(tài):直接引語在改為間接引語時、時態(tài)需要做相應的調整?,F在時它需改為過去時態(tài);過去時態(tài)改為完成時;過去完成時則保留原來的時態(tài)。如:She said. "I have lost a pen.“She said she had lost a pen但要注意在以下幾種情況下。在直接引語變?yōu)殚g接引語時,時態(tài)一般不變化。1)直接引語是客觀真理。"The earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth”, the teacher told me. The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth。 2)直接引語中有具體的過去某年、某月、某日作狀語,變?yōu)殚g接引語時,時態(tài)不變。如:Xiao Wang said. "I was born on April 2l, 1980。"Xiao Wang said he was born on April 20, 1980。5.如何變狀語:直接引語變間接引語,狀語變化有其內在規(guī)律,時間狀語由“現在”改為“原來”例:now變?yōu)閠hen, yesterday變?yōu)?the day before, today變?yōu)閠hat day。地點狀語,尤其表示方向性的,或用指示代詞修飾的狀語,由“此”改為“彼”例:this 改為that,如:He said, "These books are mine."He said those books were his.祈使句的直接引語變間接引語.要素三:祈使句的間接引語采用“動詞+賓語+不定式”結構。 told/asked/ordered sb.(not) to do sth.如果祈使句是表示請求,間接引語的動詞常用ask,如果是表示命令,間接引語的動詞常用tell,order, command等例如:1.The teacher said to the students, “Dont waste your time.” The teacher told the students not to waste their time.直接引語如果是以“Lets”開頭的祈使句,變?yōu)殚g接引語時,通常用“suggest +動句詞(或從句) Do exercises 1.“Please close the window,” he said to me. (C)He _ me _ the window. A. said to; to close                  B. told to; closing C. asked ; to close                  D. said to; please close 2.He said, “Dont do that again.” (D)  He _ me _ that again. A. said to me; not to do                B. said to me; dont do C. told me; dont do                   D. told me; not to do 3.“Dont put it on my hat.” his wife said to him. His wife told him _put it on _hat.  A. dont, his      B. dont, her        C. not to, his      D. not to, herStep3 Homework1.Finish Page50 in Workbook.2.Make up a dialogue with your partner One use direct speech, the other use indirect speech. And act it out next class.Period 4.I. Teaching aims.Get more information on English dialect.Teaching important point  Understand the listening material. How to improve listening skill. Step1.Greeting and revisionStep2.Talking(workbook P48)   Practise the sentence patterns by making up dialogue. Students work in group of four, and choose one situation to role-play. Step3.Listening(1) P14(1)Listen and find out how many people are speaking and who they are.(2) What does Buford think of Texas? How do you know?(3). How large was the catfish?(4). Why did Lester get out of the water very quickly?(5)Why did Buford and Big Bob laugh?(6)Who is the second speaker and where is she from?Listening P48Listening P51(1).What do you think you will hear in their introduction?(2)The name of each students country.HomeworkLook up the words left in the vocabulary in the dictionary.Period 5Step 1 pre-readingPeriod5.Using languageThe understanding of the reading passage.Step1. Greetings Step2. Pre-reading1.China is a very big country where different dialects are spoken. Can you list some of them?2.Is there anybody who can speak a dialect from other place?Step 2. Reading1.Words2.Reading1.Why are there so many dialects in the US?2.Whats the standard English?3.Can you tell an interesting or funny story that shows great difference between dialects in Chinese/English?Language points(3).Language points  1.Whats standard English?什么是標準英語?  standard      (n)標準,規(guī)格   (adj)標準的meet standard            符合標準  standard of living       生活水平  on a standard              根據某一標準2. Believe it or not ,theres no such a thing as standard English. 信不信由你,世界上沒有所謂的標準英語.believe it or not       信不信由你3.However,even on TV and radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.   然而,甚至在電視上或收音機里都會聽到人們在說話時的差異.the way后面接定語從句時,關系代詞用 that/in which或不用關系代詞4.America has many dialects, especially the midwestern, southern, African American and Spanish dialects. 美國有很多方言,尤其是在中西部,南部, 北美洲和西班牙等地的方言. especially  尤其   specially  專門(指專為某一目的)I go to visit him specially, especially in the busy days.5.Geography also plays a part in making dialects. 地理位置對方言的產生也有影響. play a (adj) part        扮演角色,起作用6.Although many America move a lot, they still recognize each others dialects.雖然許多美國人經常搬家,但他們仍然能夠辨認彼此的方言. recognize           辨認,認出(pick out) recognize sth./sb. as sth./sb.  把認作Drugs were not recognized as a problem then. Step4.Reading in Page 51(1).Show some pictures of English dictionaries. Step5.Homework1.Review the words and language points we have learnt in this unit.2.Translation(1)他們已經請求國際援助.(2)帶著有禮貌的微笑,她走了出去.(3)他出去工作了半年,因為有病沒能結束工作就回來了.(4)他喜歡發(fā)號施令,但沒有人愿意聽他的.Period 6  Writing and summar .Teaching aims(1) Train writing skills.(2) Show brainstorming and write a passage.(3) Review the whole unit.Teaching important and difficult point      How to improve students writing skill.Teaching proceduresStep1.GreetingStep2.Writing(1).Brainstorm  share ideas with others; decide which are the best ideas; make a list of those ideas;put those ideas into a map so that you can easily see them;use the map to help you as you write.(2). Write a composition after class using the way brainstorming.Topic:   My experience of learning EnglishStep3.Summary1.The difference between American English and British English.2.Do some exercises about words, phrases and grammar.Step4. Homework1.Finish the composition.2.Review this unit. 111


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