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湖北省2020年中考英語真題分類匯編 專題08 書面表達(含解析)

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湖北省2020年中考英語真題分類匯編 專題08 書面表達(含解析)

專題08書面表達目錄一、 黃岡二、 黃石三、 隨州四、 武漢五、 咸寧六、 襄陽七、 宜昌八、 鄂州九、 荊門十、 孝感一、 黃岡七、書面表達62.同學們,在初中三年的英語學習中,我們從課本中學習了有關 “Family”、 “Be polite to sb.”、“Protecting the environmment”、 “Volunteering”等話題和功能。假定你是李磊,請參考這些話題和功能,依據(jù)以下要點提示,寫一篇題為 “Im Proud of My Family”的英語短文,向校報投稿,講述你的家庭故事。要點提示:1、家人相親相愛,努力學習、工作;2、鄰里和睦,禮貌待人;3、愛護環(huán)境,從我做起:寫作要求l、詞數(shù)90左有(短文的開頭已經給出,不計入總詞數(shù));2、根據(jù)要點提示,適當發(fā)揮;3、短文中不得出現(xiàn)真實的姓名及校名。參考詞匯:Work hard; be friendly to each other, get on well with; protect the environment; be volunteersIm Proud of My FamilyMy name is Li Lei.I have a happy family. There are four people in my family: my parents, my sister and I. 【答案】My name is Li Lei. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family: my parents, my sister and I.My family love each other. (My parents love us and we love our parents.) My parents both work hard. My sister and I study hard at school, too.My family are kind and friendly to our neighbors. We are all polite to each other. We get on well with each other.My family try our best to protect the environment in our daily life. My mom and my sister usually bring a bag to go shopping. My father is used to taking the bus to work. I never order takeaway food.My family are glad to be volunteers at any time. My parents often help the children in poor areas. (My sister helps in the school library twice a week.) Sometimes I read newspapers to the old people.What a happy family! Im proud of my family!【解析】 這是一篇話題作文,根據(jù)材料中的相關信息講述一下你的家庭故事。所提供的材料中命好了題目:Im Proud of My Family。主要從1、家人相親相愛,努力學習、工作;2、鄰里和睦,禮貌待人;3、愛護環(huán)境,從我做起:這三個方面去介紹。時態(tài)為一般現(xiàn)在時,人稱為第一人稱。注意作文中必須包含材料上的所有信息,并適當發(fā)揮。寫作時,避免使用漢語式的英語,盡量使用我們熟悉的句子或短語。語法要正確,表達要符合英語習慣,注意時態(tài)、時間狀語的搭配及主謂一致問題。寫作中適當使用連詞,注意上下文聯(lián)系緊密,符合邏輯關系,表達具有條理性?!靖叻志湫鸵弧縈y family try our best to protect the environment in our daily life. 我的家人盡力保護我們日常生活中的環(huán)境。該句話運用了:try ones best to do sth. 盡力做某事。protect the environment:保護環(huán)境。【高分句型二】My father is used to taking the bus to work. 我父親習慣乘公共汽車上班。這句話運用了:be used to doing sth. 習慣于做某事。總之,本文運用了大量的簡單句,雖然沒有復合句,但是這寫簡單句把作者的一家人的生活描寫的入情入理,就像是發(fā)生在我們的眼前一樣。二、 黃石66.第二節(jié)書面表達假如你是國際學校的學生李華,你的同學Tom寫了一封郵件詢問你暑假的安排,請給Tom回封郵件,告知你的計劃,并邀請他來黃石游玩。內容包括:1、讀幾本好書;2、參加社會實踐活動;3、幫父母做家務;4、和朋友一起鍛煉;5、邀請Tom。注意: 1、詞數(shù)80左右;2、可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;3、文中不能出現(xiàn)與本人相關信息;4、開頭和結尾已為你寫好,不計入總詞數(shù)。參考詞忙:有意義的 meaningful經典文學作品classic literature works社會實踐活動social practice activitiesDear Tom,I'm very happy to hear from you. _【答案】Dear Tom,I'm very happy to hear from you. How are you going these days? Summer vacation is coming soon. Here Id like to share my holiday plan with you. First of all, I am going to read some good books to open up my mind. Whats more, Ill take part in some volunteer activities to raise awareness of serving the society and improve my social communication ability. Of course, exercise is must. I will run, play basketball, ride a bike and so on. Last but not least, I am about to invite you to visit my hometown, Huangshi and I really want to meet you.How about yours? I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua【解析】 本文屬于材料作文,寫信告訴湯姆你的暑假計劃并邀請湯姆來黃石玩。根據(jù)要表達的內容確定并準確運用時態(tài),上下文意思連貫,符合邏輯,可適當增加內容。亮點說明:這是一篇優(yōu)秀的作文,很好的完成了試題規(guī)定的任務,語言表達符合英語習慣,準確運用時態(tài)、主謂一致,特別使用一些亮點詞句,如would like to do, share sth with, be going to, open up ones mind, take part in, awareness of serving the society, of course, and so on, be about to do, invite sb to do, look forward to doing以及first of all, whats more和last but not least,增強邏輯關系,增加上下文意思連貫,用詞準確,句子通順,行文連貫。三、 隨州61.書面表達茶是中國傳統(tǒng)飲食文化的組成部分,是生活中不可或缺的飲品。作為中學生,我們應了解茶并傳播茶文化。請根據(jù)以下要點提示,寫一篇英語短文。要點提示:1.歷史悠久,約5000年前神農首次發(fā)現(xiàn)茶可以飲用;2.種植廣泛,安溪和杭州尤以茶聞名:3.喝茶有很多好處:有利健康,醒腦提神等;4.世界各地許多人喜歡喝茶并收集茶具。寫作要求:1.文章必須包括所有內容要點,可適當發(fā)揮以使行文連貫;2.詞數(shù):80詞左右;(文章的開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù))3.文中不得出現(xiàn)真實姓名及校名。China is famous for tea. 【答案】One possible version:China is famous for tea.Chinese tea has a long history.It's said that Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink about 5,000 years ago.Tea is produced in many different areas Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea.There are lots of advantages of drinking tea.It's good for health.A cup of ca can make you relaxed and fresh.It seems that many people all over the world love drinking tea and collecting tea scts.As middle schol students,we should kmow about tea culture and spread it around the world.【解析】 茶是中國傳統(tǒng)飲食文化的組成部分,是生活中不可或缺的飲品。作為中學生,我們應了解茶并傳播茶文化。請根據(jù)以下要點提示,寫一篇英語短文。這是一篇給材料作文。本文所給材料比較詳細,我們要做的就是用正確的英語把這些內容表達出來。動筆前要認真閱讀材料,不可遺漏要點,并適當發(fā)揮。根據(jù)材料內容可知本文主要是一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),主語是第三人稱單數(shù),注意時態(tài)語時間狀語的搭配及主謂一致問題。寫作中正確使用比較形式,注意上下文聯(lián)系緊密,符合邏輯關系。這篇短文是一篇優(yōu)秀的作文,文中用到了一些好的句型:There are lots of advantages of drinking tea.It's good for health.A cup of ca can make you relaxed and fresh.It seems that many people all over the world love drinking tea and collecting tea scts.這些給文章增色不少。四、 武漢七、書面表達61.學校英語社團正在組織題為“My Family”的征文活動。假如你是李明,請根據(jù)以下內容提示用英語完成征文。內容要點如下:1.三口之家,家庭幸福,鄰里和睦;2.父母為教師,在校深受歡迎;3.分擔家務,周末戶外活動;4.相互陪伴,經常交流,良好家規(guī)助我成長:5.請補充說明一至兩點與家庭相關的情況。注意:1文中不得透露個人姓名和學校名稱;2詞數(shù):60 - 80;3內容連貫,不要逐條翻譯;4標題和開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。參考詞匯: popular adj.受歡迎的 activity n.活動rule n規(guī)矩My FamilyIm Li Ming. 【答案】Im Li Ming. I have a happy family. There are three people in it. They are my father, my mother and me. My parents are teachers, they are popular among students. We get along well with our neighbors. At home, I try my best to do some housework. On weekends, we often go out for outdoor activities. We accompany with each other, communicate with each other. Good family rules help me grow up. I study hard, all the teachers and classmates like me. My home is a warm place.【解析】 本文屬于材料作文,介紹我的家庭。根據(jù)要表達的內容確定并準確運用時態(tài),上下文意思連貫,符合邏輯,可適當增加內容。亮點說明:這是一篇優(yōu)秀的作文,很好的完成了試題規(guī)定的任務,語言表達符合英語習慣,準確運用時態(tài)、主謂一致,特別使用一些亮點詞句,如get along well with, try ones best to do, accompany with, communicate with, help sb do以及grow up,增強邏輯關系,增加上下文意思連貫,用詞準確,句子通順,行文連貫。五、 咸寧九、短文寫作53.運動塑造健康,團結凝聚力量。5月10 日,學校舉辦了春季運動會。你和班上的許多同學參加了比賽項目,戰(zhàn)績顯著。其他同學觀看了比賽,并為選手們加油喝彩。請你根據(jù)下面四幅圖片的提示,寫一篇日記,介紹運動會概況及班上同學參加的情況,并抒發(fā)自己的活動感受。寫作要求:1文章中勿出現(xiàn)真實的姓名和校名;2文章須包含圖片所提供的主要信息,可適當發(fā)揮。行文連貫,條理清晰;3詞數(shù)80100個,文章的開頭已經給出,不計入總字數(shù)。參考詞匯:teamwork Friday, May 11th, 2019 Sunny It was sunny yesterday. Our school held a spring sports meet. _【答案】例文Friday. May 1lth,2019 Sunny It was sunny yesterday. Our school held a spring sports meet. There were 4 events for both boys and girls. They were the long jump, the high jump, the l00-meter race and the 400-meter relay race.Everyone in our class felt very excited because we got a wonderful result. Sixteen of us took part in the activity and we got 4 first prizes, 2 second prizes and 3 third prizes. My classmates Yuan Ying and Fang Dan won the girls' long jump and the high jump without difficulty. So did I in the boys'100-meter race. In the boys' relay race, three boys and I ran very fast, coming out on top. In the meantime, all other classmates watched the matches, took photos and cheered us on. From this sports meet, know that sports can keep us healthy. We should do sports every day.Meanwhile, teamwork plays an important role in the relay race. As the saying goes, one tree can't make a forest. So it made us learn to help each other in our daily life.【解析】 這是一篇看圖作文,根據(jù)圖片中的相關內容介紹一下運動會概況及班上同學參加的情況,并抒發(fā)自己的活動感受。所提供的卡片中列舉了跳遠、跳高、400米接力和100米接力。主要從同學們的參加情況和自己的活動感受這個方面去寫。時態(tài)為一般過去時,人稱為第一人稱。注意日記中必須包含圖片上的所有信息,并適當發(fā)揮。寫作時,避免使用漢語式的英語,盡量使用我們熟悉的句子或短語。語法要正確,表達要符合英語習慣,注意時態(tài)、時間狀語的搭配及主謂一致問題。寫作中適當使用連詞,注意上下文聯(lián)系緊密,符合邏輯關系,表達具有條理性?!靖叻志湫鸵弧縀veryone in our class felt very excited because we got a wonderful result. 我們班的每個人都很興奮,因為我們取得了一個很好的成績。句子because we got a wonderful result.是由because引導的原因狀語從句?!靖叻志湫投縈y classmates Yuan Ying and Fang Dan won the girls' long jump and the high jump without difficulty. So did I in the boys'100-meter race. 我的同學袁穎和方丹輕松地獲得了女子跳遠和跳高的冠軍。我也參加了男子100米賽跑。So did I in the boys'100-meter race.是由so引起的倒裝句。六、 襄陽七、書面表達61.據(jù)了解,為了進一步引導中學生積極參加體育鍛煉,提高身體素質,襄陽市教育主管部門正在研究制定有關“中考”體育考試的改革方案( the plan),考慮在原有項目的基礎上增加籃球、排球或足球,總分(the score)也由30分增加至50分。作為一名參加過體育“中考”的學生,你對這樣的改革持什么樣的態(tài)度。請根據(jù)寫作要點提示,用英語寫一篇短文表述你的觀點。1要點提示:(l)觀點明確(要么贊成,要么反對):(2)理由充分(可針對增加考試的項目和調整的分值,也可只選其一。限三條理由);(3)給出建議(圍繞你的觀點提出一條合理化建議)。2注意事項:(l)字數(shù):90詞左右: (2)行文應連貫流暢; (3)文中不得出現(xiàn)真實姓名和學校名稱。_【答案】In my poinion,I agree with the reform plan of“high school entrance examination”physical education examination.It is reported that most young people are getting unhealthy.Without regular exercise, students are getting weaker and weaker.If the total score of "high school entrance examination" sports is increased,Both teachers and students will undoubtedly attach great importance to physical education,and its easy to imagine the phenomenon that PE is always taken away will never be seen.Students will be healthier and more energetic in their study.It is helpful to improve students' comprehensive ability and quality.I think every school should make a plan to cultivate students' interest in sports so as to improve students' physical quality.【解析】 這是一篇給材料作文。襄陽市教育主管部門正在研究制定有關“中考”體育考試的改革方案,考慮在原有項目的基礎上增加籃球、排球或足球,總分(the score)也由30分增加至50分。作為一名參加過體育“中考”的學生,你對這樣的改革持什么樣的態(tài)度。要求根據(jù)寫作要點提示,用英語寫一篇短文表述自己的觀點。文章時態(tài)主要用一般現(xiàn)在時,人稱主要用第一、第三人稱。在寫作時,注意緊扣主題,連句成篇,要層次清楚,要點分明,中心突出。同時要注意語言的表述應該符合語法的結構,造句應該符合英語的表達習慣;盡量使用自己熟悉的單詞句式,最好不要寫太長的復合句;盡量選取簡單的易拼寫的單詞,確保正確率;詞匯、句式要豐富多樣,可以為文章增色添彩。七、 宜昌61.書面表達:假定你是李華,你的英國朋友Mike得知你們開展了“做生態(tài)小公民,建設美麗家鄉(xiāng)”的活動,他來信表示很感興趣并想了解具體細節(jié),請給Mike寫一封回信向他描述你(們)曾經做過的一件事或參與的一次活動。要求:(1) 內容應包括活動或事件的時間、地點、過程和你的感受:(2) 文中不得出現(xiàn)真實的人名和校名:詞數(shù)80100。開頭和結尾己給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。Dear Milk,Im glad to hear that you are interessted in our environment protection activities. To be an ecological eitizen(生態(tài)公民),we did a good job. Last Now the environment around us becomes better and better. Welcome to my hometown one day.YoursLiHua【答案】Dear Mike, I'm glad to hear that you are interested in our environment protection activities. To be an ecological citizen, we did a good iob. Last Sunday,I went to our community with my friends to give the people there a speech. It was about how to protect our environment. After the speech, they knew they should take a bus or ride a bike instead of driving to cut down air pollution. To cut down waste pollution, they should take bags to go shopping. And they alsoknew to put litter in different bins. Finally, we called them up/called on them to make a difference to our environment together. We were tired but happy that day.Now the environment around us becomes better and better. Welcome to my hometown one day.Yours, Li Hua【解析】 這篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短語,為文章增色不少,如be glad to do,be interested in,ecological citizen,give a speech,how to do,take a bus,ride a bike,instead of,cut down,go shopping,call them up,make a difference,become better and better等。而I'm glad to hear that you are interested in our environment protection activities./ After the speech, they knew they should take a bus or ride a bike instead of driving to cut down air pollution.等復雜從句結構的運用,豐富了短文內容,使表達多樣化,是本文的亮點。在學習中注意總結牢記一些固定句式及短語,寫作時就可以適當引用,使文章表達更有邏輯性,也更富有條理。八、 鄂州VII . 書面表達58.現(xiàn)在越來越多的學生使用“作業(yè)幫”這個APP 來搜查他們不會做的題目。對此,不同的人有不同的看法。請根據(jù)以下文字的提示,并適當發(fā)表自己的觀點,寫一篇英語短文。優(yōu)點1.及時幫助學生解決在學習中遇到的困難;2.在家就能學習,簡單,方便;3.可以選擇自己喜歡的老師,學習興趣更濃。缺點1.有的學生假裝學習,事實上在玩游戲;2.有的學生不想獨立思考,直接照抄答案,他們根本不關心自己的學習,只是虛度光陰。你的建議聯(lián)系實際,給出自己合理的建議。要求:1. 80100 詞。(開頭的首句已給出,不計算在詞數(shù)內)2. 文中不能出現(xiàn)自己的姓名和所在學校的名稱及其他相關信息,否則,不予評分。參考詞匯:convenient 方便的,便利的 pretend to do 假裝做 think independently 獨立思考Today, more and more students are using the App zuoyebang. However, different people have different ideas about it. Some people think_【答案】Today, more and more students are using the APP zuoyebang. Different people have different ideas about it. Some people think its useful. The APP zuoyebang can help students to solve difficulties in their studying in time. Its easy and convenient for them.They can study at home. They can choose their own teachers they like, and they will be more interested in studying. However, others dont think so. They think some students just pretend to study, in fact they play games. They dont want to think independently, but only copy the answers. They dont care about their studying at all. Its a waste of time. I think its good for students who are hard-working. They can study better. But for students who dont want to study, its very bad.【解析】 這篇作文要求我們對介紹不同人對“作業(yè)幫”這個應用軟件的看法,并聯(lián)系實際,發(fā)表自己的觀點。題目中利用表格的形式,列出了寫作的主要內容,審題可知,短文應包括以下幾個部分:作業(yè)幫的優(yōu)點、缺點以及個人觀點??梢苑譃槿畏謩e進行敘述,各自的理由在表格中都已呈現(xiàn),學生們需要用正確的英語將這些內容表達出來。最后一部分內容則需要學生們聯(lián)系自己的實際生活,發(fā)揮想象力,自己來補充適當?shù)膬热荨N恼聭砸话悻F(xiàn)在時、第三人稱和第一人稱為主來敘述。寫作時應注意:首先要將題目中要求的所有內容都包括在作文中,不能遺漏要點??梢愿鶕?jù)表達需要適當發(fā)揮,使文章內容更加充實、完整,但需要注意合理性,要緊貼題目要求和文章主旨。其次應注意英語表達習慣和漢語的不同,不能逐詞翻譯表格內容,寫漢語式的英語。應從句子的整體結構出發(fā),以簡單句結構為基礎,穿插并列句、復合句以及其他復合結構的使用,提升作文檔次。同時語句之間使用恰當?shù)倪B接成分,使行文連貫、自然。這是一篇優(yōu)秀是作文,短文作者根據(jù)題目要求,把人們對“作業(yè)幫”這個應用軟件的不同看法進行了介紹,并在最后發(fā)表了自己的觀點。短文有以下幾個特點:首先文章內容完整,包含了題目中要求的所有信息,沒有遺漏要點。各部分內容之間層次清晰,敘述有條理,三段式的作文,一目了然,每一段的主題也很明確。其次短文中使用了正確的時態(tài)和人稱,語法規(guī)范,用詞準確,語言得體。句子結構完整,符合英語的表達習慣。除簡單句結構外,短文里還使用了and連接的并列句、賓語從句、狀語從句、定語從句等復合句,以及動詞不定式、動名詞等非謂語動詞結構。短文中較好的句型有The APP zuoyebang can help students to solve difficulties in their studying in time.、They can choose their own teachers they like, and they will be more interested in studying.、They think some students just pretend to study, in fact they play games.、I think its good for students who are hard-working等等。九、 荊門第三節(jié) 書面表達57.為弘揚中華傳統(tǒng)文化,你校舉辦了一次“戲曲進校園”展演活動。假定你是李華,請你將活動的相關情況寫信告知你的英國筆友John。要點:1. 時間:5月16日下午2:30; 2. 地點:學校操場;3. 內容:校長在開幕式上致辭;戲曲知識競賽;師生戲曲表演等;4. 感受:對傳統(tǒng)文化有了進一步的了解要求:1. 文中不得出現(xiàn)真實的人名或地名;2. 語言通順,條理清楚,書寫規(guī)范;3. 要點齊全,內容可適當發(fā)揮;4. 詞數(shù):80100 (開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù))。參考詞匯:戲曲 opera (n.) 開幕式 opening ceremony ( n.) 表演 performance ( n.)致辭 make a speech Dear John,How is everything going? Im writing to share with you an activity called Opera Entering Campus in our school. Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear John,How is everything going? Im writing to share with you an activity called Opera Entering Campus in our school. The activity was held at 2:30 pm on May 16 on the playground. In the beginning, the headmaster made a speech at the opening ceremony, inspiring us students to learn more about Chinese culture. After that, there was an exciting competition about opera knowledge. In the end, we enjoyed wonderful opera performances put on by some teachers and students who are talented in opera. Through this activity, we have a better understanding of opera and get closer to Chinese traditional culture. I hope you can have a chance to come to China and experience Chinese culture on your own.Best wishes!YoursLi Hua【解析】 這篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短語,為文章增色不少,如be hold,on the playground,in the beginning,make a speech,at the opening ceremony,after that,in the end,put on,have a chance等。而we enjoyed wonderful opera performances put on by some teachers and students who are talented in opera./ Through this activity, we have a better understanding of opera and get closer to Chinese traditional culture. /I hope you can have a chance to come to China and experience Chinese culture on your own.等復雜從句結構的運用,豐富了短文內容,使表達多樣化,是本文的亮點。在學習中注意總結牢記一些固定句式及短語,寫作時就可以適當引用,使文章表達更有邏輯性,也更富有條理。十、孝感八、書面表達61.隨著年齡的增長,你周圍的事物也發(fā)生了很大變化。請根據(jù)以下提示,以“Great changes around me”為題,寫一篇短文。寫作要點:1. 過去, 道路狹窄(narrow), 房展老舊, 空氣河水2.現(xiàn)在。路面潔凈、寬闊, 交通便利;高樓林立;藍天白云, 滿城綠樹鮮花, 小鳥歌唱;人們3.感受, 寫作要求:1.要點齊全, 省略號處須作適當發(fā)揮, 但不要逐句翻譯;2. 語句連貫, 條理清晰, 詳略得當, 書寫工整;3文中不得出現(xiàn)任何賓實的信息(地名、校名和人名等);4.100詞左右, 短文的翅目和開頭已給出, 不計入總詞數(shù)。Great Changes around Me In the past few years, great changes have taken place around me._【答案】例文Great Changes around MeIn the past few years, great changes have taken place around me


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