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本科生畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)冊學院 XXX學院 專業(yè) 英語教育 班級 XXXX級英語教育X班學生 XXX 指導(dǎo)教師 XXX XXXX大學本科生畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)開題報告書XXX學院 英語教育 專業(yè) XXXX 屆學生XXX論文(設(shè)計)題目分析曼斯菲爾德莊園中的女性形象指導(dǎo)教師XXX專業(yè)職稱 XX所屬教研室高年級教研室研究方向英美文學課題論證:通過分析曼斯菲爾德莊園中的女性人物,了解小說表現(xiàn)出的維多利亞時期女性的生存狀態(tài)與思想狀態(tài)。方案設(shè)計:第一章介紹漫畫式的正統(tǒng)老一代形象,第二章個性揚的都市新一代形象, 第三章介紹特立獨行的女主人公形象。進度計劃:3月16日前確定初步論文題目3月23日前寫開題報告、任務(wù)書3月30日前提交論文提綱4月20日前提交初稿和文獻綜述5月8日前交終稿和評議書指導(dǎo)教師意見:指導(dǎo)教師簽名: 年 月 日教研室意見:教研室主任簽名: 年 月 日XXXX大學本科畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)任務(wù)書編 號:論文(設(shè)計)題目: 分析曼斯菲爾德莊園中的女性形象 學院: XXX學院 專業(yè): 英語教育 班級: XXXX級英語教育X班 學生: XXX 學號: XXXXXX 指導(dǎo)教師: XXX 職稱:XX 1、 論文(設(shè)計)研究目標與主要任務(wù)本論文的研究目標是對曼斯菲爾德莊園中的女性人物進行分析。其主要任務(wù)是通過分析曼斯菲爾德莊園中的女性人物,了解小說表現(xiàn)出的維多利亞時期女性的生存與思想狀態(tài)。2、論文(設(shè)計)的主要容 本論文分為三章,第一章介紹漫畫式的正統(tǒng)老一代形象,第二章介紹個性揚的都市新一代形象,最后一章介紹特立獨行的女主人公形象。3、論文(設(shè)計)的基礎(chǔ)條件與研究路線 本論文的基礎(chǔ)條件是國外對曼斯菲爾德莊園所做過的研究。 研究路線是對曼斯菲爾德莊園中的女性人物進行分析,分析她們的生存與心理狀態(tài)。4、主要參考文獻Edward, W. Said. 1994. Culture and Imperialism. Vintage Press.Jane, Austen. 1816. MansfieldPark. London: Greenwich ParkXia, Yanhua 夏延華. 情人誓言背后的真情與假意曼斯菲爾德莊園的復(fù)調(diào)解析(理工大學學報2010年第6期)Zhang, Danan丹丹.倔強的靈魂-略論奧斯丁的女權(quán)主義思想(當代文壇2001年第3期)5、計劃進度階段起止日期1確定初步論文題目3月16日前2與導(dǎo)師見面,確定大致圍,填開題報告和任務(wù)書,導(dǎo)師簽字3月16日-3月23日3提交論文提綱3月23日-3月30日4交初稿和文獻綜述3月30日-4月20日5交終稿和評議書5月8日前指 導(dǎo) 教師:年月日教研室主任:年月注:一式三份,學院(系)、指導(dǎo)教師、學生各一份XXXX大學本科生畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)評議書姓 名XXX學院XXX學院專業(yè)英語教育年級(班)XXX級英語教育X班論文題目分析曼斯菲爾德莊園中的女性形象完成時間XXX/5/8論文容摘要曼斯菲爾德莊園作為簡·奧斯丁轉(zhuǎn)型時期的作品,有著很大的作用。這部小說情節(jié)復(fù)雜,突發(fā)事件集中,諷刺意味濃重, 代表了簡·奧斯丁的藝術(shù)思想和成就。通過細讀曼斯菲爾德莊園,探討作品中的女性人物所體現(xiàn)出的女性意識,了解簡·奧斯丁為建立一種女性寫作傳統(tǒng)而做出的貢獻。除“引言”和“結(jié)語”外,本文主體分為三部分。引言部分介紹簡·奧斯丁在文學史上的地位,她寫曼斯菲爾德莊園時所處的社會狀態(tài)與心理狀態(tài),本文的研究目的和意義。主體部分則從“漫畫式的正統(tǒng)老一代形象”,“個性揚的都市新一代形象”和“特立獨行的女主人公形象”三個方面來分析小說中不同女性所體現(xiàn)出的女性意識。結(jié)語部分總結(jié)了對小說中女性形象的女性意識分析,凸顯曼斯菲爾德莊園的作用。指導(dǎo)教師評語 年 月日指導(dǎo)教師職稱初評成績答辯小組職稱教研室組長成員答辯記錄:記錄人簽字:年月日答辯小組意見:組長簽字:年月日學院意見:評定成績:簽章年月日Literature reviewMansfield Park was written by JaneAusten after she had published Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Pride and Prejudice (1813). It did improve Janes progress. The studies of Jane Austen loom so large in west literature. As early as in 1812, when Jane first put her work in public, study about her work had sprung. At that time, Scott wrote the first counted critical paper, An Unnamed about Emma, which gave an impersonal comment. Since then studies about Jane Austen came in a throng. In the research perspective, the western scholars had a variety of opinions and constantly developed a multi-level connotation of Janes work. Those who from the perspective of feminism and ecological criticism, considered that Janes work showed a distinctive view of feminism and worry and concern of ecology; who from the perspective of post-colonialism analyses the influence of English colonial expansion upon Janes work and reflect in her writing; who from the perspective of psychology unscrambled Janes theme of the works; who from the perspective of creative techniques discussed Janes irony in her productions; who from the perspective of reality and nature analyses Janes creative techniques. All of that made contributions to a more deep understanding of Janes works.Attentions from Chinese Literary Translation and Foreign Literature Studies rose at about in 1980s. Before 1980s, lots of critics commented that Janes life was narrow and theme was trivial, so Jane didnt get a due attention. Zhu Hong is Chinas earlier attention to Austen scholar, who compiledAusten Research in 1985, which did a comprehensive introduction of Austen and her works and opened a window for Chinese scholars to understand and study of Austen. Meanwhile, Kong Haili, Jin Guojia, Lou Chenghong had also translated some foreign critics of Austens article in Literary Theory. All of that had made the 1980s became a little climax for study of Austen. In 1990s, especially since 2000, Jane Austen and her works had become a hotspot in the literature translation and foreign literature research. Jane Austen's work has been made into movies, TV drama,The domestic press, such as the Yilin press, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, Nanjing University press, launched the Jane Austen's novels, essays, comments set, research results are more and more.Kong Zhili seriously and comprehensively translated all the works of Jane Austen. There are also other translators who have made a great contribution to the spread of Austen's works in China. There areZi Pei, Xiang Xingyao, Kong Zhili, Xi Yuqing, Su Dan, Li Yeyi and Zhang Yunlu who have translated Mansfield Park. The Jane Austen researchers think, Mansfield Parkgot a major breakthroughin the psychological description and narrative skill, and it is “a milepost” in the history of the British novel.This work was written after Jane Austen had experienced two major historical changes. In the works reflected the old aristocratic territory gradually invaded by the new bourgeoisie nobility.This is also Jane Austens first work reflecting the times background at that time.It makes Austen become a more mature female writer. Researches on theMansfield Park were mainly from fine cut-in point such as the study of language features, the image of Fanny, the structure andspirit connotation, imperialist feelings, moral value judgment,connotation oflocation, post-colonial cultural criticism, temporal and spatial extension, drama in the novel, , social and historical connotation, polyphony performance, absence of narrative to talk about.Papers about this novel includes Fu Wenpings analyze Jane Austens art of fiction in Mansfield Park, which focused on the grasp of the value of Austen characters, plot in the works, up to the whole structure, shape a perfect moral world.Lei Yuns Fanny Prices spiritual image: womans self - shaping and self-realization in Mansfield Park, which adopted the perspective of feminism, through the analysis of womans self - shaping and self-realization in Mansfield Park, put up with that Fanny, the heroine in the novel, as a female image with rich spiritual, condensate Jane Austens unique insights on the value of women and female influence. Then it pointed out that this novel got enlightenment significance to the contemporary women seeking self-liberation. Song Xiaohans the new female image in Mansfield Park, through the analysis of Fanny,proved that Jane Austen air the voice of feminism in the works and deeply questioned that British social prejudice against women at that time. Zheng Kes Definition and mood variation identitythe analysis of Fanny in Mansfield Park, through the definition of Fanny's identity to analyze her mood variation, further explained that Fanny's ethics code and language expression is affected by the different identity.Lin Wenchens as I read Mansfield Park, by Fanny and Marys contradictorylove and marriage consciousness,reproduced the rational and emotional consciousness in love and the extremely contradictory condition to reveal the significance and value. She thought that Jane Austen was an artist who wrote life from description of life, and her novel value lies in its perceptual representation of the contradictions of life which the writer are most concerned about.So far, feminist research on Mansfield Park is mostly on her marriage, money concept in the work, while it is still a blank about the female consciousnessreflected by the female characters in Mansfield Park. In shaping the image of women, what role does female consciousness play? What areas did the unique female consciousness embody in?This article will analyze Mansfield Park from the perspective of female consciousnessin order to answer the above questions.編號:本科生畢業(yè)論文題目:分析曼斯菲爾德莊園中的女性形象姓 名:XXX班 級:XXXX級X班指導(dǎo)老師:XXX專 業(yè):英語教育院 系:XXX學院英語系完成日期:XXXX年5月8日On Female Image in Mansfield ParkBYXXXXProf. XXXX, TutorA Thesis Submitted to Department of English Language and Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B.A in English At XXXXX UniversityMay 8th, XXXXAbstractMansfield Park, as a work in the transition period of Jane Austen, has a great effect. This novel had complex plots. There were a lot of unexpected events in it. It had a heavy irony in the lines. It represented the artistic thought and achievement of Jane Austen.Through a close reading of Mansfield Park, explore the female characters in the novel embodied in the female consciousness; learn about the contribution of Jane Austen to establish a tradition of female writing.Besides "Introduction" and "conclusion", the body of the paper is divided into three parts.The introduction part introduces Jane Austens status in the history of literature; the social environment and her psychological state when she wrote Mansfield Park; the purpose and significance of the research.The main part analyzes different women embodied in the female consciousness in the novel from three aspects as the image of the old orthodox comic female, the image of the young open citizen and the image of the maverick heroine. The conclusion part summarizes the analysis the female consciousness of the female image in the novel, highlight the Mansfield Park role.Key words: female image orthodox open maverick摘要曼斯菲爾德莊園作為簡·奧斯丁轉(zhuǎn)型時期的作品,有著很大的作用。這部小說情節(jié)復(fù)雜,突發(fā)事件集中,諷刺意味濃重, 代表了簡·奧斯丁的藝術(shù)思想和成就。通過細讀曼斯菲爾德莊園,探討作品中的女性人物所體現(xiàn)出的女性意識,了解簡·奧斯丁為建立一種女性寫作傳統(tǒng)而做出的貢獻。除“引言”和“結(jié)語”外,本文主體分為三部分。引言部分介紹簡·奧斯丁在文學史上的地位,她寫曼斯菲爾德莊園時所處的社會狀態(tài)與心理狀態(tài),本文的研究目的和意義。主體部分則從“漫畫式的正統(tǒng)老一代形象”,“個性揚的都市新一代形象”和“特立獨行的女主人公形象”三個方面來分析小說中不同女性所體現(xiàn)出的女性意識。結(jié)語部分總結(jié)了對小說中女性形象的女性意識分析,凸顯曼斯菲爾德莊園的作用。關(guān)鍵詞:女性形象 正統(tǒng) 揚 特立獨行 43 / 43Table of ContentsAbstractiiiAbstract in Chinese.ivIntroduction02Chapter I. The Image of the Old Orthodox Comic Female.05A. Lady in different life circumstances05B. Money marriage supporters.10Chapter II The Image of the Young Open Citizen.12A. The detach of love and marriage.12B. Pursuit the realization of self-value.14C. The break between real and dream.15 Chapter III The Image of the Maverick Heroine.16A. Fanny Under the Third Person Omniscient Point of View.16B. The Reconstruction of Self Resistance18Conclusion.20Notes23Bibliography24IntroductionJane Austen is a famous English feminist novelist who belongs to the Romantic Period. Her novels were mainly about young peoples love and marriage, themes were relatively traditional. Heroines in her works had got rid of the bondage of traditional ideas. This word, woman, is not just a none. She had endowed heroines, who were on behalf of the young sensitive, thoughtful and independent women, with more abundant connotation. All of her heroines had experienced the transformation process from immature to mature, and had the characteristics of ration. Mansfield Park, as a work of a special period, showed a major shift in Austens creative thinking. Obviously, there was an inseparable relationship between this shift and Austens living environment, personality and the cultural context at that time.Mansfield Park was published in 1814. In the early 19th century, talking about women writers writing environment, Woolf said, in A Room of Ones Own, that at that time, Jane Austen lived in her familys public living room, she always wrote a few words when there was no one in the neighborhood, once someone came in, she quickly put the paper away, she had always been on tenterhooks of writing. Because during that time, novel was not regarded as the orthodox literature, what is more, the female writing is treason and heresy; to the male, lady is presided over the housekeeping at home as an understanding wife and loving mother. This showed that the social status of womens education. Edmund entered Eaton College and the University of Oxford, which was not allowed for women at that time. Even if there was a position like Miss Bertram upper-class women, only in order to better play the role in the family to master some skills, or to show virtue to accept some religious education. Living in the patriarchal repression of the society, Jane Austen had to stick to her writing in the difficult environment. It was evident that it was very praiseworthy for ones excellent conduct to win her literary status in the patriarchal society.Before Jane Austens literary creation, British female literature has undergone a series of changes. It has a history of nearly 100 years from women writers “began to speak her mind” to “sentimentalism” literature thoughts, and then to the duality explanation of “female virtue”, finally really relates to the “dignity of women”. These literary practices not only opened Jane Austens eyes, but also provided rich material and cultural soil for her literary creation. In the British literature of the eighteenth century, womens literature began to break the tradition and occupy a corner position in literature field. But because people in the world they lived considered patriarchal culture as the values of the society for a long term, their works were to some extent unconsciously imitating masculine writing. Women writers who tried to write literature, faced with a very difficult situation, which is “they had no tradition behind, or the tradition is such a short and local that is useless.”1 Women novelist still echoed male discourse in the literature creation, no frame out to men as the main body of the traditional literature, lack of distinctive female literature characteristics. Female writers were not only influenced by their era in the environment, but also related to their normal reading. It was extremely difficult for them to break away from the influence and restriction.Mansfield Park was created in Victoria, which is a social transformation era. The Victoria times was considered to be the vertices of the British Industrial Revolution period, the British Empire economic and cultural heyday. The industrial revolution made family handicraft industry, which was dominated by women, was replaced by large-scale machine production. The benefits women can bring in the economic field significantly reduced. As losing economic sources, they naturally lost power at home. In addition, there was unfair property inheritance law, which prohibits women inherited their fathers property, and which hurts their vital interests. Facing with all kinds of situations, female self-consciousness and social roles are experiencing great changes and remodeling. Women, in each class, different living conditions in Mansfield Park, were representative of women in this period.At the same time, Jane Austen grew up in the age of enlightenment, which was a special time; various complex ideologies naturally provided sensitive and studious Austen with a good learning opportunity. Being an authority scholar of Jane Austen, DrXia Pumang summarized a list about reading bookings of Austen, seen from which can be analyzed Austens interest in reading: the reading scope was very broad, various forms and styles of literary works were covered. Seen from her works, it is not difficult to find the shadow of Gothic novel, sentimental novel, realistic fiction, poetry and other literary style. As to the previous literature style, Jane Austen did not blindly inherit. In eighteenth Century, the main content of female writers works was using male perspective to examine the heroine to show unique performance of emotional feature of female, and Sentimentalism was the main trend. Jane Austen opposed the trend of creation which moaned and groaned without being ill, and began to form her own unique style in her creative writing, focused on a series of social issues from womens eyes, such as love, marriage and family, which broaden the literature writing. Jane Austens literary creation is beginning in late eighteenth century, when the Enlightenment had already been fully spread, female consciousness gradually awaken, womens writing had got a breakthrough. She departed from ones normal behavior, with the female perspective, tried to find a female in the patriarchal society. Jane Austen critically inherited the female on male value standard, pioneered the attempt of female discourse power. Relying on her talents and efforts, Austen let female consciousness direct her writing, which enriched the connotation and the depth of female literature and provided new perspective on women.Female consciousness must be reflected by various female characters. Austen was good at portraying characters. In Mansfield Park, she created a series of female images to serve for expressing her female consciousness. Chapter I. The Image of the Old Orthodox Comic FemaleAt the beginning of Mansfield Park, it recalled that three Miss Ward had grown to marry. For her good looks and seven thousand pounds, Miss Maria Ward married Sir Thomas Bertram and became a baronets lady; while her two sisters were not so lucky as herself: Miss Ward married the village priest, who with a little money, after waiting six years; Miss Frances got attached to a Lieutenant of Marines, who was no education, no fortune, and no connections.Now different marriages have caused different situations.A. Lady in different life circumstances Different life conditions made them play different roles in life. Superior living women seldom cared about the world and became hedonists; women in impoverished circumstance had to become slaves to their family and children.Lazy selfish lady Entering the upper-class, lady Bertram was “a woman of very tranquil feelings, and a temper remarkably easy and indolent.”2 Due to the advantages of living conditions, she had no need to worry about basic life trivial, which made her get nothing in her mind and never do any thinking. As a mother, she did not show solicitude for her childrens education and marriage. When her husband was at home, she handed these rights and obligations over to her husband and she just teased her pug. When her husband was out of town, she was still lazy lying on the sofa, and put these things to her sister, Mrs. Norris, who liked to worry and perform. That was perfect for on one hand she could be able to go on her casual and comfortable life, on the other hand she could also meet her sisters performance desire. Her older daughter Maria Bertram was at the age of making a match. It was supposed to be her to take her daughter to attend various parties or balls, but she would not go into public with her daughter. “She was too indolent even to accept a mothers gratification in witnessing their success and enjoyment at the expense of any personal trouble”.3 Her laissez-faire parenting style made the two miss Bertram only got beautiful appearance, but were moral shallowness and taught distorted values, finally could not stand the temptation of the outside world and fallen into the abyss of depravity. As a baronets wife, Mrs. Bertram was absolutely submissive to her husband. Her heart was emptiness. She asked her husbands idea for everything, even playing cards with friends and arranging someone to keep her company to kill time. In her husbands career, she has no thought to share his j


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