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Section I New Words閃 Match each vocabulary word on the left with the correct definition on the righL (3 pointseach)L egalitarianA. not flexible2. peerB. rapid(noun)3. 一一 polygamyC> a proud walk* from side to side4. distractD garbageS. significantE< to sign up to take a class6. swaggerF marriage to more than one person7. rigidG< important8._ chatterH. equal9.enrollI . a person of equal status or age10-trashJ. take attention away"b! Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each)career counselors job security keep up with leisure telecommutingon 血 move -wsourcing OEworkod mess upgradeNowadayst workers arc 11. changing careers for many reasons. Some have losttheir jobs due to 12 caused by companies searching for cheaper In bon Others feel that they are13 . and ore looking for a job with less 11 . Still others need to take time offto 15their skills and learn more about computers so they can 16 the latesttechnology. Same 17 ndvise people looking for work to consider several things before they accept another poitioru Finrt of alL if they jusi loi a job. they should ask about the 18 of the next one< Second# they should make sure they have enough 19 time so they dont feel so pressured by the demands of work. Third they should consider 20 if possible> and working from a home office. This wayheyll have time xo take courses that build their skills so they can get a better job in the futureSection | Krnding ComprchcnshMi(A1 Read the pamge. Then bimwct the qtxwtlotui thal follow. (5 points eweh)Volunteering In I hr United StalesA Vutuntrrring in m prwrlicc tlmt nuiny pcoplr in the United Stnlr> cngnxr in at M)nir paini in thifir lives, k nwiins doinx unpaid work (or or ihrnugh nn organixatioru It mny be a mmplc activity> like school children doming up thvir neighborhood park, or leenftgem washing can to cam money to support ihnr twim. It may t)c nn cducAtionul activity, like collar 5tudcnU tutoring children after school, or profeMiormh advising recent university graduAteiu It m/iy aImo l>r for environmental orgamzaiioruit like Earthwntch or Greenpeace Whatever a perwn rs interest there are doxens of way* to volunteer nnd tnnny Anirnrann do iuH rhe DepHrtmcni of Labor collect* hiformiifion an voluntccrinR in the United SuitrMt And it aay thnt every ycnrt over 65 million people offer their nervier OnrJuurih of men and one-third of women work for nt lenat one orgonizntion without being paid* The organinition* that they volunTeer for the mojit arc (i) religious2) educational and youth nervicci And (3) nocial and communiiy aervicee People between the tixea o( 35 and 55 lend to volunteer a great denL but teenagers aIno volunteer a lot possibly becauae this type of work is ernph*Jilted in schoolsC Thr AvernKr time npent in unpaid activities is about 50 hours per year. Retired people (over 65) offer more of their time than other arc1 Kroupjiaver 90 hourM per yen” MArnrd people frnd to volunteer more thnn sinKlr people> and parents tend to volunteer more than Aciult* without children. Parrnln Mrr more likely to get involved in nch(u)ln and sporl leamAt while adults without children nrr more likely to offer their time to haspitiils or comrnunny 心vice orRaruzntioniuI) RcgardinK the ty|w of work they do. people with higher levels o( cducAfion nre more likely to do tutoring. eOAehinu< supervising and counseling or to provide management or medical /ifKiuMnca 7 hone with lower levels of education nrc more likely to collecte prrpMrrtditributc and serve food. People with full time job* arc Icmr likely than those with porMimc jobn to volunteer. Among those who volunteered tn the past but no longer do lack of time ia the main rrMon< followed by hrrtlth/mrdicitl problrniMt and family retponftibilitieiu All in all* the trend of volunteering is ulivc and well In the United Stntrne with more people lending a hand rvrry year.For meh question> chnosr the brM nnswrr bn%cd on Che rrudlnK puswuige. Write A. B. C or D on your Aniwer Sheet.21. Volunteering may take the form o( A. cleaning up aparkIkwashing cursC tutoring children11nil of ihr above22. Thr number of Amrricun who volunteer ijt uvrrA. 65 millionIk55 millionC 50 millionD.35 million23. volunteer more than A. children / ncluhaH tnarrird people / dingle peopleC teennKcrik / retired peopleIX men / women24. The moMt common typr of orgAnition to voluntrrr (or is _ A. social?8a educationalD. *portsC. religious25. In the United Stalestpeople nrt oflering their M?rvice<A. not very manyB. the same number ofC less and lessIX more and more“I: Read the pose 好. Then answer I he questions that follow. (3 points each)Elcphunt CommunicationA Researchers at Stanford ond Cornell UniverMities are studying communication pnttrrnn of the MavAnnnlu or plntns clephantSt ntid forest elephants of sukSahnran Africa. They have made many audio and video recordings* matching the nound and behavior al the elephants in order io nndrrntand the menntng from observed patterns.B Their findings are that elephants use many senses to communicate: sighte amelL taste> hearing* and touch. For ex/implet when two female elephants greet each other nftcr a long reparationt they stand &idr by、id<s flapping their earsi touching and smelling each other with their trunk making rumbling sounds. The longer they * vc been separated the louder and more demonjitrativr they act when they meet Hgain.C Elcphnni rumbling is a low. infrunonic nound of 1220 Hertz (Hi) (hat humnnficannot hrnn ( Human rnngc is between 20201000 Hl ) Resienrchers have divided thinrumbling mro three mAin nixniihi conlnct "Les nd mating. The contACt call i used by clcphantn that arr mileA nwy to communicate their location to other herd> All day. female IcAdert rumble to other Rrcnipx. who rurnblc bnck. They stay fr nparf to ensure enough (ood (or all thr members and Inter meet at a wntcrinx hole and greet each other.D /Xnolher type of rumbling is the "Let、go" signal of hend female when wants (o leave r place after drinkitiR or resttnK. Facing the direction the wants to got she rumhlev until thr others bw” to ansiwcr and follow hcr< The third type is the rnAting runiblr that a mule in muMh emits. Females in a herd UMunlly answer hirn> allhaugh none of them rnuy br receptivet because they mate only once every (our ycariu However when the mule hearn them, he travch to the group io d*邸 the 9ituntionE A Iida) interesting form of communication among rlcphHnis im thr way they net toward their dend. If they come upon elephant boncRt they eiMnd Around touching the skulls and tunks with their trunks When rmenreherh left the bonca of other large animaht like rhino, or buffaloes tn theskr plncciit clrphantfi rxumined them briefly but they touched only the elephant rcmatniu In Indin. whrrr clephuiits arc often killed by trnin>> othrr clcphantn come to the uccne to enress nnd mourn the dead one#-Decide whether the followlnii stalemtnU arc true or false. Write " for I rtic mid MEM for FuImton the Answer Sheet.26. Researchers arc studying elephants in order to understand their communication polternsL27. When female elephants greet each other after a long separation< they rumble and walk away>28. Elephant rumbling has several meanings.29. The word emits in paragraph D probably means produces-30. The word remains in paragraph E is closest in meaning to stays behind.試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考)Section I New wordMA Match cuch vocuahulury word on thr left with I hr corrrct dcHnltlon on the rijihL (3 points each)1. H2.13. F4. J5. G6.C7. A& B9. E10- DjH Kill In lhe hlunki with uordw from the box below. (3 pointv each)12. ouinourcinR11. on thr move13. overworked16> keep up with17. career counselorsIB. job Merurity19. leisure20. telecommutingSection |1 RcMdiiiK G>mpn?hcniiion2LCA l or cuch question > chotnc the bct nnswer bacd on the reading piiKsagr. (5 points each)21 I)Dccitk whrthcr the followlnu talcmcntM art true or fnlMr. Wrtlc 1 for Iruc kind "F" torEahc on lhe Answer Sheet (3 points each)26. T27. F2BT29. T30. F


本文(精編國家開放大學(xué)電大本科《高級英語閱讀(2)》2023-2024期末試題及答案試卷號:)為本站會員(可樂)主動上傳,裝配圖網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對上載內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯。 若此文所含內(nèi)容侵犯了您的版權(quán)或隱私,請立即通知裝配圖網(wǎng)(點擊聯(lián)系客服),我們立即給予刪除!


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