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2019-2020年三年級上冊1.8三位數(shù)(末尾有0)乘一位數(shù)的筆算word教學設計一教材分析(一)教學內容分析三位數(shù)(中間有0)乘一位數(shù)的筆算是本單元三位數(shù)乘一位數(shù)的難點。本節(jié)課是在學生學習了三位數(shù)乘一位數(shù)的筆算方法的基礎上進行教學的,首先進行“0和任何數(shù)相乘都等于0”的教學,然后再教學“一個因數(shù)中間有0的計算方法”。根據小貓釣魚的情境圖,結合本校是在下木村水庫邊這一實際情況,向學生進行滲透法制教育中華人民共和國水污染防治法。(二)教學對象分析學生已學習了三位數(shù)乘一位數(shù)的筆算方法,解決了乘的順序和豎式寫法的問題,根據學生對這些知識的掌握情況,相信大部分學生會用舊知遷移新知,個別學生計算或書寫上會有困難。二教學目標 (一)知識目標掌握“0和任何數(shù)相乘都等于0”的規(guī)律;掌握一個因數(shù)中間有0的計算方法,理解算理。(二)能力目標結合具體情景,能應用所學知識解決學習中的簡單問題,培養(yǎng)學生應用意識和能力。(三)情感目標滲透法制教育中華人民共和國水污染防治法第四十七條、第四十九條。三教學重難點(一)重點掌握“0和任何數(shù)相乘都等于0”的規(guī)律。(二)難點理解一個因數(shù)中間有0的乘法的算理。 四教學過程 (一)創(chuàng)設情景1口算:(小黑板出示)3002 6002 6400 7900 203 303 400設疑:400=0還是400=40?你能給出合理的解釋嗎?【設計意圖:用“小黑板”出示口算題的情景誘發(fā)學生學習的興趣。銜接后面的數(shù)學問題。使得整個教學環(huán)節(jié)環(huán)環(huán)相扣,過渡順暢自然。】2揭示研究問題:有關0的乘法(二)探索新知1探索理解“0與任何數(shù)相乘都得0”(1)出示:例8小貓釣魚情境圖。師:小黃貓、小紅貓、小藍貓又去河邊釣魚了,我們一起去看看它們今天又有什么收獲呢(出示小貓釣魚圖)師:3只小貓一共釣了多少條魚?你怎么看出來的?學生回答。師:你能用加法算式表示嗎?板書:0+0+0=0你能改寫成乘法算式嗎?指名匯報,學生回答。板書:03=0或30=0師:你是怎么知道得數(shù)是0的?學生答出:因為3個0相加等于0,所以03=0。2滲透法制教育中華人民共和國水污染防治法(1)第四十七條使用農藥,應當符合國家有關農藥安全使用的規(guī)定和標準。運輸、存貯農藥和處置過期失效農藥,應當加強管理,防止造成水污染。第四十九條國家支持畜禽養(yǎng)殖場、養(yǎng)殖小區(qū)建設畜禽糞便、廢水的綜合利用或者無害化處理設施。畜禽養(yǎng)殖場、養(yǎng)殖小區(qū)應當保證其畜禽糞便、廢水的綜合利用或者無害化處理設施正常運轉,保證污水達標排放,防止污染水環(huán)境。(2)要求學生不能私自下河游玩、洗澡或撈魚,要求家長不能亂打農藥和亂排污水進入水庫。3完成教材第21頁的“試一試”中的算式:07= 80= 00=指名匯報,說說你是怎么知道的?教師:現(xiàn)在你知道400=0還是400=40?你能給出合理的解釋嗎?4小結:0與任何數(shù)相乘都得0。【設計意圖:提供學生獨立探究的空間,使學生經歷0與任何數(shù)相乘都得0的計算過程。提供正確的計算,解決學生計算方法上的模糊認識。提供觀察比較的機會。并根據小貓釣魚的情境圖,結合本校是在下木村水庫邊這一實際情況,向學生滲透法制教育中華人民共和國水污染防治法】5出示例9:體育館一個看臺有102個座位,4個這樣的看臺一共有多少座位?師:一個看臺有102個座位,那么4個看臺有多少個座位呢?先請小朋友估計一下4個看臺大約有多少個座位?師:說說你是怎樣想的?學生回答大約有400個。師:他估計得對不對呢?請小朋友一起來算一算。指名一人板演。1 0 24 4 0 8師:指著十位上的0問:為什么十位上寫0?生回答因為十位上0和4相乘得0。師:看來4個看臺有408個座位,剛才小朋友估計得完全正確,你們可真厲害!【設計意圖:使學生經歷三位數(shù)(中間有0)乘一位數(shù)的筆算乘法的計算過程。提供正確規(guī)范的計算,解決學生計算方法上的失誤現(xiàn)象。】(三)鞏固練習1第22頁的“想想做做”第2題。學生做在書上,指名4個學生板演,集體訂正得數(shù)。師:為什么后面三道題目積的中間沒有“0”呢?學生回答:因為用一位數(shù)去乘被乘數(shù)的個位滿幾十,就要向十位進幾。引導觀察:今天計算的三位數(shù)乘一位數(shù)有什么共同的特點?揭示課題:乘數(shù)中間有0的乘法。2“想想做做”第3題出示題目,讓學生先找一找每個題錯在哪里,再改正過來,把正確的答案寫在旁邊。學生獨立完成,集體訂正。3“想想做做”第5題。(1)編2個中國結要用多少厘米?(學生獨立解答)(2)要求還剩下多少厘米?需要知道哪些條件?原來有多少?已經用去了多少厘米?4“想想做做”第6題。師:下面我們一起來看看第6題,說說你從圖中知道了哪些信息?師:你能估計出3個書架大約有多少本書嗎?你是怎么估計出來的?指名學生回答。引導學生完成,訂正時讓學生說說是怎樣完成的?【設計意圖:通過教學練習題,讓學生進一步掌握三位數(shù)(中間有0)乘一位數(shù)的筆算方法,從而培養(yǎng)學生解決相應實際問題的能力?!浚ㄋ模┛偨Y1師:同學們,今天你們學到了哪些知識?2請小朋友回想一下我們在筆算的時候要注意什么呢?(五)作業(yè)完成第22頁第1、4題。(六)板書設計三位數(shù)(中間有0)乘一位數(shù)的筆算0+0+0=0 03=0或30=01024=408(個)1 0 24 4 0 8五教學反思 這一課是孩子們很容易犯錯誤的地方。一個因數(shù)中間有0的乘法是學生學習乘法的一個難點,在知識上學生已有多位數(shù)乘一位數(shù)計算方法的基礎,因此本節(jié)課關鍵是0和任何數(shù)相乘都得0這一結論。通過教學后,我認為比較成功地體現(xiàn)在以下兩點:第一、在情境創(chuàng)設上,從學生的生活實際出發(fā)。教學時,通過讓學生自己探索情境圖,激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,學生算出3只小貓一共釣了多少條魚,根據乘法算式的意義得出03=0、30=0。聯(lián)系小貓釣魚這一問題情境,使他們感受到“問題”就存在于生活中,就存在身邊,每時每刻都會產生,而解決問題又是我們的需要,拉近了數(shù)學問題與學生情感的距離。練一練中的07=0、80=0和00=0是乘法的補充定義,通過讓學生思考交流加深對0和任何數(shù)相乘都得0的結論。第二、在解決問題上。探究活動中的教學是讓學生運用類推的方法思考當因數(shù)中間有0時,如何計算,在這里將學習自主權留給了學生,培養(yǎng)學生的遷移類推能力。在學生自主探索過程中,教師及時針對學生存在的問題,讓學生在解決存在的問題中掌握正確的計算方法。對于學生問題意識的培養(yǎng)大有好處,因為課堂上學生的表現(xiàn)給了我較肯定的回應。同時較大的空間也為學生提供了自己選擇的空間,體現(xiàn)了不同的學生學不同的數(shù)學的思想。本班的學生對本節(jié)課所教學的知識掌握得比較好,但還有少數(shù)的同學在計算中出現(xiàn)了一些失誤,有些還掌握得不大好,也許是我教學經驗的還不足,因此我將在以后的教學中,不斷的自我學習、自我反思、自我總結,以便能更好地勝任小學數(shù)學的教學工作。附送:2019-2020年三年級上冊3AM1Unit3Intheclassroom4課時表格式英文教案Language focus:1. Using formulaic expressions to greet people.e.g. Hello. 2. Asking Wh-questions to find out a persons identity.e.g. Whats your name?2. Using verbs to introduce oneself.e.g. Im Danny.Language skills:Listening: a) Understand simple instructions.e.g. Colour your name card.b) Discriminate between words with different initial sounds e-,f-,g-,h-,Speaking: 1. Use modeled phrases to municate and elicit responses.e.g. Whats your name?2. Open an interaction by eliciting a response.3. Pronounce correctly words in isolation with initial sounds.e-, f-, g-, h-, and i-Materials: SB P8 cassette WB P4 ,35,36,37Preparation:Say “Hello Hi”each other. ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task Preparation1.What your name?Im2.Explain:Whats=What is1. Introduce: Whats your name? To elicit: Im2. Practice the question and answer with students.3. In pairs, the students practise the question and answer.4. Play the cassette for P8. The students listen and repeat. Explain the contraction: Whats is the same as What is.5. Select pairs to e out and act their dialogue. 強調Whats=What isWhile-task ProcedureA relay raceHave a relay race. Ask the student act the front of the first row: Whats your name? He /Sheanswers: Hello, Im(name) while putting up his (her) hand.The chain continues down the row.Post-task activitiesWookbook1. Distribute all the name cards for the students Book characters used so far to groups. The rest of the group ask the students with name cards :”Whats your name?” The student then answers with the name of the character: Imand holds up the name card.2. Workbook P4:a. Read the dialogues .Ask the students to supply the missing words orally.b. Ask individuals to e out and write the missing on the blackboard. Ask other students to correct any spelling mistakes.c. Students trace and write in the missing words in the bookLearn the letters:1. Play the cassette: Learn the letters: E “e” elephant.2. The students listen and point in their books.3. The students listen and repeat the sound.4. Repeat the process.5. Have the students enter the vocabulary in the relevant page of their personal vocabulary book.6. workbook P35, 36 and 37.Handwriting practice for Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii利用活頁人物認識名字,再讓學生在班內進行問答操練。ConsolidationexercisesGrammar Practice Book P5Assignment 教后感:句型What your name?Im是本課重點。但是有個小的問題是以后會出現(xiàn)who are you?以后還是會出現(xiàn)問題的,所以在本節(jié)課中我預先埋伏了一下。Unit 3 In the classroom(Second Period)Language focus: 1. Using verbs to describe conditions e.g. Youre 2. Using formulaic expressions to confirm/deny identity e.g. Yes, Im /No, Im Language skills: Speaking: Use modelled phrases to municate and elicit a response Materials: SB P9,cassette , WB P5,Card, disponsable wooden chopsticks, scissors, sticky tape Photocopiable pages 2-6 and 8Preparation:Collect sufficient card and disposable chopsticks to make character masks; scissors and sticky tape.ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task PreparationYoureYes. / No.2.Read the dialogue.A. Write the names of the characters in the Students Book met so far on the board. Practise reading them. Explain given names and surmanes.B.1. Introduce: Youre ; Yes; No. 2. Play the cassette for page 9. 3. The students listen and repeat. The students follow the dialogue in their books. 4. Read the dialogue. Play the cassette again, if necessary.通過了解,介紹對方,為新課作鋪墊。While-task ProcedurePlay the game1. The students play the game in small groups at the front of the class. The students use their own names.2. The students make masks for: Miss Fang; Kitty: Ben; Mr Li; Mrs Li; Mr chen; grandma; Alice. Photocipy and enlarge Photocopiable page 2 and page 8.Use Pieces of card to make masks , then mount them on a chopstick, using sticky tape. This will allow the students to hold the masks up.Play the game again, this time using the characters in the book, will small groups at the front of the class.猜一猜的游戲操練句型。Post-task activitiesDo exercises Workbook page 5A. Review the letters a to f, Write the letters on the boardB. Read the statements on p.5. The students find the relevant characters and the identifying letter.C. Read the stastement, Ask: Whats the letter? To elicit: a, b, etc.ConsolidationGrammar Practice BookAt this stage 3A page 5 could be used to practise and consolidate the oral and written language used in thid section further.AssignmentUnit 3 In the classroom(Third Period)Language focus:1. Using a formulaic rhyming expression to start a guessing gamee.g. One, two, three, I see 2. Using nouns to indefinite article to refer to something for the first timee.g. I see a book.3. Usin formulaic expressions to affirm and deny e.g. Yes / NoLanguage skills: Speaking: Open an interaction by eliciting a response Listening: Recognize differences in the use of intonationMaterials:SB P10,cassette, Word and Picture Cards 3A, WB P6Preparation:Ensure all the realia items are available.ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task PreparationIntroduce:I seeSay: I seeLearn the new wordsMake sentences.A. Use the game format One, two, three, I see to revise the students names and the characters (use picture cards). Say: One, two, three, see; then look at an individual. The class must guess. Use as a chain drill; each student says: One, two, three, I see ; and looks at a classmate. The nest student must say that students name.B.1. Introduce the new vocabulary, using classroom realia and the picture cards 2. Practise the nouns by using flashcards and pointing to the items. 3. Encourage individual students to do the same.C.1. Introduce One, two, three and practise the guessing game with the items. 2. Play the cassette for page 10. The students follow the dialogue in their books. 3. Explain use of indefinite article a. Encourage students to use the article before each noun.While-task ProcedureGame: guessing1. The students play the guessing game shown on page 10 as a class and/or group activity.2. The students play the guessing game shown on page 10 as a class and/or group activity.Post-task activitiesDo exercisesWorkbook Page 6A. Read the nouns on page6B. The students trace with their finger, joining the pictures and the words. Walk round the class, checking that the students understand the taskC. The students trace the words, join the objects and the words and color the objects.ConsolidationGrammar Practice BookAs the stage Grammar Practice Book 3A page 6 could be used to practise and consolidate the oral and written language in this section furtherStudents self-assessment on P58.Assignment”教后感:這是一個韻律的兒歌,讀起來比較容易上口,但其實還是有很大難度的,單詞的掌握,以及祈使句的新接觸都是重點。Unit 3 In the classroom(Fourth Period)Language focus: Review and check the knowledge of this unit.Materials: SB P8-10, cassette, WB,Practise and AssessmentPreparation:Play a game: “One,two,threeI see”ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task PreparationReview:Words and sentences1. Open the studentsbook to P810, let students read the words and sentences.6. Listen to the tape and follow it.7. Practise in pairs:Whats your name? ImYoure Yes,Im/No,ImI see Consolidationexercises1. Oxford English Practice and Assessment Series (Module1Unit3 A:Look and write E:Listen and draw F:Read and match)2. Students self assessment P58Assignment


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