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2019年(秋)六年級英語上冊 Unit1 How can I get there教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019年(秋)六年級英語上冊 Unit1 How can I get there教案 人教PEP.doc

2019年(秋)六年級英語上冊 Unit1 How can I get there教案 人教PEP教學案例一、學生情況說明小學六年級的學生通過三年的英語學習,在聽、說、讀、寫等方面都有了很大提高,并且能在教師的指導下很好地完成活動,達到既定的目標。但是他們還不能很好地控制情緒,集中注意力,這就需要教師在活動過程中作為教學活動的組織者、學習知識的指導者、學生學習的合作者、學習過程的評價者、問題情境的創(chuàng)設者,運用呈現(xiàn)、操練、交際等活動,發(fā)展學生的綜合語言運用能力。2、 設計理念采用活動途徑,倡導參與教學,根據(jù)小學生的心理生理特點及學習特征,利用任務型教學讓小學生通過感知、體驗、實踐、參與和合作探究等活動方式,實現(xiàn)任務的目標,感受成功。在本節(jié)課中,我通過創(chuàng)設各種情境,設計貼近生活的各種活動,鼓勵學生積極參與,大膽表達。如讓學生當一回“問路者”和“指路者”,讓學生用所學的語言與朋友自如地交流等,創(chuàng)建了一個以活動課為主的任務型教學模式。在一系列的活動中,學生能用極大的熱情投入到英語學習過程中,并能在40分鐘的課堂里,真正有所收獲。三、教學目標:1.知識目標1)能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞hospital、cinema、post office、bookstore,能夠聽、說、認讀science museum。2)能夠聽、說、認讀句型Where is the library? Its near the post office.并能進行關鍵詞的替換。2.能力目標1)能夠在實際情境中正確使用詢問路線的語言并能簡單回答,如:Where is the library? Its near the post office.3.情感態(tài)度目標:1)培養(yǎng)學生團結友愛、樂于助人的優(yōu)良品質(zhì)。2)培養(yǎng)學生在生活中自覺遵守交通規(guī)則的意識。四、教學重、難點:結合教學目標的要求,把本課的重難點設置為:1. 教學重點:掌握Lets learn部分的四會單詞和短語。2. 教學難點:正確書寫四會單詞和掌握三會單詞museum的發(fā)音。五、課前準備:依據(jù)教學目標和教學重難點的設置,教學準備了教學卡片,自制課件,學生自制單詞卡片等等。六、教學過程: 熱身 / 復習(Warm-up / Revision) 設 計 意 圖1. Sing a song: How do you go to school?2. Daily Oral PracticeT:Just now we sing the song, and the singer asks if you can go to school by ship or train. Can you?S: No, we cant.T: Then, how do you go to school?S1: I go to school on foot.T: Can you spell foot?S1: Yes, f-o-o-t, foot.T: How do you go to Canada?S2: I go by plane.T: Can you spell plane?S2: Yes, p-l-a-n-e, plane. 3.Make a queueT: Id like to go to the park today. Who wants to e with me?S: Me, me ( T finds five students to e to the board and asks them who they are)T: (asks the five students to make a queue) Then where is Yu Jinna?S: She is in front of Sun Yanzhen. (writes in front of on the board)T: Where is Sun Yanzhen?S: He is behind Yu Jinna? (writes behind on the board)T: Where is Liu Lei?S: She is near Yu Jinna. (writes near on the board)T: Now, I will ask some other students to e with me and they should make the queue according to my order. Liu Shasha please. Hou Longxiao stands in front of Liu Shasha please. Li Tianyu stands behind Hong Longxiao please. Lou Wei is near Li Tianyu please. (the students make a new queue) Are they right?S: Yes, they are.4.Find the park.T: I want to go to the park, but I dont know where the park is. Who can help me? I am at school now. I will start from here. S: I can.T: Excuse me, how can I get to the park?S: You can go by the No.15 bus.T: Can I go there on foot?S: Yes, if you like. Its not far.T: Thank you.(T points at the board)T: I can go by the No.15 bus. What will the bus do, if the traffic light is red?S: Stop at the red light.T: If the light is yellow?S: Wait at the yellow light.T: If the light is green?S: Go at the green light.【設計意圖】利用free talk的形式為學生提供語言交際的機會,通過讓學生說說以何種交通方式到某個地方,鞏固復習學過的單詞和句子,并為學習新課奠定基礎。【設計意圖】通過創(chuàng)設排隊這一情景,讓學生通過參與、體驗等活動,總結歸納以前所學方位詞的用法,并練習where is.?這一句型,為下面展開新課做好鋪墊。【設計意圖】利用學生上單元所學習的對話,為學生創(chuàng)設一個問路的任務情景,為引出本課的總體情景打下基礎,同時培養(yǎng)學生助人為樂的精神和遵守交通規(guī)則的行為習慣。 呈現(xiàn) / 操練 ( Presentation / Practice)1. Learn the new words(1) T: The park is very beautiful, but I have to send a letter to my friend now. Where should I go? I am a stranger here. (T points to the board), can I go to a cinema?S: No.T: A hospital?S: No.T: A post office?S: Yes.(2) T: I have sent the letter. I want to buy a new book now, where should I go?S: Bookstore.T: Yes, but where is the bookstore?S: Its behind the post office. (3) T: I feel bad now. (教師做不舒服狀) Ive got a cold. I have to go to the hospital. Where is the hospital, can you help me?S: Its in front of the post office.(4) T: Im OK now. I want to see Harry Porter, where should I go?S: Cinema.T: Yes, a cinema, but Im a stranger. How can I find the cinema? What should I say?S1: Where is the cinema, please?S2: Its behind the park.S3: Its near the bookstore.T: (T points to the board) Behind the park, near the book store, its the S: Cinema.T: Good job.T: I know you all like robots. Theyre very interesting. If you want to visit robots, where should you go?S: Science museum.T: Museum is a difficult word. Lets read it once again.Ss: Museum.T: Remember you are a stranger here. What will you say?S1: Where is the science museum, please?S2: Its near the hospital.S3: Its in front of the park.T: (T points to the board) Near the hospital, in front of the park?S: Its the science museum.2Listen to the tape.Listen to the tape and read after it.【設計意圖】通過幫助老師送信這一情景,在板書和圖片的幫助下,引導學生幫助老師找到post office,同時利用方位介詞確定post office 的方位,自己總結出本課所學核心句型?!驹O計意圖】通過以上三個新詞的學習,學生已經(jīng)基本掌握問路與指路的表達法,所以在學習cinema和science museum這兩個新詞時,學生就可以成為課堂的主人,自己將這兩個新詞運用到實際情境中去。【設計意圖】通過聽錄音并跟讀這一環(huán)節(jié),再次訓練單詞和句子的發(fā)音并且糾正學生的錯誤發(fā)音,同時也鍛煉了聽力。拓展/鞏固(Extension/Consolidation)1.Say the words according to the picture.Point to the pictures on the board, say the words and spell them.2Make a dialogue.T: Use the map and make a dialogue with your partner.S1: Excuse me, where is the post office?S2: Its near the science museum.S1: How can I get there?S2: You can go by bike, its near.S1: Thank you.3Play a game.One student describes the location, the other student guess what place it is.S1: Its in front of the post office.S2: Is it the cinema?S1: No.S2: Is it the hospital?S1: Yes.【設計意圖】再次強化詞匯教學,進一步指導學生不夠熟練的詞匯?!驹O計意圖】通過看圖自創(chuàng)對話這一任務,靈活運用本節(jié)課所學內(nèi)容,鍛煉學生的口語表達能力和創(chuàng)新思維能力?!驹O計意圖】本環(huán)節(jié)首先考查了學生如何正確描述某個方位,同時考查了學生對本節(jié)課板書的注意程度。除此之外還運用了句型Is it,為下節(jié)的對話學習做好鋪墊。作業(yè)布置(homework)1. Make a dialogue based on the map, which is designed by the students.板書設計: Unit 3 My weekend plan B read and write Mid-autumn FestivalWill What are you going to do for Mid-autumn Festival?Im going to.七、教學反思這堂課我覺得有兩點比較滿意的地方:一是在呈現(xiàn)活動中引導激趣。我通過運用各種手段和方法,展現(xiàn)本節(jié)課的詞匯和句型。從利用歌曲引入本節(jié)課所授內(nèi)容,到引導同學幫助老師找到某個地方,再到學生自己去問路、指路,都圍繞著本節(jié)課的重點教學內(nèi)容展開,讓學生在形式豐富的活動中練習本節(jié)課的單詞和句型,并在活動中加深了學生間的友誼。二是我注重在交際活動中提高學生綜合運用語言的能力。我充分利用了合作學習這一模式,改變了傳統(tǒng)英語課堂中“教師講、學生聽;教師問、學生答”這種單一、單向的教學方式,使學生有了更多主動學習的機會。在設計課堂活動時,從讓學生完成基本對話練習,到讓學生創(chuàng)編對話,體現(xiàn)了從“抓”到“放”的過程,同時使這些任務活動具有了實際操作的意義,使課堂氣氛輕松、愉快。通過完成各種活動任務,使學生綜合運用語言的能力有了較大提高。這堂課使我深刻感受到小學英語教學要求創(chuàng)建的以活動課為主的任務型教學模式,不是簡單的動動玩玩,教學活動一定要有實效,要為主題服務,要為真正發(fā)展學生的綜合語言運用能力服務。在授課過程中,我也發(fā)現(xiàn)自身有很多不足,比如在操練過程中對于學生發(fā)音問題重視不夠,詞匯教學中對寫的要求落實不到位,在評價語上缺乏技巧和方法,不能針對學生特點進行個別評價,整堂課各環(huán)節(jié)時間分配不是很合理等一些細節(jié)上的問題,我會針對這些問題進行再思考,爭取下次上得更好。八、指導評析這節(jié)課很常態(tài)、很樸實、課堂容量比較大。在Preparation階段通過歌曲演唱熱身,然后將第一單元的交通方式、交通規(guī)則和以前學過的方位詞以認讀圖卡詞卡、對話、站隊、情景表演的方式進行復習。在Presentation階段,老師注意情景的運用,引出五個新詞時分別設置了寄信、買書、感冒買藥、看哈里波特、看機器人展覽的情景,在每個情景中教讀新詞、學生練習、然后將主句型與新詞結合加以鞏固。五個新詞全部出現(xiàn)后,在Practice階段通過認讀圖詞卡、描述猜地點、結合板書形成的地圖進行問答等形式加以操練。Production階段利用課本中的Pair work,讓學生設計自己的社區(qū),在書上寫的同時找一名同學上小黑板寫,再由她介紹自己的社區(qū),老師有針對性地詢問,為后面的問答作一個示范。因每名學生安排的社區(qū)布局不同,產(chǎn)生信息差,同桌間扮演“記者”采訪“設計者”,相互問答就顯得有意義,最后教師找?guī)捉M在全班同學面前展示出來。最后階段的Progress完成了活動手冊上的練習,進行了總結。整堂課老師全程英語教學,教學方法直接有效,雖然是農(nóng)村的孩子但是平時訓練到位所以語言水平比較好,六年級的學生也能踴躍舉手發(fā)言,這點比較可貴。這節(jié)課學生的主體地位體現(xiàn)得也比較好。存在的不足是在操練過程中對于學生發(fā)音問題重視不夠,hospital重音問題老師沒有及時糾正;詞匯教學中寫的要求落實不到位,只在最后設計社區(qū)時涉及到一點;評價語過于單一,缺乏即時評價和有針對性的評價;整堂課顯得前松后緊,各環(huán)節(jié)的時間分配需要再調(diào)整。附送:2019年(秋)六年級英語上冊 Unit1 How can I get there教案 人教版PEP教學案例一、學生情況說明小學六年級的學生通過三年的英語學習,在聽、說、讀、寫等方面都有了很大提高,并且能在教師的指導下很好地完成活動,達到既定的目標。但是他們還不能很好地控制情緒,集中注意力,這就需要教師在活動過程中作為教學活動的組織者、學習知識的指導者、學生學習的合作者、學習過程的評價者、問題情境的創(chuàng)設者,運用呈現(xiàn)、操練、交際等活動,發(fā)展學生的綜合語言運用能力。3、 設計理念采用活動途徑,倡導參與教學,根據(jù)小學生的心理生理特點及學習特征,利用任務型教學讓小學生通過感知、體驗、實踐、參與和合作探究等活動方式,實現(xiàn)任務的目標,感受成功。在本節(jié)課中,我通過創(chuàng)設各種情境,設計貼近生活的各種活動,鼓勵學生積極參與,大膽表達。如讓學生當一回“問路者”和“指路者”,讓學生用所學的語言與朋友自如地交流等,創(chuàng)建了一個以活動課為主的任務型教學模式。在一系列的活動中,學生能用極大的熱情投入到英語學習過程中,并能在40分鐘的課堂里,真正有所收獲。三、教學目標:1.知識目標1)能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞hospital、cinema、post office、bookstore,能夠聽、說、認讀science museum。2)能夠聽、說、認讀句型Where is the library? Its near the post office.并能進行關鍵詞的替換。2.能力目標1)能夠在實際情境中正確使用詢問路線的語言并能簡單回答,如:Where is the library? Its near the post office.3.情感態(tài)度目標:1)培養(yǎng)學生團結友愛、樂于助人的優(yōu)良品質(zhì)。2)培養(yǎng)學生在生活中自覺遵守交通規(guī)則的意識。四、教學重、難點:結合教學目標的要求,把本課的重難點設置為:3. 教學重點:掌握Lets learn部分的四會單詞和短語。4. 教學難點:正確書寫四會單詞和掌握三會單詞museum的發(fā)音。五、課前準備:依據(jù)教學目標和教學重難點的設置,教學準備了教學卡片,自制課件,學生自制單詞卡片等等。六、教學過程: 熱身 / 復習(Warm-up / Revision) 設 計 意 圖3. Sing a song: How do you go to school?4. Daily Oral PracticeT:Just now we sing the song, and the singer asks if you can go to school by ship or train. Can you?S: No, we cant.T: Then, how do you go to school?S1: I go to school on foot.T: Can you spell foot?S1: Yes, f-o-o-t, foot.T: How do you go to Canada?S2: I go by plane.T: Can you spell plane?S2: Yes, p-l-a-n-e, plane. 3.Make a queueT: Id like to go to the park today. Who wants to e with me?S: Me, me ( T finds five students to e to the board and asks them who they are)T: (asks the five students to make a queue) Then where is Yu Jinna?S: She is in front of Sun Yanzhen. (writes in front of on the board)T: Where is Sun Yanzhen?S: He is behind Yu Jinna? (writes behind on the board)T: Where is Liu Lei?S: She is near Yu Jinna. (writes near on the board)T: Now, I will ask some other students to e with me and they should make the queue according to my order. Liu Shasha please. Hou Longxiao stands in front of Liu Shasha please. Li Tianyu stands behind Hong Longxiao please. Lou Wei is near Li Tianyu please. (the students make a new queue) Are they right?S: Yes, they are.4.Find the park.T: I want to go to the park, but I dont know where the park is. Who can help me? I am at school now. I will start from here. S: I can.T: Excuse me, how can I get to the park?S: You can go by the No.15 bus.T: Can I go there on foot?S: Yes, if you like. Its not far.T: Thank you.(T points at the board)T: I can go by the No.15 bus. What will the bus do, if the traffic light is red?S: Stop at the red light.T: If the light is yellow?S: Wait at the yellow light.T: If the light is green?S: Go at the green light.【設計意圖】利用free talk的形式為學生提供語言交際的機會,通過讓學生說說以何種交通方式到某個地方,鞏固復習學過的單詞和句子,并為學習新課奠定基礎?!驹O計意圖】通過創(chuàng)設排隊這一情景,讓學生通過參與、體驗等活動,總結歸納以前所學方位詞的用法,并練習where is.?這一句型,為下面展開新課做好鋪墊?!驹O計意圖】利用學生上單元所學習的對話,為學生創(chuàng)設一個問路的任務情景,為引出本課的總體情景打下基礎,同時培養(yǎng)學生助人為樂的精神和遵守交通規(guī)則的行為習慣。 呈現(xiàn) / 操練 ( Presentation / Practice)1. Learn the new words(1) T: The park is very beautiful, but I have to send a letter to my friend now. Where should I go? I am a stranger here. (T points to the board), can I go to a cinema?S: No.T: A hospital?S: No.T: A post office?S: Yes.(2) T: I have sent the letter. I want to buy a new book now, where should I go?S: Bookstore.T: Yes, but where is the bookstore?S: Its behind the post office. (3) T: I feel bad now. (教師做不舒服狀) Ive got a cold. I have to go to the hospital. Where is the hospital, can you help me?S: Its in front of the post office.(4) T: Im OK now. I want to see Harry Porter, where should I go?S: Cinema.T: Yes, a cinema, but Im a stranger. How can I find the cinema? What should I say?S1: Where is the cinema, please?S2: Its behind the park.S3: Its near the bookstore.T: (T points to the board) Behind the park, near the book store, its the S: Cinema.T: Good job.T: I know you all like robots. Theyre very interesting. If you want to visit robots, where should you go?S: Science museum.T: Museum is a difficult word. Lets read it once again.Ss: Museum.T: Remember you are a stranger here. What will you say?S1: Where is the science museum, please?S2: Its near the hospital.S3: Its in front of the park.T: (T points to the board) Near the hospital, in front of the park?S: Its the science museum.2Listen to the tape.Listen to the tape and read after it.【設計意圖】通過幫助老師送信這一情景,在板書和圖片的幫助下,引導學生幫助老師找到post office,同時利用方位介詞確定post office 的方位,自己總結出本課所學核心句型?!驹O計意圖】通過以上三個新詞的學習,學生已經(jīng)基本掌握問路與指路的表達法,所以在學習cinema和science museum這兩個新詞時,學生就可以成為課堂的主人,自己將這兩個新詞運用到實際情境中去?!驹O計意圖】通過聽錄音并跟讀這一環(huán)節(jié),再次訓練單詞和句子的發(fā)音并且糾正學生的錯誤發(fā)音,同時也鍛煉了聽力。拓展/鞏固(Extension/Consolidation)1.Say the words according to the picture.Point to the pictures on the board, say the words and spell them.2Make a dialogue.T: Use the map and make a dialogue with your partner.S1: Excuse me, where is the post office?S2: Its near the science museum.S1: How can I get there?S2: You can go by bike, its near.S1: Thank you.3Play a game.One student describes the location, the other student guess what place it is.S1: Its in front of the post office.S2: Is it the cinema?S1: No.S2: Is it the hospital?S1: Yes.【設計意圖】再次強化詞匯教學,進一步指導學生不夠熟練的詞匯?!驹O計意圖】通過看圖自創(chuàng)對話這一任務,靈活運用本節(jié)課所學內(nèi)容,鍛煉學生的口語表達能力和創(chuàng)新思維能力?!驹O計意圖】本環(huán)節(jié)首先考查了學生如何正確描述某個方位,同時考查了學生對本節(jié)課板書的注意程度。除此之外還運用了句型Is it,為下節(jié)的對話學習做好鋪墊。作業(yè)布置(homework)2. Make a dialogue based on the map, which is designed by the students.板書設計: Unit 3 My weekend plan B read and write Mid-autumn FestivalWill What are you going to do for Mid-autumn Festival?Im going to.七、教學反思這堂課我覺得有兩點比較滿意的地方:一是在呈現(xiàn)活動中引導激趣。我通過運用各種手段和方法,展現(xiàn)本節(jié)課的詞匯和句型。從利用歌曲引入本節(jié)課所授內(nèi)容,到引導同學幫助老師找到某個地方,再到學生自己去問路、指路,都圍繞著本節(jié)課的重點教學內(nèi)容展開,讓學生在形式豐富的活動中練習本節(jié)課的單詞和句型,并在活動中加深了學生間的友誼。二是我注重在交際活動中提高學生綜合運用語言的能力。我充分利用了合作學習這一模式,改變了傳統(tǒng)英語課堂中“教師講、學生聽;教師問、學生答”這種單一、單向的教學方式,使學生有了更多主動學習的機會。在設計課堂活動時,從讓學生完成基本對話練習,到讓學生創(chuàng)編對話,體現(xiàn)了從“抓”到“放”的過程,同時使這些任務活動具有了實際操作的意義,使課堂氣氛輕松、愉快。通過完成各種活動任務,使學生綜合運用語言的能力有了較大提高。這堂課使我深刻感受到小學英語教學要求創(chuàng)建的以活動課為主的任務型教學模式,不是簡單的動動玩玩,教學活動一定要有實效,要為主題服務,要為真正發(fā)展學生的綜合語言運用能力服務。在授課過程中,我也發(fā)現(xiàn)自身有很多不足,比如在操練過程中對于學生發(fā)音問題重視不夠,詞匯教學中對寫的要求落實不到位,在評價語上缺乏技巧和方法,不能針對學生特點進行個別評價,整堂課各環(huán)節(jié)時間分配不是很合理等一些細節(jié)上的問題,我會針對這些問題進行再思考,爭取下次上得更好。八、指導評析這節(jié)課很常態(tài)、很樸實、課堂容量比較大。在Preparation階段通過歌曲演唱熱身,然后將第一單元的交通方式、交通規(guī)則和以前學過的方位詞以認讀圖卡詞卡、對話、站隊、情景表演的方式進行復習。在Presentation階段,老師注意情景的運用,引出五個新詞時分別設置了寄信、買書、感冒買藥、看哈里波特、看機器人展覽的情景,在每個情景中教讀新詞、學生練習、然后將主句型與新詞結合加以鞏固。五個新詞全部出現(xiàn)后,在Practice階段通過認讀圖詞卡、描述猜地點、結合板書形成的地圖進行問答等形式加以操練。Production階段利用課本中的Pair work,讓學生設計自己的社區(qū),在書上寫的同時找一名同學上小黑板寫,再由她介紹自己的社區(qū),老師有針對性地詢問,為后面的問答作一個示范。因每名學生安排的社區(qū)布局不同,產(chǎn)生信息差,同桌間扮演“記者”采訪“設計者”,相互問答就顯得有意義,最后教師找?guī)捉M在全班同學面前展示出來。最后階段的Progress完成了活動手冊上的練習,進行了總結。整堂課老師全程英語教學,教學方法直接有效,雖然是農(nóng)村的孩子但是平時訓練到位所以語言水平比較好,六年級的學生也能踴躍舉手發(fā)言,這點比較可貴。這節(jié)課學生的主體地位體現(xiàn)得也比較好。存在的不足是在操練過程中對于學生發(fā)音問題重視不夠,hospital重音問題老師沒有及時糾正;詞匯教學中寫的要求落實不到位,只在最后設計社區(qū)時涉及到一點;評價語過于單一,缺乏即時評價和有針對性的評價;整堂課顯得前松后緊,各環(huán)節(jié)的時間分配需要再調(diào)整。


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