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廣東省高三英語 M2 Unit 1 Cultural relics復習課件 新人教版

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廣東省高三英語 M2 Unit 1 Cultural relics復習課件 新人教版

Unit 1Cultural relics 請根據以下,用英語介紹美國總統(tǒng)巴拉克奧巴馬。 姓名:巴拉克奧巴馬 (Barack Obama) 出生時間:1961年8月4日 出生地點:夏威夷檀香山(Honolulu, Hawaii) 家庭:父親是肯尼亞黑人,母親是美國白人 小時夢想:當總統(tǒng) 教育及職業(yè):哈佛法學院(Harvard Law School),博士畢業(yè)后一直從政。2008年11月4日,在大選(the general election)中擊敗麥凱恩(John McCain),成為美國第44任總統(tǒng),首位黑人總統(tǒng)。意義:【寫作要求【寫作要求】只能使用5個句子表達全部的內容。 Barack Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white American mother, was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. When he was only a little boy, he dreamt of becoming the President of the United States. Since he graduated from Harvard Law School with a doctors degree, he has been struggling for success in politics. On November 4th, 2008, he defeated John McCain in the general electionand was elected the 44th President of the United States, becoming the first African American President of the country. The success of Obama greatly inspired people from all over the world, especially black people, to work hard to achieve their goals. 1. adj. 文化的2. adj. 有價值的;貴重的3. vi. 幸免;幸存;生還4. n. 朝代;王朝5. vt. 使吃驚;驚訝6. vt. 挑選;選擇7. n. & vt. 構思;設計_ _ _ _ _ _ _ cultural valuable survive dynasty amaze select design 8. adj. 奇特的 vt. 想象;設想9. v. 裝飾;裝修10. vi. 屬于;為的一員11. n. 接待;招待會;接收12. vt. 移動;搬開13. n. 懷疑;疑惑 vt. 懷疑;不信14. adj. 以前的;從前的_ _ _ _ _ _ _fancydecorate belong reception remove doubt former 15. prep. 值得的 n. 價值;作用 adj. (古)值錢的16. adj. 本地的;當?shù)氐?7. n. 根據;證據18. vi. 爆炸19. vi. 下沉;沉下20. n. & vi. 爭論;辯論_ _ _ _ _ _ worth local evidence explode sink debate1. 尋找2. 用裝飾3. 屬于4. 作為報答5. 作之用, 擔任,供職6. 處于交戰(zhàn)狀態(tài)_ _ _ _ _ _add upcalm downhave got toBe concerned aboutgo throughset down 8. 少于9. 拆開10. 同意;與相符,一致; (事物,氣候等)合適11. 看重,器重 less than take apart agree with think highly of_ _ _ _ 1.Frederick William , the King of Prussia, _ (imagine) that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. 2.About four meters long, the room _a small reception hall for important visitors. could never have imagined served as There is no doubt that when 3.This was a time _ the two countrieswere at war. 4. _ the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg, _ was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.which 1. survive vi. 繼續(xù)生存或存在 vt. 幸免于難;比(某人)長壽 They helped the business to survive the disaster. 他們幫助企業(yè)渡過難關。 survival n. 生存,幸存survivor n. 生還者,幸存者根據漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)沒有植物/動物離開水可以生存。 No plants / animals can_water.(2)他從戰(zhàn)場上(空難中/地震中/爆炸中/船只失事中)幸存下來。 He _ the battle (air crash/ earthquake /explosion / shipwreck)survive without survived(3)她比她丈夫多活了20年。 She _ for twenty years.survived her husband 2. fancy vt. 設想,想象,愛好; n想象(力); adj. 昂貴的 Dont come back with any fancy ideas. 別用任何大手大腳花錢的想法回敬我了。 fancy doing sth. 設想做某事 have a rich / lively fancy 想象力豐富 take a fancy to 迷戀上fancy prices 價格昂貴fancy that猜想have a fancy for 喜歡根據漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)想一想整天坐在太陽底下的滋味吧! _ in the sun all day!(2)我不喜歡在雨中行走。 I _ walking in the rain.Fancy sittingdont fancy(3)我想我以前或許見過你。 I _ that I have met you before.(4)他迷戀上了隔壁的女孩子。 He _ the girl next door.fancytook a fancy to 3. amaze vt. 吃驚;使驚訝 He was completely amazed at what happened just now. 他被剛才眼前所發(fā)生的事情完全驚呆了。amazed adj. 感到驚訝的amazing adj. 令人驚奇的amazement n. 驚訝be amazed at 對感到驚訝in amazement 吃驚地用所給詞的正確形式填空(1)聽到你要走的消息,我大吃一驚。 It _ (amaze) me to hear that you were leaving.(2)你豐富的知識令我吃驚。 I am _ (amaze) at your rich knowledge.(3)看到那種景象,他驚愕得呆呆地站在那里。 He stood in _ (amaze) at the sight.amazedamazedamazement 4. design vt. & vi. 設計,構思;計劃;設置 n. 布局,目的,安排,構思,裝飾圖案 The novel design of the theatre wins the appreciation of all the people. 人們都很欣賞這個劇場的新穎設計。 by design 有計劃地;有意地 have designs on 圖謀獲得,對有企圖 be designed to指定,預留根據漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)我很偶然地成了主持人。 I became a presenter not _.(2)他懷疑她在對這筆家產打主意。 He suspected her of _the family fortune.by designhaving designs on (3)這筆資金旨在幫助那些值得幫助的學生們。 This fund _ help the worthy students.(4)這種汽車的成功顯示精良的設計對打開銷路的重要性。 The success of this car shows the importance of _ in helping to sell the product.is designed togood design 5. light v. (lit, lit; lighted, lighted) 照亮;點火,點燃 adj. 天亮的,輕的,稀少的 n. 光線,光亮;燈 The invention of electric light lit the world. 電燈的出現(xiàn)使世界變得明亮起來。 注意:注意:light的過去分詞有兩種形式, lighted常用作形容詞,作前置定語修飾名詞, lit不可作前置定語。light up 照亮,引申為“容光煥發(fā)”bring sth. to light 揭露或暴露某事物throw light on sth. 使某事物清楚些come to light 顯露,為人所知用所給詞的正確形式填空(1)他點燃了蠟燭,朝房間走去。 He _ (light)the candle and walked towards his room.(2)我把燃燒的火柴放到信上,看它們燃燒。 I put a _ (light) match to the letter and watched them burn.lit/lightedlighted(3)突然所有的燈都滅了,她不得不借著月光織毛活兒。 Suddenly all the _ went out and she had to do the knitting by the _ of the moon. (light)(4)她的包比你的輕多了。 Her bag is much _ (light) than yours.lightslightlighter 6. consider vt. 考慮,認為 Many contestants consider this national singing competition a journey to success. 很多參賽者認為這次全國歌唱大賽是通向成功之旅。consideration n仔細考慮, 深思considering prep. 考慮到considerable adj. 相當多的,相當大的considerate adj. 考慮周到的,體貼的consider (doing) sth. 考慮(做)某事regardas/ consideras (to be)認為是consider itadj.to do sth.認為做怎樣takeinto consideration / account把列入考慮范圍用所給詞的正確形式填空(1)我考慮找個新工作。 I am considering _ (find) a new job.(2)我們認為他是英明的領導人。 We consider him _ our wise leader.findingas(3)我認為有必要提醒他他的不端行為。 I consider _ necessary to remind him of his bad behavior.(4)關于執(zhí)行這個工程,我們應該把預算考慮進去。 As for carrying out this project, we should take the budget into _ (consider)itconsideration7. wonder n. 驚奇;奇跡,奇人/事 v. 不知道,想知道 I wonder how I can succeed in writing. 我想知道如何在寫作上獲得成功。 Its a wonder (that) 難得 Its no wonder (that) 難怪 wonderif 從句“請問您是否” wonder從句根據漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)難得你還認得我。 _ you recognized me.(2)難怪他不餓,他整天在吃糖果。_he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.(3)相信自己,你能創(chuàng)造奇跡。 Trust yourself you can work _.Its a wonderIt is no wonderwonders(4)Ted不知道警察局為什么要他去一趟。 Ted _ he was wanted by the police.(5)不知您是否能為我抽出幾分鐘時間。 I _ you could spare me a few minutes.wondered whywonder if8. remove vt. 移走;排除;開除;脫去(衣服等);摘下 A team was sent to remove the fallen trees. 一個小組被派去移走刮倒的樹木。 remove sb. from office 免除某人的職務 remove oneself 自動退出;下臺 remove a hidden danger 消除隱患 remove covers 揭開蓋子 remove misunderstanding 消除誤會用所給詞的正確形式填空(1)他把畫取下來,放到抽屜里。 He _ (remove) the picture and put it in the drawer.(2)據說他已被免除職務了。 It is said that he has already _ (remove) from his office.removedbeen removed(3)學校舉辦了一次講座,消除了所有可能的安全隱患。 A lecture has been held in the school _ (remove) all the possible hidden dangers.to remove9. remain vi. 保持,仍是 To keep ones hair on is the same as telling a person to remain calm and not become angry. 讓人保持鎮(zhèn)定的意思就是讓人冷靜,不要生氣。remainder n. 殘余,剩余物,其他人員the remainder the rest 剩余的人/物remains n殘留物,遺跡,遺體remaining adj. 剩余的(作前置定語)it remains to be seen whether是否還有待證明根據漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)史密斯先生還是那么活躍。 Mr. Smith remains so _ (act)(2)杰西卡會完成剩下的任務。 Jessica will accomplish the _ (remain) task.activeremaining 1 . in search of 尋找 She moved to London in search of fame and fortune. 她為了追逐名利,搬遷到了倫敦。search for尋找(某人或某物)search某人或某地for為找到某物或某人而搜查某地或搜某人的身 search與與search for search作“尋找,搜尋”的意思時,賓語一般是地點,表“在中搜尋”;如果是人時,表示“搜的身”。search for后面的賓語是人或物,表示“尋找”。 in ones search for / in search of 尋找,搜尋(介詞詞組).用search, search for填空 (1)The police _ the prisoner to see if he had a gun. (2)A mother bird is _ food. (3)Scientists are_ a cure for the disease.searchedsearching for/in search ofsearching for/in search of.根據漢語意思,完成英文句子 (4)父母到處找孩子,但沒有找到。 The parents _ their child here and there, but they didnt find him.(5)他出去找些吃的東西。 He went out _something to eat.searched forin search of(6)這對夫婦為了他們丟失的狗找遍了整條街。 The couple _ the whole street for their lost dog.searched 2. belong to 屬于 Twothirds of the members belong to the wealthy class. 三分之二的成員屬于富有階級。 注意:注意:該短語只用于主動語態(tài),不能用于被動語態(tài);只用于一般時態(tài),不用于進行時態(tài)。不要受漢語“屬于某人的”的影響而在belong to后誤接表示“某人的”的物主代詞或者名詞的所有格;而要接賓格或者直接接名詞。用給詞的正確形式填空(1)中國是個發(fā)展中國家,屬于第三世界。 China is a developing country, _(belong) to the Third World.(2)我們是同齡人。 We _ (belong) to the same generation.(3)這是你我之間的秘密。 The privacy _ (belong) to you and me.belongingbelongbelongs 3. in return 作為回報 He helps colleagues sincerely while demanding nothing in return. 他真心實意地幫助同事,并不求回報。 in return for his humane deeds作為對他的善行的回報in turn 依次; take turns 依次,輪流根據漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)他給我們如此多的幫助,我想為他做些事作為報答。 He has given us so much help that I really want to do something for him _.(2)她依次向每一個人問同樣的問題。 She asked the same question of everyone _.in returnin turn 4. take apart 拆開,打敗,嚴厲批評 This robots job is to take apart bombs that may go off. 這種機器人的工作就是拆除那些可能爆炸的炸彈。take apart the radio 拆錄音機take close friends apart 拆散好朋友take apart the opposition 打敗對手根據漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)把表拆開容易,裝起來卻難。 Its easy _ but difficult to put it together again.(2)像他這樣的拳擊老手理應能夠輕易地打敗他年輕的對手。 An experienced fighter like him should be able to _.to take a watch aparttake his young opponent apart easily (3)他把我的文章批評了一頓,但我認為他的批評有幫助。 He _ but I find his criticism helpful.takes my essay apart5. think highly/well of 高度評價 Enterprises nowadays think highly of product and service innovation, in order to enhance their competitive advantages. 現(xiàn)代企業(yè)為增強其競爭優(yōu)勢而日益重視產品和服務的創(chuàng)新。speak highly of 高度評價praise highly of 高度表揚think poorly of 看清;看不起think little of 沒把當回事think nothing of 認為很平常think well of 重視根據漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)他的繪畫受到世界上一些專家的好評。 Some experts of the world_his paintings.(2)所有的礦工們都沒有把上個月的爆炸當回事。 All the miners _ the explosion last month.think / thought highly ofthought little of(3)人們到處歌唱新生活。 Everywhere people _ their new life.praise highly of 1. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could_never_have_imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. 普魯士國王腓特烈威廉一世絕不可能想到他送給俄羅斯人民的厚禮竟會有這樣一段令人驚奇的歷史。 情態(tài)動詞have done的用法: (1)could have done 本能做某事卻未做 couldnt / cant have done 對過去的否定推測,表“不可能干了某事” (2)must have done 對過去的肯定推測,表“一定干了某事” (3)may / might have done 對過去的推測,表 “可能已經干了某事” (4)neednt have done 本不必做某事卻做了 (5)should have done 本該做而未做 shouldnt have done 本不該做卻做了 Had it not been for your help, I could never have done it. 如果你不幫忙,我是絕對做不成的。根據漢語意思,完成英文句子(1)她可能這樣說過。 She _ so.(2)在那樣的情況下,我們本來可以做得更好的。 In those circumstances we _better.may have saidcould have done(3)你本該早些告訴我這件事的。 You _ me this earlier.(4)他可能讀過那本書嗎? _ the book?should have told Can / Could he have read 2 . I n 1 7 7 0 t h e r o o m w a s c o m p l e t e d the_way_she_wanted. 1770年,這間琥珀屋按照她的要求竣工了。 the way后面的定語從句,關系詞若在從句中作狀語,相當于“用這種方式/方法(in this way)”時,通常不用關系詞,偶爾用that,在較正式的文體里用in which;如果關系詞在從句中作主語或賓語,只能根據情況選用that或which,不能用in which。 Computers have changed the way that we work and play. 計算機已經改變了我們的工作和娛樂方式。根據漢語意思,完成英文句子 我討厭你跟我說話的方式。 I hate the way _ you speak to me.that / in which / 不填 簡單句合并成并列句或復合句簡單句合并成并列句或復合句 有時為了增強意義,使句子更加連貫,結構更加緊湊,語言更加生動,信息更加準確,我們要對簡單句進行整合。如果我們把兩個或兩個以上的簡單句由并列連詞and, but, or等連在一起,我們就得到并列句。如: Last year I met Kate. We became friends. Last year I met Kate and we became friends. 去年我和凱特相遇,我們成了朋友。 The future is bright. The road is tortuous. The future is bright but the road is tortuous. 前途是光明的,但是道路是曲折的。 Put on more clothes. Youll catch a cold. Put on more clothes or youll catch a cold. 多穿點衣服,否則你會感冒。 School is over. All the teachers are still working. School is over, yet all the teachers are still working. 學校放學了,可是老師們仍然在工作。 若在兩個或多個簡單句之間加上when, after, because, which, who, where, why等從屬連詞,我們就可以使簡單句變成復合句,從而擴展成高級句子?!纠纠?】 The foreign visitors took a lot of pictures. They were at the Great Wall. (改為含狀語從句的復合句) The foreign visitors took a lot of pictures when they were at the Great Wall. 外國游客在長城上拍了很多照片。 【例【例2】 a. The weather turned out to be very good. It was more than we could expect.(改為含定語從句的復合句) The weather turned out to be very good,which was more than we could expect. 天氣轉晴了,這是我們沒有想到的。 b. The weather turned out to be very good. It was more than we could expect.(改為含名詞性從句的復合句) It was more than we could expect that the weather turned out to be very good.按要求完成句子 1. You can have a rest. You can go to the cinema.(合并成一個并列句) _You can have a rest or you can go to the cinema. 2. We can send emails anywhere at any time. We can get the latest information from the Internet. (合并成一個并列句)_ 3. You must tell the truth. You will be punished. (合并成一個并列句)_ We can send emails anywhere at any time and we can get the latest information from the Internet. You must tell the truth,or you will be punished. 4. She has difficulty in learning English. She works hard. She is making rapid progress. (合并成一個并列句)_ She has difficulty in learning English, but she works hard and is making rapid progress. 5. The news encouraged us all greatly. Our women volleyball team had won the championship. (改為含名詞性從句的復合句)_ The news that our women volleyball team had won the championship encouraged us all greatly. 6. A man doesnt learn from others. A man cant achieve much. (改為含定語從句的復合句)_ A man who doesnt learn from others cant achieve much. 7. The film had begun. We got to the cinema. (改為含狀語從句的復合句)_ The film had begun when we got to the cinema.


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