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廣東省高三英語 M6 Unit 1 Art復習課件 新人教版

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廣東省高三英語 M6 Unit 1 Art復習課件 新人教版

Unit 1Art 哈利波特是英國女作家JK羅琳(J.K.Rowling)的一部名著。請根據(jù)下列要點寫一篇簡短的書評: 哈利波特由一系列的故事構成,該書描寫的是些魔法和怪異生靈。 在許多人眼中,主角哈利波特是個英雄,他在去魔法學校前生活悲慘,在那里他學會了魔法,交了很多朋友,并和朋友們一起與壞巫師進行勇敢的斗爭。 該書告訴我們:一個人的身世和相貌并不重要,如果我們想過上美好的生活,就必須相信自己,并且?guī)椭恕?小說描寫細致生動,引人入勝。 【寫作要求】 1用5個句子概括以上全部內容。 參考詞匯:魔法和怪異生靈 magic and strange creatures; 巫師 wizard; 身世 ones life experience Review of Harry Potter This novel consists of a series of books, written by JK.Rowling, a famous English woman writer. As it is known to us all, the books are about magic and strange creatures, whose main character is Harry Potter, who has been a hero in many peoples mind. Before going to the magic school, his life is miserable, but at the magic school, he learns more than magic. He makes many friends there and together with his friends, he fights against bad wizards bravely. This novel tells us that life experience and appearance are not important for one person, and if we want to live a happy life, we must believe in ourselves and help others. 1. v. 瞄準 n. 目標2. adj. 典型的;有代表性的3. adj. 明顯的;明白的4. vt. 采用;采納;收養(yǎng)5. vt. 擁有;支配;具有6. adj. 卓越的;杰出的;極好的7. adj. 荒謬的;可笑的_ _ _ _ _ _ _ aim typical evident adopt possess superb ridiculous8. adj. 爭論的;爭議的9. n. 努力;企圖 vt. 嘗試;企圖10. vt. 預言;預告;預測11. adj. 確切的;特定的12. vt. 雕刻;刻記13. adj. 脆弱的;容易生病的;精致的14. n. 展覽;陳列;展覽會_ _ _ _ _ _ _controversial attempt predict specific carvedelicate exhibition15. adj. 敢作敢為的;侵略的16. n. 喜愛;偏愛17. vi. 有感染力;呼吁,求助 vt. 將上訴 n. 呼吁;懇求18. n. 名聲;聲譽19. n. 文明;文化;文明社會20. adj. 視覺的;看得見的_ _ _ _ _ _ aggressive preference appeal reputationcivilization visual1. 巧合地2. 大量3. 許多;大量4. 同時;一起5. 活著的;本人6. (可是)另一方面7. 很值得_ _ _ _ _ _ _ by coincidence a great deal scores of at the same time in the flesh on the other hand be well worth 8. (對某人)有吸引力; (使某人)感興趣_ appeal to 1.If the rules of perspective _ (not discover), no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures.2.Without the new paints and the new technique, we _ (not be) able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.had not been discovered would not be3.The Impressionists were the first painters _ (work) outdoors.4.Many art lovers _ visit this small art gallery _ any other in New York.to workwould ratherthan 1. realistic adj. 現(xiàn)實主義的,現(xiàn)實的 We can only improve this world if we are realistic about its complexities. 我們要承認這個錯綜復雜的事實,才能改進這個世界。 realism n. 現(xiàn)實主義(反:idealism理想主義)realist n. 現(xiàn)實主義者reality n. 現(xiàn)實realization n. 實現(xiàn)realize vt. 實現(xiàn);意識到real adj. 真的,真實的really adv. 真正地,實在地realistically adv. 實際地用所給詞的適當形式填空(1)我對當今社會抱著一種現(xiàn)實的態(tài)度。 I hold a _ (real) attitude towards the present world.(2)我們是樂觀主義者,又是現(xiàn)實主義者。 We are optimists and _ (realistic)realisticrealists(3)還有一個非?,F(xiàn)實的威脅,他將失去工作。 There is a very _ (realistic) threat that he will lose his job.(4)這么快就想升職根本不現(xiàn)實。 Its just not _ (real) to expect a promotion so soon.realrealistic(5)說真的,他沒有希望了,但這并沒有阻止他再嘗試。 _ (real) speaking, he hadnt a hope, but that didnt stop him trying.Really 2. aim v. 瞄準,對準 n. 瞄準;目的,目標 The central aim of this government is social stability. 本屆政府的首要目標是實現(xiàn)社會穩(wěn)定。 aimless adj. 無目的的,無目標的aim at 力爭;企圖be aimed at 目標是;(批評,評論等)針對某人achieve/ realize ones aim 達到目的,實現(xiàn)目標miss ones aim 打不中目標,達不到目的aim high 志向高遠aim to do sth. 旨在干某事根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)我的目標是當一名警察。 _ is to become a policeman.(2)他立志成為一個成功的作家。 He _ a successful writer.My aimaims to be(3)我的話不是針對你的。 My remarks _ you.(4)我們力求質量而不是數(shù)量。 We _ quality rather than quantity.were not aimed ataim at 3. adopt vt. 采用;采納;收養(yǎng);通過 The schools must adopt new methods of teaching foreign languages. 學校應采用新的外語教學法。根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)許多無子女的夫婦收養(yǎng)孩子。 Many childless couples_children.(2)董事長決定采納她的建議。 The president decided to _Her suggestion.adoptadopt(3)會議通過了一項議案。 The meeting _ a resolution. adopted 4. possession n持有,具有;所有物,財產(chǎn) 當possession指“財產(chǎn),所有物”時,通常以復數(shù)的形式出現(xiàn)。 The ring is one of her most treasured possessions. 這只戒指是她最珍貴的財產(chǎn)之一。possess vt. 擁有be in possession of 占有,占據(jù),控制(某物)take possession of 占有(某物)根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)去國外旅行需持有護照。 _ of a passport is essential for foreign travel.(2)他在火災中損失了所有的財產(chǎn)。 He lost _ in the fire.The possessionall his possessions(3)他們的對手在比賽的大部分時間里控制著球。 Their opponents were_the ball for most of the match.in possession of 5. attempt vt. & n. 嘗試;試圖;企圖The first attempt to climb Mount Everest failed.第一次攀登珠穆朗瑪峰的嘗試失敗了。attempt to do sth. 企圖做某事make an/no attempt to do sth. / at doing sth.企圖/沒有企圖做某事an attempt on sth. 對某事的企圖 attempt to do與attempt doing 漢語意思相近,但是用法不一樣。 attempt to do表示具體的嘗試做什么,是很具體的一次性行為。 attempt doing指比較一貫性的、長期以來的行為。 比較:try to do 盡力,企圖做某事 try doing 試驗,試著做某事 這樣的還很多:to do是將要去做的事,表示還未做;而doing是已完成的事,表示已經(jīng)做過了。根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)他們解決那個問題的一切嘗試都失敗了。 They failed in _ to solve the problem.(2)在他導師的幫助下,他嘗試了許多科學實驗。 With his tutors help he_many scientific experiments. all their attemptsattempted appeal to (對某人)有吸引力;使(某人)感興趣;呼吁;向投訴 We should find peaceful ways of settling international disputes rather than appeal to arms. 我們應當用和平方法解決國際爭端,而不應訴諸武力。appeal to sb. for sth. / to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事sth. have great appeal for sb.某物對某人具有很大的吸引力make an appeal to sb. for sth. 向某人呼吁/上訴某事根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)鮮艷的顏色對孩子們有吸引力。 Bright colours _the children.(2)她向上級法院上訴。 She _ a higher court.appeal toappealed to(3)美國為了解決所謂的伊拉克問題而訴諸武力。 The USA decided to _ to solve the socalled problems of Iraq.appeal to arms 1. In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal, from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one. 在19世紀末,歐洲發(fā)生了巨大的變化,從一個主要從事農業(yè)的社會變成了一個主要從事工業(yè)的社會。 為了避免重復,句中使用one代替意義相同的“society”。也就是:one可以代替前面剛提到過的同一類人或物,其復數(shù)形式為ones。 注意:that和one代替上文提及的名詞時,不包括該名詞所帶的定語。that 的定語一般是后置的短語、分詞或定語從句;one的定語除了前置的形容詞、指示代詞及this, that 外,還有后置的形容詞、從句或短語。 A color TV set made in Japan costs more than one made in China. 一臺日產(chǎn)的彩色電視機比國產(chǎn)的要貴。用適當?shù)脑~完成句子(1)我沒有鋼筆,我必須去買一支。 I havent got a pen. I have to buy _.(2)我有一本新的故事書和幾本舊的故事書。 I have a new storybook and several old _.oneones(3)從井里抽出來的水比從河里抽上來的水干凈得多。 The water pumped from wells is much cleaner than _ pumped from rivers.(4)這件襯衫和我昨天買的一樣好。 The shirt is as good as _ I bought yesterday.thatthat 2. On_the_one_hand,_some modern art is abstract; On_the_other_hand,_some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs. 一方面,有些現(xiàn)代藝術是抽象的;另一方面,現(xiàn)代藝術的某些畫作又是如此現(xiàn)實以至于看起來有點像照片。 on the one handon the other hand 一方面另一方面 比 較 : f o r o n e t h i n g ( a n d f o r another/besides)(用于說明理由)一是(二是) for one thing 與 for another 陳述兩方面的情況通常一致;而on (the) one hand與on the other hand 通常表達相矛盾的兩個方面。 On the one hand, its convenient, but on the other hand, its timeconsuming. 一方面,這個很方便,但是另一方面又很費時間。根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)一方面他很有才華,另一方面他又很懶。 _, he is brilliant;_, he is lazy.(2)我們今晚可以出去吃,不過另一方面我們也可以在家做。 We could go out for dinner tonight, but _, we could cook at home. On the one handon the other handon the other hand(3)她沒買這件衣服。一是款式不適合她,二是太貴了。 She didnt buy the dress. _, its style didnt suit her; _,it was too expensive.For one thingfor another / besides人際關系人際關系(讀寫任務讀寫任務) 人際關系指人與人之間的交往與友誼,與家人、朋友、鄰居、親戚或他人之間的情感交流或溝通;對他人的感謝、感恩、寬容、道歉、贊揚、微笑等,請求他人同意和幫助、解決問題、處理矛盾沖突、和解等等。 人際關系方面,高考命題人可能會選擇如寬容、贊揚等某一個話題,要求考生通過自己或他人的一次經(jīng)歷來發(fā)表看法。以下幾個具體話題值得關注:(1)有的同學抱怨父母的期望高、作業(yè)多、壓力太大,或對生活中的其他方面感到不滿,請寫一篇短文,準備在“我們應該抱怨生活嗎”的主題班會上發(fā)表你的看法。(2)寫一篇短文,參加“增進父母與孩子之間的理解,構建和諧家庭”的演講比賽。(3)就“如何構建和諧班集體”談談你的看法。(4)描寫你和你的同學是怎樣建立起友好關系的。實用表達:learn from each other 互相學習promote the friendship 增進友誼 improve the relationship 改善關系 show love and concern for sb. 愛護和關心某人Good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.善于傾聽使我們彼此走得更近。 A good relationship between teachers and students is of great importance for our studies. 良好的師生關系對我們的學習很重要。 To build a good relationship,we should trust each other. 要建立良好的關系,我們應該彼此信任。 Only in this way can we enjoy an equal relationship. 只有這樣我們才能享有平等的關系。 They find it easy to communicate with their teachers. 他們發(fā)覺很容易和老師溝通。 We should value this harmonious relationship between teachers and students. 我們應該珍惜師生之間這種和諧的關系。 With the encouragement and support of my father,I have overcome many difficulties in my life. 在父親的鼓勵和支持下,我克服了生活中的許多苦難。 A good relationship will make learning and teaching enjoyable while a bad one can make them unpleasant. 良好的關系可以使教與學變得愉快,不好的關系令人不高興。 閱讀下面的短文,然后按要求寫一篇150詞左右的英語短文。 “Can I see my baby?” asked the happy new mother. The bundle (嬰兒包) was placed in her arms and when she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned quickly and looked out the hospital window. The baby has been born without ears. Time, however, proved that the babys hearing was perfect except his appearance. One day when he rushed home from school and threw himself into his mothers arms, he cried out bitterly, “A boy, a big boy called me a ffreak.” She sighed, knowing that his life was to be endless of heartbreaks. He grew up, handsome for his misfortune. A favorite with his fellow students, he might have been class president, but for that. He developed a gift for literature and music. The boys father had a talk with the family doctor. Could nothing be done? “I believe we could graft(移植)on a pair of outer ears, if they could be donated(捐獻),”the doctor decided. So the search began for a person who would make such a sacrifice. Two years went by. Then, “Youre going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But its a secret,” said the father. The operation was a brilliant success. His talents blossomed (開花) into genius. School and college became a series of successes. Later he married and entered the diplomatic (外交) service. “But I must know!” he urged his father. “Who gave so much for me? I could never do enough for him.” “I do not believe you could,” said the father, “but the agreement was that you are not to knownot yet.” The years kept the secret, but the day did comeone of the darkest days that ever passed through a son. He stood with his father over his mothers casket (棺材). Slowly and tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddishbrown hair to let out the secret. 【寫作內容【寫作內容】 1. 以約30個詞概括這個感人的故事; 2. 以約120個詞,請就“在受別人的幫助中,學會了幫助別人”的話題寫一篇英語短文,表達你內心的感受,并包括如下要點: (1)你看完這個故事后,你如何評價這位母親的無私行為; (2)請以你的日常生活經(jīng)歷的事情為例,說明別人的善良行為對你的影響; (3)你的感想。 【寫作要求【寫作要求】 1. 作文中可使用自己的親身經(jīng)歷或虛構的故事,也可以參照閱讀材料的內容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2. 標題自定。 所給文章屬于記敘文文體,第一段在概括時,要抓住記敘文的“六要素”,即who/ when/ where/ what/ why/ how;且通常用一般過去時進行概括。對于某些啟發(fā)性很強的記敘文,我們在概括部分可以加上事件帶給我們的啟發(fā),注意,“啟發(fā)”句要用一般現(xiàn)在時表達。本文的概要必須包含以下要點:A baby was born without ears. Someone donated the ears the boy need. The years kept the secret. The father let out the secret. 第一個寫作要點“你看完這個故事后,你如何評價這位母親的無私行為”,是要對故事中母親的行為發(fā)表你的看法,所以在概括部分和此要點之間可以使用After reading the story, I am deeply moved and realize that進行過渡,而且為了與下一個要點銜接,該部分的感想最好涉及“善良行為”,為下文做鋪墊。第二個要點“請以你的日常生活經(jīng)歷的事情為例,說明別人的善良行為對你的影響”,此部分的例子要精練,因為本文畢竟不是記敘文,之后要結合所舉事例來談對自己的影響,切忌事例與感想脫節(jié)。第三個要點還要談“你的感想”,在結構和內容上是對前面內容的總結和升華。 此外,在行文時,要注意分段。根據(jù)寫作要求的要點,全文應分為四段。第一段是摘要部分,寫作內容部分的三個要點分別為二、三、四段。 通常來講,讀寫任務部分所寫短文的段落數(shù)可以根據(jù)寫作要求的要點數(shù)來確定:總段數(shù)1要點數(shù)。其中,摘要為第一段,其他各段內容依要點順序安排即可。 Help is Always Unselfish A unselfish mother donated her ears to her imperfect son without telling him about it. At last, the son got the secret from his father after his mother died.Help is always unselfish. The mother donated her ears to her son, showing her greatest love to her child. From these, we can know how difficult it is for parents to raise their children. In the daily life, we always get kind help from our teachers, classmates and friends. And their kind help is always unselfish. When I was in Senior Middle School, I lived in the school. Every time I was ill, my teachers and classmates gave me kind help, taking good care of me all the time. In todays society, I was affected by some bad things, which made me think that there was no kindness in the world. It was my friends who did everything to help me out. From these experiences, I have realized that helping others is necessary, and true love does exist in our daily life. Since then, I have changed myself a lot, and I also give hands to others when they are in need of help. 閱讀下面的短文,然后按要求寫一篇150詞左右的英語短文。 I received a call from the nursing home. Grandpa was failing rapidly. There was nothing to do but hold his hand. “I love you, Grandpa. Thank you for always being there for me.” Memories memories six days a week, Grandpa in that old blue shirt caring for those cattle on hotsummer days plowing the soil, planting the corn and beans and harvesting them in the fallalways working from dawn to dusk. But on Sundays he put on his gray suit and hat. Grandma wore her winecolored dress and ivory beads, and they went to church. I removed Grandpas things from the room and found a very old handmade valentine in the top drawer of his nightstand. A piece of white paper had been glued to the center of the heart. On it, penned in Grandmas handwriting, were these words: TO LEE FROM HARRIET with All My Love, February 14, 1895 Are you alive? Real? Or are you the most beautiful dream that I have had in years? Are you an angel or a figment of my imagination? You made me laugh when my heart was crying. You helped me set new goals when I was dying. You showed me dew drops and I had diamonds. You sang to me and angelic choirs burst forth in song. You held my hand and my whole being loved you. You gave me a ring and I belonged to you. I belonged to you and I have experienced all. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I read the words. Now it is framed on my dresser, a treasured part of family history. 【寫作內容【寫作內容】 1以約30個詞概括短文的要點; 2然后以約120個詞就“真愛”的主題發(fā)表看法,并包括如下要點: (1)真愛的重要性; (2)你對真愛的看法及理由。 【寫作要求【寫作要求】 可以使用實例或其他論述方法支持你的論點,也可以參照閱讀材料的內容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。_ One possible version: After his grandpa passed away, the author found the grandpas valentine which is a fitting testament to the true and holy love story about his grandpa and grandma.It is essential for everyone to get true love in his lifetime. On the one hand, it can bring in full confidence, but on the other hand it can contribute to many success. Without true love, however, you are not courageous to meet challenges. Whats more, you will fail in your study.From my personal point of view, we, out of true love, are considerate of each others feelings and courteous in our actions toward one another; but we do not insist that our own way is best and demand that our mates give in to us. Besides, we are concerned not only about our own individual interests, but about the interests of the other as well, because we look forward to our relationship growing more meaningful and precious. Last but not least, we should treat our mates with absolute trust. As soon as we gain true love each other, well be enabled to fight and overcome any difficulty; at the same time, well find our life full of color and flavor.


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