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高考英語一輪 Unit1 A land of diversity課件 新人教版選修8(廣東專版)

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高考英語一輪 Unit1 A land of diversity課件 新人教版選修8(廣東專版)

高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 選修選修 8 Unit 1 A land of diversity 高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語Part A模仿朗讀請聽課文錄音,并跟讀課文,注意語音、語調和停頓Part B角色扮演角色:Jane and Zhang Mei情景:Zhang Mei 向Jane了解有關加州的信息。任務:請你扮演Zhang Mei,根據(jù)中文提示提出問題,請你的同桌扮演Jane,根據(jù)課文內容回答你的提問。1加州是美國第一大州還是第三大州?_高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語2加州的人口多嗎?_3住在加州的人都是美國人嗎?_4加州的主要特色是什么?_5最近幾十年移民加州的主要是哪些人?答案:1Q:Is California the first or the third largest state in the United States?A:It is the third largest state in the United States.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語答案:2.Q:Does California have a large population?A:Yes. It has the largest population of the country. 3.Q:Are all the people living in California Americans?A:No. People living in California are from every corner of the world. 4.Q:Whats the major distinction of California?A:It has been attracting people from all over the world and is the most multicultural state in the USA. People say it is a melting pot of many races and cultures. 5.Q:Who are the main immigrants in recent decades?A: People from Asia.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語Part C故事復述請結合上述問題答案,用自己的話復述課文。 提示詞:attract,immigrants,customs and languages,multicultural答案:California is the third largest state in the United States but has the largest population of the country. In history,California has been attracting people from all over the world,like the Spanish,the Russians and the gold miners. Nowadays,California has become home to more Asians. The customs and languages of the immigrants live on in their new home,which makes California the most multicultural state in the USA.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語.寫出下列必考單詞1大多數(shù),大半n._2牛(總稱)n._3聯(lián)邦制的,聯(lián)邦政府的adj._4侄子,外甥n._5代理,副職(構成成分,構成n. &adj.)_6發(fā)生;出現(xiàn)vi._7公正 n. _高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語8行李 n_9渡船,渡口n._10權威,當局,官方n._答案:1majority2.cattle3.federal4nephew5.vice6.occur7.justice8luggage/baggage9.ferry10.authority高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語.寫出下列單詞的變化形式1種族 n_;人種的adj._;種族主義n._;種族主義者n._2社會的adj._;社會主義n._;社會主義者/的n. &adj._3申請vt._;申請人n._;申請n._4國家,民族n._;民族的adj._;國籍n._5指出,表明vt._;指示者,指示器n._;指示,指標n._高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語6 清晰的,明顯的adj._;差別,區(qū)分,卓著n._7顯而易見的,顯然的adj._;顯而易見地,顯然地adv._答案:1race;racial;racialism;racialist2.social;socialism;socialist3.apply;applicant;application4.nation;national;nationality5.indicate;indicator;indication6distinct;distinction7.apparent;apparently高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 活學活用用所給單詞的適當形式完成句子1She is a native of Italy,that is to say,she is an_ _.(Italy)2They come from different _,so they have different _ customs. (race)3_,she took no notice of the_ _mistakes in the accident. (apparent)4He _that as an _I should give him some _of how I did in the test. (indicate)高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語5All the _ can _in person or by letter and at the same time should hand in their _before May 5th.(apply)6Mr. Liu is a supporter of_,he is totally a_. (social)答案:1Italian 2races;racial3Apparently;apparent4indicated;indicator;indications5applicants;apply;applications6socialism;socialist高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語.翻譯下列必背短語1用方法;借助_2謀生 _3(某人)想到_4與合作或工作_5畫線標出界線_6包括;吸收_7保持;沿襲(風俗)_高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語8許多;很多_9繼續(xù)存在 _10背靠背_答案:1by means of2.make a life 3.occur to4team up with5.mark out6.take in7keep up8.a great/good many9live on 10.back to back高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 活學活用根據(jù)括號中的解釋,從課文中找出恰當?shù)亩陶Z完成下列句子1The thief had wanted to escape _(by using) a secret tunnel,but was caught.2His parents were able to _(earn ones living) by fishing.3Nobody likes to _(cooperate with) lazy persons.4Only _(in this way) can you learn English well.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語5The UK _(include or cover sth.) England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland.6He _(draw lines around) the basketball court with paint.7The enemy _(continued sth.) their bombardment(轟炸)day and night.答案:1by means of2.make a life3team up with4.by this means5takes in6.marked out7.kept up高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語.重點句型It is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.(P2)美洲印第安人很可能在至少15,000年前就住在加利福尼亞。句型:It is likely that.有可能sb. is likely to do sth.某人有可能做某事高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 模仿造句(1)很可能今晚她給我打電話。_(2)湯姆有可能知道這個秘密。_答案:(1)Its very likely that shell ring me tonight.(2)Tom is likely to know this secret.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語.語篇領悟根據(jù)課文California完成下列短文 California is the_(1)_(three)largest state in the USA but has the largest population. It is the most multicultural state in the US. This is not_(2)_(surprise)when you know the history of California _(3)_has attracted people from nearly every country in the world. No one really knows what time the first _(4)_(settle)arrived in _(5)_ we now know as California. The scientists believe that the Native Americans reached Alaska_(6)_means of a land bridge. In the 18th century,California was ruled by Spain. Of the first Spanish to go to高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語California,the majority were religious men. In 1848,gold_(7)_(discover)in California and the dream of becoming rich quickly attracted people from all over the world. In fact,few achieved their dream,but most remained in California to make a life for themselves. In more recent decades,California_(8)_(become)home to people from Asia._(9)_ is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be _(10)_great that there will be no major racial or cultural group.答案:1third2.surprising3.which4.settlers5what6.by7.was discovered8has become9.It10.so高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語.考點活用用本單元所學詞組、句型翻譯下列短文自從1978年改革以來,中國經歷了移民大潮。致富的夢想吸引著成千上萬農民從農村來到城市,他們被叫做農民工。盡管辛苦,他們中的多數(shù)人都能適應城市生活,有些農民工甚至申請到了城市居民權。農民工通過努力工作為城市的繁榮作出了貢獻。高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語答案: Since the reform in 1978,China has experienced migration movements. The dream of becoming rich has attracted thousands and thousands of farmers from the countryside to the cities,who are called migrant workers. The majority of them can make a life in the cities despite great hardship,some of whom even have applied for right to live in the city. These migrant workers have made great contributions to the boom of the cities by means of working hard.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語It also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA(P2)加州與眾不同之處在于它也是美國最具多元文化的一個州 詞語歸納distinction差別,區(qū)分distinct 清楚的;明顯的 distinctly清楚地;明顯地make a distinction between A and B 把A與B區(qū)別開have the distinction of 有特點;不同凡響高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子(1)她不同凡響,成為第一個游過英吉利海峽的人。_(2)There was a _(明顯的局促不安的感覺)in the air.(3)Then scientists _.(把科學和藝術區(qū)別開來)答案:(1)She had the distinction of being the first woman to swim the Channel.(2)distinct sense of embarrassment(3)made a distinction between arts and science高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語2Scientists believe that these first settlers crossed the Bering Strait from Asia to Alaska by means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times.(P2)科學家們認為,這些最早的定居者是從亞洲通過史前時期曾經存在過的大陸橋,跨過白令海峽來到阿拉斯加的。 高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 詞語拓展將下列詞組譯成英語用辦法,借助_用這種方法_務必,一定_無論如何,以一切可能的手段_決不,無論如何也不_答案:(1)by means of(2)by this means(3)by all means(4)by any means(5)by no means高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練請用上述短語填空(1)He entered the room _the tree near the window.(2)You can get the answer quickly _.(3)You must finish the task on time _.答案:(1)by means of(2)by this means(3)by any means高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語3Of the first Spanish to go to California,the majority were religious men whose ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives.(P2)在首批移居加利福尼亞的西班牙人中,大部分是來向土著人傳授天主教的牧師。 高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 探究學習閱讀下列句子,學習majority的用法(1)The majority of students are hard-working. (the majority of后接可數(shù)名詞)(2)The majority of the damage is easy to repair. (the majority of后接不可數(shù)名詞)(3)Now a majority of women in this city often find jobs easily. (a majority of 復數(shù)名詞,表示“多數(shù),很多” 時,謂語動詞用復數(shù)。)高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練根據(jù)漢語完成句子(1)_(大部分人)seem to prefer TV to radio.(2)多數(shù)人贊成這個建議。_(3)He was elected_(以多數(shù)票)答案:(1)The majority of people(2)The majority was/were in favour of the proposal(3)by a large majority高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語4Theres a fascinating drive marked out for tourists.(P8)有一種專為旅游者選定的迷人的駕車游活動。 探究學習閱讀下列句子,注意mark的詞性及搭配(1)Who made these dirty marks on my new book? (n.痕跡;污點;斑)(2)The teacher gave him high/low marks for his geography. (n.分數(shù))(3)Prices are marked on the goods.( vt.在上作記號)(4)He was marked out for special training.(指定或者選擇某人/某物)高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練根據(jù)漢語完成句子(1)讀課文時最好把重要的句子劃出來。_(2)我們指定她當我們的教練。_答案:(1)While reading the text,you had better mark out the important sentences.(2)She was marked out for our coach.高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語5Its a 79km roundtrip that takes in all the famous tourist spots.(P8)這是一次往返79公里的旅行, 它覆蓋了所有著名的旅游景點。 詞語拓展翻譯下列短語(1)拿走_(2)收回(話等)_(3)別急_高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語(4)雇傭;具有(面貌、顏色)_(5)錯以為;誤以為是_(6)長得像_(7)從事;開始(某活動或愛好);占去;接著做_(8)吸收,吸引,收留,留宿,包容,理解,欺騙_答案:(1)take away(2)take back(3)take it easy(4)take on(5)take for(6)take after(7)take up(8)take in高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練用take off,take up,take on.as,take over,take in,take for,take back填空(1)The boss was asked to_ Bob_ an office boy.(2)The battle hero we _an ordinary soldier at first gave us an inspiring speech.(3)The plane _and headed north.(4)Did they_ _much after listening to my lecture? 高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語(5)Cars _a great deal of valuable space on the roads.(6)May I _what I promised you? Very sorry,I cant buy you a bicycle on time.答案:(1)take on;as(2)took for(3)took off(4)take in(5)take up(6)take back高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語6Some died or returned home,but most remained in California to make a life for themselves despite great hardship.(P2)有些人死了或回家了, 但是多數(shù)人盡管艱難,還是留在了加利福尼亞勞作謀生。 詞語歸納make a life 謀生earn ones living 謀生live/lead a.life 過著的生活。高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練根據(jù)括號中的漢語提示完成句子(1)His father_(靠教書為生)in the past.(2)His grandfather _(靠買賣二手房謀生)and left him a lot of money. (3)Thanks to the good policy,we are _(過著幸福的生活)now.答案:(1)made a life by teaching/earned his living(2)made a life by buying and selling second-hand houses (3)living/leading a happy life高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語7Team up with a couple from my hotel and hire a car.同飯店里的一對夫妻作伴,一起租了一輛小汽車。 詞語辨析hire; rent; employ; let都含“租用”或“出租”的意思。hire 有“雇”、“短期租借”的意思,如:hire servants 雇傭人;hire a hall for an evening 租禮堂用一晚上。rent 指“較長期地租用或租出(房屋、土地等)”,如:rent a house 租房子。let 指“出租(房屋、地產等)”,如:a house to let 出租的房屋。employ 指長期雇傭或聘用腦力勞動者。高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練用hire;rent;employ;let填空(1)Wed better _a car for the weekend. (2)He makes a life by _out his house to tourists. (3)She _for six months now. (4)There is a sign outside a house and the rooms are to _.答案:(1)hire(2)renting(3)hasnt been employed(4)let高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語8.many Chinese people applied for right to live in USA.(P8)很多中國人申請在美國的居住權。 詞語歸納be applied to 適用于,應用于,施加于,用來表示,與接觸 apply for 申請;請求apply oneself to 致力于,集中精力做某事 apply sth. to 把施于;把運用于apply to 關系到,牽涉到;適用于;運用于;向詢問高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 即學即練根據(jù)括號中的漢語提示完成句子(1)You will pass your exams_.(如果你真正專心致志)(2)_(你應該立即申請這次機會)in person or by letter.(3)What I have said_.(與你無關)(4)A nurse _(正給他的傷口敷答案:(1)if you really apply yourself to your work(2)You should apply immediately for the chance(3)does not apply to you (4)is applying some medicine to高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語摘要寫作技巧(5) 技巧點撥 有些文章的主旨在第一段,其余各段是對主旨的論證或補充,寫摘要時只需扣住首段要點即可。 有些議論文把主題句放在各段的開頭,這時,只要將各段首句相連就成了全文摘要。 活學活用 閱讀下列短文,以約30詞寫出該文摘要A SHANGHAI:The Transportation Information System for高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語 2010 Shanghai World Expo has been completed and put into trial operation,officials said yesterday. The system which consists of three sub-systems will provide seven options to receive transportation information,including websites,transportation guides,radio and TV broadcasting,hotlines,message signs,mobile phone and enquiry machines,to satisfy tourists requirements for transport information in the Expo garden and around the city at all time.Option 1:Official site for Expo traffic informationInspired by Aichi Expo and the Beijing Olympic Games,the Shanghai event will also launch its official website of traffic information,. Mobile phone users can log on高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語to The website delivers daily traffic information as well as travel guide around Expo garden,and advocate using public transport during the event.Option 2:Expo Transportation guideTwo portable travel guides were produced for the convenience of tourists in the Yangtze River Delta.溫馨提示:文章第一段介紹世博會期間上海的交通信息系統(tǒng)將通過七個途徑接收交通信息,這是文章主旨。接下來對細節(jié)(七個途徑)一一介紹。寫摘要時扣住第一段要義即可。高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語Disadvantages of life in big citiesAlthough big cities provide people with many conveniences,they certainly have their own disadvantages.Traffic is the first and often most serious problem. The majority of people spend a great deal of time on their way to work or coming back from work. During the rush time,all the streets are jammed with packed buses and endless lines of bicycles and cars,and almost avoidable traffic accidents occur,resulting in broken limbs and traffic deaths.Air pollution comes second. Factories and moving vehicles are constantly giving off smoke and harmful gases. There is no way高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語to get fresh air except to go out of the city on weekends or holidays. If the weather is bad,youll find the whole city overcast with smog. As a result,pollution induced diseases are now a common occurrence.However,noise and violence are to be found in every big city and the situation seems to get worse year by year. In short,life in big cities is rather unnatural and unhealthy. To me,it is silly of people to choose to live in big cities.溫馨提示:通過閱讀全文,不難看出短文中每一段的首句即為該段的中心思想。將每一段段落大意放在一起,在稍作修改后便可以作為這篇短文的概括。高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語答案:A The Transportation Information System for 2010 Shanghai World Expo has been completed and put into trial operation. The system consisting of three sub-systems will provide seven options to receive transportation information.(31 words)B In spite of their conveniences,big cities have many disadvantages,such as traffic,air pollution,noise and violence,which makes living in big cities unhealthy and unsafe.(27 words)高考總復習高考總復習人教版人教版英語英語祝祝您您


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