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廣東省連州市高三英語分類復(fù)習(xí) 模擬操練7180課件

(71) Dr Wayne W. Dyer (called the “father of motivation” by his fans) wrote, “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.” There is no use 31_ (say) “Some day 32_ I achieve these goals, get this car, build this house, and have this business, I will be really happy.” Life doesnt work that way. If you wait for certain things 33_ (happen) and depend on life to make you happy, you will always feel unsatisfied. 34_ will always be something missing. saying when to happen There Long-term happiness is based 35_ honesty, self-esteem, productive work, and making other people happy. on Long-term happiness is 36_ process of moving towards worthwhile goals and adding to the welfare and happiness of others. It means reaching your goals and then challenging yourself to higher and 37_ (good) things. It 38_ means always trying to learn and grow. Work 39_ (honest) and productively, and contribute real values to others. In the long run, thats 40_ happiness is about. a better also honestly what (72) Is the old advice true that wearing warm clothing will help prevent a cold? Or 31_ you do get sick, should you follow the old saying, “Feed a cold and starve a fever?” And what about that fever? Should you take medication 32_ (reduce) your temperature, or is it 33_ (good) to let the body treat the infection (感染感染) 34_? Everyone seems to have an answer. 35_how much value is there in popular wisdom?if to reduce better itself But Doctor Alvin Nelson El Amin, medical director of the immunization (免疫免疫) program for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health in California, 36_ (know) a lot about cold and flu season. He says studies may be just starting to provide evidence 37_ long-held beliefs. For example, scientists for years dismissed the idea 38_getting cold and wet might cause colds or flu.knows for that But recent studies have shown that cold temperatures cause stress on the body. That stress can create conditions more inviting to viruses. So maybe 39_does make sense to wrap up 40_ (warm) before leaving home. it warmly (73) Chinas new generation of freshmen, born in the 1990s, were more open-minded than their predecessors 31_less able to deal with frustration (挫折挫折), a survey has found. The survey covered 800 students at Wuhan University in 32_ (centre) Chinas Hubei Province, 33_entered in September from all over the country. They answered questions on consumption, psychology and social issues.but central who They 34_ (find) to be neither as selfish nor as difficult 35_ (get) along with as people generally believed to be, according to the survey, released on Wednesday by the China Youth Daily. In the survey, 77 percent said they were self-confident and 64.8 percent considered 36_ open-minded and ready to try new things. However, 72.3 percent said frustrations would have 37_negative influence on them.were found to get themselves a Xiao Yongping, dean of the law college of the university, said the post-1990s students were 38_ (depend) in thinking and choosing than 39_born in the 1970s and 1980s. He said their childhood environment - the Internet age40_abundant information - had made them mature, self-confident and enthusiastic. more independent those with (74) Making friends in college is easier than you think. The first thing you should remember is that 31 _beginning of the year is prime time to make friends. No one32_ (establish)connections with anyone. That means that you can go in there, and make many friends in a single day or night 33_ (simple) because you started talking to someone. In high school, 34_ may have been a bit tough to approach people when all 35_ friends are around. But in college, no one has friends 36_ the start. the has established simply it their at Dont be afraid to talk to people. And dont be afraid to listen. Kids are used to unloading on their parents, and when their parents are gone, they are going to need someone to unload on. 37_ you can become that person for someone, they will be your friend for years to come. If Dont sit in your dorm room at night. Video games are the 38_ (big) problem with people just 39_(sit) in their rooms all night. Set up study groups. Not only will this help you with classes, 40_ youll meet people at the same point in their college careers. biggest sitting but (75) Rates of heart disease started growing sharply in the second half of the 20th century. 31_ machines did more and more work, people did less and less. Not only did physical activity decrease, 32_people started eating more and more processed foods. As but Experts say a diet low in fats and high in fruits, vegetables, proteins and whole grains may help reduce 33_ risk of heart disease. At least thirty minutes a day of physical activity, enough 34_ (work) up a sweat, can also help. Also important 35_ good health is a good nights sleep. the to work to Cardiovascular disease 36_ (cause) by disorders of the heart and blood vessels(血管)(血管). It includes heart attacks, strokes(中風(fēng))(中風(fēng)) and high blood pressure. The World Health Organization says there are three major causes: tobacco use, physical inactivity and an 37_(health) diet. is caused unhealthy The W.H.O. says cardiovascular disease is the worlds 38_(lead) cause of death. And it is predicted to remain that way 39_ more action is taken. Experts estimate that it could kill 20 million people a year by 2015. An estimated 17.5 million people died in the year 2005. Around 80 percent of 40_ died in low- and middle-income countries. leading unless them (76) The heart is a complex organ that starts beating a few weeks after pregnancy. At this point the heart is a tube. In the 31_ (come) days, it grows and bends into the shape of the heart. Later, it divides 32_ four parts. 33_ the heart beats, it pumps blood through these chambers and the blood vessels in the body. The body 34_ (estimate) to have at least 96,000 kilometers of blood vessels. coming into As is estimated That is about the same as two and a half times 35_ the Earth. But blood goes the 36_ (distant) in about twenty seconds on its way back to the heart. Each day the heart pumps about eight thousand liters of blood. The blood feeds the brain and 37_ organs with oxygen and nutrients. 38_ also carries away carbon dioxide and other waste. around other distance It The heart pumps by expanding and contracting of muscle. In a healthy adult, the heart beats 39_ average of seventy-two times a minute - about one hundred thousand times a day. A healthy adult heart is about the size of two fists and looks like a piece of red meat. 40_ in overweight people, it can look yellow because of fat. an But/While (77) Until recently, many scientists believed that mammoths(猛犸象)(猛犸象) came from Europe and Asia because that is 31_ the oldest fossils(化石)(化石) were found. Earlier studies of the mammoths involved only one continent 32_ a time. The researchers discovered that mammals traveled back and forth(來回地)(來回地) several times 33_ Eurasia and Alaska over thousands of years. The animals were able to travel on 34_ land bridge that connected Siberia and Alaska during low sea levels.where at between a The researchers discovered that the mammoths were divided 35_ three major groups. One group lived mainly in Asia. 36_ group lived mainly in the Americas. And, a third group lived in both places. They believe the 37_ (America) mammoths traveled back across the Bering Strait and in time replaced the other populations of mammoths. in/into Another American The researchers believe the animals moved the great distances in search of food. A report with their findings 38_ (publish) in Current Biology. 39_ researchers doubted the findings. They say the study is based on only 40_ (limit) information. was published Other limited (78) What would happen if you fell into a black hole? Your body would be shredded(撕碎)(撕碎) apart into the 31_ (small) possible pieces. Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History, 32_ wrote the definitive account Death by Black Hole, imagined the experience 33_ the most spectacular(壯觀的)(壯觀的) way to die 34_ space. smallest who as in A black hole is a place where the force of gravity is so 35_ (power) that you would need to be traveling at a speed faster than the speed of light to escape 36_ pull. Since nothing in the universe is faster than the speed of light, nothing 37_ falls into a black hole can ever escape. The border at which gravity becomes strong enough 38_ (create) that phenomenon is known as the event horizon; powerful its that to create it 39_(mark) the outer boundary of the black hole. Until 40_ 1940s, some scientists believed that matter crusted up on the event horizon and didnt fall in. marks the (79) If theres a single word you should live your life by, it should be this: Love. It might sound out of date, I know , but trust me, theres no 31_ (good) rule in life. Some would live by the rule of success.32_ lives will be stressful, unhappy and shallow. 33_ would live by the rule of selfishness putting their needs above 34_ of others. They will live lonely lives, and will also be unhappy.better Their Others those Live your life by the rule of love. Love your husband or wife, your children, your parents, your friends, 35_ all of your heart. Give to them 36_ they need, and show them not cruelty nor disapproval nor coldness nor disappointment, 37_ only love. Open your soul to them. with what but Love not only your38_ (love) ones, but your neighbors, your coworkers, strangers, your brothers and sisters in humanity. Offer anyone you 39_ (meet) a smile, a kind word, a kind gesture, a helping hand. And most of all, love yourself. While others may criticize you, learn not to be so hard on yourself, to think that youre ugly or dumb or unworthy of love but to think instead that you are a wonderful human being, worthy of 40_ (happy) and love, and learn to love yourself for who you are. loved meet happiness (80) After a hard-fought campaign, Barack Obama has won the US presidential election, and will become the 44th President of the United States the first African-American 31_ the countrys history to do so. President-elect Obama marked his victory with a speech to a crowd of tens of thousands of people in 32_ hometown of Chicago.in his Obama described his election 33_ a defining moment in the history of the Unites States, 34_ (say) that change has come to America. President-elect Obama will not take office 35_ 20 January next year. However, when he 36_become president, he will face many serious challenges, including two foreign wars, climate change and 37_ he has described as the worst financial crisis in a century.as saying until does what 38_ the mood of the country is optimistic, according to most commentators(評論員)(評論員), and Obama himself appears to enjoy 39_ challenge. The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term, but America - I have never been 40_ (hope) than I am tonight that we will get there, said the next President of the United States. But the more hopeful


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