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(江蘇專用)2020高考英語一輪復習 Unit 1 The world of our senses學案(含解析)牛津譯林版必修3.doc

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(江蘇專用)2020高考英語一輪復習 Unit 1 The world of our senses學案(含解析)牛津譯林版必修3.doc

Unit 1The world of our senses一、單詞表詞匯全查驗運用多媒體,提問默寫詞匯.閱讀詞匯(英譯漢)第一屏聽寫 1raised adj.凸起的2mist n. 薄霧;水汽3nowhere adv. 無處,到處都不4beard n. 胡須,絡腮胡子5pavement n. (馬路邊的)人行道6sniff vi.&vt. (吸著氣)嗅,聞7analyse vt. 分析 8pole n. 地極;柱子,棍,杖 第二屏聽寫 9triangle n. 三角形10tap n. & vt. & vi. 輕拍,輕敲11shark n. 鯊魚12jaw n. 頜13pass n. 羅盤;指南針14*sign n. 符號,標志;跡象15*bull n. 公牛16*pigeon n. 鴿子.高頻詞匯(漢譯英)第三屏聽寫 1hearing n聽力,聽覺2dot n. 點,小圓點3confuse vt. 使糊涂,使迷惑4vase n. 花瓶5fog n. 霧6forecast vt. & n. 預測,預報7conductor n. (公交車)售票員;(樂隊)指揮8fare n. 車費 第四屏聽寫 9foggy adj. 有霧的,霧茫茫的10observe vt. 觀察;注意到;評論11overcoat n. 長大衣12glance vi. & n. 瞥一眼,匆匆看13footstep n. 腳步(聲)14wherever adv. & conj. 無論哪里15narrow adj. 狹窄的16approach vi. & vt. 靠近;著手處理 n. 靠近;方法;路徑 第五屏聽寫 17darkness n 黑暗18hesitate vi. 猶豫,遲疑不決19grasp vt. 抓緊,抓牢20stare vi. 凝視,盯著看21crossroads n. 十字路口22anxious adj. 焦慮的,憂慮的23firmly adv. 牢牢地,堅定地24grateful adj. 感激的,表示感謝的 第六屏聽寫 25helper n 幫助者26aid n. & vt. 幫助27relief n. 輕松,寬慰28lorry n. 卡車29reduce vt. & vi. 減少30volunteer n. 志愿者vi. & vt. 自愿做,義務做31recognize vt.認識,辨認出;意識到;(正式)承認32puzzle n. 謎,疑問 vt. 迷惑,使困惑 第七屏聽寫 33ignore vt.忽視;對不予理會34boot n. 靴子35sweat vi. 流汗n. 汗水36distance n. 距離;遠處37thunder n. 雷,雷聲38lightning n. 閃電39wave n. 波浪 vi. & vt. 揮手;擺手40overhead adv. 在頭上方 第八屏聽寫 41suit n 套裝vt. 適合,滿足需要42attach vt. 使連在一起,把附在上;認為重要43disability n. 缺陷;傷殘44hopeful adj. 抱有希望的45whisper vi. & vt. 小聲說;私下說46bite vi. & vt. 咬47contrary adj. 相反的 n. 相反的事實或情況48flesh n. (動物或人的)肉第九屏聽寫 49jewellery n珠寶50attract vt. 吸引51calm adj. 鎮(zhèn)靜的,沉著的,平靜的vt. & vi. 使平靜,鎮(zhèn)靜52panic vi. & n. 驚慌,恐慌53fist n. 拳頭54likely adj. 可能的55soldier n. 士兵56roll vi. & vt. 卷起來;(使)滾動 第十屏聽寫 57loose adj.松動的,松開的;寬松的vt. 松開,釋放58employ vt. 使用;雇傭59._unlike prep. 不像;與不同60in_sight 看得到,在視力范圍內61wish_for 盼望,企盼62reach_out 伸出(手)63watch_out_for 留心,密切注意64roll_up 卷起來 二、單元核心考點初熱身提供語境,單元考點自測回顧(一)分類識記單詞用時少功效高識記單詞寫對.知其意(英譯漢)1.raised adj.凸起的2.mist n. 薄霧;水汽3.nowhere adv. 無處,到處都不4.pavement n. (馬路邊的)人行道5.analyse vt. 分析6.tap n. & vt. & vi. 輕拍,輕敲7.pass n. 羅盤;指南針.寫其形(漢譯英)1.likely adj. 可能的2.volunteer n. 志愿者vi. & vt. 自愿做,義務做3.narrow adj. 狹窄的4.grasp vt. 抓緊,抓牢5.stare vi. 凝視,盯著看6.aid n& vt. 幫助7.overhead adv. 在頭上方8.roll vi. & vt. 卷起來;(使)滾動9.loose adj. 松動的;寬松的vt. 松開,釋放10.unlike prep. 不像;與不同11.calm adj. 鎮(zhèn)靜的,沉著的vt. & vi. 使平靜,鎮(zhèn)靜12.whisper vi. & vt.小聲說;私下說核心單詞練通1.Her mother hugged her tightly and spoke with relief (輕松), “Lets go home.”2.He heard someone following him, and glanced (瞥一眼) round.He caught sight of a dark figure in the shadows.3.When approaching (靠近) the finish line, I found that one of my petitors fell down and got injured.4.During that period, rainfall reduced (減少) by as much as 80%, killing almost all the plants.5.Operate the electrical appliance following the instructions attached (把附在上) in the box, or youll be at risk.6.Wherever (無論哪里) someone finished a journey, they would leave the mobike there for someone else to use.7.You cant imagine how excited I was when I saw the ancient tower in the distance (遠處)8.When you meet with some dangerous situations, dont panic (驚慌) or get out of line, but try to remain quiet and calm.9.1234 PENS now offers ecofriendly advertising pens to suit (滿足需要) any panys promotional needs.10.I am at a loss because what he has told me is the contrary (相反) of what you have told me.拓展單詞用活記全記牢1.observe vt.觀察;注意到;評論observation n觀察observer n觀察者2.confuse vt.使糊涂,使迷惑confused adj.困惑的confusing adj.令人困惑的3.hesitate vi.猶豫,遲疑不決hesitation n猶豫,躊躇4.anxious adj.焦慮的,憂慮的anxiety n焦慮;渴望anxiously adv.焦慮地5.grateful adj.感激的,表示感謝的gratitude n感激,感謝6.recognize vt.認識,辨認出;意識到;(正式)承認recognition n識別;確認,認可;賞識7.puzzle vt.迷惑,使困惑n.謎,疑問_puzzled adj.困惑的puzzling adj.令人費解的8.ignore vt.忽視;對不予理會ignorant adj.無知的,愚昧的ignorance n愚昧,無知9.disability n缺陷;傷殘disabled adj.殘廢的,有缺陷的disable v使(某人)失去能力,使殘疾10.hopeful adj.抱有希望的hopefully adv. 滿懷希望地hope n. & vt.希望hopeless adj.沒有希望的11.attract vt.吸引attractive adj.有吸引力的,誘人的attraction n吸引,有吸引力的人或事12.employ vt.使用;雇傭employer n雇傭者,雇主employee n受雇者,雇員,雇工employment n職業(yè);雇傭,使用用準用活1.Hangzhou is considered to be one of the most attractive places in China and the West Lake is one of its top attractions.(attract)2.Encouraged by his teacher, the hopeless child is very hopeful about his future. Full of hope and confidence, hell succeed in time.(hope)3.The young inventor was really confused by the confusing problem which also confused other people for a long time.(confuse)4.The observer has been observing the situation of that region for a long time, so his observation is believable.(observe)5.When in trouble, dont hesitate to ask for help and solve the problem without hesitation.(hesitate)6.The employer decided to employ Tom as her secretary and she hoped to have a talk with her employee before he came to work.(employ)7.He had changed so much that you couldnt recognize him. As a matter of fact, illness and age changed him beyond recognition.(recognize)8.Owing to ignorance of traffic laws, some drivers usually ignore the speed limit.(ignore)9.I can hardly express how grateful I feel, so I will give him a present as an expression of gratitude.(grateful)1.“看”遍天下observe觀察glance (at) 匆匆看一眼watch 觀看,關注notice 注意到,留心stare (at) 凝視,盯著看glare (at) 怒視peer 窺視,凝視witness 目擊,目睹2“方法”多樣approach meansmethod waymanner mode3.“抓住,捕捉”集合graspseizehold catchcapture4“驚恐”萬狀fear 擔心,害怕alarm 使驚恐,警告frighten 使害怕,嚇唬horror 驚駭,恐怖terror 恐怖,驚駭shock 震驚,使吃驚panic 驚慌,恐慌5.“er”與“ee”結尾意義不同6“說”法薈萃whisper小聲說;耳語murmur 低語;小聲說chat 聊天speak 說;演講;發(fā)言inform 通知;告訴announce 宣告;述說declare 宣布;聲明claim 聲稱;要求(二)語段串記短語不枯燥興趣高先 寫 對再 用 準第一組1.in_sight 看得到,在視力范圍內2.reach_out 伸出(手)3.watch_out_for 留心,密切注意4.attach_importance_to 認為很重要5.roll_up 卷起來6.glance_at 瞥一眼,匆匆看Mr. Zhang suffers hearing disabilities. On a foggy morning,he could see nothing in_sight,_and was knocked down by a running car. Fortunately, some passersby reached_out their hands to rush him to the hospital. Mr. Zhang was grateful and reminded that everyone should attach_importance_to safety and watch_out_for cars when getting across the road. 第二組1.wish_for 盼望,企盼2.pay_back 償還;回報;報復3.contrary_to 與相反4.work_out 制訂出;算出5.make_sense 有意義;講得通Mavens are people with a lot of knowledge or experts in a particular field.They wish_for passing on their knowledge to others without being paid_back. Mavens also collect and gather information to work_out new plans for social developing trends.第三組1.clear_up(天氣)放晴;清理2.in_the_distance 在遠處3.to_ones_surprise 使某人驚奇的是4.e_across 偶然遇到5.stare_at 盯著看,睜大眼The Wild Goose Pagoda is the symbol of Xian. When the weather cleared_up,_we went for a drive there. To_our_surprise,_we saw a rainbow over the Wild Goose Pagoda in_the_distance. What a wonder! We all felt relaxed and happy.1.“v.across”常用短語e across偶然遇到get across 使明白cut across 走捷徑run across 穿過;碰到go across 穿過,通過2.wish短語小結wish for 盼望,企盼as you wish 隨心所欲fulfill a wish 實現(xiàn)愿望get ones wish 如愿以償make a wish 許愿,祈求go against ones wishes與某人的意愿相違3.pay短語速記pay back償還,回報,報復pay off 付清;取得成功pay for 為而付錢pay a visit to 參觀,拜訪pay attention to 注意(三)仿寫用活句式造佳句表達高背 原 句明 句 式學 仿 寫1.Polly found herself staring up at the face of an old man with a beard. 波莉發(fā)現(xiàn)自己正盯著一張長著絡腮胡子的老人的臉。感官動詞賓語賓語補足語。(2018全國卷滿分作文)我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己對打羽毛球很感興趣,因為這不會花費我太多的力氣和時間。I find_myself_interested_in_playing_badminton, for it doesnt cost me too much strength and time.2.Since it is believed that strong smells can affect the senses, volunteers were required not to eat or drink for eight hours before the experiment.因為人們相信強烈的氣味會影響感官,志愿者被要求實驗前八小時不要吃喝?!癐t is 過去分詞(believed/thought/said/reported/.)that從句”意為“據(jù)堅信/認為/說/報道/”。(2017全國卷滿分作文)據(jù)說剪紙早在我國漢代就被用來作為裝飾品。It_is_said_that papercutting was used as a decoration as early as the Han Dynasty in our country.3.While having dinner, listen to some enjoyable music rather than watch television. 吃飯的時候,聽一些好聽的音樂而不要看電視。rather than用于平行結構中,意為“而不是”。(2017浙江高考滿分作文)當我們打算爬山時,一定要穿運動鞋而不要穿皮鞋。As we intend to climb mountains, do be sure to wear gym shoes rather_than leather shoes.4.Dont be frightened by sharks: you are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark. 不要懼怕鯊魚,因為你被閃電擊中的幾率可能是被鯊魚攻擊的30倍。倍數(shù)表達法:倍數(shù)形容詞比較級than .。(2015四川高考滿分作文)只要你付出的時間和精力比以前多兩倍,我相信你這次就能成功。As long as you devote twice_more_time_and_energy_than you did before, I believe you will succeed this time.考點新組合閱讀微技能Molly was late for the school bus and was anxious to rush to get ready. Suddenly she found her dog Tippy lying down before her. She didnt hesitate to step over him, ignoring his asking to be petted. Late that day, she was told Tippy was hit by a truck in panic, dead. She cried and called his name again and again. _1.處形容詞dead用作狀語,表示結果。2.處的句子應為_A_。A.How she regretted not giving him petting in the morning!B.She intended to buy a dog like him.1anxious adj.焦慮的,憂慮的;不安的(1)be anxious for/about . 為擔心/擔憂be anxious to do sth. 急于做某事be anxious that .(should) do sth. 希望(2)anxiety n. 憂慮;擔心;渴望with anxiety 焦慮地(3)anxiously adv. 焦慮地多角練透單項填空Why are you so hurried?My mother will get a bit _ if I dont get back on time.AashamedBeagerCanxious Dpatient解析:選C句意:“為什么你那么匆忙?”“如果我不能按時回家我媽媽會擔心?!盿nxious“擔心的,憂慮的”,符合句意。ashamed“羞愧的”;eager“渴望的”;patient“有耐心的”。完成句子Some think drinking is beneficial while others are_anxious_about/for_it (為此擔憂)Her family was poor, so the girl was_anxious_to_finish_school (急于完成學業(yè)) and get a job.句式升級Because his parents are anxious about his safety, they send him to school in person.(用形容詞短語作狀語改寫)Anxious_about_his_safety,_his_parents_send_him_to_school_in_person.真題印證(2018江蘇高考)Despite the poor service of the hotel,the manager is _ to invest in sufficient training for his staff.Akeen BreluctantCanxious Dready解析:選B句意:雖然賓館的服務很差,但經(jīng)理仍然不愿意投資對員工進行充分的培訓。reluctant意為“不情愿的”,符合語境。keen“渴望的,著迷的”;anxious“擔心的,焦慮的”;ready“準備好的,愿意的”。2hesitate vi.猶豫;躊躇(1)hesitate to do sth.遲疑做某事; 不愿做某事hesitate about/over .對猶豫不決(2)hesitation n. 猶豫without hesitation 毫不猶豫地have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不猶豫地做某事多角練透單項填空We are at your service.Dont _ to turn to us if you have any further problems.Abeg BhesitateCdesire Dseek解析:選B句意:我們隨時為您服務,如果您還有問題的話,不要猶豫向我們求助。beg“請求,乞求”;hesitate“猶豫”;desire“渴望”;seek“追求”。根據(jù)句意可知選B。用所給詞的適當形式填空In the event of difficulties, please do not hesitate to_contact (contact) our Customer Service Department.When the girl entered the room, the boy followed without hesitation (hesitate)完成句子She had_no_hesitation_in accepting my offer.她毫不猶豫地接受了我的提議。Dont hesitate_about your decision once you think it over.只要你考慮清楚了,就不要猶豫你的決定。單句寫作(2015天津高考書面表達)如果還有什么我能為你做的,請不要猶豫,直接告訴我。If_there_is_something_else_I_can_do_for_you,_please_dont_hesitate_to_tell_me.3ignore vt.忽視;對不予理會(1)ignorant adj.(對某事)不了解的;無知的be ignorant of/about . 對不知道/不了解(2)ignorance n. 無知out of ignorance 由于無知be in ignorance of . 不知道多角練透用所給詞的適當形式填空Dont make improper ments out of ignorance (ignore) before you know the whole story.People dont like to ask questions for fear of appearing ignorant (ignore)完成句子I made a suggestion, but she_ignored_it.我提了個建議,可是她不理睬。He confessed himself that he_was_ignorant_of/about_their_family_ine.他承認自己對于他們的家庭收入一無所知。4panic vi.& n驚慌,恐慌(1)in (a) panic驚慌失措地get into a panic 陷入驚慌狀態(tài)(2)panic sb. into doing sth. 使某人(因驚慌)倉促做某事題點全練完成句子Office workers fled in_panic as the building caught fire.大樓著火時,辦公室人員驚慌逃出。When she found her son was out of sight, the lady got_into_a_panic.那位女士發(fā)現(xiàn)兒子不見時十分驚慌。Rumours panicked_many_citizens_into flooding into supermarkets to buy salt.謠言令許多市民涌入超市買鹽。名師指津panic的過去式和過去分詞是panicked, panicked。5find賓語賓語補足語教材原句Polly found_herself_staring up at the face of an old man with a beard.波莉發(fā)現(xiàn)自己正盯著一張長著絡腮胡子的老人的臉。(1)find后接復合賓語時常用以下形式:find賓語賓語補足語(2)如果find的賓語是動詞不定式或從句,而其后有賓語補足語時,習慣上用形式賓語it來代替,并把真正的賓語放在后面。(2017全國卷)It must be true that sooner or later, everyone_finds_his_or_her_way_back_to_nature. 這是真的,遲早每個人都會找到自己的路回到大自然。When he came to himself, he found_himself_surrounded by a group of boys.當他醒來時,他發(fā)現(xiàn)自己被一群男孩子包圍著。Dick found_himself_walking in the direction of Mikes home.迪克發(fā)現(xiàn)自己正朝邁克家的方向走去。She woke up and found_herself_in_a_hospital_bed.她醒來發(fā)現(xiàn)自己躺在醫(yī)院的床上。(2017全國卷)Lots of people find_it_hard_to_get_up in the morning, and put the blame on the alarm clock. 許多人發(fā)現(xiàn)早上起床困難,并且把責任推到鬧鐘上。名師指津find后的賓語補足語一般不用不定式,但可用to be,且常省略,構成find sb./sth.(to be)形容詞/介詞短語/名詞短語“發(fā)現(xiàn)某人/物是(狀態(tài)/性質等)”??键c新組合閱讀微技能Steven, my cousin, attaches significance to collecting stamps. He has owned twice more than I. At one time, I showed him an American stamp. Glancing at it, he took it for himself. A few of his stamps are recognized as the rarest ones and he is likely to be rich. Many people are turning to him for the approaches to collecting.1.處短語at one time 意為曾經(jīng),一度,從前。而at a time則意為每次。2.處是簡單句,glancing at it為現(xiàn)在分詞短語作狀語。本句可轉換為On_glancing_at it, he took it for himself.或As_soon_as he glanced at it, he took it for himself.6attach vt.使連在一起,把附在上;認為重要練牢基點寫出下列句中attach的含義With the skin gone, to what can the hair attach itself? 把附在上The high school is attached to that university. 附屬于We must attach importance to the education of the children.認為重要系統(tǒng)考點(1)attach . to .將附在attach importance/significance/value to . 認為有重要性/意義/價值(to為介詞)(2)attached adj. 依戀的;附屬的;喜歡的be attached to 喜歡;依附于;隸屬于練通重點單項填空Both students and parents appreciate the great importance school have _ to eyesight protection.AreactedBattendedCattached Dadapted解析:選C句意:學校對眼睛保護非常重視,對此學生和家長都非常贊賞。考查固定搭配attach importance to“重視”本句中,主句為Both students and parents appreciate the great importance; school have _ to eyesight protection為定語從句,先行詞是importance。完成句子It is said that the hospital is_attached_to (附屬于) that university.He attached_great_importance_to (非常重視) what his parents said.The old man is_very_attached_to (非常依戀) old customs and habits.7glance vi.& n瞥一眼,匆匆看;掃視(1)glance at sth./sb.匆匆看一下某物/人glance over/through sth. 粗略地/隨便地看一看某物; 瀏覽某物(2)at first glance 乍一看;乍看之下take/give a glance at 匆匆看一眼題點全練完成句子As he took bus to home, he glanced_at_the_poster near his seat in the bus.當他乘車回家時,他瞥了一眼他座位旁邊的公交車海報。He glanced_over/took_a_glance_at the letter and then put it into his drawer.他匆匆看了一下信,然后把它放進了抽屜里。 At_first_glance the problem seemed easy.乍一看,這個問題好像很容易。8recognize vt.認識,辨認出;意識到;(正式)承認(1)recognize sb./sth.by/from . 根據(jù)認出某人/物be recognized to be/as . 被認為是,被認作It is generally recognized that . 人們公認(2)recognition n. 認識;認出out of/beyond recognition 認不出來多角練透單項填空I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond _.Ahearing BstrengthCrecognition Dmeasure解析:選C句意:自從Sara長大后,我就一直沒見過她,我簡直認不出她來了。beyond recognition“辨認不出來”,符合題意。介詞填空My hometown has changed beyond recognition since I left here last time.Although he hadnt seen his friend Jack for years, he recognized him by/from his voice. (2017全國卷)Since 1958, they have been recognized as the national theatre of Israel.句型轉換Traffic jam is recognized to have bee one serious problem to citizens.It is recognized that traffic jam has bee one serious problem to citizens.單句寫作(2018江蘇高考書面表達)人們認識到,大多數(shù)消費者可以根據(jù)消費排名找到一個滿意的產品。It_is_recognized_that_most_consumers_can_find_a_satisfactory_product_according_to_the_ratings.9approach vt.靠近,接近;著手處理n.接近;靠近;途徑;方法練牢基點寫出下列句中approach的含義Such people as are friendly are easy to approach. 接近We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.方法He thought of several ways of approaching this problem.著手處理系統(tǒng)考點(1)(an) approach to (doing) . (做/解決)的方法;到的通路或途徑(2)approach sb. about (doing) sth. 與某人接洽(做)某事練通重點用所給詞的適當形式填空At the meeting they discussed three different approaches (approach) to the study of mathematics.We need to try other approaches to solving (solve) the problem.句型轉換As the time for graduation is approaching, we are busy with our papers.With the time for graduation approaching,_we are busy with our papers.單句寫作(2017天津高考書面表達)隨著第十三屆全運會的臨近,我們志愿者正在加快準備工作。With_the_13th_National_Games_approaching,_we_volunteers_are_speeding_up_preparations.10倍數(shù)比較級than .教材原句Dont be frightened by sharks: you are 30_times_more_likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.不要懼怕鯊魚,因為你被閃電擊中的幾率可能是被鯊魚攻擊的30倍。倍數(shù)表達法的常見結構:. timesThe red ruler is three_times_as_long_as the yellow one.The red ruler is three_times_longer_than the yellow one.The red ruler is three_times_the_length_of the yellow one.這把紅尺子是那把黃尺子的三倍長。The population now in this village is five_times_what_it_was ten years ago.現(xiàn)在這個村莊的人口是十年前的五倍。Our grain output will be 10_times_that_of 1960.我們的糧食產量將是1960年的10倍。考點新組合閱讀微技能My grandmother usually put her glasses in sight because of poor sight. Once she reached out for them, only to fall off the bed. Luckily, there was nothing serious. We all felt a sense of relief. Also, she observed traditional lifestyle, unwilling to move to the city with us. We had to employ a nurse to look after her and told her to watch out for the traffic.1.處“only to do”為動詞不定式用作結果狀語,表示意料之外的結果。2.處句子可翻譯為:我們都如釋重負地松了一口氣。11relief n輕松,寬慰;(痛苦、憂慮等的)解除,減輕;救濟(1)in/with relief如釋重負;松了口氣to ones relief 令人感到欣慰的是Its a relief to do sth. 做某事是令人欣慰的What a relief! 可輕松了!(2)relieve vt. 使輕松,寬慰;緩解relieve sb. of . 解除某人方面的負擔多角練透單項填空(2019南通調研)Much to our _, the oute of the general election is far better than we have expected before.AregretBreliefCsurprise Ddisappointment解析:選B句意:大選結果遠比之前我們預料的要好,這使我們很寬慰。 to ones relief“使某人寬慰的是”,符合句意。 to ones regret“令某人遺憾的是”;to ones surprise“令某人驚訝的是”;to ones disappointment“令某人失望的是”。完成句子It is a_great_relief to have rain after a long time of drought.長期的干旱之后下雨是一大慰藉。I was in/with_relief when the exam was over.考試結束時,我松了一口氣。To_our_great_relief,_the accident caused little damage.使我們大感寬慰的是,事故造成的損失很小。The medicine greatly relieved_him_of his headache.這種藥極大地減輕了他的頭痛。12observe vt.觀察;注意到;評論;遵守;慶祝練牢基點寫出下列句中observe的含義Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still observe traditional customs. 遵守People of many Western countries observe Christmas.慶祝The scientist devoted most of his lifetime to observing the behavior of the chimps.觀察(2017江蘇高考)This educational method was first observed in 2012 by Sonia Kleindorfer, a biologist at Flinders University in South Australia, and her colleagues. 注意到Did your friends observe on your unusual dress?評論系統(tǒng)考點(1)observe Christmas/New Years Day/festivals 慶祝圣誕/元旦/節(jié)日observe (2)observation n. 觀察;注意;監(jiān)視observer n. 遵守者,觀察者;觀察員


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