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天津市高考英語二輪復習 第四部分 閱讀表達 專題十九 理解捕捉具體信息課件

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天津市高考英語二輪復習 第四部分 閱讀表達 專題十九 理解捕捉具體信息課件

第四部分閱讀表達第四部分閱讀表達-2-命題規(guī)律備考策略閱讀表達的測試目的是從多方位、多角度考查考生通過閱讀獲取信息、處理信息并進行書面表達的能力。此題型不同于閱讀理解,它重視語言的綜合性和語境化因素,把語言知識放在實際的語境中考查,重視問題的真實性、情境性和應(yīng)用性。它不僅要求考生理解文章,還需要考生用自己的語言表達出來,而且要受到詞數(shù)的限制,因此,它比傳統(tǒng)的閱讀理解題型更具綜合性和主觀性,更能體現(xiàn)對考生綜合語言運用能力的考查。閱讀表達屬于主觀題,它能考查考生概括語言的能力、捕捉信息的能力、預測事實的推斷能力以及自主創(chuàng)新的能力。該題型的優(yōu)點在于既考查了考生的理解能力,又考查了考生的英語表達能力。它的另一個優(yōu)點是開放性,這給了考生一個非常廣闊的思維空間和表達空間。-3-命題規(guī)律備考策略一般來說,閱讀表達所采用的文章比閱讀理解篇章長度稍短,難度稍低。文章的選材貼近考生生活,時代感較強;體裁以說明、記敘、夾敘夾議等文體為主,所選取的篇章內(nèi)容邏輯性強,文章結(jié)構(gòu)嚴謹,層次分明,便于考生在閱讀的基礎(chǔ)上進行綜合理解。高考對于該題型的考查主要有以下幾種類型:1.理解捕捉具體信息;2.解釋畫線單詞或句子意思;3.概括主旨和要義;4.闡述寫作意圖;5.陳述個人觀點和態(tài)度。-4-命題規(guī)律備考策略20132017年高考英語天津卷閱讀表達試題考點統(tǒng)計-5-命題規(guī)律備考策略 一、養(yǎng)成良好的閱讀習慣,掌握一定的閱讀技巧。要善于概括文章或者其中某個段落的主旨大意以及作者的寫作目的,要善于分析和把握篇章的結(jié)構(gòu),推測作者的語氣、態(tài)度和觀點,捕捉文章的具體信息,理解特定環(huán)境中語言的含義。二、養(yǎng)成主動思考的習慣。在平時的閱讀中就要主動對文章的內(nèi)容或者作者的觀點進行討論和評價,對文中的故事情節(jié)或者作者的思路進行預測,對作者的語氣進行揣摩,形成主動思考的閱讀習慣。三、認真審題,準確表達。在回答題目之前要認真審題,判斷問題的類型,弄清題目的要求?;卮鹨嗅槍π?避免答非所問。注意問題后面的詞數(shù)要求,要書寫工整,表達準確。專題十九理解捕捉具體信息專題十九理解捕捉具體信息-7-考情概覽這類題目一般要求考生結(jié)合文中某個方面進行解答,通常要求答案固定或者唯一,且可在文章中找到明確的答案或者依據(jù),與閱讀理解中的細節(jié)理解題類似。作者一般會通過運用事實、分析原因或者對比事物間的關(guān)系等加以論證自己的觀點。-8-做該類題目時,首先要仔細地理解問題,明確問題問的是什么,然后按照題意進行尋讀,找到文中的重要事實或細節(jié),也就是快速準確地在文章中找到題目中所涉及的內(nèi)容,主要是在問題中和文章中搜索相似的關(guān)鍵詞,或關(guān)鍵句,這類題的答案一般都在文章中。從歷年試題來看,這類題目可難可易,可深可淺。因此在解答這類題時,考生要格外謹慎。需要特別注意,一般不要用文章中的原句作為答案,因為一般的問題都不會那樣直白。最好能對文章的細節(jié)信息進行簡單加工和整合,形成自己的語言,然后簡明扼要地寫下來。注意寫下的句子一定不要出現(xiàn)語法上的錯誤。這種命題形式非常靈活,往往對文章中的具體信息進行提問,通常用what,why,how等特殊疑問詞進行提問。-9-常見的回答方式有:WhyBecauseWhat句子、名詞或動詞-ing形式列舉名詞、動詞-ing形式HowBy doing-10-【典例分析】(2017天津卷)In the years of my growing up,Dad was strict with me.He made sure I made my bed and did my homework.He would call in advance to make sure there was no alcohol at the party.I got so angry with him for laying down the law.I would scream,“ I hate you!” Dad would yell back,“Good!I dont care!” Deep down I knew he did.One time at a party,I drank too much alcohol and got so sick.I said,“ Call my dad.” Next thing,Dad was carrying me to the car.I woke up the next morning,thinking I would definitely be criticised.As expected,I got a roasting,but I now understand why I needed discipline.-11-Dad was 29 when he got his big roles in films.I had an early start at the age of nine with a role in a 1990s TV series,but it wasnt until I finished film studies that I pursued my career as an actress.Like those early days for Dad,I faced lots of rejections.Working in such a competitive industry,Ive sometimes thought,“ I cant do this any more.”O(jiān)nce,after a trip to Hollywood,I returned to Australia so depressed and spent months in my bedroom painting,listening to Eckhart Tolles music and trying to find myself again.Dad sat me down and said,“Alice,I know its hard,but its all about persistence(堅持不懈).”-12-Now I get to work with Dad a lot,which I love.We are both passionate about acting,which comes from us being so interested in people.If it werent for Dad,I wouldnt be where I am today.Hes my biggest fan,and when you have that in your life you can go a long way.-13-58.What did Alices father do when she felt depressed?(no more than 5 words)_He encouraged/comforted/inspired her.由第四段中的“Dad sat me down and said,Alice,I know its hard,but its all about persistence.”可知,當Alice感到沮喪時,父親坐下來和她談心,給她安慰與鼓勵。59.According to the last paragraph,what do Alice and her father have in common?(no more than 10 words)_They are both passionate about acting and interested in people.由最后一段中的“We are both passionate about acting,which comes from us being so interested in people.”可知答案。-14-A AB BC C(2017天津第一中學第四次月考)On my first job as sports editor for the Montpelier Leader Enterprise(MLE),I didnt get a lot of fan mail,so my attention was caught by a letter on my desk one morning.When I opened it,I read:“Sweet piece of writing on the Tigers.Keep up the good work.”It was signed by Don Wolfe,the sports editor.Because I was a teenager(being paid the grand total of 15 cents a column inch),his words could not have been more inspiring.I kept the letter in my desk drawer until it got old.Whenever I doubted I had the right stuff to be a writer,I would reread Dons note and walk on air again.-15-A AB BC CLater,when I got to know him,I learned that Don made a habit of writing a quick,encouraging note to people in all walks of life.“When I make others feel good about themselves,”he told me,“I feel good,too.”O(jiān)ver the years,Ive tried to copy Don and write uplifting words.In a world too often cold and unresponsive,such notes bring warmth.Why are positive note writers in such short supply?My guess is that many who shy away from the practice are too self-conscious.They are afraid they will be misunderstood.Thus it may cause troubles and problems.And it sounds insincere on the phone.Also,writing takes time;it is far easier to pick up the phone.-16-A AB BC CThe drawback of phone calls,of course,is that they do not last.A note attaches more importance to our well-wishing.It is a matter of record,and our words can be read more than once,savored(回味) and treasured,and they bring strength and love to us.Today I sent a warm letter to my old boss.I dont know if it will make his day,but it made mine.As my friend Don Wolfe said,“Making others feel good about themselves makes me feel good too”.-17-A AB BC C1.What does the underlined part “walk on air” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?(No more than 5 words)Become confident./Feel good about myself./Become uplifted.2.According to the author,why arent people willing to write letters? (No more than 15 words)Because they may be self-conscious,and writing may cause misunderstanding,and it takes time.3.Why did the author write to his old boss?(No more than 15 words)To encourage him,make him feel good and the same to the author himself.4.Whats the text mainly about?(No more than 10 words)The power of a letter from Don Wolfe.5.Were you encouraged by anybody?And how?(No more than 25 words)Open.-18-A AB BC CNormally,I loved birthdays.When my son and three daughters were little,my husband,Charles,and I always made sure to have dinner,followed by a big cake and presents.Later,when the kids grew up and lived in different states,they always called to wish me a happy birthday.But this year I could have skipped the whole day,knowing there was one call I wouldnt be receiving,the one from my daughter Patty.Shed passed away unexpectedly just a month before.One thing which made me feel a little calm was a voice message that shed left on my cell phone the night before she died,telling me she loved me.-19-A AB BC COver the following days I played her message of wishes over and over again,listening to the last words she said,“I love you very,very much,Mom.” Then,a couple of weeks before my birthday,while I was doing laundry,I accidentally dropped my phone in the washing machine.Quickly I pulled it out and dried it off,but when I checked my voicemail,Pattys message was gone.I cried,heartbroken.Day after day I kept checking my voicemail,hoping Pattys message would reappear.It never did.-20-A AB BC COn the morning of my birthday,I received my sons wishes. However,all I wanted for my birthday was to hear Pattys voice again.“Happy birthday.” Charles said,“l(fā)ets go out for dinner and a movie.It might help take your mind off things.” Charles was right.I turned off my phone,settled into my seat in the movie theater and let the film take me away.But the minute it ended I started thinking about Patty again.As we were walking out of the theater,I turned on my phone.It rang,signaling Id gotten a voice message.Probably just my youngest daughter,Leslie,calling to wish me a happy birthday,I thought.I dialed up voicemail and the message began.It was Pattys voice,clear as a bell,saying again,“I love you very,very much,Mom.”-21-A AB BC C1.How did the family celebrate the authors birthday when the children were young?(No more than 10 words)By having dinner with a big cake and presents./They had dinner with a big cake and presents.2.Why didnt the author want to celebrate her birthday this year?(No more than 11 words)Because she knew she couldnt receive her daughter Pattys call/wishes.Or:Because her daughter Patty passed away and couldnt send her wishes.-22-A AB BC C3.How do you understand the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph?(No more than 8 words)It might help her forget sadness/sad things/Pattys death.4.What happened when the author was doing some washing one day?(No more than 15 words)She accidentally dropped her phone into the washing machine and lost the voicemail from Patty.5.What do you think of the story?Give your reasons in your own words.(No more than 20 words)(Open.) I think it is moving/touching.Because whatever happens,the great love between parents and children still exists.-23-A AB BC CThe only thing sweeter than finding a cupcake in your lunchbox is finding a loving,handwritten note.When Skye Gould was in the sixth grade,her mother sent her to school each day with an inspiring note packed in her lunch.The notes varied in their message,but always contained a piece of “Lunchbox Letter Advice.” More than a decade later,as her masters thesis(論文)for Ohio Universitys School of Visual Communication,Skye used dozens of the letters to create the website “Advice from My Mom.” The site shares the notes and encourages others to think about effective advice theyve received from their loved ones.-24-A AB BC C “It was important to me and I loved getting them,” Gould told the media about the letters.“Rereading them for the first time for the project,I didnt realize there were so many things that stuck with me.”Stephanie Skylar,Goulds mom,wrote her daughter more than 100 notes from 2003 to 2004,Gould said on her website.During this period,Skylar was working full-time and the notes allowed her to feel connected to her 12-year-old daughter when they were apart,and gave her confidence and advice.“Its a vulnerable(易受傷害的) time in any girls life.I wanted to implant positive messages in Skyes head without sounding like a strict mom,” Skylar said.“I didnt want her to fall into the pack with the others.I wanted her to be independent,strong and happy.”-25-A AB BC CThe letters were successful in their mission.Gould earned her masters degree earlier this month,and shared on her website that she is now working as a graphic designer in New York.“Shes kind and funny and it just turned out great,” Skylar told ABC about her daughters project.“Obviously those messages sunk in at some point;it just took 23 years to get it there.”-26-A AB BC C1.When did Skye Goulds mother begin to write notes to her?(No more than 10 words)When Skye Gould was in the sixth grade.2.Why did Skye Gould create the website“ Advice from My Mom”?(No more than 10 words)To complete her masters thesis.3.Why did Stephanie Skylar pack an inspiring note in her daughters lunch?(No more than 15 words)She wanted her daughter to be independent,strong and happy./She wanted to give her daughter positive messages.4.What does the underlined word“implant” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?(No more than 5 words)Pass on/Impart.-27-A AB BC C5.What do you think of Stephanie Skylars notes to her daughter?Give your reasons.(No more than 30 words.)They are very useful and powerful to her daughter.Not only did they help Skye Gould grow,but also helped her earn her masters degree.


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