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(江蘇專用)2020高考英語二輪復習 專題限時檢測(二十)閱讀理解C篇專練(一)

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(江蘇專用)2020高考英語二輪復習 專題限時檢測(二十)閱讀理解C篇專練(一)

專題限時檢測(二十)閱讀理解C篇專練(一) (共3篇,限時24分鐘)A(2019無錫一模)Captain America and Blackpanther were about to defend Earth from the criminal Thanos when Kevin Foley first noticed something was wrong.Foley, a 46yearold informationtechnology worker from Kyle, Texas, was heading into the theater to see Avengers: Infinity War when he realized he was having trouble breathing normally.The same symptom struck again during another movie the following night, but more severe this time.Once the cast on the second film rolled, Foley took action: he looked at his wristwatch.It was a bigger step than you might imagine, because Foley was wearing an Apple Watch equipped with medical sensors and experimental software to track basic functions of his heart.And the watch was worried.It had, according to the display, detected signs of an irregular heartbeat.Before long, Foley was in an emergency room, where doctors hooked him up to an ECG (心電圖), which showed that he was in atrial fibrillation (心房顫動), an irregular heartbeat that can lead to blood clots (血栓), stroke and other potentially disastrous diseases.Foley spent the next few days in the hospital while doctors worked to return him to a normal heart rhythm eventually turning to a procedure called electrical cardioversion to shock his heart back to normal.Foley is doing fine now.But he believes that, if not for the warning on his watch, he might not have sought help in time.“I would have never known,” he says.Foley and his watch were part of an experiment run by Apple and Stanfords medical school.But beginning Dec.6, anyone can get an onthefly heart checkup, assuming theyve paid 399 or more for an Apple Watch.Thats when Apple will launch a software update that turns its latest model, called the Series 4, into a personal ECG, thanks to an innovative new sensor.Though less complicated than hospital ECG machines, the watch version can still provide basic information and warnings of potential risks worthy of a closer look by a medical professional.For Apple, this new ECG on your wrist is its biggest bet yet that personal technology will inevitably include personal health.Along with competitors, Apple has already offered fitness functions, such as apps to track the steps youve walked.But with the new ECG scan, Apple is moving straight into medical aspects of health, a distinction underlined by the fact it sought and received Food and Drug Administration clearance for the heart monitor.語篇解讀:本文主要介紹了蘋果手機的一個特殊功能:極速測試心臟的功能。1Whats the function of the story of Foley in Paragraphs 1 and 2?ATo arouse the readers interest.BTo raise a common problem.CTo lead the readers to the topic.DTo guide the readers to do first aid.解析:選C推理判斷題。第一、二兩段寫了Kevin Foley因為收到了蘋果手表的警示而求醫(yī)與死神擦肩而過的故事,這個故事向我們清晰的展示了蘋果手表ECG功能的效果,因此這兩段的作用是引導讀者進入正題,所以答案選擇C。2How can Foleys wristwatch detect signs of an irregular heartbeat?ABy being equipped with an innovative new medical sensor.BBy being hooked straight up to an ECG in an emergency room.CBy being paid not less than 399 for the latest Apple Watch.DBy being accessible to Food and Drug Administration clearance for the heart monitor.解析:選A細節(jié)理解題。由Foleys wristwatch 和 detect signs of an irregular heartbeat 定位到第一段倒數(shù)第二句“It was a bigger step than you might imagine, because Foley was wearing an Apple Watch equipped with medical sensors and experimental software to track basic functions of his heart.”可知,F(xiàn)oley的手表能夠檢測到心跳不規(guī)則的跡象的原因是因為它上面裝了用來追蹤心臟的基本功能的醫(yī)療傳感器和實驗軟件。3According to the passage, if someone wants to get an onthefly heart checkup, he or she _.Acan equip himself/herself with an ECG machineBcan purchase an Apple Watch of any modelCcan buy a new Apple Watch Series 4Dcan have his or her old Apple Watch updated解析:選C推理判斷題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段的第二句和第三句“But beginning Dec.6, anyone can get an onthefly heart checkup, assuming theyve paid 399 or more for an Apple Watch . that turns its latest model, called the Series 4”可知,如果有人想做快速心臟檢查,可以買一個新的蘋果4系列的手機。4The purpose of the passage is to _.Aadvertise and promote a new kind of Apple WatchBinform us of a new function of the latest Apple WatchCtell us a lucky story of Foleys being saved by his new Apple WatchDwarn us of the danger of not being equipped with the latest Apple Watch解析:選B寫作意圖題。文章一開始兩段就舉了個例子說明蘋果手機的一個特殊的功能:極速測試心臟的功能,挽救了一個人的生命,然后說明了原因。由此可見作者寫這篇文章的目的是為了介紹這款新手機的功能。B(2019常州一模)Sam, I say to myself as I start across the bridge, you must stop these thoughts and start thinking about what to do now that you have lost your falcon (獵鷹), Frightful.Life, my friend Bando once said, is meeting problems and solving them whether you are an amoeba or a space traveler.I have a problem.I have to provide my younger sister Alice and myself with meat.Fish, nuts, and vegetables are good and necessary, but they dont provide enough fuel for the hard physical work we do.Although we have venison (鹿肉) now, I cant always count on getting it.So far this year, our venison has been only road kill from in front of Mrs.Strawberrys farm.I decide to take the longest way home, down the flood plain of the West Branch of Delaware to Spillkill, my own name for a fast stream that cascades down the south face of the mountain range Im on.I need time to think.Perhaps Alice and I should be like the early Eskimos.We should walk, camp and hunt, and when the seasons change, walk on to new food sources.But I love my tree and my mountaintop.Another solution would be to become farmers, like the people of the Iroquois Confederacy who once lived here.They settled in villages and planted corn and squash (南瓜), bush beans and berries.We already grow groundnuts in the damp soil and squash in the poor land.But the Iroquois also hunted game.I cant do that anymore.Im back where I started from.Slowly I climb the Spillkill.As I hop from rock to rock beneath shady basswoods and hemlocks, I hear the cry of the redtailed hawk who nests on the mountain crest.I am reminded of Frightful and my heart aches.I can almost hear her call my name, Cree, Cree, Cree, Cree.Maybe I can get her back if I beg the man who is in charge of the peregrines (游隼) at the university.“But its the law,” he would say.I could write to the president of the United States and ask him to make an exception of Alice and me.That wont work.The president swore to uphold the Constitution (憲法) and laws of the United States when he took office.I climb on.I must stop thinking about the impossible and solve the problem of what to do now. I must find a new way to provide for us.Frightful is going to be in good hands at the university, and she will have young.I smile at the thought of little Frightfuls and lift my reluctant feet.When I am far above the river, I take off my clothes and moccasins (鹿皮鞋) and bathe in a deep, clear pool until I am refreshed and thinking more clearly.Climbing up the bank, I dress and sit down.I breathe deeply of the mountain air and try to solve my problem more realistically.語篇解讀:本文是一篇記敘文。作者在失去了幫助他捕獲獵物的老鷹后,自己和妹妹吃的肉就成了問題。他選擇了一條比較長的路回家,一路上他一直在思考怎樣處理這個問題。文章主要是描述了他回家的路上的一些心理活動。5What does this excerpt (節(jié)選) main describe?ADelicate mental activities.BUnique story environment.CComplicated character relationship.DEverchanging story events.解析:選A主旨大意題。通讀全文可以看到文章中存在著大量的心理描寫,其實全篇文章都是主人公的心理動態(tài),所以答案A是正確的。6What is Sams first worry?AThe shortest way to go back.BSurvival for Alice and himself.CThe safety of Frightful.DHow to get enough venison.解析:選B推理判斷題。根據(jù)first worry定位到第二段中的“I have a problem.I have to provide my younger sister Alice and myself with meat.Fish, nuts, and vegetables are good and necessary, but they dont provide enough fuel for the hard physical work we do.”哥哥思考的是如何給自己和妹妹提供肉,因為有肉才能提供足夠的能量去做體力活。所以哥哥的擔憂是如何讓自己和妹妹活下去。7What do we know about Frightful?AHe left Sam and Alice due to lack of food.BHe helped Sam hunt before being taken away.CHe is living with the redtailed hawk happily.DHe is giving birth to babies in the university.解析:選B推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段第一句中的“start thinking about what to do now that you have lost your falcon (獵鷹), Frightful.”可知:失去了Frightful,你就必須思考接下去該怎樣做,然后第二段又提到作者面臨的問題是如何給自己和妹妹提供肉,所以Frightful在丟失之前幫助過他捕獵。8Which of the following can best describe Sam?AHumorous.BAggressive.CResponsible. DUnrealistic.解析:選C推理判斷題。作為哥哥他苦惱著自己與妹妹的生存,考慮著他們未來的食物來源可見,他是十分負責任的。C(2019徐州、淮安、連云港一模)When a caterpillar (毛蟲) pretends to be a snake to keep off potential predators (捕食者), it should probably expect to be treated like one.This is exactly what happened in Costa Rica earlier this year, when researchers witnessed a hummingbird defending its nest from what it interpreted to be a snake, but was actually a caterpillar, which was feeding on a leaf above the nest.These caterpillars resemble flat dried leaves as adults.They can expand the top of their heads to expose a pair of eyespots that discourage potential predators.When disturbed, they raise their head up and move from side to side, increasing the snake like appearance.In particular they resemble a green parrot snake, known to feed on nesting birds.Hummingbirds have a few styles of flying: visiting flowers, feeding on some tiny insects, chasing each other, and mating territory (領土) display flights.Mobbing (圍攻) behavior directed against a threat to their nest is much less common but easy to recognize if you know their flight behaviors.The interaction of the caterpillar and the humming birds took place in Costa Rica.The comings and goings of the female hummingbird around its nest may have disturbed the caterpillar, causing it to expose its eyespots, which in turn caused the hummingbird to defend its nest using what is referred to as “mobbing behavior” by birds.The caterpillar was unable to feed during the 26 minutes of nearly continuous attacks.Most of the birds movements were cautious, but included quick attacks to peck or bite the eyespots.It was difficult for either the bird or caterpillar to withdraw from the standoff(僵局), with the hummingbird protecting its nest and the caterpillar just trying to finish its leafy meal.Eventually the caterpillar gave up on eating and crawled away while still under attack, and the hummingbird continued normal nesting behavior.When birds exhibit this mobbing behavior targeting snakes eyes, it often ends with snakes being killed by repeated bites and pecks near the head.As for creatures that imitate snakes to protect themselves from being eaten, can they in turn protect themselves? Because the hummingbird behavior was typical antisnake behavior, it can be considered replicable (可復制的)Future studies of this behavior can be conducted using a tiny, caterpillar robot.It should be remote controlled, light enough to attach to a leaf or stem, and wireless.With such a robot, researchers could vary the eye like nature and contrast of spots on the head of the robot to test various responses of nestdefending birds.A study like this could definitively test the effects of eye like versus other imitating patterning for exciting the defensive attacks.And, it turns out that the caterpillar feeds on a leaf on the same plant, as far away from the nest as possible!語篇解讀:本文主要講述了毛蟲為了保護自己裝扮成蛇吃鳥巢上面的樹葉而蜂鳥為了保護自己的巢穴圍攻毛蟲,二者為了各自的利益互不退縮的故事。9What do we know about caterpillars and hummingbirds from the passage?AThey belong to the same species.BThey are natural enemies of each other.CThey are insects and birds respectively.DThey compete against each other for territory.解析:選C細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)caterpillar后面括號內(nèi)的中文注解以及hummingbirds這個單詞中的bird就可以知道他們分別是昆蟲和鳥兒。10Hummingbirds will show their mobbing behaviors when visitors _.Aare picking flowersBare chasing each otherCinterrupt their eating leavesDset foot on their territories解析:選D推理判斷題。根據(jù)mobbing behaviors定位到文章第四段最后一句“. which in turn caused the hummingbird to defend its nest using what is referred to as mobbing behavior by birds.”可知,蜂鳥用鳥類的“圍攻行為”來保衛(wèi)自己的巢穴,所以當游客侵犯他們的領地的時候,他們會圍攻游客。11Why is neither the hummingbird nor the caterpillar willing to withdraw at first?ABecause the hummingbird is trying to finish its leafy meal.BBecause the caterpillar is protecting the hummingbirds nest.CBecause they behave in this way out of their own interest.DBecause there is a green parrot snake watching them.解析:選C推理判斷題。根據(jù)第六段可知,蜂鳥需要保護巢穴,毛蟲為了進食所以僵持不下,他們的表現(xiàn)都是出于保護自身的利益。12A tiny caterpillar robot can be used to _.Aimitate the antisnake behaviorBtest nestdefending birds responsesCtake control of the snakes behaviorDguard against the defensive attacks解析:選B細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文章倒數(shù)第二段倒數(shù)第二句中“to test various responses of nestdefending birds”可知答案。7


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