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(江蘇專版)高考英語總復習 微專題訓練 第43練 成功與失敗-人教版高三全冊英語試題

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(江蘇專版)高考英語總復習 微專題訓練 第43練 成功與失敗-人教版高三全冊英語試題

第43練 成功與失敗單詞識記:pricegainpurposesuccessfultry aim attempt avoiddisadvantage object seek abandonambition intention obtain objectivejudgment attain desire target短語掃描:come to nothing完全失敗come true實現;成為現實owe.to 把歸功于stick to堅持;遵守take pains to do sth.努力做某事give up放棄with difficulty困難地;艱難地at the price of 以的代價make an attempt to do/at doing sth.嘗試做某事struggle for為而斗爭 跟蹤訓練.語境填詞1I wasnt _(success),so they looked down on me.2The child was found _(被拋棄的) but unharmed.3Iran says its nuclear ambitions are for peaceful _(目的)4They said that they _(試圖) to finish the task before July.5We are learning how to confront death instead of _(逃避) its reality.單項填空6How you _ the challenge in the second half will determine what you become after the game,whether you are a winner or a loser.Arespond to Bsubmit toCcommit to Dstick to7I have always _ to China,and now my dream has _.Adream coming;come trueBdreamt of coming;come trueCdreamed to come;realizedDdreamed coming;realizing8The WFP has launched a new app called Share The Meal,_ the potential,people believe,is enormous as it allows smart phone users to make donations with a simple tap on their phone.Awhose Bthat Cwhich Dof which9Even with the gift of 10,000,it was difficult for her to _ a mortgage,but she eventually found a lender and a house.Apay Bobtain Ccancel Daccept10A notice was _ in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.Asent up Bgiven upCset up Dput up.完形填空(2017·湖南長沙長郡中學月考)Today I am known for my voice.Perhaps the greatest honor came when I was asked to read a book on tape.But it _1_ a long time to believe such good things could happen to me.When I was a youngster I stuttered(口吃) so badly that I was completely _2_ to speak in public._3_,when I was 14,Professor Donald Crouch came to our school.He was a retired college professor.English was his favorite subject and _4_ was his deepest love.He held a book of poems as if it were a diamond necklace._5_ pages as if uncovering treasures.When he heard our school was teaching Shakespeare and other classics,he could no longer _6_ not being a part of our school.When he _7_ that I not only loved poetry but was _8_ it,we became closer.There was,however,one _9_between usProfessor Crouch could not bear the _10_ that I refused to read my poems to the class.“Jim,poetry is _11_ to be read aloud.”he said.“You should be able to speak those beautiful words.”I shook my head and turned away.One day he _12_ me.After handing in a poem,I waited for his _13_.It didnt come.Instead,one day as the students gathered together,he _14_ me,“Jim,I dont think you wrote this poem.”I stared at him in _15_.“Why,”I started,anger _16_ me,“of course I did!”“Well,then,”he said,“youve got to prove it by getting up and reciting it _17_ memory.”By then the other students had settled at their desks.With knees shaking,I walked up to the front.For a moment I stood there, _18_.Then I began,and kept going.I recited my poem all the way _19_!Afterwards,Professor Crouch congratulated me,and encouraged me to read other writers poetry before public.I discovered I did have a(n) _20_ and found my fellow students actually looked forward to hearing me recite.1A.lasted BtookCspent Dwasted2A.uncertain BuncomfortableCunbelievable Dunable3A.However BBesidesCThen DTherefore4A.novel BarchitectureCart Dpoetry5A.drawing BwritingCturning Dfinding6A.protect BhelpCkeep Dstand7A.learned BrecognizedCdecided Dproved8A.writing BreadingCreciting Dsaving9A.difference BdifficultyCpromise Dsimilarity10A.truth BideaCfact Dbelief11A.said BmeantCtaught Dprepared12A.fooled BjokedCtricked Dscolded13A.idea BrewardCcongratulation Dcomment14A.told BnoticedCattacked Dchallenged15A.disbelief BsilenceCsadness Dexcitement16A.flowing BfloodingCfilling Dsweeping17A.with BbyCfrom Din18A.terrified BhopelessCdisappointed Dbreathless19A.down BalongCthrough Daround20A.voice BsoundCappearance Dinterest.閱讀理解Stop wasting your time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortcomings.Instead,realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born.Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.The seeds,and the power to grow them,are contained in the most awesome machine ever created:the human mind.Success is a choice and not a chance.You were born a winner.You were born rich.You can be a success if only you make the right choice.You cannot be successful without first developing your self­esteem(自尊心)Your level of self­esteem is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself,and thus over your life.People with low self­esteem are people who do not believe that they have any power,or responsibility for their lives.They are always victims.They are leaves tossed(搖擺) by the winds of chance blown about with any sudden change in the weather.You can exercise control over your life only to the degree that you believe you are responsible for everything that happens in your life.Failures think that everything happens by accident and chance.Successful people realize that they are responsible.Everything happens as a result of something.If we can identify the cause,we can control the effect.We are responsible for what we choose to think and believe.One generally rises to the level that one expects.We are responsible for setting our expectations.Our success is dependent upon our level of confidence.If you associate with positive­thinking people,you are definitely going to achieve success.On the contrary,the opposite happens.We are responsible for finding,planting,and nurturing(培育) the seeds that contain future victory,born from setbacks(挫折)In short,in all areas of your life,whether they are financial,physical,emotional,or spiritual,you are responsible.Once you recognize this,accept it,and firmly believe it.You are on the road to success.21People with low self­esteem are compared to leaves because they_.Acant exercise control over themselvesBare easily affected by windy weatherCdont have the power to face their fateDare ready to change their minds 22Losers would think that_.Asuccess is the result of hard workBworking hard will lead to successCthey fail only because of bad luckDthey dont make efforts to succeed23It can be inferred from the fifth paragraph that_.Asetting our expectations is essential before taking actionBknowing cause and effect is the key to future successCthoughts and beliefs are the result of creative mindDwhether we will succeed depends on our attitudes 24The last paragraph serves as_.Athe proof of the authors pointsBthe conclusion of the argumentCan introduction to another topicDa comparison between two views答案精析第43練成功與失敗高考高頻單詞與短語識記排查跟蹤訓練.1.successful2.abandoned3.purposes4.attempted5avoiding.6.A句意為:你對下半場如何反應將會決定比賽后你成為成功者還是失敗者。respond to作出反應;submit to提交,呈遞;commit to忠誠,全心全意于;stick to堅持。故選A。7B句意為:我經常夢想到中國去,現在我的夢想終于實現了。dream of夢想;come true實現。8D考查定語從句。句意為:世界糧食計劃署已經推出一個新的應用軟件叫做Share The Meal,人們相信它的潛力是巨大的,因為它允許智能手機的用戶用手機簡單的點擊就可以捐贈。使用定語從句,先行詞是a new app,定語從句中完整表達是the potential of the app,用which引導定語從句,將of提到which前面?;蛘呤莟he potential of which。如果用whose,就去掉potential前面的the。故選D。9B此處指即使有了這10 000支票,她獲得按揭還很困難。obtain獲得。10D考查動詞短語辨析。句意為:為提醒學生們講座時間的改變,有人貼出了一張通知。send up發(fā)射;give up放棄;set up建立,組建;put up舉起,張貼,留宿,故選D。知識運用與閱讀能力專練.語篇解讀 本文主要講了作者在教授的鼓勵下努力地克服自己的口吃,并最終在同學們面前流暢地背誦了詩歌。1B分析句子結構可知此處為固定句型:It takes/took sb.time/money to do sth.。因此答案為B。2D由于前文說作者本來是有口吃的,因此在公共場所演講對于他來說是做不到的(unable),故選D。3C根據對上下文的理解可知,上文講的是作者小時候的一些事情,然后(then),就轉到了他14歲的時候所發(fā)生的事了,故選C。4D根據下一句中的poems可知,本題的答案為D,此題是考查同根詞復現。5C根據本空格前一句中的book,以及后面出現的uncovering可知,教授翻閱詩集如同發(fā)現寶藏般。turn pages翻頁,符合語境。故選C。6D根據句意可知,此題答案應選D。7A句意為:當Crouch教授知道我喜歡詩歌,而且也喜歡寫詩時,我們的關系更進了一步。故答案選A。learn知道,獲悉,符合語境。8A根據下文“I refused to read my poems”可推斷作者也喜歡寫詩。9B根據上下文并結合各個選項的意思可知,作者和教授之間的問題(difficulty)就是在于教授不能忍受作者拒絕讀自己寫的詩這一事實。因此答案為B。10C作者有口吃,因此有心理障礙,一直認為自己沒有能力在公共場合說話,這是一個事實,故選C。11B根據對上下文的理解可知,此處句意為:詩歌就是意味著大聲朗誦。因此答案為B。12C根據對下文的理解,可知教授是專門設了這個計策(trick)來讓作者開口念詩,故此題應選C。13D作為作者的老師,作者把自己創(chuàng)作的詩歌交給他以后,作者應該會等待他的評論(comment),故選D。14D根據下文“Jim,I dont think you wrote this poem.”可知當時教授是在質疑并且挑戰(zhàn)(challenge)作者,因此選D。15Adisbelief不相信;silence寂靜;sadness悲傷;excitement興奮。由于教授對作者的指控跟事實不相符,故作者當時是難以置信的,因此答案選A。16Bflow流動;flood充滿;fill充滿;sweep橫掃。根據文章的情景可知,當時作者的內心是充滿了憤怒的。由于fill要和with連用,而且是be filled with sth.,故選B。17C根據句意可知,當時教授要求作者依照記憶把自己寫的那首詩歌背出來。故選C。18D由于作者當時還沒有克服自己口吃的這個問題,因此可想象當他站在眾人面前背這首詩的時候心里是很忐忑的,故用breathless喘不過氣的。19C根據下文可知,作者終于克服了自己的口吃,從頭到尾地把詩歌背誦了下來。all the way through至始至終,一直走到底,符合語境。故選C。20A根據上下文的意思可知,作者是說自己的聲音。sound泛指一切的聲音;voice一般指人的聲音。從文章首句也可知答案,故選A。.語篇解讀 不要再浪費時間去考慮失敗的原因了,成功的關鍵在于你的態(tài)度。只有以積極的心態(tài)面對生活,你才能讓成功的種子發(fā)芽。21A推理判斷題。根據第三段最后一句“They are leaves tossed(搖擺) by the winds of chance blown about with any sudden change in the weather.”可知,自尊心弱的人就像風中的葉子一樣不能掌控自己。故選A。22C細節(jié)理解題。根據第四段最后兩句“Failures think that everything happens by accident and chance.Successful people realize that they are responsible.”可知選C。23D推理判斷題。根據第五段最后兩句“We are responsible for setting our expectations.Our success is dependent upon our level of confidence.”可知,成功依靠我們的自信,依靠我們的態(tài)度。故選D。 24B推理判斷題。根據標志詞“In short”以及后面的內容可知,作者是在總結得出結論。故選B。


本文((江蘇專版)高考英語總復習 微專題訓練 第43練 成功與失敗-人教版高三全冊英語試題)為本站會員(文***)主動上傳,裝配圖網僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內容的表現方式做保護處理,對上載內容本身不做任何修改或編輯。 若此文所含內容侵犯了您的版權或隱私,請立即通知裝配圖網(點擊聯系客服),我們立即給予刪除!


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