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正式文體與非正式文體,俗話說:什么場合說什么話。人們在通過口頭形式或書面形式進行言語交際時,都自覺或不自覺地注意交際場合。不同的交際場合須用不同的文體。下面兩句話雖均屬口語體,但句(1)屬非正式的口語體,用于非常熟識的朋友之間; 句(2)屬正式的口語體,用于正式場合,或當(dāng)聽者系年長者或與說者并不十分熟識時才用:,(l) Hi,Peter. Fancy meeting you here. (2) Good morning, Mr.Brown. How are you?,書面語也有正式書面語體和非正式書面語體之分。假如在一封非常正式的信中寫道:It was extremely gracious of you to have invited me to the reception,and I had bags of fun there. 那么就會令人啼笑皆非,因為extremely gracious 聽起是那樣的正式、 嚴(yán)肅,而 bags of fun 卻顯得那樣的隨便、輕浮; 二者并不屬同一文體,自然不是好的英文句子。,談到英語的正式文體 (the formal style)與非正式文體 (the informal style),人們自然會提及Martin Joos寫的一本名叫The Five Clocks的專著。這本書于1962年出版,至今仍被認(rèn)為是研究英語文體的必讀書。其原因是作者在這本書中提出了英語的五種 使用變體,并形象地把它們喻為五只鐘。這五種 使用變體是:,(一)莊嚴(yán)的文體(the Frozen Style; 也有人譯作冷凍體)。這是一種非常雅致、莊重的文體,是經(jīng)過反復(fù)推敲的力作,讀者必須經(jīng)過反復(fù)琢磨方能領(lǐng)悟蘊藏在詞句之中的層層含義。領(lǐng)悟的過程是個解凍的過程,所以Martin Joos使用了frozen這個詞來概括這種文體。,一般認(rèn)為,Martin Joos說的 the Frozen Style 指的是正式的、優(yōu)雅的文學(xué)文體。如果予以引申,這種文體主要用于具有象征性和歷史意義的場合,如法律條款、歷史文獻、議會及重大的國際會議文件等。,(二)正式的文體 (the Formal Style)。這種文體一般用于較重要的場合和較嚴(yán)肅的主題。它是專門用來提供信息的,其代碼標(biāo)志是may這個詞。Martin Joos認(rèn)為,凡用了may就是正式體,如 May I help you? 而在非正式場合下可能會用might或 can等同義詞。,(三)商議性的文體(the Consultative Style)。這是一種“日常辦事語言”(everyday getting-things-done language)。日常工作交往、在商店購物、旅游等場合均使甩這種文體。Martin Joos把同陌生人攀談所使用的英語看作是這種文體的典型表現(xiàn)形式。,(四)隨意的文體(the Casual style)。這種文體多用于朋友之間的閑談 (relaxed conversations)及書信往來。不拘禮節(jié)的一般性互訪或與朋友偶遇街頭時,均可使用這種文體。,(五)親密的文體(the Intimate Style)。這種文體只用來表露內(nèi)心的感情,不傳遞公共信息。家庭成員或親愛者之間常甩這種文體。,管Martin Joos的看法還不一定全面,但上面的文體分類方法至少為我們提供了一個討論的基礎(chǔ)。 我們不妨把 “莊嚴(yán)的文體”與 “正式的文體”統(tǒng)稱作正式文體,而把 “商議的文體”、 “隨意的文體”和“親密的文體”統(tǒng)稱作非正式文體。 對于初學(xué)者來說,最重要的是掌握正式文體與非正式文體在語言特征上的主要差異。,先看用詞。正式文體常使用正式用語 (formal words); 非正式文體則常使用非正式用語 (informal words)。這兩類不同的用語是在長期的使用過程中被約定俗成地固定下來的。許多詞典對此都作出了標(biāo)記。試比較:,INFORMAL FORMAL leave depart scared apprehensive blow up explode quit resign cut down reduce job position fire dismiss tired fatigued flunk fail,一般說來, 源于法語、 拉丁語、希臘語的詞語多用于正式文體 ; 源于古英語的詞語則多用于非正式文體。試比較:,(1) The concert concluded with a performance of Beethovens 5th symphony. (2) They ended the concert with Beethovens 5th symphony. (3) The police are investigating the case of murder. (4) The police are looking into the case of murder.,Take part in Participate in anticipate Partake,句(1)中的conclude源于拉丁語, 常用于正式文體; 句(2)的 end 是古英語詞匯成分, 用于非正式文體。 句(3) 的 investigate 源于拉丁語,屬正式文體用語; 句(4)中的 1ook into 是古英語詞匯成分, 屬非正式文體用語。,現(xiàn)代英語中的縮略詞(clipped words) 及縮約詞 (contractions) 多用于非正式文體; 其相應(yīng)的非縮略或非縮約形式則常出現(xiàn)在正式文體中:,INFORMAL FORMAL INFORMAL FORMAL ad advertisement shouldnt should not phone telephone cant cannot photo photograph wont will not TV television theres there is sub substitute dont do not lab laboratory its it is paper newspaper Ive I have rep representative theyre they are,phone He said, “Im a teacher.”,由于縮略詞常用于非正式文體中,所以在不同的使用范圍內(nèi),一個縮略詞可能有幾個不同的含義,如 rep 還可指 reporter,reputation,repertory等; sub 還可指 subway,suburb,suburban,sub-editor, submarine 等。,非正式文體較多地使用短語動詞; 正式文體則常用與之同義的單個動詞。 試比較 :,INFORMAL: The criminals finally turned themselves in. FORMAL: The criminals finally surrendered. INFORMAL: I cant put up with your bad manners. FORMAL: I cannot tolerate your bad manners. INFORMAL: He tried to make good use of his abilities in the new job. FORMAL: He endeavoured to utilize his abilities in the new position.,從語法角度來看, 正式文體與非正式文體也有許多差異。這里僅扼要列舉幾點 :,(一)在構(gòu)成比較句型時,使用人稱代詞的主格形式比使用其賓格形 式更顯得正式些 , INFORMAL: Bill speaks French more fluently than me. FORMAL : Bill speaks French more fluently than I.,(二)在表達“讓步”概念時,正式文體常使用yet, however, nevertheless, in spite of (despite), notwithstanding 等詞語; 非正式文體則常借用 but, anyway,all the same, though, although(although 比 though 更顯正式些) 等詞語予以表達。,INFORMAL: A wolf,after all,is a wolf though it has artful disguises. FORMAL: A wolf after all, is a wolf in spite of (despite) its artful disguises. INFORMAL: He tried to prevent the marriage but it took place all the same. FORMA L: He endeavoured to prevent the marriage; however, they married notwithstanding.,(三) 在構(gòu)成 “方式狀語” 時, 非正式文體常使用副詞; 而正式文體則常借用由介詞和與該副詞同根的詞構(gòu)成的介詞短語,,INFORMAL: He spoke confidently. FORMAI: He spoke in a confident manner. FORMAL : He spoke with confidence.,(四 )在表達 “原因”、“后果” 等概念時,正式文體常用 on account of, accordingly, thus, hence, consequently, owing to (the fact that) 等詞或詞組,且比較經(jīng)常地運用分詞短語、獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)等; 非正式文體則常用 so,because 或其它形式的表示原因的從句。 試比較 :,INFORMAL: Since the weather had improved, we decided to go swimming. FORMAL: The weather having improved, we decided to go swimming. INFORMAL: As he was a man affixed views, he refused to listen to our arguments. FORMAL: Being a man affixed views, he refused to listen to our arguments.,(五) 在構(gòu)成表示 目的 的狀語時,用 so as to 一般具有非正式文體色彩 ; 用 in order to 則顯得正式些; 而用 in order that 引導(dǎo)的目的狀語從句則常出現(xiàn)于正式文體中:,INFORMAL: He left early so as not to miss the train. FORMAL: He left early in order not to miss the train. FORMAL: He left early in order that he would not miss the train.,(六)在構(gòu)成問句時,正式文體常用完整的形式;非正式文體則可用省略形式,也可用陳述句形式 (這時需借用語調(diào)或標(biāo)點符號);以疑問代詞主格開頭的問句多見于正式文體,以疑問代詞賓格開頭的問句多見于非正式文體;問句中的介詞置于句首時是正式文體,置于句末時是非正式文體。如:,FORMAL: When are you going to do it? INFORMAL: When? FORMAL: Whom are you talking about? INFORMAL: Who are you talking about? FORMAL: With what did you write it? INFORMAL: What did you write it with?,(七)在表示虛擬語氣時,正式文體與非正式文體的差異十分明顯。試比較: INFORMAL: If he was my friend, I would ask him for help. FORMAL: If he were my friend, I would ask him for help. INFORMAL: If it was to rain tomorrow, I would not go there. FORMAL: If it were to rain tomorrow, I should not go there. INFORMAL: I wish I was ten years younger.,FORMAL: I wish I were ten years younger. INFORMAL: If I had known, I would have told you earlier. FORMAL: Had I known before, I would have told you earlier. INFORMAL: He looks as if he was (is) ill. FORMAL: He looks as if he were ill.,(八) 由引導(dǎo)詞 it 起始的句子 (如 it is said that ) 多見于正式文體; 不用這一結(jié)構(gòu)而表達同一意義的句子多見于非正式文體: INFFORMAL: The number of books in the library has been going down. FORMAL: It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly.,(九) 在表達 “請求某人做某事” 時, 使用被動語態(tài)句式多具有正式文體色彩; 使用主動語態(tài)句式則具有非正式文體色彩. 如: INFORMAL: Please gather at the gate of the school. FORMAL: The students are requested to gather at the gate of the schoo1.,(十)正式文體和非正式文體的差別還表現(xiàn)在某些不定代詞的用法、 動名詞的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)及句子的主謂一致等方面。 例如 , INFORMAL: Everybody should look after themselves. FORMAL: Everybody should look after himself. INFORMAL: Everyone should do their best.,INFORMAL: Everyone should do their best. FORMAL: Everyone should do his best. INFORMAL: Im surprised at John(him ) making the mistake. FORMAL: Im surprised at John (his) making the mistake. INFORMAL: Theres two patients waiting outside. FORMAL: Two patients are waiting outside.,(十一)簡潔是現(xiàn)代英語的發(fā)展趨勢之一。但一般說來,省略關(guān)系代詞、連詞、介詞等情況多見于非正式文體。如: INFORMAL: I took no notice of him so he flew into a rage. FORMAL: I took no notice of him so that he flew into a rage.,INFORMAL: She cooks turkey the way her sister does. FORMAL: She cooks turkey in the way her sister does. INFORMAL: He prevented me going to the dance. FORMAL: He prevented me from going to the dance.,(十二)使用呼語(vocatives)時,在對方的姓名前加Mr 或 Miss等稱呼時屬正式文體,直呼其名則屬非正式文體;見面時用 Good morning (afternoon, evening),How are you? How do you do? 等用語要比用 Hi 顯得正式些。告別時,用Its been nice meeting you 要比用 Good-bye,bye-bye,see you,so long,cheerio等顯得正式些。,正式文體與非正式文體在語言特征方面的差異遠(yuǎn)不止這些。了解它們之間的差異對我們準(zhǔn)確、恰當(dāng)?shù)剡\用英語是大有稗益的。公共場所常有請勿隨地吐痰的告示,假如譯為:Expectoration Is Forbidden!,那么不僅會使人感到難懂,而且其書生氣息往往會令人發(fā)笑;倘若譯作Please dont spit!,那就顯得簡潔易懂,十分得體。這里,我們不妨引用兩個內(nèi)容相同但文體色彩不同的通知,供讀者進行比較:,Smoking is hazardous to health.,Announcement from the Librarian,(1) It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly. Students are requested to remind themselves of the rules for the borrowing and re-turning of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students. Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced.,(2) The number of books in the library has been going down. Please make sure you know the rules for borrowing, and dont forget that the library is for everyones convenience. So from now on, were going to enforce the rules strictly. You have been warned!,需要指出的是, 我們不該甩絕對的、 靜止的觀點去分析正式文體與非正式文體的語言特征。它們之間的語言差異是在特定的使用場合下相 比較而存在的。 所謂 “正式” 或 “非正式” 的程度也是相比較而言的。 在它們之間存在著一個“正式” 或 “非正式”的等級 (a scale of formality or informality)。以用詞為例 : astute(敏銳、精明) ,perceptive(靈敏的、反應(yīng)敏銳的、有洞察力的),intelligent,smart,on the ball(機警的、機靈的)是具有不同文體色彩的同義詞 (語)其 正式與非正式的程度可表如下 :,FORMALITY INFORMALITY _ ASTUTE PERCEPTIVE INTELLIGENT SMART ON THE BALL,如果我們以intelligent為基準(zhǔn),那么 astute 與 perceptive 當(dāng)屬正式文體用語; smart 與 on the ball 則具有非正式文體色彩。但仔細(xì)分析一下,我們就會發(fā)現(xiàn): 與astute 相比,perceptive 又顯得不那么正式; smart顯然比on the ball正式些,但與intelligent相比,smart則又顯得不那么正式。 所以我們說,正式文體與非正式文體在選擇語言成分方面所存在的差異是相對而言的。,還應(yīng)該注意的是,用在正式文體的語言成分與用在非正式文體中的語言成分并無“優(yōu)”、“劣”之分。 例如,在表達“疲勞”這個概念時,我們不能說使用 fatigued 或 exhausted 優(yōu)于使用 tired 這個詞; 也不能說用bushed (美口:疲勞不堪的)或pooped (俚語: 疲乏的、筋疲力盡的 )劣于 tired 這個詞。一切需看使用的場合。Worn out,在正式文體中用 fatigued 或 exhausled; 與親密的朋友閑談時則可使用 bushed 或 pooped; 一般場合下則慣用 tired 一詞。做到這點,就算得體,否則就不算得體。,在以上的討論中,我們強調(diào)了一點,即正式文體與非正式文體是由交際場合決定的。除去交際場合這一因素之外,正式文體與非正式文體的運用還受其它因素支配,其中包括交際雙方的社會身份、交際的內(nèi)容、交際雙方的心理活動等。,從交際雙方的社會身份來看,長輩對晚輩說話時常使甩隨意的、非正式文體;晚輩對長輩說話則常使甩客氣的、正式的文體。下列兩句中旬 (1)是出自長輩之口;句 (2)則是晚輩對長輩說的, (l) Close the window,Peter. (2) Dad, could you possibly close the window?,社會地位低的人若請求社會地位高的人做某事,往往使用正式的、客氣的文體,如: I shall be most grateful if you would do me a favour.,I wonder if you can help me. I wondered if you could help me. I am wondering if you can help me. I was wondering if you could help me. She is nice. She being nice today.,交際雙方如果不熟悉,往往在開始接觸時使用正式文體;雙方若很熟悉,則使用非正式文體,試比較下面兩個對話:,(1) A: Eh, can you beat that? (=Can you pass the examination?) B: I read my eyes out last night. Couldnt pass that stupid bioexam. A: Oh, yeah, but that Davison. Hes a real jerk. B: You know, Id bet he gets his tests from old Ph. D. exam. Wouldnt put it past him. A: Got to go. B: Catch you later. A: Right. See you back at the dorm. So long.,(2) (At the Labour Exchange) Clerk: Mr. Roberts, wont you sit down, please? Roberts: Thank you very much. Clerk: I see that you were a manager for the Overton Paper Products Company. Roberts : Yes, I was. For seven years. Clerk: Werent you happy there? Roberts: Oh yes. But I thought that I couldnt really develop further in the job.,對話 (1) 中的 A 和 B 是同學(xué),彼此十分熟識,談話很隨便; 對話 (2) 中的 Clerk 與 Roberts 初次見面,使用的語言就正式些。,從交際內(nèi)容上看, 具有政治性、歷史性、 宗教性或?qū)I(yè)性的內(nèi)容,一般需用正式文體予以表現(xiàn)。內(nèi)容是生活性的或協(xié)商性的,一般都使用非正式文體。 所以宗教界使用的英語、 法律文件、 科技文獻等常具有正式文體的色彩。 口 語中, 話題若是比較嚴(yán)肅的或具有較高的專業(yè)性,那么所使用的語言也正式些。 下面是美國著名語言學(xué)家 Noam Chomsky 與哲學(xué)家 Stuart Hampshire 的一段談話, 所用的語言具有明顯的正式文體色彩。,Hampshire: Am I right in thinkingyou must correct me if Im wrongthat your studies of language have led you to the conclusion that there are certain. . . common. . . under-lying structures common to all languages which constitute something like a universal grammar?,Chomsky: Yes. It seems to me that the evidence available to us suggests that there must be some very deep. inborn principles, probably of a highly restrictive nature that determine how knowledge of a language emerges in an individual given the very scattered and degenerate data avail-able to him.,Hampshire: Your evidence is derived really from learning, the study of learning language?,Chomsky: It seems to me that if you want to study learning in a serious way, what one really has to do is to study a sort of input-output situation. We have an organism of which we know nothing, we know what kind of data is available to it, we can discover that, and the first question we must then try to answer is what kind of a mental ., structure does the organism develop when that evidence is presented to it?,(對話中的 表示停頓) 交際雙方的心理狀態(tài)也是考察運用正式文體或非正式文體的二種重要因素。比如說,在征詢對方的意愿時,為了表示說話人對對方尊重的心理,用 shall1的結(jié)構(gòu)就顯得正式些、客氣些; 使用其它結(jié)構(gòu)就不能反映說話人的這種心理狀態(tài)。,試比較: FORMAL & POLITE: Shall I call a taxi for you? INFORMAL: Do you want me to call a taxi for you?,對正式文體與非正式文體的考察與識別是個十分復(fù)雜的問題。上面談到的只是一些基本的原則。了解這兩種文體的差異,能幫助我們在言語交際中作到恰當(dāng)、得體。,


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