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九年級英語下冊 Module 1 Unit 2 Culture shock課件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt

Unit 2 Culture shock,Module 1 Explorations and exchanges,一、根據(jù)漢語寫出英文單詞 1. 度假營(n.) _ 2. 國際的(adj.) _ 3. (常指勉強)承認(v.) _ 4. 空閑的;空余的(adj.) _ 5. 失敗(v.) _ 6. 勉力完成(v.) _ 7. 習語;慣用語(n.) _ 8. 任何事物(pron.) _ 9. 尤其;特別(adv.) _ 10. 有教益的經(jīng)歷(n.) _ 11. 國家的(adj.) _ 12. 日程安排(n.) _,自主預習,camp,international,admit,spare,fail,manage,idiom,whatever,especially,education,national,schedule,二、根據(jù)漢語寫出下列詞組 1. 文化沖擊 _ 2. 使(炸彈等)爆炸 _ 3. 脫下 _ 4. 在某人的空閑時間里 _ 5. 在某種程度上 _ 6. 習慣于 _ 7. 略有不適;不得勁 _ 8. 承認做過 _,culture shock,set off,take off,in ones spare time,to a certain degree,get used to,under the weather,admit doing,三、翻譯下列句子 1. 我必須承認剛開始美國對我來說是個很大的文化沖擊。 _ _ 2. 在我的空閑時間里,他們?yōu)槲医M織了很多活動。 _ 3. 他們沒有要求學生穿校服。 _ 4. 在某種程度上來說,美國的生活很難適應。 _ 5. 很多東西對我來說都是陌生的。 _,I must admit that at first America was a big culture shock for me.,They organized a lot of activities for me in my spare time.,They do not require students to wear uniforms.,To a certain degree, life in the US was hard to get used to.,Many things were strange to me.,詞匯精析,【1】camp n. an outdoor area with cabins, tents, or trailers where people stay on holiday 度假營 In the afternoon, we arrived at our camp. 下午,我們抵達了我們的營地。 【拓展】 camp v. 扎營;露營go camping 去露營 Why not go camping in the wild this week? 我們這周為何不去野外露營呢? 【應用】 It is a good idea to go _ (camp) during the summer vacation.,camping,【2】admit v. agree, often unwillingly, that something bad, unpleasant, or embarrassing is true (常指勉強)承認 I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes. 我愿意承認我確實會犯錯誤。 【同根詞】 admission n. 承認;允許進入 The admission price is $8 for adults. 成人的門票價格是8美元。 【拓展】 (1)admit doing sth. 承認做過某事,反義詞組為deny doing sth. 否認做過某事 He admitted stealing the vase. 他承認偷了花瓶。 (2)admit that. 承認 They freely admit that they still have a lot to learn. 他們坦白承認還有許多東西要學。 【應用】 After a while, he admitted _ (make) a mistake and apologized for it.,making,【3】spare adj. something that is not being used by anyone, and is therefore available for someone to use 空閑的;空余的 They dont have a lot of spare cash. 他們并沒有很多多余的現(xiàn)金。 【拓展】 (1)spare adj. 備用的spare room/key 備用房間/鑰匙 Dont forget to take a few spare batteries. 別忘了帶上幾節(jié)備用電池。 (2)in ones spare time 在某人的空余時間里 In her spare time she usually does voluntary work. 在她的空閑時間里,她經(jīng)常做志愿者。 【應用】 ( )He likes playing golf in his spare time. (選出可以替換畫線部分的最佳選項) A. when he is free B. when he has money C. when he is busy,A,【4】fail v. not successful 失??;do not do a particular thing that they should have done 未能(做到) Though I tried my best, I still failed. 盡管我盡力了,我還是未能做到。 【同根詞】 failure n. 失??;失敗的人/事 The whole thing was a complete failure. 整件事是一個徹底的失敗。 【拓展】 fail to do sth. 未能做到某事反義詞組為:succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 Unfortunately, he failed to pass the driving test. 他沒有通過駕照考試,真不走運。,【應用】 (1)( )Mike failed _ the Maths exam, so he felt very upset. A. passed B. to pass C. passing (2)The success or _ (fail) of the plan depends on you.,B,failure,【5】degree n. the extent to which something happens or is the case, or the amount which something is felt 程度;a unit of measurement that is used to measure temperatures度;a title or rank given by a university or college when you have completed a course of study there 學位 These man-made barriers will ensure a very high degree of protection. 這些人造屏障將會確保提供高度的保 護。 【拓展】 to a certain degree 在某種程度上 Pure water sometimes does not freeze until it reaches minus 40 degrees. 有時純凈水直到-40 才會結冰。,【6】manage v. succeed in doing something, especially something difficult 完成(困難的事),勉力完成;be responsible for controlling an organization, business, or system, or the people who work in it 管 理,經(jīng)營 I can manage it on my own. 我可以獨自完成它。 【辨析】 manage to do與try to do manage to do 指成功做了某事;try to do 指努力做某事,結果不確定。 I managed to stop him from smoking. 我成功地勸他戒了煙。 【應用】 ( )I _ stop him from smoking, but he didnt take my advice. A. tried to B. managed to C. managed,A,【7】everyday adj. to describe something that happens or is used every day, or forms a regular and basic part of your life每天的;日常的 【辨析】 everyday與every day everyday是形容詞,類似于daily,后面可以接名詞或名詞短語,everyday life/English 日常生活/英語;every day “每天”(副詞性短語),用于修飾動詞。 He does rope skipping every day. 他每天都堅持跳繩。 【應用】 The Internet has become part of _ (every day/ everyday) life.,everyday,【8】especially adv. to emphasize something 尤其;特別 Teenagers are very fashionable, especially girls. 青少年都很時尚,尤其是女孩子。 【同根詞】 (1)special adj. 特殊的;特別的 This is a special gift for me. 對我來說,這是一份特殊的禮物。 (2)specially adv. 特意地;專門地 a course specially designed to meet your demands為滿足你們的需要專門開設的課程 【應用】 The car is quite small, _ (special) if you have children.,especially,【9】education n. involves teaching people various subjects, usually at a school or college, or being taught有教益的經(jīng)歷;教育 Education is quite important to a country. 一個國家的教育十分重要。 【同根詞】 (1)educate v. 教育 It takes patience to educate children. 教育小孩子需要耐心。 (2)educator n. 教育者;教育家 He was a well-known educator. 他是一位知名的教育家。 (3)educated adj. 受過教育的 People live longer nowadays, and they are better educated. 現(xiàn)在人們壽命更長了,接受的教育也更多了。 (4)educational adj. 有教育意義的 It was the most educational experience I had ever had. 這是我最有教育意義的一次經(jīng)歷。,【應用】 More money should be spent on _ (educate) and housing.,education,【10】vacation n. a period of time during which you relax and enjoy yourself away from home 假期 They planned a late summer vacation in Europe. 他們規(guī)劃了一個夏末在歐洲的假期。,【拓展】 暑假 summer vacation 寒假winter vacation 兩周的假期a two-week vacation 在度假be on vacation 去度假go on vacation 【應用】 ( )Last month, I was _ vacation in Paris. A. in B. on C. at,B,語法梳理,語法精講,狀語從句 狀語從句是指用作狀語,起副詞作用的句子。根據(jù)其作用,通常有表示目的、條件、時間、比較、結果、原因、讓步等幾種狀語從句。 1.目的狀語從句 說明事情發(fā)生的目的,通常用so that/in order that來引導,常常含can, may, will或should等情態(tài)動詞。在談論過去的句子里,后面動詞通常與could,might,would或should連用。 You must speak louder so that/in order that you can be heard by all. 你必須大聲說話來讓所有的人聽到。,I got up early so that/in order that I could catch the first bus. 我早早起了床去趕頭班車。 注意:當從句的主語與主句的主語一致時,so that引導的目的狀語從句可以改寫成含in order to 或so as to 或 to 的簡單句,不過so as to一般不可放在句首。 We practise every day so that we can win the match.=We practise every day in order to win the match.=In order to win the match, we practise every day.=We practise every day so as to win the match.=We practise every day to win the match. 為了贏得比賽,我們每天訓練。,2.條件狀語從句 引導條件狀語從句常用的連接詞有if, unless, as long as等。當主句為將來時態(tài)或表示將來意義時,條件狀語從句必須用一般現(xiàn)在時表將來。 If I am not busy tomorrow, I will play football with you. 如果明天不忙,我就和你一起踢足球。 You wont pass the exam unless you work hard. 除非你努力學習,否則無法通過考試。 3.時間狀語從句 引導時間狀語從句常用的連接詞有when, while和as。如果主句和從句的動作同時發(fā)生且都是進行時態(tài),只能用while或as。其他情況下,when, while和as通用。 While I was watching TV, my mum was cooking in the kitchen. 當我看電視時,媽媽在廚房里燒飯。 When he came in, I was listening to the radio. 當他進來時,我正在聽收音機。,4.比較狀語從句 引導比較狀語從句常用的連接詞有as.as 和(not) so.as等。 Mrs Smith is as friendly as Mr Smith (is). 史密斯太太和史密斯先生一樣友善。 Jane does not sing so well as her elder sister (does). 簡不如她姐姐唱得好。 5.結果狀語從句 結果狀語從句常用的連接詞有so.that 和such.that等。 He ran so fast that we couldnt keep up with him. 他跑得如此快,以至于我們跟不上他。 She is such a nice teacher that all of us love her. 她是一位如此和藹的老師,我們都愛她。,6.原因狀語從句 引導原因狀語從句常用的連接詞有because, as和since等。 Tom was late for school this morning because he didnt catch the early bus. 湯姆今天早上上學遲到了,因為他沒有趕上早班車。 I cant go to Beijing on business as my mother is ill. 因為媽媽病了,所以我不能去北京出差。 7.讓步狀語從句 讓步狀語從句常用的連接詞有although, though等。如: Although/Though I gave him some advice, he didnt take it. 雖然我給了他一些建議,但他沒有采納。,直擊中考,( )1. Your uncle will come to see you as soon as he _ here. (2014重慶) A. arrives B. arrived C. will arrive D. is arriving ( )2. Jim is always so busy _ he has little time for his family. (2014徐州) A. if B. until C. that D. which ( )3. Im going to take him to some famous hutongs _ he can learn more about China. (2014鹽城) A. because B. when C. so that D. if,A,C,C,寫作樂園,話題十 自我介紹 本單元中,我們學習了Brad Li作為一名國際交流生分享 他在美國的學習生活的經(jīng)歷。假設你是李華,將于今年12月參 加中英中學生文化交流(the cultural exchange between Chinese and English middle school students)。你將寄宿在 英國Mr & Mrs Brown家里。現(xiàn)在請你給他們發(fā)一份email,簡 單介紹一下自己的情況,內容包括:年齡、家庭、所在學校、 所學課程、興趣愛好等,并請他們就自身情況作一個簡單介紹。 回信可發(fā)至你的電子郵箱:Lihua。,【常用詞組】 1. exchange student 交換生 2. cultures and customs文化習俗 3. family background 家庭背景 【精彩句型】 1. Id like to say something about myself so that you can know me well. 我來介紹一下我自己,以便你們能更多地了解我。 2. I expect you to help me with my English. 期待你們能幫助我學好英語。,【范文賞析】 Dear Mr and Mrs Brown, Im a Chinese boy. My name is Li Hua. Im very happy to know that Ill stay in your house for the cultural exchange between Chinese and English middle school students. Id like to say something about myself so that you can know me well. Im thirteen years old. I have a happy family with three people. Im studying in No. 1 Middle School. We learn eight subjects. Im interested in all of them. I like reading and playing the piano. I like English very much, but my English is not good enough. I expect you to help me with my English. Besides, I hope to know more about you earlier, so would you please make a reply to Lihua? Yours, Li Hua,謝謝欣賞!,


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