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2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit5 《Music》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修2

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2014屆高考英語一輪 Unit5 《Music》課后強化作業(yè) 新人教版必修2

111Unit 5Music.單詞拼寫1It's not a good idea to discipline the class by giving them _ (額外的) homework.2His research _ (形成) the basis of his new book.3He has _ (賺) a lot of money this month by working on a part­time job.4I hear the concert will be _ (廣播) live on TV tomorrow evening.5Applying for jobs can be a long and _ (痛苦的) process.6She is in a relaxed, _ (自信的) mood.7He _ (表演) quite successfully on the stage last night.8The toys are _ (有吸引力的) to children due to the appearance.9He gave a _ (幽默的) account of their trip to Spain.10She _ (假裝) that she likes them so that she can get their help.答案:1.extra2.formed3.earned4.broadcast5. painful6confident7.performed8.attractive9.humorous10pretends.完成句子1說實話,我認為我們沒有獲勝的機會。(to be honest)_ _ _, I don't think_ _ _ _ _winning.2杰克老是開我們的玩笑,但沒有人記恨他。(play jokes on)Jack_ _ _ _ _ _, but_ _ _hates him.3獵人離開了屋子,后面跟著他的狗。(分詞作狀語)The hunter left his house,_ _ _ _.4重視控制環(huán)境污染是非常重要的。(attach.to)It's important_ _ _ _ _pollution.5警察用了大約一個小時的時間才把人群驅(qū)散。(break up)The police spent_ _ _ _ _ _the crowd.答案:1.To be honest; we have a chance of2.is always playing jokes on us; none of us3.followed by his dog4.to attach importance to controlling5.one hour or so breaking up.單項填空1(2013·高三武漢市部分學校聯(lián)考)When you are physically _ to weather changes, maybe it's a sign that you're getting aged.Aflexible BattractiveCsensitive Dactive答案:C考查形容詞。句意:當你的身體對天氣變化變得很敏感時,可能這就表明你正在變老。sensitive“敏感的”;flexible“柔順的,靈活的”;attractive“吸引人的”;active“積極的”。2Don't be worried about his safety._, he is an eighteen­year­old young man.AIn all BAfter all CAbove all DFirst of all答案:B句意:不用擔心他的安全。畢竟他是十八歲的成人了。after all“畢竟,別忘了”;in all“總共”;above all“最重要的是”;first of all“首先”。3Both students and parents appreciate the great importance schools have_to eyesight protection.Areacted BattendedCattached Dadapted答案:C考查動詞。句意:學生和家長都很贊賞學校對眼睛保護的重視。attach great importance to.“非常重視”。4Mom, I'm so tired. I can't walk any further._, my dear. You can make it.ACome on BNo worry CThat's impossible DNo problem答案:A考查交際用語。由答語“你能行”可知,此處選come on表示鼓勵對方“加油”。5Much to our surprise, they carried on_the extremely difficult conditions.Ain spite of Bno matter howCeven if Ddespite that答案:A句意:令我們大感意外的是,盡管條件極度困難,他們依然一往無前。in spite of“盡管”。6Many experts hold the view_protection awareness is_the key to better environment lies.Athat; where Bwhich; in which Cwhich; whereDthat; in which答案:A句意:許多專家認為增強保護意識是環(huán)境變好的關(guān)鍵。第一空是同位語從句,由句意可知用that;第二空where引導表語從句,in which引導定語從句。7_you write so well?By reading and keeping diaries every day.AHow is it BWhat is it CHow is it that DWhat is it that答案:C由答語句意“通過每天讀書和記日記”可知,第一句問的是方式,所以排除B、D兩項;A項在it后加上that才對。8The students will_for the Christmas vacation next week.Abreak off Bbreak downCbreak through Dbreak up答案:D考查動詞短語。句意:下周,學生們將放假過圣誕節(jié)。break up在此指“學校放假”。9We need a drink.I'm really thirsty._.Let's have one.AGenerallyBStrictlyCExactlyDPossibly答案:C考查交際英語。exactly“(用于答語)一點不錯”。再如:“Do you mean that we are stuck here?”“Exactly, my dear.” “你的意思是我們被困在這兒了?”“一點兒不錯,親愛的?!?0I invited Mary and Jane to dinner, but_of them came.Anone BeitherCboth Dneither答案:D句意:我邀請了瑪麗和簡共進晚餐,但是他們都沒來。neither“兩者都不”;both“兩者都”;either“兩者中一者”;none“三者或以上都不”。11He climbed silently_of seizing the thief_.Aon purpose; by surpriseBon purpose; surprisinglyCfor the purpose; surprisedDfor the purpose; by surprise答案:D考查短語。第一空for the purpose of.“目的是”;第二空seize.by surprise“出其不意地抓住”。句意:他悄無聲息地爬行,目的是突然把小偷抓住。12My brother is a_person. He feels sure about his own ability.AconfidentBselfish Cpatient Dhumorous答案:A由后半句“他對自己的能力很有把握”可知,他很“自信”。confident“自信的”。13(2013·河北模擬)How did she lose so much weight as expected?_ eating less, she jogged for several miles every day.AIn spite of BIn addition toCInstead of DThanks to答案:B考查介詞短語辨析。in spite of“盡管”;in addition to“除外,還”;instead of“相反,代替”;thanks to“由于,幸虧”。句意:除了吃得少外,她每天還慢跑幾英里。故用In addition to,選B項。14How many employees are there in the company?We have_500 people working there.Anear BmoreCsomething like Dor so答案:Csomething like“大約”;此處也可用nearly或about;或者表達為500 people or so。15He broke_a piece of chocolate and gave it to me before he broke the rest_into pieces.Aup; down Boff; upCdown; up Dthrough; down答案:B考查動詞短語。句意:他掰了一塊巧克力給了我,然后又把剩下的掰成了碎片。第一空break off“折斷”;第二空break.up into pieces“拆成碎片”。.閱讀理解AA music festival is a festival determined towards music that is sometimes presented with a theme such as musical type, nationality or locality of musicians, or holiday. They are commonly held outdoors, and are often inclusive of other attractions such as food and merchandise vendors(賣主), performance art, and social activities. The Pythian Games at Delphi included musical performances, and may be one of the earliest festivals known. During the Middle Ages festivals were often held as competitions.Many festivals are annual, or repeat at regular interval. Some, including many rock festivals, are held only once. Some festivals are organized as for­profit concerts and others are benefits for a specific cause.Another type of music festival is the educative type, organized annually in local communities, regionally or nationally, for the benefit of amateur musicians of all ages and grades of achievement. While entrants(參加競賽者) perform prepared pieces in the presence of an audience which includes competitors, the essential feature of this type of festival is that each participant receives verbal and written feedback(反饋), there and then, from a highly qualified, professional adjudicator(判決者)someone who they might never meet in any other way. They also usually receive a certificate, classified according to merit, and some may win trophies. The competitive element is often played down, however, as the important aspect is that participants can learn from one another.Such festivals aim to provide a friendly and supportive platform for musicians to share in the excitement of making music. For many they provide a bridge between lessons & examinations and performing confidently in public.文章大意:本文主要講了有關(guān)音樂節(jié)的一些情況。1What is TRUE about a music festival?AIt must be performed with a theme once a year.BA common music festival is held outdoors.CSome may not only include musical performances.DMusic festivals date from the Middle Ages.答案:C正誤判斷題。根據(jù)第一段的第二句“.and are often inclusive of other attractions.”可知,音樂節(jié)不僅包括音樂表演。A項錯在不一定“一年舉辦一次”;B項錯在“A common music festival”(公共的音樂會);D項錯在最早的不一定在中世紀。2The music festivals can be held as the following EXCEPT _.AcompetitionsBfor­profit concerts Cbenefits for a specific causeDrock­moving games答案:D細節(jié)理解題。在一、二段中不難找出A、B、C的根據(jù),而D項譯成“搬巖石比賽”,與原文的“rock festivals” (搖滾音樂節(jié))不符,且也不是舉辦的目的。3Which is NOT the characteristic of an educative music festival?AIt can be held in a community or in a whole country.BSome competitors can also enjoy others' performance.CIt can be beneficial for all kinds of musicians.DEach participant can receive judgments from a specialist.答案:C細節(jié)判斷題。從第三段可找出A、B、D的根據(jù)所在。在第三段第一句后半句提到:對各個年齡段和不同成就的業(yè)余音樂家有益,并非各種各樣的音樂家,所以C項是偷換了概念。4What's the most important significance for holding a music festival?AMusicians can communicate and benefit from one another.BPerformers can get guidance from professional adjudicators.CParticipants can receive classified certificates.DThe competitive element is often played down.答案:A細節(jié)理解題。從第三段最后一句可知:最重要的因素是參加者可以互相學習,即從競爭中互相受益,所以A項符合。其余三項本段也都提到,但不是“最重要的意義”。5A music festival can mainly provide_.Aa platform for participants to perform their worksBa stage to share the excitement of making music Ca bridge between music lessons and examinationsDan opportunity to perform in public with confidence 答案:B細節(jié)判斷題。根據(jù)最后一段第一句判斷:舉辦音樂節(jié)主要是為音樂家分享創(chuàng)作音樂的快樂搭建一個友好和支持的平臺(platform)或舞臺(stage)。BIf you know how to study wine, it can tell you about its history and qualities. Many wine experts can even identify the kind of wine without ever seeing the label on the bottle. Studying a wine involves using several senses, not just taste.First, pour the wine into a glass and look at it. It might help to put a piece of white paper behind the glass so you can see the color clearly. Color can tell a lot about the kind of grapes, where the wine is from and its age. A white wine might be almost colorless. White wines go darker with age. White wines made from grapes grown in a cool climate are often paler, with a higher amount of acid. White wines from grapes grown in a warmer climate are often yellower, with less acid. The color of red wines can be purplish red to brick red. Red wines often become paler with age. Red wines grown in warmer climates often have deeper color than those grown in cooler climates.Next, turn the glass so that the wine moves around inside. This brings air into the wine, so that it gives off its smell. Smell the wine deeply. A wine's smell is actually telling more than its taste. To use a wine term, what can you learn about the wine from its “nose”? Is the wine fruity? Does it smell like oak(橡樹)? Do you smell grass or maybe honey? Maybe the smell is like butter or a mineral.Now it is time to taste the wine. Move it around in your mouth. You may recognize some tastes because you identified them while smelling the wine. You can also consider the wine's sweetness and its acidity(酸性). You may note the taste of tannin. Tannins are chemicals that are found in the skin and seeds of grapes. Tannins taste bitter and seem to coat your mouth. To make a good wine requires a balance between sugar, acidity, tannin and alcohol.Professional wine tasters have many special words to describe wines. Some adjectives might be surprising. For example, a wine that feels smooth might be described as “velvety” or “silky”. A wine that does not have enough acidity is “flabby” or “fat”. A wine with a strong tannin taste could be “chewy”文章大意:本文為說明文,介紹了品葡萄酒的方法。6The wine taster often puts a piece of white paper behind the wine glass with the purpose of_.A. seeing the color clearlyB. blocking the strong sunlightC. gathering the smellD. spotting the grapes答案:A細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段第二句“It might help to put a piece of white paper behind the glass so you can see the color clearly”可知,品酒師把一張白紙放在葡萄酒杯后面是為了看清楚葡萄酒的顏色。7What can we learn from the passage?A. The paler red wines are, the younger they are.B. The paler red wines are, the older they are.C. The darker white wines are, the younger they are.D. The older red wines are, the sweeter they are.答案:B細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段倒數(shù)第二句“Red wines often become paler with age.”可知,紅葡萄酒放得越久,顏色越淺。8In which order should we use our senses when we study wine?A. TastesightsmellB. SmelltastesightC. SmellsighttasteD. Sightsmelltaste答案:D推理判斷題。根據(jù)二、三、四段的內(nèi)容可知,當我們研究葡萄酒時,首先是“看”,然后是“聞”,最后是“嘗”,故用到的感官順序是“視覺嗅覺味覺”。9What is the main idea of the passage?A. How can we study a wine?B. How can we introduce a wine?C. How can we taste a wine?D. How can we make a wine?答案:A主旨大意題。通讀全文可知,文章主要講的是怎么樣品葡萄酒,故A項最佳。111


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