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2019年高考英語二輪復習 增分篇 專題巧突破 專題一 語法 專題限時檢測(二)形容詞、副詞和介詞(短語).doc

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2019年高考英語二輪復習 增分篇 專題巧突破 專題一 語法 專題限時檢測(二)形容詞、副詞和介詞(短語).doc

2019年高考英語二輪復習 增分篇 專題巧突破 專題一 語法 專題限時檢測(二)形容詞、副詞和介詞(短語)1(xx·蘇、錫、常、鎮(zhèn)高三一模)The man was in a _condition with severe injuries to his legs after being attacked by a shark in far north Queensland. AskepticalBcriticalCpractical Dphysical解析:選B句意:那個男子在昆士蘭偏遠的北部地區(qū)被一條鯊魚攻擊后,腿部受傷嚴重,病情危急。critical此處意思為“嚴重的” ,符合語境。skeptical“懷疑的”;practical“切實可行的”;physical“身體的”。2(xx·南通、徐州高三聯(lián)考) The female driver was criticized online after being beaten up for _ lane changes.Aabrupt BoffensiveCaccidental Dslight解析:選A句意:這個女司機因為突然變道被打后在網(wǎng)上受到批評。abrupt“突然的”;offensive“冒犯的”;accidental“偶然的”;slight“輕微的”。 3(xx·南京、淮安高三一模)If they throw stones at you, don't throw back. Use them to build your own foundation _. Asomehow BanywayCinstead Dnevertheless解析:選C句意:如果他們向你扔石頭,不要扔回去,相反用這些石頭建自己的地基。instead“代替,反而”,符合語境。somehow“不知怎地”;anyway“無論如何”;nevertheless“不過,然而”。4(xx·鎮(zhèn)江高三一模)More employers now offer fresh college graduates _jobs, hoping to seek out experienced candidates. Acontemporary BtemporaryCpermanent Dprimitive解析:選B句意:現(xiàn)在更多的雇主給大學畢業(yè)生提供臨時工作,希望找到有經(jīng)驗的應(yīng)征者。contemporary“當代的”;temporary“暫時的”;permanent“永久的”;primitive“原始的”。5(xx·南通、泰州、揚州高三一模)There are no _proposals to reduce the road accidents. We are still seeking inspiration. Acontradictory BconcreteCconfidential Dcontroversial解析:選B句意:沒有具體的減少道路事故的建議。我們?nèi)匀辉趯ふ异`感。contradictory“矛盾的”;concrete“具體的”;confidential“機密的”;controversial“有爭議的”。6(xx·南京師大附屬實驗學校高三檢測) China may as well keep its growth rate above 7 percent. _, the rate may be set between 6 to 7 percent, for the sake of a healthy environment.ADifferently BAlternativelyCAccordingly DConversely解析:選B句意:中國可能會保持7%以上的增長率?;蛘?,為了健康的環(huán)境,這個增長率可能設(shè)置在6%和7%之間。alternatively“二者擇其一地,或者”,符合語境。differently“不同地”;accordingly“相應(yīng)地,因此”;conversely“相反地”。7(xx·常州高三一模)In order to attract American students to the _Chinese arts, Zhao and her team have turned to master musicians, magicians and martial artists. Aauthentic BconfidentialCtentative Dartificial解析:選A句意:為了使地道的中國藝術(shù)對美國學生具有吸引力,趙和她的團隊向音樂家、魔術(shù)師及武術(shù)家們請教。authentic“真正的,地道的”;confidential“機密的”;tentative“試驗性的,暫定的,躊躇的”;artificial“人造的,仿造的”。8(xx·南通、徐州高三聯(lián)考) Rather than sticking to the principles stubbornly, China is now adopting a new concept in economic policies in a(n) _ way that shows its own characteristics.Asustainable BflexibleCinvisible Davailable解析:選B句意:不是固執(zhí)地堅持原則,中國正在用靈活的方法,在經(jīng)濟政策方面現(xiàn)在采納一個新概念,這展示了它獨特特征。flexible“靈活的”,符合語境。sustainable“可持續(xù)的”;invisible“不可見的”;available“可利用的”。9(xx·蘇、錫、常、鎮(zhèn)高三一模) _individual players, we have a great team but the problem is that they don't play football together well at all. AOn top of BBy means ofCIn terms of DIn case of解析:選C句意:就球員個人來說,我們有一支偉大的球隊。但問題在于他們在一起踢球時根本踢不好。in terms of“在方面”,符合語境。on top of“除了”;by means of“通過方式”;in case of“萬一,如果”。10(xx·常州高三一模) We'd visited the village without warning and selected our interview subjects _, so that we would get the real data. Abeyond description Bin particularCby accident Dat random解析:選D句意:我們在沒有預約的情況下拜訪了這個村子,隨機選擇采訪對象,以便得到真實的數(shù)據(jù)。beyond description“無法形容,難以形容”;in particular“尤其,特別”;by accident“偶然,意外地”;at random“隨機地,任意地”。11(xx·南通市高三一模)Many universities throughout the world provide scholarships for students _financial aid. Ain favour of Bin need ofCin the face of Din honour of 解析:選B句意:世界上很多大學給那些需要經(jīng)濟支持的學生提供獎學金。 in favour of“支持”;in need of“需要”;in the face of“面對”;in honour of“為了紀念,為向表示敬意”。12(xx·通、泰、揚、徐、淮、宿高三一模)Though lacking the necessary working experience, my cousin got the job _her confidence and flexibility. Ain terms of Bin response toCby virtue of Dwith respect to解析:選C句意:雖然我表妹缺乏必要的工作經(jīng)驗,但是她憑借她的自信和靈活性得到了那份工作。in terms of“就而言,在方面”;in response to“響應(yīng),回答,對有反應(yīng)”;by virtue of“憑借的力量”;with respect to“關(guān)于,至于”。13(xx·蘇北四市高三一模)Pingyao has been listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO_ its conserved ancient city layout. Ain charge of Bin defence ofCin search of Din recognition of解析:選D句意:平遙已被聯(lián)合國教科文組織列為世界文化遺產(chǎn),這是對平遙保存完好的古城布局的認可。in charge of“負責,主管”;in defence of“保護,防護,為辯護”;in search of“尋找,搜尋”;in recognition of“作為對的認可”。14(xx·江蘇省重點中學高三聯(lián)考) Purchases online are to be believed provided that you and the seller have municated and reached a promise _the wishes of both parties.Ain defense of Bin view ofCin line with Din pany with解析:選C句意:只要你和所聯(lián)系的賣家就雙方的意愿達成一致,網(wǎng)上購物是可以信賴的。in line with“一致”,符合語境。in defense of“防衛(wèi),為辯護”;in view of“鑒于”;in pany with“一起”。15(xx·江蘇省如皋中學高三調(diào)研)_weather forecasting, GOES­R, a USA recently launched satellite, will be part of an international search and rescue network.AIn terms of BWith respect toCIn the event of DIn addition to解析:選D句意:除了天氣預報,一個美國最近發(fā)射的衛(wèi)星GOES­R 將作為國際搜尋和救援網(wǎng)絡(luò)的一部分。in terms of“在方面”;with respect to“關(guān)于,談到”;in the event of“萬一, 倘若”;in addition to“除了”。1(xx·蘇北四市高三二模)In China, the most _Spring Festival custom is making dumplings in the north while new year cakes in the south. Atemporary BpunctualCauthentic Dstubborn解析:選C句意:在中國,最地道的春節(jié)習俗是北方人包餃子,南方人吃年糕。temporary“暫時的,臨時的”;punctual“準時的,守時的”;authentic“地道的,真實的”;stubborn“頑固的,固執(zhí)的”。2(xx·南京、淮安高三三模)Why can't John land a _ job in years? Anyone with criminal records will be laid off first when it es time to let staff go.Arewarding BdemandingCworthwhile Dstable解析:選D句意:“為什么約翰這幾年不能找到一份穩(wěn)定的工作?”“當?shù)浇夤蛦T工的時候,任何有犯罪記錄的人首先會被解雇。”rewarding“有回報的”;demanding“苛刻的”;worthwhile“值得做的”;stable“穩(wěn)定的”。3(xx·連云港、宿遷、徐州高三三模) Instead of hiding behind walls, a defender sometimes must _engage and disable enemy forces before they strike. Aflexibly BactivelyCprimitively Dconservatively解析:選B句意:防御者有時候不應(yīng)該躲在墻后,而是要在敵軍發(fā)動攻勢之前,主動開戰(zhàn),使敵人喪失攻擊能力。actively“積極地,主動地”,符合語境。flexibly“靈活地,有彈性地”;primitively“最初地”;conservatively“謹慎地,保守地”。4(xx·南通、泰州、揚州高三三模)What made them miss the deadline was not their lack of funding, but _their lack of planning. Aeven BstillCrather Dever解析:選C句意:讓他們錯過截止日期的不是他們?nèi)狈Y金而是他們沒有計劃。not .but rather .“不是而是”,符合語境。5(xx·鹽城市高三三模)The sum total of housework should be divided, according to household needs, and be assigned to members, _with their will and skill. Aconcerned BfamiliarCconsistent Dassociated解析:選C句意:家務(wù)活應(yīng)根據(jù)家庭需要分配給家庭成員,并且要與家庭成員的意愿和能力相一致。be consistent with“與一致,相符”,符合語境。be concerned with“與有關(guān)”;be familiar with“對熟悉”;be associated with“與聯(lián)系、有關(guān)”。6(xx·蘇、錫、常、鎮(zhèn)二模)Learning from _ mistakes can help us keep conscious and avoid repeating them in the days to e. Aprevious BcuriousCobvious Dridiculous解析:選A句意:從過去的錯誤中學習能夠讓我們保持清醒,避免在以后重復犯這樣的錯誤。previous“以前的,過去的”,符合題意。curious“好奇的”;obvious“顯而易見的”;ridiculous“滑稽的,可笑的”。7(xx·南通高三二模)While reading, try to develop a more _ attitude, instead of accepting everything at face value. Arealistic BcriticalCambiguous Dcasual解析:選B句意:在閱讀的時候,努力養(yǎng)成一個更加批判性的態(tài)度,而不能一味地接受。critical“批判的”,符合題意。realistic“現(xiàn)實的,實際的”;ambiguous“模棱兩可的”;casual“非正式的;漫不經(jīng)心的”。8(xx·南京、鹽城高三二模)Your car should be ready next Tuesday. We were _ hoping you'd be able to do it by this Friday. Astill BratherCalways Deven解析:選B句意:“你的車下周二應(yīng)該可以準備好。”“我們寧愿你們本周五可以弄好。”rather“寧愿,寧可”,符合語境。9(xx·南通高三三模)To find the missing boy as soon as possible, they were advised to turn to the Internet _ dialing 110.Ain addition to Bin favor ofCin response to Din return for解析:選A句意:為了盡可能快地找到失蹤的孩子,他們被建議除了撥打110外還要求助于網(wǎng)絡(luò)。in addition to“而且,況且,除了還”,符合句意。in favor of“贊同,支持”;in response to“對做出反應(yīng)”;in return for“作為的回報”。10(xx·鎮(zhèn)江高三二模)The life you live will expand or shrink _the measure of courage you display. Ain proportion to Bin place ofCin petition with Din return for解析:選A句意:你的生活會根據(jù)你展示出的勇氣而按照比例延伸或縮小。 in proportion to“與成比例”,符合語境。in place of“代替”;in petition with“與競爭”;in return for“作為的回報”。11(xx·南京、鹽城、連云港高三二模)Hopefully, the new method will be effective, helping students to get their career plans_. Aat hand Bat willCon trial Don track解析:選D句意:希望這種新方法能有效果,能幫助學生們的職業(yè)規(guī)劃步入正軌。at hand“在手邊,即將到來”;at will“隨意,任意,隨心所欲”;on trial“在試驗中”;on track“步入正軌,上軌道”。12(xx·連云港、宿遷、徐州高三三模) Any reform of the government should be _the popular mood and times. Ain tune with Bin preference toCin light of Din terms of解析:選A句意:政府的任何改革都應(yīng)該與主流想法和時代潮流一致。in tune with“與一致”;in preference to“而不是”;in light of“根據(jù),鑒于,從的觀點”;in terms of“在方面,依據(jù)”。13(xx·蘇州高三三模)_speed and flexibility, the China's anti­ship missile CM­302 also has a greater destructive power than others in the market. AOn the contrary to BApart fromCOn behalf of DLittle more than解析:選B句意:除了速度和靈活性,中國的反艦導彈CM­302比起市場上其他導彈更具有殺傷力。on the contrary“相反地”;apart from“除之外(還)”;on behalf of“代表”;little more than“僅僅是”。14(xx·蘇北三市三模)The two panies have agreed on the main items written on the contract _, but they still have to negotiate the details. Ain all Bin handCin vain Din general解析:選D句意:這兩家公司對于合同上的一些主要條款大體上達成了共識,但是細節(jié)上還要商量。in general“基本上,大體上”,符合句意。in vain“徒勞,白費”;in all“總共”;in hand“在手頭;在進行中”。15(xx·南通高三三模)She was not adequately prepared for the interview, and lost the chance _.Ain advance Bin consequenceCby design Dby accident解析:選B句意:她沒有為面試做好充足的準備,所以錯失了這個機會。in consequence“結(jié)果,所以”,符合句意。in advance“提前”;by design“故意地”;by accident“偶然地”。1The parents decide to grow the water plant in a(n) _ glass bottle so that their children can see the roots growing.Aprecious BenvironmentalCdelicate Dtransparent解析:選D句意:這對父母決定把這株水生植物種在一個透明的玻璃瓶里以便他們的孩子可以看到(它的)根部的生長。根據(jù)題干中的“so that their children can see the roots growing”可知,此處選D項“透明的”。precious“珍貴的”;environmental“環(huán)境的”;delicate“精美的,精致的”。2Generally, the pany has a preference for those who have _ experience and skills in the job.Aunique BpreviousCunforgettable Dappropriate解析:選B句意:通常來說,公司會青睞那些以前有過類似工作經(jīng)驗和技能的人。unique“獨特的,獨一無二的”;previous“先前的”;unforgettable“難忘的”;appropriate“適當?shù)摹薄?Big business failure as he is faced with, he remains _ and believes things will be much different next time.Aconsiderate BelegantCpatient Doptimistic解析:選D句意:盡管他面臨著生意上的巨大失敗,但是他仍然保持樂觀心態(tài)并相信下次事情會非常不一樣的。根據(jù)句中的“believes things will be much different next time”可知,應(yīng)用optimistic“樂觀的,積極的”。considerate“體貼的”;elegant“優(yōu)雅的”;patient“耐心的”。4How can you have a good impression of a doctor who doesn't give you _ instructions on when and how to take the medicine?Aambiguous BexplicitCoriginal Dimpressive解析:選B句意:一個醫(yī)生不能清楚地向你說明該何時服藥以及如何服藥,你怎么能對他有好感呢?ambiguous“模棱兩可的”;explicit“清楚明白的”;original“原來的”;impressive“令人印象深刻的”。5Chemical pollution will bring about a threat to agriculture and food chain, and _ to human health.Afrequently BsignificantlyCsteadily Dconsequently解析:選D句意:化學污染將給農(nóng)業(yè)和食物鏈帶來威脅,因此也會威脅到人類健康。frequently“頻繁地”;significantly“有重要意義,顯著地”;steadily“穩(wěn)定地”;consequently“因此”。6The miniputer has WiFi, a huge memory and super fast processor. _, it's so small that it fits in a shirt pocket.ATherefore BHoweverCMoreover DRather解析:選C句意:這款迷你電腦支持WiFi,具有大容量的存儲器和超級快的處理器。而且,它是如此小以至于可以被放進襯衫口袋里。moreover表示“另外,而且”,符合語境。therefore“因此”;however“然而”;rather“更確切地說”。7His family was in Pakistan for a wedding two weeks ago. They were supposed to leave on Sunday, but were unable to _ flight delays.Aas for Bin addition toCdue to Din spite of解析:選C句意:兩周前,他的家人去巴基斯坦參加一個婚禮。他們本應(yīng)該周日離開的,但是因為航班延誤而未能離開。根據(jù)語境可知,此處表示“由于(due to)航班延誤”,故選C項。as for“至于”;in addition to“除了”;in spite of“不管,不顧”。8The central government attached great importance to scientific innovations, made a series of major policies and adopted a number of plans_.Ain this honor Bon the behalfCin this regard Don the event解析:選C句意:中央政府非常重視科學創(chuàng)新,制定了一系列重大政策,并在這方面采取了很多方案。in this regard“在這方面”,符合句意。9The president hoped for greater trust between the two nations, more trade, more cultural exchanges _, genuine peace.Aor else Bin shortCfor one thing Dby the way解析:選B句意:這位總統(tǒng)希望兩國之間能夠增進互信,增加貿(mào)易(往來)和文化交流??偠灾褪?兩國之間)有真正的和平。in short“總而言之,簡單地說”,符合語境。or else“否則,要不然”;for one thing“一來,一方面”;by the way“順便提一下,附帶問一句”。10_ the increasing number of traffic accidents caused by drunk driving, tougher measures should be taken.AIn spite of BIn parison withCIn view of DIn accordance with解析:選C句意:鑒于酒駕導致的交通事故不斷增加,(人們)需要采取更嚴厲的措施。in spite of“盡管”;in parison with“同相比”;in view of “鑒于,考慮到”;in accordance with“依據(jù),按照”。


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