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2019秋國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大專科英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)(2)期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2147) 試卷代號(hào):2147國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)2()1 9年秋季學(xué)期期末統(tǒng)一考試英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)(2) 口試題簽學(xué)生用卷(A)2020年1月Directions:In this test you will hate nn oppivrtunity to dcnxiiistnitc your ability to understand and usespoken English. Vht test Is divided Into three parts.Purl I Rcud m Nhort pasaue aloud and answer questions.Pnrt 2 Speak on u topic.Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner us your conversation partnerPart 1 Read nloud the p&irt Ixjtwren the stars ( )and then answer the questions the exumineryou.Victor >5 from South Africa. When he first enme io China nil the wny from South Africa10 yean* ugo9 he worked as a nunfigemrnt trninrv of a travel ngtncy in LunxboUa During thedcciidc he has *etn his company grow and now hr is the assistant to the area gtnernl manager of North and Central Wot China. He need to travel a gret deal for his job and he likes il9 Wherever he goes, he takeshis smarl phones with him he 1ake two of ihem. With his smart phones> he can make calls, surf the Internet, have email access download dtx-unicnts. and sometimes play gameA. The function* he iisc-h mastt however is not talking to people or sending messages l>ut taking videos, writing coTnmcnts about hi> videos and then posting them on his blog spnee. He spench ulmost all his spare time blogging. If he js noi working# he ts hloRginK.Ik hz been making Vidros nboui all A!*pecf5 of life in Chinn for the pat two ycar He is proud ihat iiih posts on ("hinese snneks nnd food have hern viewed by thousands of viewers.Part 2 Speak on the following Inpic for about 2 minute"Mztnncrs differ in different countries. " Do you agree with this siatcmcnt? Why or why not?Part 3 Complete a n>le-play task s"h jour cxamincrt Your cunvcrsutjon should last 3Tminutes.A met!* B n youn English engineer working in China, in a business guthcruig. Theynre talking nbout life in Chinn.You arc A You tart the convenuitinn with B. The following 代 the procedure ynu should follow. Exchnngvs grecxings with H. <>ivc your opinion on Bf <i plnn of renting a flat in the suburbs> locnsAing an the inconveniences. Offer help in BS Chinese languHKr learning. Respond tn BS rr-queM for help in looking for a Chinese tuion試卷代號(hào):2147國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)2019年秋季學(xué)期期末統(tǒng)一考試英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)(2) 口試題簽教師用卷(A2020年1月Directions:In this test, thv students Mill have an opportunity to defnonstrate their ability to undersUnd and tur spoken English. The test h divided into three parts.Part I Read a short passage siluud and answer questhin.Purt 2 Spatk on a topicPari 3 Complete a rolr-pluy task with tbr examinvr as the ctmvcniation prtner.Part 1Section A Ask the student to read aloud the part between the stars( ).Victor in from South Afriou When he Grst came to China all the way (rom South Africa 10 yoi” atfo< he worked * a management trainee of a iravcl agency in Lnnzhou> during the pain decndct he has seen his company grow and now hr is the asstsiant to the ureu general manager of North and Central West Chituu He needs to travel n greAt deal for his job and he likes in Wherever he? goes# he Takes hm smart phones with himhe Take* two of them. With his smart phones* he can make mils, surl the Internets have email geM. download documenis and sonietime* plfly rhe funrttonA he airs niost however i not tnlkm to people, or sending rr心w心 but taking videos writing comments n(>out his videos and then posting them on his blog spnec. Hr spends almost all his spare time Hoggings If he is not workingt he is blogging. He hA5 been making videos about all aspects of life in Chmn for the past two years Ht is proud that his pom on Chinese snacks and food hnve been viewed by thousands ol viewvrs.Prt 2 the liudcut U> 呼加h on ihv (ulhiwhit topic hir nbont Z mlnuicm"Munhrm differ in different count nes. H Do you ngree with thb <tatrtnent? Why or why not?Prt < ompklr n roleplay task with the IndenL convemalhm Mioulel hi” 37 nilnutmtA rncc< H young Englmli cnHmrrr wurking in < hinn# in r huineR KNihrrinH< fhey nri ulkinglift in Ch,mt.Vii rr IL IulU <mh whm tictVMu). I he r<iliuwlng urc fur your rrfrrcncc?aTW atudrnl h Aure KKtfik*up ru<KxrhiiiiKewith KRrlMind hitellA bunt m mctit Hut- hunlhii: rtpiTictHe.CmmmI m<imlrm Mflcmoon. By tlir wuy< lc hccti loaklnt for chraper flat to rvM. I、 mfi udvrrthrmrnt% hImiuI rhvn|HT fliat In. . . !>h!rirt 1 > kilomrtrwfrom thrt<mn centra Cm lntrrr*trdeGive yuur opinion on B , phti o! rrntittu n lint in the uhiirb (ocuMifiK oh the ineuitvenienccInsIM(n Ukinu thr n也 Euprr inirmt in picking up your Chinese.1 Mill want io lake (her flut.I hr nnl h only . il e w cxtrctitcly chvup. 1 wmiiI Io mivc nuHuy on rrnt. Bddf .1 ran Icurn M>nw irul ( hitivM: h, llvhtK with ( hhur iicltthhuurie<>flrr help in H、Chitc>r hwiKungr lrnrnifig<1 hitnk A fnr hrlp A讓 fur A help to fin<l u ChlnrM? futonIIimI will Im* nic. / But 1 know you urc huy oil lhe Univ. t wuld you help nir find m C hincM1 tutor?Rrvpvnd U)IV rrqucni lor help in lnokmA (>! 4 Chuuv tutor.RtfNHtd properly.lliMnkAnd Ihunk ynu in od*uncr (or y(uir betp.OK. No prnblrm. 1 undvrwtund. It9 n nice tulklnu lu you.試卷代號(hào):2147國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)2019年秋季學(xué)期期末統(tǒng)一考試英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)(2) 口試題簽學(xué)生用卷(B)2020年1月|n this lest you will hstr nn opportunity to demonstrute your abilih to undcrstiind and use spoken Engl&h. The test is divided into three prts.Part I Read a short passage aloud und answer questionsPart 2 Speak on a topic.P"t 3Cnmplctc a roleplay Usk with the examiner as your convrrsnUon Pfiner.Part Read aloud the part between the stan ( * > and then mister the questions the exumineraskN you.Mury in one of thor who choose io hftvr a DINK (nrnily. BvinR irhil*" <沖 "E"混 choice. She find her hunbatul have to live 出 different cities moM at the “m<m She down , 1 think nhr run bring up a child 5 children on her own, She haji bren a sHrd F出頃" worker0 in Luoyang lor it bout 10 yearn. Her h unhand i、lft Some doi 咔 fnrm work. For Mary* she Hvcm a happy and rich life, being chiMfree, Both Mary <md her huNbatid mjoy travelling, They UMinlly ukt rtdvAntagc of rhr oil Henson pnet! lor Inte bcctoiber and srly httuury. luring thftr laM trip tu Xinjinnu. ihcv had the most pcattsful and relaxed travel expericinc ihai they over had in Chirw< The?" wun tu rufth dt I hr jgM mi they were able to b.uain,good price lor lhe cobji to thrir hcwR I hry had fheir (ir*t、kiinR rxptnenrr anil inorrovrr, they w<rr nblr lo capiure IxiHililnl ahotM o( the mr filled sky. After n busy unir ol ighthrnng. Mnry /m<l her hunbrnid like t.i hshm with their Irirmh online It good u> hear rhe voicc> nnd -er thr irnngr* ol Incnds ancr in n whilr. 2 Spnik on the fnllowlng topic for about 2 minutex.Ik,以川 &gnd on public ESpwWi 2 get to and (rum work? I)r“ril>r y“s rxprnrncr in u-m public trnrmportation.,,art u 前Lphiy IumR with ymir rxamincr. Your ain*vrualhm huuld hz 3-|nilnMlr<A rluitx with B. n Amcricnn friend over dinner. They arc ulkihi:,hmi pUti (ur . new job.You Mrv A, Ymi bImH thr <m“5on with B. Fhe following li the proerdare you should follow. ExvMncM grsiin時(shí) with H. Tnlk about H life in Chinn. Givr your opinion /approval / diMpproval ol B taking u new job in n children vn clotho campnny in yuur hometown.心哄"偵問(wèn)化 in IE pbin. Ask B wheihrr B nerd. hd|> in nettling down in your hometown and offer hel|K "< H a ainvcnirnf wny/ ways to coniact< End thr eaiwcrmHmL”試卷代號(hào):2147M家開(kāi)放大學(xué)20 I 9年秋手學(xué)期期末統(tǒng)與試英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)(2) 口試題簽段師用卷(B)ioSo 年 1 nDirections |hi IhiB tekU the Bludtnh will huve un iip|xrtuniiy lo(lcin<nntrntc their uhillty h uiitlvrHtund nd UM ipokrn Englhh. I he lr*l h divided Into three |mrU< Pari I Rend n shortuloud und un*wrr quclioiiMiBurt 2 Speak on a topic iPart 3 Cnmplrtc n role-pltiy tank with the cxMininrr 饋 Ihr convcrMtlon pnrlncr.Part ISection A Aftk the tudcnt to rvMtl Mloud tbi: purt iKtHcrn Ihr Mur* I )Mary Ib one ol thour who cHoom? to hnvr h JINK(Hfntly Hrin chtldfrcc in her perMunnl chcucce She and brr huvlwiml hove tu live in diflcrcni citio niul n( thr tHnr t. Shv 1 think the can bring up child or chHdret) on her own. She has bocn n o rullctl migrant worker11 in LuoynnH lor iibuul 10 ymr% I Irr hubnhd in left home doing Inrtn wnrkr Fur M/iry hc live% 0 Iwppy ami rich lilce being rhildfrti?. Both Mary nnd her hushond enjoy tfAvrlhng. hr?y iiNiully fkr rtdvwniMge uf fhr o( hrunnn price for 14tc )vccinbrr Jind rrly January. During ihrlf Inwt <ci|> !> XinjianHt they hntl the mot! peaceful nnd relaxed trnvcl experience thnt thry ever had III China# I hrn wa> no rimh Af thn airport* and they wetr nblr > bnrunln a good price fur the enbh to then hnlchi They had their firM nkimit expcricncct nnd monqvert they were blr <0 rnpturc brnutiful hota of the! lr Itllcd ky. After a buy time ol Eglu心"lb Miry nnd hrr husband like 10 he chatn with rhrir rirndw online. It ir good to hear th< voiccr nnd mcc thr irnKct ( <Hrtr Irirnch nnrr in * while.Section B Ask Ihr Mudrnl the followlni: questionsh Whit doow DINK mcAn?2. Why Hue Mary choaae to have n DINK fentily?3. What doo he like nlxiut her trip to XinjUng?I. Iluw dnrt rIw keep in tourh with friends?Purl 2 Ask the student U> speak on the following topic for about 2 minutes,f>o you depend on public transportation to get to and from work? Describe your rtxperirnce in u<tng public trnnsportation.Part 3 Complclc u rnltrplay tusk with the studenL The conversation should ImM 3-4 tninutr*.A rhnts with B. n American friend aver dinner. They nrc talking about BS plnn for a nrw jcilhYou arc B. Talk onh %*bcn nvcvswiry. lilt following notes Mrv for your referencr.The student is AYau ure BBack-up cucftExchange 乂*“啪 with H. Talk nliout B*life in Chinn.Respond to greetings, lell A nlxiut a job offer in u 1ocl town.Haw huve you been lately? H> the wziy. 1e m thinking of changing my job. 1 had an offer from a children 4 s clothes company io (n Incul ton ) Morkinu as mi engineer / uccountanl/ u drijUier Whnl do you think fut it?< iivc your opinion /approval / diwpprtwfll of H taking n new juli tn a chiklrcti M ciothc! company in your hnmrtuwn.Inhl on tnking the job.1want to take the job. 1ni inierestwl In mccthii: the local people and kum abuut ChitiiL Perhaps one du) 1 will Aturl my own company here.Expre urpn、。 in H 1 r plftn. Awk B whrthcr B nerds help in settling down in your hometown and offer hdp.Accept A hrlpethat4s wonderful. Can 1 hu*e your mobile / QQ number so thut 1 enn chut with you when 1 nerd your help /advice?B n cnnvrnifjnt w.iy/ wjiyw to ronffict. End I hr convrruhorhriuink A for Iwlp.Ihank you. 11、irnll> nice n wet inc you today. Let 、 keep In touche試卷代號(hào):2147國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)2019年秋季學(xué)期期末統(tǒng)一考試英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)(2) 口試成佛單2020年1月學(xué)號(hào)姓名得分學(xué)號(hào)姓名得分_口試教師: H期:家開(kāi)放大學(xué)2019年秋季學(xué)期期末統(tǒng)一考試英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)(2) 口試評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(供承考)2020年1月評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)得分朗次短文,回答問(wèn)禎瘞賞發(fā)言簡(jiǎn)單交談100- 9。沿酉.語(yǔ)調(diào)正確*朗讀流情,誥淡白然. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn),能在規(guī)定時(shí)制內(nèi)正確 回答1個(gè)問(wèn)題.發(fā)達(dá) 準(zhǔn)確,用詞恰當(dāng).隨瞬扣所給的詁麒有條 理地組織自己的講話6諧言流暢.內(nèi)容充實(shí),能夠根據(jù)所規(guī)定的情景 和角色進(jìn)行有效交際8語(yǔ)言得休.流助,能恰當(dāng)?shù)剡M(jìn)行應(yīng)答和導(dǎo) 人話題.能主動(dòng)地僵開(kāi) 話題.8980諾吝,語(yǔ)調(diào)正跖陰讀較訊暢.措流較8然,能在所建定的時(shí)間內(nèi) 正確回答t個(gè)何趁.能就:所給的話距有條理 地沮織自己的講話;語(yǔ)言較旅暢,內(nèi)容較充 實(shí).大部分情況下可以根據(jù) 所規(guī)定的情第和角色誑 行有效交際,灑言較待體、流暢1花較主動(dòng)地展開(kāi)話咽79-70 1 ifj音.ifi誠(chéng)基本正確1 即談蘭不流蝸,能在所規(guī)定的時(shí)間內(nèi) 正礁回芥3個(gè)間基布能就所給的話甌組 織自己的講活;雨百某本流物.內(nèi)谷欠 充實(shí).基本能根抿所慌定的情 景和角色進(jìn)行交談?wù)Z有基本得體流幅,不能主動(dòng)地展并后題.696。語(yǔ)音.語(yǔ)調(diào)有一此帽朝讀其布詭盹在所規(guī)定的時(shí)間內(nèi) 正確回答3個(gè)何現(xiàn).基奉旌就所稔的話題期 堤白己的講話8語(yǔ)言大能暢.發(fā)g簡(jiǎn)短.莖本能根裾所規(guī)定的仍 景和角色進(jìn)行交談.590語(yǔ)皆、語(yǔ)調(diào)錯(cuò)誤嚴(yán)重, 朗讀不流幅, 2個(gè)(個(gè)以上同 題回答不正確.答非 所向.不能就所始的培匙組織 自己的講話,發(fā)言荷短無(wú)逢置性. 兒乎無(wú)法交際.和角色進(jìn)行交談.


本文(國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大??啤队⒄Z(yǔ)口語(yǔ)(2)》期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2147))為本站會(huì)員(可樂(lè))主動(dòng)上傳,裝配圖網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)上載內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯。 若此文所含內(nèi)容侵犯了您的版權(quán)或隱私,請(qǐng)立即通知裝配圖網(wǎng)(點(diǎn)擊聯(lián)系客服),我們立即給予刪除!


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